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Lumi 02-14-2009 11:48 PM

Simi // I sorta want to, but then again I don't. I think I'd let it die/fail. D:

I think I'll just hang around in people's threads for now. ^^

LOL oh.

It is~~ ^__~

.Simplicity. 02-14-2009 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by oHsoDemandinG (Post 1763969878)
Hey Simplicity! Remember me!! *flails wildly*

Of course I do!
Heyaaa! :'DDD

Originally Posted by AND LOVE SAiiD NO (Post 1763969893)

o0h yeah :p
ill be in the spotlight.. then youll be in the spot light
hahah xD

Sounds like a good plan to me!

Originally Posted by Lumi (Post 1763969905)
Simi // I sorta want to, but then again I don't. I think I'd let it die/fail. D:

I think I'll just hang around in people's threads for now. ^^

LOL oh.

It is~~ ^__~

Awehh. D;
Tis okie if it does though...I mean, last event mine died alot. I just didn't have much time, but it was still alive. C:

Yeahh, I'll have to go back and hunt them down.
Gotta give em' a nice whacking! XDD

dark_tenshi17 02-14-2009 11:51 PM

Kisses for everyone!

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-14-2009 11:52 PM

We've got a deal ;D
so how you like the event..
im loving the commons.
but im so scared to go into the shop haha
i might go broke D:

Son Zack 02-14-2009 11:52 PM

Eeeek it's Shannonnnn~

-glomps and kisses back-

How've you beeeen?

kitkat 02-14-2009 11:53 PM

@dark: hay!! <33 -kisses- xD

dark_tenshi17 02-14-2009 11:54 PM

kitkat!! -glomps and kisses-

Thoth Star 02-14-2009 11:56 PM

*throws luff @ thread* Hello~

oHsoDemandinG 02-14-2009 11:56 PM

Yay!!! So how is everybody?

dark_tenshi17 02-14-2009 11:57 PM

-throws luff back at Thoth and kisses- hellloooo~

.Simplicity. 02-14-2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by AND LOVE SAiiD NO (Post 1763969966)

We've got a deal ;D
so how you like the event..
im loving the commons.
but im so scared to go into the shop haha
i might go broke D:

Woot! :'D

I'm loving the event so far...kinda sad that I can't get any of the commons though. D;
None of this gold right now is's all going to an offer. ;-;
I wish I could go broke in the shops though..OMGSH.
I'd be spending like no other.

Originally Posted by Son Zack (Post 1763969978)
Eeeek it's Shannonnnn~

-glomps and kisses back-

How've you beeeen?

Of course it is! :'DDD


I've been pretty good.
Minus a little bit of today. I woke up with this horrible stomach ache and it's still there.
Because of it I slept until 3...WHICH I NEVER DO. ;-;
How's Sofia been? :'DD

Originally Posted by dark_tenshi17 (Post 1763969960)
Kisses for everyone!

*slobbers with kisses*
Heyaa! <3

Lumi 02-14-2009 11:58 PM

Simi // Oh yeah, I thought it seemed pretty active.

Haha, a good ol' whacking, yup. :]] Not to me though!

^___^ Hi Tenshi and Thoth!

Thoth // HOMG, your stockings are so pretty. :drool: I'm not there yet. xD

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-15-2009 12:00 AM

If none of the golds yours. hows it going to an offer o_o;;
&& yeahh the event store is like woahhhhh
i love the commons.

dark_tenshi17 02-15-2009 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by .Simplicity. (Post 1763970085)

*slobbers with kisses*
Heyaa! <3

Yay! Slobbery kisses!

How are you?

Hi Lumi <3

.Simplicity. 02-15-2009 12:06 AM

Lulu To us probably.
It went at a nice pace. ^^
Compared to other threads, it was like a snail. LOL. XD

...But I already whacked you? XD
You keep giving me 2 feathers. LOL. XDD <3333

Love Because Azn is letting me borrow and then pay her back. C:
*luffles her for letting me borrow* <333
Me tooooo! I never get to get many event commons though.
I'm always broke or something during the event.
Then the last event I gave all my yarn to Channah.

dark Wooo! :'DD

I'm pretty good.
Wishing this stomach ache would go away. @@
How're you?

dark_tenshi17 02-15-2009 12:09 AM

Awww, did you try using a hot water bottle? That usually helps mine./
I'm good ^_^

Lumi 02-15-2009 12:09 AM

Simi // LMAO. XD Snails are cool yo. 8]

Haha, I meant like a big whacking one. XD; But two feathers. Awesome. o: You give me ones. D;

.Simplicity. 02-15-2009 12:10 AM

...A hot water bottle? o 3o
Like, fill it with hot water or something..?
I've never heard of that, nor tried it. D;


Lulu That they are! :'DD
Some have such pretty shells~ C:

Ohhhh, okay.
D'awwww, I'm sorry Lulu! D;
I'll try much harder to let you whack 2 out of me next time.

AND LOVE SAiiD NO 02-15-2009 12:11 AM

Aww.. i gave alot of yarn to channah last event too (:
but i also posted so much that i had enough to get items from the store.
isnt azn the nicest *__*
she loves to help people out...

.Simplicity. 02-15-2009 12:14 AM

Love Yeahh, but it made me feel good to donate it out.
I wanted my team to win~ >DDD
Samesame. I posted a lot so I got quite a few sets and that's really my only goal in an event..other than meeting new people. XD

I know! >w<
She offered to help me and I was like "D'awww, I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE AZN!"
But, I'm offering on an item that is only being T/O'd. So, if I don't get it she can have it all back right away.

Protagonist 02-15-2009 12:14 AM

hey hey
-poofs back in-

dark_tenshi17 02-15-2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by .Simplicity. (Post 1763970330)
...A hot water bottle? o 3o
Like, fill it with hot water or something..?
I've never heard of that, nor tried it. D;

Well it's a specific type of bottle. You could also try a warm damp cloth. The heat helps to relax the muscles

Protagonist 02-15-2009 12:15 AM

smacking people with pillows is really fun >.>

.Simplicity. 02-15-2009 12:15 AM

Welcome back Sofa!

dark Ohhhh...okay. XD
So it's kinda like a heating pad...but is a bottle? o 3o

Sofa ..I know!

*has to wait still*

Lumi 02-15-2009 12:17 AM

Simi // I bet. I haven't seen many snails though. They're sorta cute. o 3o; Only with their shells on though. I don't like slugs. D: ...Isn't those two the same? Just one has a shell? :33

XDDD Fun Fun >D

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