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Kia_ 08-25-2011 02:32 PM

Gabe looked around, it was already dark enough that if anyone was around that he wouldn't be able to see them, he stopped and tried to calm himself down. His heart was racing so fast after what just happened, 'Zaro?' he thought in mind wondering if he would get a reply or not. The silence was still there occupying his mind; Gabe gave up as he did his best to stand, still quite shaky. Gabe moved towards his apartment, another 10 minutes and he was finally home. He locked himself in his apartment and remembered what Zaro had said before about Zaro finding him asleep. He could even remember Zaro's smooth, velvet voice when he spoke to him those weeks ago. Sitting on the couch, he waited, making sure everything was silent before he would try anything. 'Zaro, I want to talk, please answer me?' Gabe thought to anyone out there listening, just hoping it would be Zaro and not someone else. He still had the lights to his apartment off except for the bathroom one being left on most of the time he is gone and the small lamp next him creating a bit of light.

(was my long post okay? Character wise? Sorry sorry this post isn't one of my best ones, I gotta eat something :D then I wont be distracted lol)

Angeal Pureheart 08-26-2011 04:32 AM

((It's great ^_^ Gabe seems to be realizing how much he wants/needs Zaro's attention :p XD))

'What is it that you wish to talk about Gabriel?' The familar and velvet smooth voice echoed in his head an instant before Zaro was standing in front of him a few feet away. His red eyes glowing lightly in the darkness all of the lights dimmed a bit as he looked around. "Are you hurt? Don't worry about them bothering you. Or anyone else for that mattter." He said allowed. His smooth purpleish lips drawing into a smirk at his last words.

((I just hope that i don't start slipping from here...))

Kia_ 08-26-2011 04:55 AM


Gabe wanted to say something, anything to notify that he was fine. However, that would be a lie if he said he was fine, physically yes, mentally no. "Zaro?" he managed to speak out in a whisper, his voice wasn't wanting to be used apparently. Though, everything that he just went through, he was surprised to see that he even had a voice right now. His body moved instantly before he had to do anything else, standing up he hugged Zaro thinking 'I want you to stay, I dont want you to go' he was still trembling, yet this time it had to do with the fact he feared that Zaro would leave again.

(Ah! I got The Goblin King stuck in my head XD lol)

Angeal Pureheart 08-26-2011 05:38 AM

Zaro was a bit suprised when the younger one grabbed onto him. "I cannot stay Gabriel... Not until you truly want me. WHen that time comes I will forever be here. With you. But until then I cannot stay for long. The repelling ability that you posess will kill me if I do." He spoke calmly to the boy before tiliting his head up to meet his eyes and placing a very light and loveing kiss onto the boys lips. Then he was gone...

((Yeah... Like start boring you... And you mean David Bowie when he played the Goblin King in Labrynth?))

Kia_ 08-26-2011 06:32 AM

(You wont trust me, only two rps after a few years on mene have ever come close to boring me, you'll be fine. I wait each day just for a response, no pressure, I just love our rp that much) (And yes David Bowie the Goblin King :D)

Gabe listened to what Zaro had said, he wasn't sure if it was true or not, though he wanted to find out for sure. Before he could reply anything, he had felt Zaro's firm yet soft lips upon his own lightly. Gabe then realized he was gone and fell to his knees almost crying, he hadn't wanted Zaro to leave at all. He was starting to feel something for him, for some reason no matter what he tried, he couldn't find a strong enough way to
'want' Zaro.

Gabe whispered mostly to himself or if Zaro was near for him to hear it. Gabe walked into his bedroom grabbing some clothes to sleep in and heading into the bathroom cracking the door as a precaution. He turned on the hot water, just not too hot to hurt his skin or make it red in a short amount of time; Gabe closed the curtain, he had one of those showers that you stepped into, no bath, just two glass walls connecting to the concrete walls and nothing above just in case. Gabe undressed, kicking off his sneakers, sliding his pants down, taking his shirt and pulling it over his head, then followed with his socks until he was completely naked after taking off his boxers.

Gabe stepped into the hot shower while closing the glass door. Stepping under the warm water, he allowed it to run down his body at whatever pace it chose to while warming him up. His body was cold from the autumn weather and being revealed to it earlier. Closing his eyes he felt the water caressing him, felt the steam build up making it seem very hot in the bathroom, and just relaxing. Taking showers was his favorite way to relax, he was always in tune with water, or so it seemed.

Being somewhat relaxed, Gabe grabbed his Pantene, thick and soft, shampoo plus conditioner bottle and squeezing a normal sized quarter amount in his hand. Putting the bottle back, closing the plastic lid with one hand, he then rubbed the creamy soap between his hands, making it foam up. Placing his hands to his hair he started scrubbing and making sure he cleaned everything. He didn't want anything from earlier besides Zaro's touch to linger. Turning his back to the water, he rinsed his faded green hair under the water as the soap ran down his body in race with the water to go down the drain.

The feeling felt so relieving to him, turning back to face the water, he grabbed the Yardley, lavender bar, soap and his rag as he rubbed the soap into it to get it all soapy. Gabe started thinking while he was rubbing the soap in the rag, 'I know I want him back, but, right now wouldn't be the best time' he blushed being embarrassed by the thought and put the soap back on the soap container that held it. Taking the rag and moving it across his body, little by little, he made sure he scrubbed everything. Putting the rag to the side he washed off the remaining soap and turned off the water taking a deep breath.

Opening the glass door, he nearly fell backwards freaking out almost
'Shit' Gabe thought to himself as he grabbed a magazine on the back of the toilet and killing the spider with it 'Stupid spider...' he shuddered at the thought that there might be another one in the bathroom. So he wrapped a towel around his waist, heading into his room while shutting the door, and placed his clothes on the bed. Taking the towel from his waist, his blinds shut but shadows could be seen as he started to dry off every inch and then placing on his pajamas.

He was wearing dark green plaid pajama pants with a tight red tank top and no socks. He didn't like wearing socks to bed, it was too uncomfortable, as far as the tank top is concerned, he doesn't usually like to wear baggy shirts, especially to bed as they can become a hassle. Picking up his clothes he moved them over to the light brown, wicker, dirty clothes hamper throwing them in. Walking away to the bed, he didn't feel like eating, he moved the covers back from the bed along with the top sheet to slide underneath it.

He loved the silkiness of the clean white sheets, however, he didn't like the fact his fear of spiders was running through his mind, he was panicking and this was no way to get him to sleep. Gabe started thinking as he sat up in the double sized bed that he had most of his childhood and up to now.

'He says if I want him, then he would be here and that if I dont want him, he won't be here'
Gabe added more to his thoughts now 'I wonder how much I have to want him...' he thoughts were trailing as he caught himself replaying the kiss over and over in his mind making him stop quickly but not too quickly.

Gabe sat there, Indian style on his bed, but, not covered up. He was trying to calm himself down, to imagine something, anything to want Zaro back. He didn't have to do it long as he gave up, though that just made him want Zaro more, the 'want' more like 'need' grew stronger and stronger until he finally just laid down covering himself waist up in the bed still thinking of how the kiss felt, tingling on his lips. It had given him a headache to focus so much on something he hadn't known what to focus on, so he placed his hands on his bed while laying on his side facing the empty half side of the bed.

(I hope you liked it, do tell me what you think, yes I purposely went into details about a couple things lol)

Angeal Pureheart 08-26-2011 06:54 AM

((OMG I LOVE IT!!!!! It has a naughty side to it too. I was like waiting for him to just beat off in the shower XD))

Zaro was standing beside the time stopped boy with a single tear rolling down his cheek. "You want me. But not with you heart and soul. You are not willing to fully accept what I am and until you can and until you want me with everything that you are... I cannot stay." He wrapped his arms around the frozens boys neck and kissed his lips deeply. Then he was gone again. Sitting on the boys roof he allowed time to play by again. 'I love you.' Was the single thought that passed through Gabe's mind, but this time the feeling of being alone again did not return. Zaro's pressence was close...

(( I really do hope I continue to give you good posts.))

Kia_ 08-26-2011 07:29 AM

(WOW I LOVE THE POST, honestly lol, I'm in a hyper night awake mode apparently, I think I'm an owl now lol its 2am here XD)

Gabe slowly moved a bit, his headache would fade with sleep like always, he felt as if something was near or someone was watching him, trying to get more comfortable to sleep. Gabe eventually passed out without realizing it, the tightening in his chest from being lonely soon faded away, he didn't even come to realize that he was kissed by Zaro while time was frozen.

The night went by, Gabe had a dream or a nightmare depending on how you look at it...Walking and glancing around, I look to see where a noise I heard that sounded like flapping of wings had gone or originated from. The sound was so close and somehow it felt so distant. My feeling of loneliness was felt as my body stopped moving to just turn around seeing a figure in the shadows to step out into the light. 'Zaro?' I thought silently to myself, the figure didn't move, however it did reveal that it was Zaro, he just wasn't responding to my thoughts. Trying to use my voice, I spoke up "Zaro, can you hear me?" I asked wondering if this was just an illusion or not.

The dream didn't stop there, darkness crept along Zaro, his fangs showing, his eyes glowing red, I couldn't help but feel afraid of him even though I knew there was nothing to fear. This was a dream right? Then why should anyone fear something that cannot be real as in the real world, the non dreaming world? Because, people die in their dreams isn't popular, however, it wasn't scarce either. Shaking my head taking a step closer "Don't leave me" my thoughts soon echoed my words 'Don't leave me'

Zaro stepped more into the darkness, being taken over by the shadows, "You have to want me, you cannot fear me, you must accept me" the dream Zaro spoke,
the dream Zaro was basically an image of Zaro with Gabe's unconscious thoughts. "Zaro dont go, please dont go" Gabe cried out trying to reach Zaro and running out at him as much as he could, as fast as the dream self would allow him. "ZARO!"

"Zaro!" Gabe instantly sat up, frightened by what he saw and felt, he was slowly forgetting it as he realized that morning was hear to stay, along with the bright yellow sun giving light to anything dark that it could. "What was that?" Gabe asked himself and lay back down in bed looking at the alarm clock by his bed as it read "7:27am? Forget this" and he tried going back to sleep, though, it was useless so he got up changing into a long sleeve white sweater with a t-shirt matching underneath and blue jeans.

(concentration lost lol my leg fell asleep and my labtop is on my legs lol)

Angeal Pureheart 08-26-2011 07:52 AM

((OMG. That made me cry just a little bit. Poor Gabe! But the dream is true.))

Zaro jumped up to a standing possition on Gabriels roof. Only to realize that he was just waking to a dream... About him... "He still.... Does not accept me... Until he does I cannot return to him." With that he sat down on the roof once more closing his eyes and following the boy through the house as he travels. Looking away when the boy undressed to change. 'I love you' one more played through Gabriels mind.

(( I am really sorry for the shortness... I am not the greatest at writing long posts like you T^T))

Kia_ 08-26-2011 08:13 AM

(I am glad you like it, lol I dont write long posts, sometime I do a few lines and its almost 3am here, so staying up is like really fun for me, maybe thats why my mind is constantly going)

Gabe stopped hearing the thought in his mind as he turned around looking, for any signs, just like in his dream. Closing his eyes he sighed as he went to sit on the couch to think, he had to do something 'If I dont do something soon, I'm going to go crazy' it wasn't just loneliness, it was also his fears. 'How do I accept something with my soul if my brain already as accepted it?' maybe his brain didn't accept it and he imagined he did or maybe it was playing tricks on him.

"I need a walk" he spoke to himself shaking off his thoughts and going into his bedroom for socks and shoes. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he wondered if it was worth it, but, chose to anyways as he slid on his socks and tied his shoes once they were on his feet. Grabbing his scarf that was white and brown, he wrapped it once around his neck, putting his house key in his pocket and headed out the door locking it behind him.

"Wow, it doesn't feel too bad out here" Gabe spoke as he started to walk around, just to do anything besides make decisions 'Great, now I am just avoiding the issue' Gabe shook his head at himself about being ashamed that he didn't face this head on. Sighing he stopped by the park sitting on the ground, it would've been as cold or warm as the bench anyways, he loved the area he sat at under the tree. It was where he and Zaro had spoken to before, but, Gabe didn't realize it. He stared at the children watching them play and then he felt guilty for the past almost month not seeing the children in the hospital.

Getting up after sitting there for 2 hours, he went to the toy store buying some things for the children, after that he went to the hospital, once he entered, he was hugged by the children and the nurses smiling. They were glad to have him back, being in the children's wing, he handed out the toys as each one hugged him. His heart felt that tightening feeling, though it wasn't loneliness, it was more of a heart warming feeling. Ryan came over to him in a wheelchair, he looked happy though, so at least that was good.

"Ryan, how are you?" Gabe asked "I am good, what about you Gabe? Its been so long since you've been here" "I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well" "Oh, are you better now" Gabe nodded not wanting to hurt Ryan or make him worry. The children didn't just like getting toys from Gabe, they liked to just be around him, he didn't know it, but it was his healer's ability that did so.

"Gabe?" "Hm? Yes?" "How do you trust your heart to make a choice?" Gabe wasn't sure why that question sounded like something he should have been asking which created that uncertain feeling within him. "Why?" "I have a surgery coming up and I have to chose to take it. Taking it means I could live or die, or I could live this way forever" "Just do what you feel is in your heart, don't pay no attention to your mind, just your feelings. That's all you need to know, if you want something, then you have to 'let' yourself have it minus the fears" he felt like he should be taking his own advice, though he was quoting a movie there. Halloween Town with Marnie who was a new preteen witch and had to help save Halloween Town against Kalabar whom was trying to take it over and create darkness as an all powerful warlock.

(I would write more but I need to sleep maybe more tomorrow *yawns* it is 3:09am goodnight and swt drmz I should be on in like 5 or 6 hours or longer depending on how long I sleep)

Angeal Pureheart 08-26-2011 03:07 PM

((Wonderful! Also good referance with that movie! I started to remember the movie as I read that quote!))

'You speak true in your words.' The familiar velvet smooth voice echos Gabriels head. The next thing Gabriel knewZaro was in the room with his usual doctoring attire on. "Hello children. How are you all feeling today?" He asked with a small smile on his face. Placing his left hand on Gabriels right shoulder. "Welcome back Gabriel. We have all missed you very much." He told him with a smile.

((Not very good.... But Idk... What do you think of this one?))

Kia_ 08-26-2011 04:22 PM

(lol I loved that movie, I found it on bestbuy for 4.99 plus shipping and handling which is like 7.99)

Gabriel smiled at Ryan until he heard Zaro's voice, however, this time it wasn't in his mind. "Z-uh Doctor Zaro, nice to see you again" Gabe spoke trying to make it like it was normal. Ryan beamed "I want to do the operation now" Gabe looked at Zaro, his feelings were getting overwhelming inside, building up all at once ready to explode at any moment. Gabe stood up easily, he wanted to hug Zaro again, however, just not in front of the children or the nurses. His thoughts were so jumbled that he couldn't keep them going, he just simply ignored them and asked "H-how are you doctor?" Gabe after Ryan had wandered off to tell his friends the big news. Gabe didn't realize tht he had forgotten about everyone else in the room when Zaro entered.

(I liked it, makes great for a moment I just popped up)

Angeal Pureheart 08-28-2011 08:02 AM

Zaro looked at him. 'Alone' Was the only word that he said to Gabe in his mind. "I am doing well." He said and put on a fake smile. "And yourself? I heard you were out for a few days. Are you OK? Should we admit you to the hospital you help to regularly?" He asked with fake worry in his voice.

((I know... It's a short one but I think it speaks a lot of heart in it.))

Kia_ 08-28-2011 03:03 PM

Gabe shook his head "No I'm alright, when you have break, we should talk" Gabe replied answering his question and looking over to the children, they were all still playing, Ryan was reading one of the books that was brought the last time.

(Yea so sorry my post is short, I just got up and my sibling is pissing me off)

Angeal Pureheart 08-28-2011 10:29 PM

Zaro looked down into the mans eyes for a moment wondering what he wanted to talk to him about but shook it off. "Well, that will have to wait. Now that Ryan wants that surgery I need to ger perform it. Come on Ryan. Gabriel, you stay here." He spoke smoothly to the child as he pushed him and his wheelchair down the hall to the other wing of the hosptial meant for surguries only, and gave Gabe the slight order.

About two hours later Zaro walked into the room with an unconcious Ryan in his arms. "Shhh" He quieted the children that all came rushing. "He's kinda cute when he sleeps. Almost as cute as you." He whispered into Gabe's ear and set the boy on the bed before covering him up and kissing his forehead. "Sleep well Son..." He spoke softly into the boys beautiful face.

((DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!!!! A twist in the plot! Mwahahahahahaha!!!! What you think of THAT?! You still has to play him though :p))

Kia_ 08-28-2011 11:39 PM

(o.O wow wasn't expecting that lol, its not a bad thing either XD)

Gabe looked at Zaro hearing him and nodded understanding about the child's surgery, he stayed with the other children reading stories to them until Ryan was going to come back out, of course when Zaro walked out into the room and into another one to place Ryan on the bed. When Gabe heard Zaro say He's kinda cute when he sleeps. Almost as cute as you. A slight pink color ran over his face, painting his cheeks with the soft, almost faded color. He had heard him when he said sleep well son... and wondered what that meant. It seemed that most of Zaro's family was here in the hospital and yet somehow he was a vampire. So many things ran through his head but only one of them came out in words 'He seems to be gentle' he thought to himself and smile a bit at this scene. Though he wasn't sure how Zaro had a son, that bit was still confusing to him, maybe later he might ask or just let it be.

Angeal Pureheart 08-29-2011 01:33 AM

Zaro watched his son sleep for a while before walking back out of the room. "Everyone please let him sleep and be as quiet as you can. He has a big day tommorow. He gets to walk again." He smiled and looked at Gabe motioning with his head for the man to follow him while the other kids gathered around Ryans door to watch him sleep.

((If you want to know about how Ryan is his Son msg me so you can know. Either way it will be explained soon. :p))

Kia_ 08-29-2011 01:53 AM

(well if it will be explained soon, I'll wait :D)

Even though the other kids were excited for Ryan while the boy slept, they still did as they were told to stay quiet, though they kept whispering back and forth. Gabe followed Zaro without any hesitation to talk without interruptions or anyone really around to listen in. He waited for Zaro to talk first, he wanted to hear him out right now, or at least just be polite enough to wait.

Angeal Pureheart 08-29-2011 02:51 AM

((OK :p))

Zaro stopped in the courtyard and put up a time stop. "What is it that you wish to talk about Gabriel?" He asked in a hesitant tone of voice. "Your heart and soul still do not accept me..." He said a bit sadly. "What do you want to know?" He asked a little more persistantly.

Kia_ 08-29-2011 03:17 AM

"How am I supposed to know when I accept you fully? I don't understand it, I keep thinking I do accept you, but, then you say I have not" Gabe had been trying, however, he had been too occupied with more of what others want, than this problem at hand. He may or may not have noticed, but, he actually knew the way to accept Zaro fully, just that he was unaware of it.

Angeal Pureheart 08-29-2011 03:44 AM

"I cannot tell you Gabriel. It is something that you must find out on your own." He spoke with mild sadness. "I cannot guide you past where I have already done so." He looked down. "What else do you wish to know? I see we have a great many things to discuss." He spoke to him calmly

Kia_ 08-29-2011 03:48 AM

"Why did you chose me? You could have anyone out there, with things that they are better at than I am, and yet you chose me" Gabe spoke, he had been wondering about this for awhile, he kept his distance, not wanting to give the other one a headache, though right now he wanted his company, not to repel him at all.

(You'll have to excuse my short posts for a bit, my headache is back, I just took something for it though)

Angeal Pureheart 08-29-2011 06:17 AM

Zaro looked at him. "Because, as I have said. I have been watching you for quite some time now. And have grown to love you." He spoke moving a bit closer to him despite haveing a headache. "I'd no sooner harm you than myself, I have protected you ever since that day last year." He spoke softly to him.

((It's fine :p))

Kia_ 08-29-2011 06:22 AM

(Well I'm glad I have been staying up later tonight lol)

Gabe thought back, he couldn't remember what happened that day last year, his powers were good, his life was fine, but, his memory wasn't always the best. "Last year?" Gabe asked looking as if he was trying to remember it and shook his head "I'm sorry, I don't recall anything from last year..." now he wasn't sure if he did or not. However, he took a couple steps back 'I don't want to cause you pain' he thought to himself knowing that the other one could probably hear.

Angeal Pureheart 08-29-2011 06:44 AM

((Hehe going to bed now though. I start college today!!!!))

Zaro watched him step back and felt a little hurt. 'I don't care... I want to be with you. All you need is to accept me with everything you are.' He took another step closer and was next to him an instant later, kissing him deeply and licking his bottom lip. "Do you accept me for who I am.. And what I am? Enough to be one of my kind forever?" He asked him while staring into the others eyes.

((Hehe night night love!))

Kia_ 08-29-2011 06:53 AM

(goodnight, swt drmz, and thank you for telling me you were getting off :D)

Gabe watched him, he knew that he was hurt from Gabe stepping back, which this also hurt Gabe, creating that painful feeling well up in his chest again, however, this time it was much stronger. Gabe felt Zaro's lips upon his, the feeling of the kiss was exciting, yearning, and yet also loving. Feeling the kiss become deeper, Gabe kissed back returning it, he didn't want this moment to end. Though when the kiss was broken, Gabe heard what Zaro had asked though his voice was against him in this favor as he saw Zaro's eyes looking into his waiting. Closing his eyes and concentrating for a brief moment, Gabe waited, soon enough his shield over himself that pushed away Zaro had gone down. Low enough that it wouldn't bother him at all right now. Opening his eyes slowly he thought instead of spoke 'I have nothing to fear, I only want to be with you right now, I accept you for who you are, that is the honest truth'

(And I actually have a slight idea lol and not telling I gotta post it maybe next time)

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