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Good L!fe 04-18-2009 01:39 AM

@Sadistix_Love: Yeah, it does. I that is one of the reasons why I love the internet.

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 01:40 AM


eyes; I got out of school just a few hours ago.. but yeah, who does like English or writing? xD
But either way, even if I didn't have an English class, I'd still have to write essays for other classes.. o-o
@suppi - Same here. I only had one
class today but I had to wake up early.
That's why I'm only taking math and two
other classes where essays have nothing
to do with it.

suppi 04-18-2009 01:42 AM

eyes; Yep, like electives and such.. essays are okay when I know what I'm talking about, but most of the time I just bs it 'cause I don't know what I'm doing. xDD

sadistix; Oh no. D: Well, I don't look "young." I just have a baby face.. >< Which sucks in it's own way. >>
Yeah, my parents are like that too. xD

Some art for you~ my drawings are getting crappier and crappier though. ><;;

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 01:46 AM

@Good: Oui! =D The internet opens the whole world to you. x))

@suppi: But then when you're older, people can't guess your age! =D

//le gasp!// She's sooo cute! ^0^ Thank you very much! <333 //glomps//

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 01:47 AM


@sad: I can never take online courses. Internet is a huge distraction so to do classes online would kill me. xD
@Sadistix - It's a huge distraction for me too, that's why I
didn't do so well on the first online class I took. I swore I
would never take another online class but it was the only one
being offered that fit into my schedule so I'm stuck with it.


eyes; Yep, like electives and such.. essays are okay when I know what I'm talking about, but most of the time I just bs it 'cause I don't know what I'm doing. xDD
@suppi - Exactly. I guess I can handle an essay about a topic I feel strongly about, but if its something I don't get or just don't care about
most likely I'll bs it too.

suppi 04-18-2009 01:48 AM

sadistix; Hahha~ well, age is always hard to guess.. at least that's how it is for me. xDD
And I'm afraid I won't look much different from how I am now. o-o;

You're welcome. <33 Glad you like it~ :]

; I rarely get to write about stuff I feel strongly about though. D:
We're always writing essays in response to books and novels we read. ><
Yeahh, high five! xDD

Lord Orpheus 04-18-2009 01:49 AM

-pokes head in- Hello everyone. I hope everyone has had a good time during this event. ^^

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 01:50 AM

@sad: What is the course for?

@suppi: I hope to look better than I am by my 20s. xDD Hope for a makeover that would make my friends go, "omg, is that you? o-o" xDD


suppi 04-18-2009 01:51 AM

orpheus; Hello there. ^^
Today's the only time I can really enjoy the event. xD I've been busy this whole week~ haha.
All the items are cute though, so that makes up for everything. x]

sadistix; Same~ I want to change and get a new look during the summer.. I want to look different when I go back into school. xDD
Like cut my hair all short and stuff. My hair has been long for the longest time.. :lol:

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 01:55 AM

@suppi: That too. xD I doubt much will change for next year but definitely a haircut over the summer for sure. I want a new style. >3<

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 01:55 AM

@Sadistix_Love: Yeah, but I need to get out more often. The world is so open and I need to see new things. I hope I can be a little less shy when I go to college.

suppi 04-18-2009 01:59 AM

sadistix; Yeah. O: I need to look for some good barber shops though.. last time I went to one, this lady cut my hair all ugly and weird. ><; Ugh, I'm never going back there again. D:

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 01:59 AM

@Lord O - Welcome...I'm having a great time.
How about you?

@suppi - I hate responding to books or essays. Yeah I had to write an
essay about an essay I read. It was actually a couple of essays but there were two I was totally confused with from the very beginning. I almost didn't write them but the whole class grade was only based on five essay and the final, so if no essays no pass.

@Sadistix - It's Intro to Health Careers. Since I'm planning on going into the Dental Assistant program this fall I decided to take this class to help me learn more about it before I started.

SunFlowerBeam 04-18-2009 02:01 AM

Im sorry I keep disapearing
Hello everyone!

xSad_Eyesx 04-18-2009 02:04 AM

@SunFlowerBeam - Hello ^_^
How are you doing today?

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 02:04 AM

@Good: You and I have the same plans for the future. x) I hope to meet some awesome people in university in a couple of years. That is if I figure out what I want to be. Px

@suppi: I only had my hair cut at one place most of my life and that's my mom friend's basement. o-o I want to ask my mom to let my go to a salon but she's all, "White people don't understand how to cut hair nicely for Asian people!" =0=;

@Sad: Oooh. That's cool. x) Did you have your mind set on becoming a dental assistant for awhile?

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 02:08 AM

@Sadistix_Love: You will figure out soon. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to be since I was all over the place. Then I finally decided to go into Graphic Design.

SunFlowerBeam 04-18-2009 02:09 AM

Hi!Im doing well sorta sick
allergies lolHow are you?

Lord Orpheus 04-18-2009 02:09 AM

suppi: Yeah, I haven't had time with all my classes. I can't really just push those aside for Menewsha.

xSad_Eyesx: I'm having a good time. The event has certainly gone fairly smoothly, which is good.

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 02:10 AM

@Good: So many people are going into Graphic Design. That field is going to be competitive in the future. x) My parents want me to go into med so I can have a stable job, considering the recession and all. ><

suppi 04-18-2009 02:11 AM

For good life~

eyes; o__O; Write an essay about an essay? DD: That sounds tough.. and really confusing. ><;

I hate writing essays as our finals.. actually, I just hate finals in general because they can totally ruin your grade and you can't do anything about it. ;~;

sadistix; Hahah! xDD Well, all the salons I've been to have only been asian salons.. o-o; And I think they're the ones that can't cut hair nicely..
I used to let my mom cut my hair for me, but she isn't a pro or anything so all she did was simple trimming and that's too boring. ><;

orpheus; Yeah.. I love Menewsha and all, but school's always my first priorty. ><

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 02:14 AM

@suppi: Cute piece!

My mom used to cute my hair too! xD In elementary that is. Just quick snippets and that was it.

suppi 04-18-2009 02:16 AM

sadistix; I'll just probably try going to this one place that my sister goes to cut her hair.. I've always been hesitant about going there but I guess it doesn't hurt to try. O: Well, maybe it does a little.. I don't want an ugly hairstyle. xD;;

Sadistix_Love 04-18-2009 02:17 AM

@suppi: I keep hearing First Choice is a good place to get a hair cut. >< I have to find a cool and refreshing style first.

Good L!fe 04-18-2009 02:21 AM

@Sadistix_Love: I know that is why I am doing a double major with journalism. I don't mind the challenge to be the best I could be.

@suppi: Thank you suppi.
It's very cute.

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