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Cupcake Queen 07-21-2012 09:08 PM

" in that case i hope you dont mind a partner for this. Your father wa a good man he created me to help familys with common problems but i know i am meant for more. Accessing the data in his computers might tell me what that is," she said.

Andraus 07-21-2012 10:58 PM

"You'd Need about 10 password's. My father Kept tight lock on his Classified Information. I have them with me. "he said. "If I find anything, you can have it. If you have a Self-destruct code, il destroy it. Deal? "He said.

Cupcake Queen 07-22-2012 01:12 AM

" deal" she said with a smile. " so now what?" she asked.

Andraus 07-22-2012 08:35 AM

"We'll, while Android's arn't Altogether Common, there is still weapon's dealer's that can Equip them with enough fire power to level An Army. Richie Vegus, A Weapon's Dealer, Is a apart of the Inner circle, which holds the Information on the Entire Black-Market Ring. He'd be abled to help you. "HE said. "he also owe's me a favor for Not Shoving a Grenade up his ass on my last op in Berlin"

Cupcake Queen 07-22-2012 01:25 PM

"do you not think i can take care of myself how i am?" she asked jokingly.

Andraus 07-22-2012 05:04 PM

"Actually, No. "he said, seriously. "While I know your extremly Agile, and you have a Tounge of pure silver, a fight isn't avoidable. I can atleast get you a standing chance."

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 12:30 AM

"ok well then lets get going," she said with a smirk. She was ready to get her revenge and maybe cause i bit of trouble for ant.

Andraus 07-23-2012 09:07 AM

"I'm going to stay here a bit, See if I can hack The Comm Frequencies of the Merc group that's hunting you. Take this "He said, handing her a Strange looking Grenade pin. "Show this to 'im when you see him. It will remind him who owe's who the favor. "He said. "He's in Tenpenny tower, at the Northeast. Not hard to find. "

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 11:35 AM

"ok be back later," she said and exited the building. She made her way towards the Tenpenny tower. She hoped this guy would help her.

Andraus 07-23-2012 05:14 PM

When you get to room 4-15, and enter, you see a Man, sitting a room full of crate's. He's in front of 3-4 terminal's. "Hey there. What do you want, girl?" he asked.

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 05:19 PM

"an old friend of yours sent me," she said showing him the pin. "he said you owe him a favor," she siad.

Andraus 07-23-2012 06:12 PM

"Anthony, that little Basterd......Alright, what do you want, Miss? Explosive's? Illegal Cyborg Upgrade's, for a pet project? Schematic's and Depograpy to build a Mk IV Combat Andriod? Tell me "He said.

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 07:06 PM

"He said i needed fire power so i need plenty of weaponry and maybe an upgrade or two wouldn't hurt," she said.

Andraus 07-23-2012 07:56 PM

"Ah, so your the android. Military's Put up a Pretty Price on your head, but lucky for you, I hold up a Code of Honor, when it come's to paying off my debt's. I can Equip you with a Sonic-Emitter Frequencie Hacker Upgrade, and a Sub-dermal upgrade. I cna also Equip your Body with Various Weaponery. A 25mm Grenade launcher I can build within your Left arm, and a 5mm Vulcan Turret I can equip in your shoulder, for close range surpression. Plus a RPG installed in your back, for aerial Engagment's. " he said.

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 08:42 PM

"Sounds good too me. Lets get started," she said.

Andraus 07-23-2012 08:54 PM

"Alright. Also, I would like to ask a favor "He said, as he laid her down on the Operation table, and the Vivisector's, started applying Machinery to various part's of her body. "I have a PHEONIX Hybrid Cell Accelerator. It Accelerate's the Healing Of Brain Tissue, Skin and Bone cell's. It's a Pet project of mine, but it's still a Prototype. I would pay you Handsomely For Testing it"

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 09:32 PM

"Ok i will test it," she siad.

Andraus 07-23-2012 11:25 PM

After an Hour, the Upgrade's are complete. You feel ....Reinforced, Steel tough. "the Sonic Emitter will allow you to Hack and Disable Enemy Weaponery, or Hack into security system's. The Sub-dermal Implant Reinforce's your skin. Note, it won't make you bullet proof, but you will be a hell of alot tougher "he said.

Cupcake Queen 07-23-2012 11:42 PM

" thank you for your help," she said. She then exited the room and made her way back to Anthony.

Andraus 07-24-2012 03:28 AM

Name: Kyou
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Bio: Ant's sister, Kyou was Raised with her mother, away from her father. She Decided to Take a Militant life-style, Contrast to a Mercenary life-style. She then join's the 'A&C' squad, which is assigned to find, and capture this andriod, dead or alive. She Barly know's her brother, and is therfor not too close.

A women approach's You, looking lost. "Excuse me, but would you happen to know where I can find 21-45-51 Arenti Road?"she ask's.

(that's where Ant live's)

Cupcake Queen 07-24-2012 03:36 AM

" sure i was heading there anyway," she said leading her towards ants place.

Andraus 07-24-2012 11:34 AM

"Oh? Are you my brother's lover?" she asked, plainly. she walked with you.

Cupcake Queen 07-24-2012 12:08 PM

"He is your brother? and no i am not but he sure has everyone thinking that i am," she said.

Andraus 07-24-2012 05:24 PM

"Sound's like him. Yes, I'm his younger sister, born after him. I don't know him that well, though. Last time I saw his was christmas, last year. "she said. "Him and father live here in the state's. My mum and I live in europe. "He said.

Cupcake Queen 07-24-2012 07:44 PM

"you know the your father is dead right?" she asked her as they entered the building. She lead the girl to Anthony's apartment.

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