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musikfreakx 07-19-2011 08:30 AM

Adelina snickered at the girl's reponse to her brother. She immediately liked the girl, her spunk and attitude making the Brit smile. "It's best not to talk about people's mothers when yours is probably a collagen filled whore, just like her baby girl," Adelina spat back, sticking up for the girl. The other blond, the one who hadn't just gotten decked, scoffed at her and tried to think of a quick retort.

As the blond smiled at her innocently, Adelina grinned and laughed under her breath. "I like you. I'm Adelina," she introduced her first, finally realizing they'd never exchanged names. "Well we know who grew up with mommy issues don't we," the unpunched blonde hissed at her, cat claws coming out. The whole class watched intently. Adelina stood and leaned forward, bending in two peer at the girl more closer, face to face. "S'funny, ya know? My mom's dead," the brunette replied and returned to her seat.

"Whoa, whoa, back up ladies," Liam said and stepped in, gently pushing his sister back from the brunette. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fists. "I suggest you two go to the nurse," he said and nodded to the door. They walked out, still muttering in cat tones. He glanced at the desk and saw the blood, cocking his head.

"You OK, Nugget?" Liam asked, concerned. He was the only person allowed to mess with her, and he would keep it that way, even though she hated having her fights fought for her.

"Liam, I'm fine. You babying me gives them even more crap to use against me," she mumbled and crossed her arms, not looking up at his curious blue eyes.

"Just looking out for you, Nugget," Liam said softly and gently patted her shoulder. He looked up as the other girl was called to the office. He gave her a slight, respectful smile and returned to his desk. He saw his sister's discomfort and decided to distract the class. He knew how easily entertained they were, he'd observed, and decided to use it against them. "Chaps, wanna see something they only teach us in good old Britain?" He called, grinning and peering at them. They instantly flocked, curious at what he was talking about, just as he planned.

Peering up, Adelina watched as the others flocked around her brother. She knew it would happen, but she was glad for it now. He stuck his head up a bit and winked at her, and she figured she might as well forgive him for being a prick. Smiling back, she watched the girl get called to the office.

((I loved your post <3))

JessehBoo 07-19-2011 09:05 AM

"Your not so bad either, Im Airen." When the girl mentioned her moms death she frowned. She couldn't imagine losing her mom, sure she had no dad, but she never knew him. Her mom was a huge part of herlife, it would be like losing a part of herself. "Airen, Airen Lafayette?" The blonde stood up as a woman from the office gave her the "You're in big trouble young lady" look. The blond sighed and grabbed her bag waving at the girl whom she had just made acquaintances with. "New Record." She whispered to the girl. "I'll catch ya later." As she walked out she returned the smile to the guy. While she was walked to the office the woman escorting her kept mumbling about how the girl had a broken nose, a missing tooth and was going to need stitches. The girls snitched on her and the nurse called the main office. "Look if you heard what she said to me, you would have punched her too." Airen said and folded her arms across her chest. Passing classrooms she saw Sophie standing outside one of them. She signed "office" and "fighting", two of the things she frequently had to sign to the girl the year before when she was in trouble.

[[Haha thanksss]]

Graxdon 07-19-2011 02:25 PM

Mikhail yawned as he, at 15, entered the Science III room and took a seat. As he waited for class to start, he began to page through the book, seeing what he would be dealing with over the course of this year.

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 04:11 PM

Pulling out her cell, she checked to see if sha had an messages. None from Caleb, yet anyway. The psycho therapist dude had issues with electronics, so mom always confiscated them before they entered. Huh. None from Ren. She thought, sighing softly. Flipping the phone open she pulled up her message menu and typed out a quick message.

To Ren
From Kiki
You alseep or did you already get in trouble? If you did, hello new record. You gonna try bungee jumping from the roof this time? Scratch that. Don't. I'd hate to see your brains splattering the ground. Caleb's not yet out of therapy with the psycho.

She hit send and folded her phone back into her pocket. Sighing heavily she was bored! Noticing the teacher wasn't even here yet, nor was a majority of the class, she collected her things and left the room. Not watching where she was going she bumped into another body, stumbling backwards and dropping her stuff. Muttering curses as she dropped to grab her stuf together, she looked up to see who she had run int. "Oh!. I'm sorry Sophie!" She exclaimed, before remembering the girl was deaf and quickly used one of the signs she did know; sorry.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 04:20 PM

Having gotten lost in her thoughts, she didn't see Kiki coming till it was too late, and stumbled a bit, and knelt down and started helping her pick up her things.

I'm fine, it's ok. (Me-Fine. Ok?) Signing as well as mouthing it as clearly as she could, as getting put pen and paper would take too long, she hoped that her message would get across. She also gave a smile. It really did take her a lot to get it down.

How was your summer? (Your-Summer-How? -how it'd be signed-)

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 04:36 PM

Giving the girl a friendly smile as she collected strewn drawings, nodding when the other said she was fine. She sighed softly, directing the puff of air to blow on an errant strand of hair in her face, though she was also remembering her summer. She grabbed the pencil she had placed behind her ear and a seemingly blank paper to write.

My summer was great. My family took me and my brother on a vacation during the first half. Mom wanted to visit her family still in South Korea. After that we came back and I spent time with my brother and Ren. What about yours?

She tunred the paper and pencil over to the other girl, blushing and smiling in apology as she didn't know much for sign language.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 04:45 PM

Giving the other girl a smile, she looked down at the paper, before writing her response, grinning as she remembered her summer as well.

Oh, that sounds fantastic! I'm glad that you had a great summer!

Mom and dad took Charlie, Mari and I to England for a month, which was so amazing! I didn't want to come home! Charlie swears that she's come home with an accent. Makes me sad that I can't hear her make a fool of herself.

She sighs as quietly as she can, considering that she can't hear herself to be able to base how loud she's being.

Other than that, I didn't do much of anything.

Noticing how embarrassed the other girl was with having to write, she quickly added a bit to the end of her note before passing it back.

Kiki, please don't be embarrassed - I don't mind writing back and forth. It's easier than trying to lip read, that's for sure or struggling through miming things. I really don't mind. <3

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 04:57 PM

Reading the paper, Kira had to grin. Sounded like a lot of fun to visit there, and brunette giggled at the other girls sibling trying on a british accent.

I don't think you'd want to hear that. Sometimes people who play with accents tend to be very terrible at it. My brother once tried to do a Jamaican accent. It was horrible!

She saw the sigh, though it was very qiuet. Kira had always been observant, so she learned how to notice little ticks, which later became helpful when she thrashed quite a few jocks or other such losers out of their cash by paying poker at wasteyfaced weekend.

Well I'm sorry not much else happened. Hey do you think you'll be coming to Ren's party this weekend? I need a sober buddy to help me keep everyone out of trouble. Caleb's already gonna be helping, but I'm afraid no one would listen to him seeing as how the jocks would immediately try to use him as a punching bag since he's a 'gay faggot'.

Kira growled at the growled at the last part, hating how others immediately became prejudiced of something different. Even most of the other norms resented Cal. Shaking her head she smiled again, trying to remain happy.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 05:18 PM

Noticing the smile, she wondered what the other girl was laughing over. She couldn't remember what laughter sounded like, that was just one of the things that faded over time. It had been years since she had been able to hear.

Even so, it'd give me something else to tease her about. :P

And it's fine, sometimes relaxing is needed before heading back into the insanity that is school - right?

I should be there. Mom will probably be ok with it, as long as I'm home at a reasonable hour.

Noticing the change in the girls demeanor she looked over at her before writing something else.

I agree with you that it's not fair that they don't listen to him because of that. But we'll do what we can to keep him safe from them as well, ok? People judge me and think that I'm stupid just because I can't hear. Which bothers me, but what can we do. Some people are just thick skulled and don't use their brains properly.

She stuck out her tongue and passed the paper back.

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 05:39 PM

Reading the paper, she had to giggle bout teasing a sibling and her calling school an insanity, which was totally true. She did frown though, hearing that even the sweet girl across from her got picked on. It was not right, nor fair. Oh well, karma had a way of coming back to bite the offenders in the ass.

True, and very true. School is indeed an institution of insanity.

I'm sure we can get you home before midnight. Most of the drunks will be passed out, Cal will be asleep. If nothing else I can always get my dad to clean up the guest house and you can sleep over there. I'd hate for you to get in trouble.

Mhm, total dorks. Besides, if nothing else I can make myself feel better by knowing that one of these days, Karma will bite them in the asses and they will find themselves working in a job with you or Cal their bosses.

She grinned, almost ferally at the last bit, but it went to sweet in no time as a random teacher walked by, scowling at Kira even as she waved to him. It was one of her hated teachers from her sophmore year, the old man had no idea what he taught and had always glared at her and deliberately marked her homework wrong even though she knew she was right. It was after those first three weeks of getting back wrong homework that she just stopped turning in her homework to him, going above him to get someone to grade her fairly, which he resented even more. Once he walked by she easily flipped him the bird. "God I hate him..." She said softly, more speaking to herself than anything.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 05:47 PM

Sophie reached over and patted Kira on the shoulder.

Indeed it is!

Sounds good! I'll ask mom today when I get home. I'm sure that she'll be fine with it. Hopefully! You have my number right?

She set the paper down and crossed both her fingers, giving a little giggle, before reaching in her bag and pulling out her phone, and mimed texting.

I can text you when I get the answer from mom, if that works for you.

Oh, that's for sure! I really just let it go - as there is no changing their ways, and why go through life letting those little things bug you, right?

Watching Kira glare at the teacher who just walked by she shook her head, knowing how Kira felt. Quite a few of the teachers didn't treat her fairly, expecting her to do all that the rest of the students did, despite the fact that she couldn't talk. Well, that wasn't really true, she could talk - just not very well, and she could see people laugh at her whenever she tried to.

Anyways, what classes do you have this year?

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 06:01 PM

Smiling at the pat, she looked at the paper before scribbling her number down on it quickly first.

Texting is fine. I hope your mom says yes.

She was super excited now. She had most everything already planned out on what foods she'd bring anyway, even though Ren was going to buy all the junk food that the jocks and cheerleaders gorged on before the twiggy little bulimics purged the toxic chow from their bodies. She gave a shudder at that thought. Bringing back the smile though as she pushed that thought way far from her mind, she started to write again.

Yea I guess that makes better sense. Just too hard to let go when they piss me off for picking on my little brother.

Anyway, this year I have Period 1: Science IV
Period 2: Math IV
Period 3: History IV
Period 4: English IV
Period 5: PE
Period 6: Art
What about you?

She passed the paper back and brushed her hair back behind her ear.


Caleb sighed again, his session was over, but now the therapist had called mom in to talk with her. Happily the older woman had gone in the room, and thankfully had given him his cellphone back.

To Kiki/ Ren
From Cal
Save Me! This is taking too damn long. I just finally got done with my session, now mom is talking to the dork. I may not make it till 3rd period as mom needs my help picking something up after she gets out. So here's to seeing you lovely ladies at lunch. And Ren, Behave!

He hit the send button, knowing both girls would get the same message but not caring. He didn't want to send separate messages if he could help it. Exiting the message menu he changed screens to his content and the games tab, playing a few rounds of tetris.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 06:11 PM

Sophie smiled softly, and quickly programed Kira's number into her phone. Before writing her number at the top of the page.

There's my number, so you aren't confused when I text you.

Sounds good! I'll send ya a text when mom gives me an answer. I hope she does too!

Silently laughing to herself, she could see Kira almost bouncing in excitement.

It is hard. And I'd be the same way, if they were teasing my siblings.

I've got:
Period 1: History IV
Period 2: Band (Teachers Assistant)
Period 3: Photography
Period 4: English IV
Period 5: Art
Period 6: Math IV

Oh, awesome! We have English together! =]

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 06:21 PM

Programming the girls number to her phone, she snapped it shut only to have to reopen it seconds later as the thing vibrated with an incoming message. Reading her brother's messaged had her laughing softly.

Sorry, little brother texted.

She glanced at the girls schedule and had to grin.

Awesome. Well I got to run back to science. I'll see you in english then. Hopefully we have a good teacher.

She left the paper with Sophie, not realizing that the back had been on of her old sketches of a trio of kids facing the night sky as a shooting star flew by. One couldn't tell who the trio was, after all they could only see the figures backs. She moved through the halls, sending off a small text of letting her brother know that it was ok and she'd see him during lunch. Managing to still find the chair she had previously vacated, she sat back down before the bell had even rung, knowing there were still a few minutes left.

nemo.love_22 07-19-2011 06:27 PM

Oh, it's fine! No worries!

And see you in English!

Waving softly as Kira left for Science, Sophie picked up her bag, stuck her phone back in the pocket that she had taken it out of, and headed to her History class where she settled in the front row and waited for class to start.

JessehBoo 07-19-2011 09:30 PM

As Airen was being escorted she felt her pocket buzz, pulling out her phone she chuckled at the message from Kiki. Of course the girl would assume she got in trouble, the girl did know her too well.

To: Kiki
From; Airen
Nah, not asleep. One of the cheersluts insulted me and my mom so i kinda messed up her face. 0:) So im being taken to Sergison's. New Record, score!

After sending the text the girl put her phone in her pocket. "In here Ms. Lafayette." The woman said as she pointed to the door and returned to her desk. "Here we go.." The blonde said with a sigh and opened the door. "Hello, George."

Looking up from his paper as the door opened Mr. Sergison smirked. "Well, Airen, I believe that you've broken a Long Island record." he said, closing the paper and placing it down on his desk. "So may i ask what happened with Ms. Chanzis, who is currently bleeding on the Nurse's floor?" Airen sat down on the seat in front of the Priciples desk and let her bag plop to the floor. "She referred to my mom as a "Drunk ass mother" as well as insulted me." George sighed and rubbed his temple. "Airen every time someone insults you or your mother you cant use your fist to show how you feel." He knew that Airen was having a tough time and home, but school rules were school rules. "You have after-school detention for the week with me." Airen smirked when he said "with me." Rising from her seat she slung her bag over her shoulder. "Shall i bring the playing cards then? We still have to finish our game of poker." With a smile Sergison waved her out of the room and returned to reading his paper. He liked the girl, despite the way she acted, but it was his own personal issues that made him gt a connection with her. His daughter Jennifer grew up without a mother as Airen grew up without a father.


Sighing as she walked out she felt a sensation on her hip, Caleb. As she walked back to her classroom she tested him back.

To; Cal
From; Airen
Too late, bro. Detention for a week with the Serg.

The bell rang as she walked down the hall and she rolled her eyes, great, now she was also late. Gripping onto her bag strapp she walked back into her Science III room. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Frankenstein boy sitting near her seat. A sigh escaped her as she sat behind the girl Adellina. "Detention for a week." The blonde said with a sigh and plopped her bag on the desk, taking out a pen and notebook. The teacher walked in and told everyone to take their seats and began the lesson.


George rose from his seat as the bell rang and walked out of his office, it was time to make is rounds of the school, tell stragglers to go to class, etc. As he walked he saw Ms. Sarano and Ms. Rosewood walking into the school. "Good Morning, Ladies." He said and stopped in his tracks to speak with them.

Kilia 07-19-2011 09:39 PM

"Well hello there, principal." Vanya said to him as she smiled sweetly, stopping in her tracks so that she could talk with him a bit before she had to make her way to her classroom. "How was your summer?" she asked him as she pushed her light brown hair over her shoulder as she looked about the hallway, hoping that no student was out side of thier classroom at the moment.

Il Apollo lI 07-19-2011 09:53 PM

Charlye walked into the main halls and pulled out her phone. None of the contacts she knew went here and she would be able to text during class. She could only sigh and put her phone back into her pocket looking down on the hallway tiles letting her mind wander. Eventually she would pull a hand through her ebony black hair and look up to make sure she wasn't bumping into someone like the usual thing she would happen to do. The silence and loneliness bothered her so Charlye pluged her headphones into her ears and pumped the music.

AmaniIshtar 07-19-2011 10:05 PM

Kira yawned, cover her mouth with her hand to be respectful, but it was so hard with a monotone teacher, no matter that this was her favorite subject. She grinned and pulled her cell phone out under the desk, looking at Ren's message. She rolled her eyes as she typed out a quick message with one hand as she jotted down some notes with the other.

To Ren
From Kiki
Already? Seriously? Jeez Ren, good thing your mom is off with her boytoy...Mr.cop would prissy disappointed and we both know if he's upset, so is she. Anyway, Sophie is going to ask her mom about staying over at my place that way she won't have to leave before everyone passes out. This way I have two people working with me to keep you out of trouble.

She hit send before grudingly having to go back to paying attention to the snooze-worthy teacher. But it was so hard not to just draw....


Caleb stood up as his mother cme walking out of the therapists office, not really looking happy. Oh man, now what? He thought worriedly as they walked out of the building to the car. "Arashi..." The woman started as if not knowing what to say, and it twisted his gut. He hated it when his mother got like this, it made it seem like she was disappointed in him and he hated it. He fidgeted in his seat as they drove, the vibration almost a godsend to him, yet he didn't pull it out yet. "The therapist is not happy with your progress. Or rather your lack of progress." The woman said, turning her head to look at her forlorn son. "Whats wrong?" She questioned, quietly concerned with the fact that her baby had withdrawn in on himself. Caleb shrugged quietly and stared out the window as the scenery passed by. He really disliked that therapist, he didn't do anything to assist him in dealing with his issues. The old fart just sat there with his pencil up his ass and talked about random, stupid thing. Nariko sighed, focusing back on the driving as she went to the post office to pick up the large box, then hopefully stop somewhere to get a little bite for breakfast.

JessehBoo 07-19-2011 10:16 PM

George shrugged at the comment. "I took Jennifer to see her grandparents in Seattle, we stayed there for a month or so." The trip was normal, but being inside the house brought back memories for the man. Memories his daughter probably didnt remember. Christmas, Thanksgiving, precious moments he shared with his Susan. Glancing up at the girl that had walked in he sighed at the sight of her headphones, he could hear the music from the few feet away he was standing. "And parents wonder why their children dont listen to them." He said shaking his head. "They can't bloody hear.".

Kilia 07-19-2011 10:24 PM

"Oh George, you should relax they are in that phase where they feel as if the can only relie on themselves. Besides just be glad they don't wear them during class." Vanya said to him as she smiled, patting him on the back, she knew that he had it rough with his wife dying and everything but there was nothing that she could do about it except being there for him and try to make him have a better day then what he has been having.

Il Apollo lI 07-19-2011 10:26 PM

Charlye smiled as she actually could hear the teacher speak about childen not listening to their parents. She was a straight A student and almost never got into trouble. Yea, she never listened to them...She almost wanted to laugh at the thought. Anything that her mother would ask her to do, bam, Charlye was always a step ahead. Finally reaching her locker, Charlye popped in the code and looked at how small it was. Not by the end of the day. All her text books would be in there. She shoved on of her library books she was carrying in her bag in there and slammed it shut. Pulling out her ipod and hitting shuffle to a better song. Asking Alexandria. For a complete nerd Charlye had a good taste for music.

JessehBoo 07-19-2011 10:52 PM

George shook his head. "Do you know how many of those are confiscated by teachers? I get at least 10 a day, cause a kid was listening to it during a lesson." He sighed and watched a few kids dilly dallying by their lockers. "Come on kids, the bell doesnt mean go when you feel like it. Get to class." The man said sternly and the kids rushed off down the hall. "AND DON'T RUN!" he yelled after them.

Kilia 07-19-2011 11:10 PM

"Well as long as it is in the hallway i don't see a problem with it....i let them listen to it in my class cause it helps them with thier art work. Well i will see you later after all i have a class to go to also." Vanya said to him as she smiled and hugged him, trying to cheer him up before she started to walk back towards her classroom, stopping when she thought about something. "George, you should relax, after all they are just kids and they have alot going on also that we don't even know about." she said kindly to him as she waved at him before going into her door way, looking around her class before getting a very serious look on her face. "Alright! CUT IT OUT!!!! I know you guys are very excited to be in my class but today i just want each and every one of you to tell everyone about your summer and once that is done we are going to try and create something that can speak about how our summers were without words." she said to them as she smiled, glad that they had calmed down as she sat on top of her desk.

musikfreakx 07-20-2011 01:17 AM

Adelina sat back in her seat, not paying much attention the others. A curious girl turned around in her seat and chatted lightly, asking where she was from. She politely replied, not much interested but not wanting to hurt the girl's feeling. Finally the rather uninteresting girl turned back around, distracted by one of her friends and Adelina pulled out her phone.

To: Nugget
From: Aunt Sara
Hi hun. Have a great day. Make some friends, meet a cute boy! XOXO.

The simple but sweet message brought a light smile to Adelina's face, sunlight from the window washing over Adelina and seemingly producing a glow around her and off of her sun kissed skin. She read over the message again before closing the phone, idly doodling on the cover of her new notebook with a Sharpie she produced from her bag.

By the time Airen walked back in, Adelina had drawn a complex cherry tree, leaves falling down. A few leaves fell down the side of the page, one falling onto a drawn hand of the silhouette girl sketched on the right hand side of the note book. Setting down the Sharpie, the brunette blinked her teal eyes and smiled at Airen. "Worth it, I can't wait to see the bruise on her pretty little face.. And congrats on the new record," whispered Adelina as the teacher began the lesson. Idly listening, glancing once over the material and memorizing it, the Brit sketched again, making her drawings somewhat related to the notes she had scribbled.

Though Addie was a good artist, it wasn't her biggest dream. At the time she was undecided between acting and criminal profiling, being able to read people like books. She brushed her long waves over one shoulder, the one covered by her off the shoulder shirt.

Liam was about to show the teens gathered around him a trick with his hands, one he'd learned from a street magician as a boy. It fazed anyone with low intelligence, and for a minute could even confuse someone of high IQ. However the teacher came in and instructed them to sit down.

Shrugging his broad shoulders, he half smiled at them. "Another time folks," he said nonchalantly and reclined in his seat, idly drawing circles on his desk with the finger tips of his left hand. The boy didn't pay much attention, zoning out as he stared at his open, blank notebook. Only when he thought he heard the intercom come on did he pause, wondering if he would be called to the office because of the whole new, British kid routine.

However the noise was a false hope for the other students hoping to have an excuse to get out of class or just for a short break from their teacher's constant, monotone droning. Ripping a piece of paper from his notebook, he balled it up and glanced at his sister, throwing it as best he could while trying not to hit anyone.

The paper bounced off the blonde head of cheerleader three, not the ones who had left the room due to Aerin's sucker punch. Turning his head the other way and acting normal, Liam didn't glance at the girl and seemed concentrated on the teacher, making the cheerleader hiss at a boy she thought did it.

((Sorry it's so bleh, didn't have a lot to work off of and I kinda had a block >.< ))

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