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momochan 08-09-2011 05:31 PM

lonka: Lol! POST LADY! POOOST! D<

turr: if I still had an extra kitsune, I would donate it to you. :c

llonka 08-09-2011 05:31 PM

Hurray! Hope you can get him terrena!!

OK! OK!! :squee: *post post post!!* :rofl:

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:32 PM

Thank you, llonka. I love you too, Terre. So what's going on here??

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:32 PM

Momo: Aww. That's so sweet! Thanks though. But I will get him eventually! *is determined*

ANd I need more pies! I only have 54 now after buying all the EI's! XD

Mehi: :D
We're get pies and gold to reach our goals.

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:33 PM

And those goals are??

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:34 PM

Like...getting things we are questing for....event items...commons....the usual basically. XD

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:35 PM

I have never quested for I don't have a goal list...I guess I just tend to buy what I can afford and never give mind to other things.

llonka 08-09-2011 05:35 PM

Mehi: yeah we are chatting!!! *chatter chatter*

I wanna get the Event rares!!

SQUIRREL!!!!! in my yard!!! i had two in the yard at the same time yesterday, and both were in a bird feeder, even though they have their own food sitting out there for them. :P

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:36 PM

Mehi: I go both ways....But I still want my Kitsune! XD

llonka: Squirrels are cute! :D

momochan 08-09-2011 05:38 PM

I has to go. :C see ya in a bit! :'D

Linnea 08-09-2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1769724596)
Linnea: it was fun!!! until the boys got bored. then they wanted to sit in the van. so we went all the way out there and then started to cry cuz they wanted to stay and watch the cars. :P ugh children!!

Amice: nothing much going on in here!! :( i gotta do some cleaning, and then i'll be on. think i'll ping some people and hope they all come in!!

I"LL SHALL RETURN!! *poofs into a cloud of glitter*

i believe i was summoned...? twice no less! why, don't i feel special :P

@llonka: hahaha you're boys sound so cute... and confused! how old are they? i don't know if i ever asked

and hello everyone else :) *waves*

llonka 08-09-2011 05:39 PM

Terrena; they are!! :lol: i'd like to pet one at least once. but he'd prolly bite the crap outta me if i got close enough. lol. they loooooove peanuts! ans sunflower seeds! speaking of which i planted some sunflowers and they are growing! hope they bloom before it freezes here. lol. i planted them too late. but we didn't moved in until June so I couldn't really plant them eariler, but then again I could have because we started working over here in May. *gasps for air*

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:39 PM

I have all of the rares so far....I think I do pretty well on the pie front. I mean I have earned enough pies to get three rares, do 7 rounds of my contest, buy all of the coomons in the ice color, buy all of the commons of one type of long sleeve dress, and buy all of the shoes....and I still have tons of pies left over...I might make back the pies I spend each day fairly quickly...

byebye, momo....*sad face*

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:40 PM

Aww.... bye, Momo! Laters!

Hey, Linnea!!! :D

llonka: I've had a squirrel walk up to me once and was standing a foot away from me before. XD

Mehi: I is jealous! Wish I could be on long enough to make that many pies!

llonka 08-09-2011 05:41 PM

Wow go Mehi!! :boogie:

aww bye momo!!

Linnea: because you are speeecail!! :D jacob is four and kaleb is three!! the races didn't get over until like 12;30!! :gonk:

terrena: aww cool!! don't they look so fuzzy and soft and cuddly?? :hug:

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:42 PM

Actually, I am only one for a couple hours...typically between noon and 3 and then between 11 and 2...I do have a contest to do drawing for, so I have to be on at the drawing times....but I chat a lot within those times....mostly because I keep getting pinged randomly into other threads......Terre....

It would be nice though to manage to get all of the commons as well as the rares...but rares are my top priority.

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:42 PM

llonka: They do!
Chipmunks are cuter though!

llonka 08-09-2011 05:42 PM

hahaha i just noticed i use !!! alot!! :rofl:

aww i don't know if we have chip monks, we might though!

Linnea 08-09-2011 05:43 PM

oh my, there are lots of people in here today!
i'm actually headed out here in a few minutes... gotta go get some gas for the racecar and the truck we use to haul it :roll:

awww they are wicked young, llonka, but a good age to fill their heads with racecar knowledge! :rofl: and that's super later for some little guys :O ... did they stay awake the whole time?

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:43 PM

Mehi: LOL
But...I've only pinged you into other threads maybe only twice total?
I know I have pinged SunShine a few different times within just a few minutes into different threads...but that's because she was on at the time I did it and we needed more people to talk to. XD

llonka 08-09-2011 05:45 PM

Linnea: their dad is really into it! so of course he's brainwashing them. LOL!! yup stayed awake the whole time. kaleb slept on the way home, but jacob didnt. when we finally got home, he says mom i'm tired!! i'm going to bed!! :rofl: aww have fun!! *waves*

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:46 PM

Awww, Terre, it's not just you....I think all of the new regulars in the event thread has pinged me into other threads at lest once....some loads more...

TerrenaAnimula 08-09-2011 05:47 PM


Wow...I feel unloved...maybe I need to make my own thread one day so I can hope to be pinged a lot. I like never get pinged...but that's okay I suppose...

Mehimaru 08-09-2011 05:48 PM

I have tons of threads I'm subscribed to. I can go ping you in all of them if it will make you feel loved, Terre??

Linnea 08-09-2011 05:49 PM

llonka, that's how me and my cousin were when we were younger and we'd go to watch our dads race! :rofl:

alrighty, i am out for a bit ladies and germs ;)
hope you all have great afternoons!

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