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Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 01:09 AM

Ehg, I tried to read the Twilight books and got sick of it. When they came out with movies afterwards I couldn't believe it. The whole story, in my opinion, is basically a really bad self insert fanfic. The fact is that Bella isn't special and there's no reason that I can see that Edward would be very interested in her. I can understand Jacob's interest but Edward being all over her just completely baffles me. He's a horribly poor excuse for a vampire if you ask me and I think that didn't help my opinion on the series.

hummy 11-07-2011 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by NightStalker (Post 1770074715)
yea lol but if the market here is anything like the marketplace on gaia things are priced way above actually market value.

yes, people are nice there.

NightStalker 11-07-2011 01:14 AM

Towards the end of the first movie where Edward tells Bella that they should break up and Bella freaks out the way she my opinion she seemed like she was in an abusive relationship. I dont think its normal for someone to act like that...

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 01:17 AM

@ Ottersaurus: Well, they're 300 pages each, but they hook you in real quick. If you want to know... The series so far is Shiver (1) , Linger (2) , Forever (3) If you'd like a more detailed discussion just hit me up through PM if you need some mroe background info.

@ NightStalker: Well, I like the books and the movies mainly for the action. As people truly realize it, Twilight's author (whoever the hell she is) bases herself on Bella (which means beuatiful) and she always wanted to be fussed over by guys and marry a hot vampire. It's kind of like some deep self-conceited story that she wishes to be in. But yeah, read the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater. You'll like it. It's one of the Young Adult Reader's choice books.

@ Hummy: I've never went into the Market Forum, but when I was there, people seemed really nice and willing to give deals. :3 I enjoy this place A LOT.

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 01:17 AM

Well, the reality of it is that she was. Edward expresses some very controlling behaviors and combined with her "door mat" personality it spells disaster. Part of the problem I have with the way their relationship is portrayed is that Bella is far too needy. She acts like Edward being in her life is a necessity and relationships based out of need rarely ever work.

@ Meh; Oh only about 300? That wouldn't take long to read at all. Maybe I'll be able to pick those up once I earn some more free time for myself.

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 01:24 AM

@ Ottersaurus: Haha, that's kind of like what we were discussing in CP English. Many people jump into relationships because they feel they need to rely on the other boyfriend/girlfriend and they don't want to live their lives lonely. By the way, did you ever read her "Thanks" section where she basically writes awfully? You can tell that her story was hacked and slashed at by editors.

I agree. I say that about the Twilight Series. Then again, I kind of want to go see the movie now... (randomly digresses) Anyway, I'm about to go look at the event commons and buy some of the nice looking ones. I'll brb in a flash.

NightStalker 11-07-2011 01:24 AM

yea like I think in the second movie? when Edward does leave her and she spends months sitting in front of the window wearing the same clothes? and then she screams blood murder while sleeping?

lol I swear if my friends didnt insist on seeing this 'crap' I wouldnt know what happened in the movies

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 01:31 AM

HAHA! That is true when she wore the same clothes for months on end in the 2nd movie. ROFL. Then she almost kills herself jumping off a cliff because she wants to have delusional visions of her beloved. Psychopath, may I say so?

Well, the 4th movie part 1 is coming up. :P She's going to marry and make babies finally. Did I mention that Edward tears up the bed when having sex? LOLOLOL

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 01:35 AM

What amazes me, is that even though all the problems with that relationship are so easy to find, people seem more than happy to ignore them. So many girls go on and on about how they "want a boyfriend just like Edward" and it's really not healthy. These little girls aren't being told otherwise about healthy relationships and it legitimately worries me that they're going to want something that isn't good for them.

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 01:43 AM

Ohmai, I just realized how girls react to the movie... Think of how they will all want to marry early like them. I predict that there will be an increased abortion rate, marriage followed up by a divorce rate, and baby boom.

Well, good thing that not many people believe in Vampire movies.

While I'm at it... Did anyone watch Vampires Suck? Or whatever the Twilight Spoof was called? I wanted to watch that, and I never had the time. :C

NightStalker 11-07-2011 01:44 AM

yea I saw that in the commercials for the new one coming out. if I can help it Im not going to see it.

Im probably completely off and completely alone on this but I think we should boycott the movies and books. or is it now 'entertainment' to watch or read about a dysfunctional and abusive relationship?

I dont know Ive actually seen girls who purposely get themselves tied or trapped into an abusive relationship where the guy beats the crap out of her. and I cant help being embraced and peeved. because guys like that are allowed to walk the streets but if I do anything Id end up in jail. and because the girls Ive seen get themselves into stuff like this think its good and ok.

sorry if this is to heavy


no :( I didnt even hear about it until it left the theaters but I heard it was funny and from what I saw in the commercial they bust on Edward so I would like to see it just to see how funny it really is

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 01:50 AM

I'd like to think that the young girls would know better but my confidence in this is very low. I've known too many younger girls in abusive relationships. What gets me the most though is that it seems like they don't care that the relationship is abusive? It usually stems from not feeling loved enough or not understanding what love really feels like so they just take whatever they can get from wherever. "He's really great when he's not mad/upset/depressed!"

I went and saw it. XD One of the best movies I saw that year, for sure. I couldn't stop laughing and I think I actually started snorting in the theater. I think I found it funnier than my fellow movie-goers.

NightStalker 11-07-2011 01:53 AM

lol when hes not mad/upset/depressed? I think so far hes been all three pretty much right along.

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 01:54 AM

Well, I hate to break the discussion apart, so i must bid both of you adieu.

Hopefully, I can keep in contact. I'll be having a very hectic month with play practice, the play, thanksgiving, and stuff. So, farewll for now, and cyah later!

(BTW- Care to add me Ottersaurus? [if you haven't in the past already] )

NightStalker 11-07-2011 01:56 AM

ok :) thanks for giving us something to talk about friend

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 01:56 AM

Haha, isn't that the truth? I personally can't handle men who are depressed. They just make me laugh and want to punch things, so Edward himself is very unappealing to me. I don't know what girls see in him, and when I ask I'm never told anything besides "He's so romantiiiic~" which is usually followed by squealing and giggling.

c: Totally went and added you, Meh. Take care!

NightStalker 11-07-2011 02:00 AM

In the world of vampires hes a totally pansy...which is the nicest word I can think of that wouldnt offend you. If every other vampire whether in books or movies were real I really honestly believe that they would all be pointing and laughing at Edward

Meh Ish Dum 11-07-2011 02:00 AM

Take care all! Do me a favor by keeping up the enthusiastic Edward Cullen Conversation! XD Au Revoir

NightStalker 11-07-2011 02:01 AM

lol Im not sure how much more we can trash him but Ill try. later Meh

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 02:02 AM

I'm still a firm believer that Lestat would make some sort of pie out of Edward. Vampires to me are monsters, not bad anime excerpts that fall in love with plain, angsty teenagers.

NightStalker 11-07-2011 02:09 AM

I used to read all kind of vampire and monster books when I was in high school. I thought Vampire Dairies was a good series.

for anime I still think the Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust are good movies

hummy 11-07-2011 02:10 AM

how many candies do you need?

Ottersaurus 11-07-2011 02:14 AM

I went through that phase in middle school. I was really picky about my monster books though. I couldn't read anything with romantic sub-text or...well basically anything that makes Twilight what it is. When the Twilight books came out my friends all tried to get me to read them. I tried really hard and then laughed at them all while they got obsessed with something I deemed to be so awful.

I don't really watch a lot of anime and I'm afraid I haven't seen Vampire Hunter D. I've heard it's pretty good though.

hummy 11-07-2011 02:16 AM

has the event rare come out?

NightStalker 11-07-2011 02:28 AM

I did have a friend who tried to get me to read Twilight before the movies started to come out but all she reads is romance books so the fact that she liked Twilight turned me off of even attempting to read the books.

I just checked Hummy I dont see any new items yet. is there suppose to be more?

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