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tentenpuff 11-25-2008 02:04 AM

I don't want the movie to be spoiled... >>;
Like, I know the plot and all, but... I don't want to hear the funniest lines, the special effects, etc. XP
Like, I wanna experience it firsthand, and you only can do something for the first time once. D;

I don't mind hearing them about the experience of going to the premiere, though. xD
I've never been to a movie premiere, but it sounds pretty fun. xD;
Like, the audience people would shout things suddenly, which would normally seem annoying... but it's not. O:
And it's like a huge crowd of people who all love Twilight. xD

But like
Is it just me, or are the trailers kind of bad? xD;
None of my friends saw what I'm talking about. ._. ;

But like...
Kstew seems really stoic-ish and...
Did I already mention this in this thread...? >>;
-doesn't want to be overly redundant-

Sforzando 11-25-2008 02:08 AM

I never really liked Twilight. But I read the whole series like 3 times. Er, I liked it before it was famous. Now it just makes me angry. Certain things about the movie tick me off. But they had to be done. LIke how Laurant is black. They needed it to be more diverse. But I get what you mean about the first experience.

My jerkface choir teacher skipped class on Friday because he stayed out to see Twilight at the premiere. Mind you, I use the term jerkface affectionately.

Cherry Who? 11-25-2008 03:10 AM

Yeah, the trailers seemed sorta bad.

*sucks at replying to multiple posts*
Seriously. It's not that I frequently ignore people, I just enter a thread and my brain goes dead on like, all posts but one.

Hina 11-25-2008 03:24 AM

my pixelated boyfran NPC is called David Aselof.

Cherry Who? 11-25-2008 03:29 AM

No relation, I'm sure.

tentenpuff 11-25-2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Tut'ankhamun (Post 4281623)
I never really liked Twilight. But I read the whole series like 3 times. Er, I liked it before it was famous. Now it just makes me angry. Certain things about the movie tick me off. But they had to be done. LIke how Laurant is black. They needed it to be more diverse. But I get what you mean about the first experience.

My jerkface choir teacher skipped class on Friday because he stayed out to see Twilight at the premiere. Mind you, I use the term jerkface affectionately.

If they wanted it to be diverse, SMeyer should've made the people diverse, you know? Don't change it all for the movie because the author can't write about black people. >3>;
No fair! xD
A couple of my friends went to the midnight premiere. O:
They were really excited about it. xD

Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid (Post 4281909)
Yeah, the trailers seemed sorta bad.

*sucks at replying to multiple posts*
Seriously. It's not that I frequently ignore people, I just enter a thread and my brain goes dead on like, all posts but one.

Multiquote? >>;
The lazy person's way of replying. xD;

Like... the trailers...
If you haven't read the books before or knew what it was, the movie would look really... well, lame. xD;;
And KStew is just really stoic. xD;
And they show bad angles of our lovely Rpattz. >>; :<

Originally Posted by Hina (Post 4281959)
my pixelated boyfran NPC is called David Aselof.

Long-distance relationship?

Sforzando 11-25-2008 03:44 AM

Well, my teach told me that SMeyer approved the changes. But I did get a bit steamed when they did that and changed all the nationalities.

fiarra 11-25-2008 04:08 AM

>.> I shall restrain myself from commenting on the movie. Although I will say that making the characters more diverse added some personality that may or may not have been lacking in the books. *cough*

And I still don't think Rpattz is attractive in the slightest.. but his interviews have made me love him as a person anyways. *shot*

Sforzando 11-25-2008 04:40 AM

Oh gosh, it took me a while to actually understand who Kstew and Rpattz was, but then it hit me. I thought that Rpattz was exactly how I imagined Edward. And also, the guy who plays Emmet looked much better with longer hair.

Cherry Who? 11-25-2008 05:13 PM

Rpattz is exactly how I imagined Edward. But that's because I read the books after the movie was cast, so I knew what Rpattz looked like. xD

tentenpuff 11-26-2008 04:37 AM

I'm pretty pleased with most of the cast...
I'm not a huge of Kstew playing Bella, but hopefully that'll change when I see the movie. :3
Emmett and Jasper were pretty much exactly as I imagined. Emmett's actor's not as cute, though. >>; xD;
Jasper... @w@<3

Personally, I like Gaspard Ulliel as Edward more than RPattz, but I'm more than fine with it. ^^

I don't really like Rosalie, though...
I mean, she's pretty, but I don't think she's the super-exaggerated gorgeous the way she was described in the books. :<

Alice is alright, but I LOVE Dr. Carlisle. ;3

Well, you might be able to tell me soon enough.
-going to see the movie soon- >w<;

fiarra 11-26-2008 06:08 AM

My favorite casting of the Cullen family is Alice. And I haven't the faintest idea if she is even true to book character. She reminds me of someone and I can't place it. And also she kicks ass in the movie.

Cherry Who? 11-26-2008 05:14 PM

Gaspard looks so far from Edward to me. xD;
He looks too young.
RPattz looks young, but a mature young.
Gaspard looks like he could be younger than me. xD

Sforzando 11-27-2008 01:43 AM

Alice is perfect and I absolutely love Jackson Rathbone. He is the main reason Jasper is my favorite character. And I know what you mean about Rosalie. I saw the picture and I was like "Where is Rosalie?" Then I saw the caption and realized that blonde chick was supposed to be Rosalie.

EDIT: Gaspard is adorable.

Thoth Star 11-27-2008 01:58 AM

Hows it going everyone? 0 30 I was playing asteroids...

Cherry Who? 11-27-2008 03:14 AM

Tut - I agree.
The chick they got to play Rosalie is pretty, don't get me wrong. But Rosalie is supposed to be pretty even for a vampire. Impossibly pretty.

Thoth - Sleepy. Very sleepy.
I'm always sleepy. >.<

Sforzando 11-27-2008 03:25 AM

I think she was kinda...a bit too...pudgy.

But I do agree with you on the whole Gaspard thing. He does look pretty young.

HIM_ROCK 11-27-2008 11:28 AM

I have no idea what you people are talking about o.o

Cherry Who? 11-27-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tut'ankhamun (Post 4288554)
I think she was kinda...a bit too...pudgy.

But I do agree with you on the whole Gaspard thing. He does look pretty young.

That's just the clothes she's wearing.
I saw her on Conan last night and she's a stick.
But they also tend to put her in big puffy jackets and thick sweaters.


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 4289876)
I have no idea what you people are talking about o.o

We're being Twilight nerds, sorry. xD;

HIM_ROCK 11-27-2008 05:16 PM

*backs out of topic* I have no idea what that is.

Cherry Who? 11-27-2008 06:44 PM

You don't know what Twilight is?
You've got to be shitting me. Everyone knows what that is. xD

tentenpuff 11-27-2008 07:25 PM

-floats in on an air mattress-
Howdeh. xD;

Happy Turkey Day everyone!

HIM_ROCK 11-27-2008 07:25 PM

I has no idea what it is.

Sforzando 11-27-2008 08:55 PM

*eyes widen* Are you serious, HIM? Twilight is like the most popular book/movie right now.

HIM_ROCK 11-27-2008 09:32 PM

I;ve read a sympnosis(sp?) and it sounds like the biggest load of cr....... I've ever heard of. Back to Poe for me.

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