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Acobjum 08-06-2011 05:25 PM

With the exception of Esperanto, German, and Turkish I'm on my own with the others. Japanese at first because I wanted to see uncensored anime and manga but fell in love with the culture so now learning with the knowledge of one day traveling to Japan. French because I like the language and culture. German same as French. Spanish because it is somewhat common in the U.S.. Turkish because I think it's unique. Esperanto because I like the optimism of the hope that one day it will become the world language.

For signifigance, I would say they are very much so since i hope to get into a job dealing with linguistics.

Scribbled Lore 08-06-2011 07:08 PM

Translator? Interpreter? What's your heart set on doing?

Acobjum 08-06-2011 07:38 PM

Either of those are good. Something that will earn me good money and allow for travel.

Scribbled Lore 08-06-2011 10:30 PM

Well now, that sounds excellent. :D

Don't feel shy! You're welcome to ask us any questions about ourselves that you may have.

Acobjum 08-06-2011 10:33 PM

Tell me all about yourself. Anything you want to tell.

Zernita 08-06-2011 10:40 PM

I have never heard of Esperanto, I want to learn it now!

Scribbled Lore 08-06-2011 10:41 PM

Uhm, well, hrm. That's awfully open ended. :XD

So I'm learning French (CZ is helping me but mostly I study on my own) in my spare time and I spend most of my time watching Spawn, my and CZ's little one. I'm working on getting back into school and I'd like to major in women's studies as an undergrad and library sciences for my master's degree. It's a far off goal but I'd like to teach as a professor someday as well and I'm not sure what I'd get my Ph.D. in - either women's studies or library sciences or both.

I love to game but don't spend nearly as much time with my consoles as I used to. Nowadays we're focusing on tabletops and board games like Settlers of Catan in order to spend more time with our offline friends.

I've also managed to successfully convert a few of my offline friends into online friends here at Menewsha. Although mostly they play the arcade games and dress their avatars. But we RP and that's cool.

Hey there, Zernita!

Zernita 08-06-2011 10:44 PM

Hello Lore :)

I speak French too ^^
English and Russian as well.
I have 3 years of Spanish in high school behind me as well.. but everything's very blurry.

Acobjum 08-06-2011 10:47 PM

lernu! - Learn Esperanto online. Live tutors, dictionary, books & music The best place to learn esperanto.

Scribbled Lore 08-06-2011 10:59 PM

Lol, nearly everyone in the thread can speak something, even a little something, besides English. That's so great. :D

Thanks for the link!

Acobjum 08-06-2011 11:09 PM

I esp. like the mini dictionary at the side of the page. In most parts of the site when you click on an esperanto word an english equivelent pops up. if only other language learning sites were more like that...

Scribbled Lore 08-07-2011 02:34 PM

That is a really neat feature! It has to be great for learning vocabulary.

Isendor 08-07-2011 04:54 PM

Hi people, is anyone here anymore? =3

Acobjum 08-07-2011 04:56 PM

I'm here.

Isendor 08-07-2011 04:57 PM

Yey, what are you talking about here? I'm not going to read 3 pages of short messages to find out! :D

Acobjum 08-07-2011 04:58 PM

Mainly talking about languages.

Isendor 08-07-2011 05:06 PM

Mkey, I can speak English but I want to learn America for my USA trip. :drool:

Ok, kidding, I'm not going to USA. I can speak Finnish, Swedish, French (I "can" speak it) and apparently I've studied Japanese. Ehehe,I was bored in school and couldn't get my ass to Russian lessons. :D I'm starting with it soon, tho. But hey I just stalked from the previous posts that you can speak Japanese too! NEEEEEE!!!! *Shivers* Ever used it outside school?

Acobjum 08-07-2011 05:09 PM

Still working on it. Living in the central u.s. doesn't provide many opportunities to chat with Japanese speakers.

Scribbled Lore 08-07-2011 05:13 PM

Oh, I bet not. I live in the Midwest so it's not much better for me.

Isendor 08-07-2011 05:14 PM

Yeah, and trying to chat via internet is kinda... Meh, didn't even bother to try when I visited one chat! :D
Back in the school, we had these two Japanese teachers. Neither of them talked English well (2nd was teaching English) and I was just laughing when I tried to talk to them. I felt so embarrassed to talk to them! I don't know why I laughed but yey, that's my experience on using the language! :D

Fiona_Watergate 08-07-2011 05:16 PM

Hey everyone. I feel like i need to be in more red lol

Isendor 08-07-2011 05:17 PM

Hi, I'm wearing red too. =3 Such a warm color, I hate the bats I have with my avi.

Sho-Shonojo 08-07-2011 05:17 PM

So Scribbled Lore, I hear you like Jaqueline Carey. >.>

What a coinky dink. So do I. XD

Fiona_Watergate 08-07-2011 05:18 PM

I love red. Though it's not my favorite color. lol
I love your avi Sho Shonojo

Sho-Shonojo 08-07-2011 05:19 PM

Thank you very much sdgfam08. I am quite proud of it in all it's purple glory. :3

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