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CosmicFoxKitty 05-30-2011 12:39 AM

Hello Roachi (:
How are you?

Roachi 05-30-2011 07:48 AM

I'm good, how are you??

CosmicFoxKitty 05-30-2011 07:56 PM

Pretty good, just trying to get some CI's then I will try to get some Ei's XD
Hmmm I'm actually rather tired for some reason.

Roachi 05-31-2011 09:07 AM

Lol fair enough.
Me too, im gonna hit the hay soon.

CosmicFoxKitty 05-31-2011 07:16 PM

I have been busy :/

Roachi 06-02-2011 09:05 AM

Me too, work has been on my back. I have to work extra hard now i had a day off monday, argh. Wish i hada just went to work with my sore ear. :(

CosmicFoxKitty 06-03-2011 02:19 AM

:( I'm sorry Roachi D:
That does not seem fun at all!

I got a pretty bad sunburn today ):

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 12:36 AM

*wanders in* Hey there Ash.

Roachi, if your job treats you like that after one day, I would hate to see what they would do to me if I worked there. Haven't been to work in almost 5 weeks due to gall bladder issues and then having my gall bladder removed.

Sorry to hear they are harassing you like that.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 12:44 AM

Hello there!
I'm sorry to hear about your gall bladder. . .
My sister had hers taken out but she steal eats junk food like crazy -.-

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 12:50 AM

You can eat whatever you want once the damn thing is taken out. It's while it's still in that it causes all kinds of issues. Mine were getting really bad to the point that it was effecting other organs and causing massive health issues. Caused me to be in the hospital for 4 days because it caused my pancreas to be very inflammed. The doctors were very concerned, but didn't tell me that right away.

Had 3 weeks off of work to recover from that, then on my last day of that time off had to have the thing removed. Thankfully I feel fantastic now.

Figured you're stopping in and talking my thread and the giveaway threads in general that I would come by and say hi. Nothing like helping you get that much closer to your quest. .10 gold at a time. :lol:

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 12:54 AM

Hahahaha, thank you (: The littlest bit helps you know?

But I didn't know that. . . She is getting chunky then loosing it then getting chunky again. I think she is just stupid someitmes XD I'm sorry that it messed up your other organs though, that must really suck!

I think the worst I've ever had is a torn ligiment which isn't an organ but I almost had to have surgery on it. My mom didn't want me to though because she said it would just mess my knee up in the long run but now my knee feels funny a lot and I'll get random pains. It's strange.

How are you doing though like at the moment?

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 01:13 AM

Still have some pain on my left side, which is the opposite side of the body from the actual surgery. Kind of weird really. Just got the staples taken out on Thursday and the wounds are healing great. The belly button one was giving me some worries, but once the staples came out it's healed very nice. So Happy about that. Going to risk going swimming next weekend when we go boating with my cousin for our first Annivarsary.

My husband and I have been married for almost 1 year! June 11th is the actual day. *dances about*

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 03:00 AM

That's strange, I am glad though that it is healing nicely! Why would you be taking a risk going swimming?
<- Is confused.

Awwww I'm very happy for you Queeny! :D I'm waiting to find my true love to marry XD I mean I'm seventeen and all but I think that I would rather find the guy early. I mean everyone thinks I wont marry or have kids. . . well my family thinks so at least. They don't see how anyone could love me because I have a temper on me ):

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 03:53 AM

Are you f*cking kidding me?! I have a temper too and I was the bad kid in my family despite the fact that my younger sister has the bipolar issue. You'll find someone, there is always someone for somebody. You've got plenty of time and your family is just being cruel. I am also the only one of my sister that is married and for a long time the only one in a steady reliable relationship. Even when my husband was overseas in the Navy.

The risk is that my incisions are not all healed. I have 4 of them. But from what I can tell they are closed up and doing fine. They worry that bacteria could infect the wounds.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 04:09 AM

:D I like you, you make me feel better about my future XD It's just sad, one day we were driving from my aunt and uncle's house and we were talking about my older sister whom has a relationship problem (she is pretty much scared of any type of commitment. . .) and I said "I don't think Keely will get married, I think she will get knocked up and he will leave her type of thing will happen." And she told me "Well at least she will give me grandkids, I don't expect any from you, or a husband." I went silent and didn't talk to her for about a day or two. . . It really hurt me. It made me feel really crappy like I'm some cold hearted b*t*h that doesn't deserve love or anything. HA! I will show them eventually though. . . hopefully XD

Ahhh, would a waterproof bandaid help any? I know they make some really good ones that actually are pretty big for like knees and stuff. . . I had to have one a couple of months ago because I skinned my knee up pretty bad and I took a really long hot bath and it still stuck to my knee. . . Maybe it would work? :D

(sorry if I have atrocious spelling :( )

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 04:36 AM

Not worried about the spelling. Sometimes families are a royal pain in the ass and say things that they don't realize are hurtful to the other family member. My mom has said some not so nice things to me. Just don't go the path that I did.

Dropped out of High School at 18, 3 weeks to graduation, left my parent's house and moved in with my boyfriend at the time because I was a young, angry, scared kid. My parents were going through a rough time and they ignored me, or tormented me, plus the younger sister and I had enough. Needed an out. Please don't do that. Hang in there. Things are never as bad as we think they are at the time.

If you ask me now what exactly it was that made me leave or what the final straw was, I couldn't honestly tell you. Not sure if my brain has chosen to block that period out or if there was really something terrible that made it totally unbearable. I regret now what I did.

Don't worry though, I came back and got my high school diploma and got my act together.

Just know that if you need someone to talk to, I am here.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 04:48 AM

Thank you for listening and being here for me, it really helped me out a lot ^w^

I think that I do that to, I mean say things that I don't think will actually hurt them. . . okay actually a lot of the time I will say something to intentionally hurt them. . . the thing is though my parents are human, my siblings are human, and I am human. . . I get that we all mess up time to time. It's just that it seems they really don't care what happens to me. I asked my mom how she felt about me moving out of state for college and all she said was "I don't care" what mother does that? Not only that but I guess it upsets me because all my friends are trying to get me to stay in Texas, close so that I can visit a lot. . .

I'm really just confused. I know I want to be a graphic designer but I don't know where to go and all that because I don't know what I want any more. . . For a while I wanted to go to AI in Denver, Colorado but the thing is that I don't know if that's what I want to do any more. I mean Colorado is WAY closer than Virginia and Manhatten. . . I was the only Junior to get an invitation to go to Pratt for the summer to check there school out. . .

It's kind of funny. . . They said it was because of my PSAT scores but I didn't try on the PSAT and the scores weren't as good as I could have made them. . . I'm just really confused about everything honestly. It seems to be so much. I mean what is the difference between Bachelors and associates?

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 05:23 AM

Associates degree is basically General Education. It's 2 years of college. Long time ago in the 50 and 60s that would get you a decent job. Bachelors is a 4 year degree, 2 years for general education and then another 2 years in a specified field, like Graphic Design, nursing, or something like that. Becareful about going to schools out of state since they charge extra for that. Some weird federal and state law thing for out of staters. It's weird.

No worries about the talking, we all need someone to vent too.

Be glad your PSATs were decent. I never took the SATs or ACTs. Study hard and take the test, do good.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 05:37 AM

Hahaha, I will do my best :)

The thing is that I don't want to take my prerequisites. . . I hate math. . . the less I have to deal with it the better. . . It's not that I CAN'T do it. . . it's just that unless someone sits me down and explains it slowly to me I really don't get it ):

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 05:41 AM

Most colleges have tutors and people that can assist you. The nice thing, if you can prove that you have learning issue then you get all kinds of special priviledges. They don't make it obvious you have a person helping you. I used to do that when I went to college. You're basically a class buddy for the person. You take extra notes for them and then sit down at a later time and discuss the class.

No shame in it. We all learn differently and comprehend materially differently. Math is a bitch...I hate it too.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 05:53 AM

O3O You are now my new best friend lol (:

I might check it out. I hear that you don't have to take prerequisites though if you want to be a graphic designer.

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 08:49 PM

That's nice, no pre-reqs. I want to be a nurse and I should start taking classes again, but I don't know if I want to do that now or not. Nursing is an awesome field for me, but the time and the schooling. It bugs me sometimes. Some of the classes I have to take for the degree suck ass, majorily.

Then again, my husband and I could live comfortable with the pay of a nurse. *sighs* Choices, choices.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-05-2011 09:59 PM

I couldn't be a nurse because it involves a lot of math that I would rather not do XP Actually graphic design uses a lot of math to now that I think about it. . . but I can pull that off easy with a tutor, hopefully . . . Any who. I think that it would be cool, my mom is a nurse and is getting paid almost eighteen dollars an hour but she gets social security pulled out and insurance so the paycheck goes down some. Which sucks. And my dad works at NAPA here. I love going in there but it's not the same as when he worked at Auto Zone, I miss that childhood smell honestly. But my dad was a drop-out and got a GED when I was starting high school. . . he wanted to show me that it's important and I shouldn't drop out because it would mess my life up bad. . . I love my dad, he honestly is the only reason I try to even live sometimes because he had a VERY HARD past, like his father beat him and his brothers did too and just really crappy life. . . I mean I know it's true because when My grandpa was alive he broke a plastic coffee cup over an old ladies head in the nursing home sending her to the hospital O.o

All in all though life is good for me I realize a lot. . .

Queen_Andais 06-05-2011 10:34 PM

Nurses here in California make up to $50 an hour depending on experience and where they are at. Most around here start off at $25 per hour and that's 8 dollars more then I am making now. Guess I should get off my ass and start getting back into the school thing. Perhaps one or two classes a semester.

High school diploma is very important. Trust me, I know. I went back and got mine after dropping out of school.

CosmicFoxKitty 06-06-2011 03:06 AM

That is a lot of money!
I live in a small town, maybe that's why they don't pay much down here?

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