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HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 08:58 PM

I'm not having much luck finding buds but I am having alot of luck finding orchids O.o

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:00 PM

Same. I've found about 26 orchids, but only 13 buds.

I like the bud idea. :D It's a cute idea.

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 09:04 PM

I have 103 orchids and 68 buds.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:08 PM


HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 09:11 PM

I need 120 buds for the wings.

roocee 05-17-2008 09:26 PM

WOW Him_Rock. I have managed to get enough orchids for one of each item. Can't seem to collect them yet on my mule because I'm too lazy to sign out of firefox on here. I'll do it eventually. I only have 12 buds on my mule and 10 here. How are you getting so many?

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 09:30 PM

I seem to be a magnet to them *has awake nightmares about V-day event and the chocolates*

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:36 PM

I've gotten two head wreaths and one petal thingy.
I only have 15 buds. o_o and I'm about to spend some. I need one of those purple sparklers.

Omi 05-17-2008 09:45 PM

You're not that bad until you start scrolling Gaia pages for orchids.

Or Gmail. Or Livejournal. Or Deviantart..... :headdesk:

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:47 PM

Someone's a bit of a Mene nerd. ;P

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 09:51 PM

I have 70 buds now 70 down 50 more to go.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:54 PM

Have you decided on which wings to get, HIM?

Knerd 05-17-2008 09:55 PM

Hooray, this thread gave me a bud!

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 09:57 PM

I'm still not sure which ones to get ^.^;

ladyumbra 05-17-2008 09:58 PM

*drawn in by the promise of pokemon*

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 09:59 PM

Knerd - Awesome!
The first page of this has given me two orchids so far.

HIM - I still think the red ones would work best. :D You seem to always have red in your avatar, so they'd get the most use.

ladyumbra - Surprisingly, we're not talking about pokemans this moment. But feel free to start a conversation about them!

ladyumbra 05-17-2008 10:02 PM

hmm where to start.

I hate the new games and the diamonand pearl season makes me cry ( especially the neglish theme song) on the other hand I love the series a hell of a lot and i've even ventured into the dark side of writing fanfic for it.

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 10:04 PM

My inventory is mainly one color I need some different colored clothes.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:04 PM

Lady - I haven't watched the show in aaaages.
But I like the games. :D I'm currently playing Crystal. I love RPGs.

HIM - Ohhhh.
Then I'd just pick one that has a color that you love that will be easy to match. ^^

HIM_ROCK 05-17-2008 10:10 PM

But they're all so pretty.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:11 PM

Yeah. But some of them only match items that are in the same set as them.

ladyumbra 05-17-2008 10:12 PM

it comes on in the morning and there's nothign better to watch. it stopped being cool sometime after johto.

I'm playing crystal atm about half way through the game and with only 8 pokemon all togeather. i'm too lazy to collect anyone new and my team is fairly well covered.

oh gods i'd kill for some good pokemon rpg's these days.

Allura Minelle 05-17-2008 10:14 PM

Zomg, Cherry Flavored Antacid.

Mudkips. ;__; I liek.

^^ The word pokemans attracted me to your thread.

Cherry Who? 05-17-2008 10:14 PM

lady - Ohh. I think Johto was about when I stopped watching.
I dunno. It was so long ago, o_o

Wow, only 8?
Though I'm pretty much the same way. I've got one party that I'm working with, and the rest are just being sent to Bill's so I can fill up the pokedex. Do you get something special if you do that? Or am I just wasting my time?

Oh, by RPG, I meant the style of video game. Not a text RP.

Allura - zomg, Allura Minelle. :D?

I liek mudkipz too.
I have a bag of them.

ladyumbra 05-17-2008 10:23 PM

lol fuck yeah a bag of mudkips.

well you get rewards for catching more pokemon in the games but i'm lazy. plus otherwise i get like 3 level 80 pokemon and the rest of my team tops out at 40 becuase i haven't been able to cycle them right.

RPG style games are also cool. personally i like tales of destiny 2, threads of fate and a few others.

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