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Maria-Minamino 03-23-2015 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773303971)
Art Horror Story:
Insane Asylum

LOL XDDDD This conversation has evolved in many random ways XD

Chikyu 03-23-2015 01:00 PM

Lol yes it has!
So how are you enjoying break? :3c

Maria-Minamino 03-23-2015 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773303976)
Lol yes it has!
So how are you enjoying break? :3c

So far it's been relaxing :) I'm house sitting for my parents to be honest - they are gone for a few days to celebrate my dad's birthday. My parents have a bird that won't shut up XDDD I don't know how they deal with it haha XD Other than that - it's great :P

I'm working on pixels :D

Chikyu 03-23-2015 01:12 PM

Well, at least you're getting some alone time, minus the bird XD
What type of bird is it?
I have a parrot, it's a Cuban Amazon, but she screams more than she talks! [mad]

Everyone seems to be getting into pixel art,I must try it sometime this summer!
What are you drawing? Or pixeling? XD

Maria-Minamino 03-23-2015 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773303982)
Well, at least you're getting some alone time, minus the bird XD
What type of bird is it?
I have a parrot, it's a Cuban Amazon, but she screams more than she talks! [mad]

Everyone seems to be getting into pixel art,I must try it sometime this summer!
What are you drawing? Or pixeling? XD

It's a parakeet...he's a stubborn little bird to be honest XDDD And he doesn't talk at all - just chirps loudly XD all the time XD

And I'm pixeling stuff for mene - so I'm not allowed to talk about it - but you'll find out eventually what it is when it eventually gets released :P XD

Chikyu 03-23-2015 03:40 PM

Oh God, my aunt one had five of those guys and they would not stop chirping! It drove us all mad! >:0

Ooh, I wasn't aware it was for Mene, so that info is classified [ninja]

Maria-Minamino 03-23-2015 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773304083)
Oh God, my aunt one had five of those guys and they would not stop chirping! It drove us all mad! >:0

Ooh, I wasn't aware it was for Mene, so that info is classified [ninja]

*knocks on wood* He has finally stopped chirping! XD

And yeah XDDDD I'm making lots of, hopefully, cool things for you guys :P

Chikyu 03-23-2015 09:18 PM

Finally! The bird was like "fine, geez can't a guy sing a little?"

Daaw, we appreciate all efforts that go into our pixel items, whether everyone like certain items or not. [yes]

Maria-Minamino 03-24-2015 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773304307)
Finally! The bird was like "fine, geez can't a guy sing a little?"

Daaw, we appreciate all efforts that go into our pixel items, whether everyone like certain items or not. [yes]

And the bird is chirping away XD Not just chirping but like...squawking XD

And LOL I hope so <3333 Thank yoU!

Chikyu 03-24-2015 06:34 PM

Lol, they're cute but they need to stop chit chatting sometimes [lol]

You're welcome [heart]

Maria-Minamino 03-24-2015 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773305048)
Lol, they're cute but they need to stop chit chatting sometimes [lol]

You're welcome [heart]

haha exactly XDDD No more bird though - I'm back at my place now :)

Chikyu 03-25-2015 02:22 AM

That's a relief! [lol]
I will work on Yuki now that Dai is finished [yes]

Maria-Minamino 03-25-2015 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773305401)
That's a relief! [lol]
I will work on Yuki now that Dai is finished [yes]

haha Yuki will be so cute!! Poor Yuki - no ones knows his/her gender - makes for awkward moments haha XD

Chikyu 03-26-2015 01:23 AM

Haha, I read that and thought it was funny that Keni is convinced Yuki is a girl because of how adorbs she/he is! XD

Maria-Minamino 03-26-2015 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773306439)
Haha, I read that and thought it was funny that Keni is convinced Yuki is a girl because of how adorbs she/he is! XD

LOL yeah - and Keni is too much of a ladies man to think that someone that beautiful could be a guy XD

Chikyu 03-27-2015 09:55 PM

I just thought it'd be hilarious if Yuki said he was a boy all along and Keni would be like :o

Maria-Minamino 03-29-2015 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773308693)
I just thought it'd be hilarious if Yuki said he was a boy all along and Keni would be like :o

haha the world may never know XD (to be honest - my friend and I who created this story just never decided on the gender lmao)

Chikyu 03-29-2015 06:17 PM

Lol, that's so funny, and I kinda like the mystery around it [rofl]

Maria-Minamino 04-01-2015 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773310700)
Lol, that's so funny, and I kinda like the mystery around it [rofl]

Haha same...since we couldnt make up our minds...we decided that by not actually was more interesting for us lol ... plus we wouldn't give the gender away without realizing lol

Chikyu 04-02-2015 01:56 AM

Maria-Minamino: I like that conclusion you both came to XD
Here's Yuki!^<^


Maria-Minamino 04-02-2015 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773315526)
Maria-Minamino: I like that conclusion you both came to XD
Here's Yuki!^<^


Awww Yuki looks so adorable!!! You definitely made it look like Yuki could be either a girl or a boy XDDD I love it!!! Poor Yuki will never know his/her gender :P XDDDTHANK YOU SO MUCH :D

Chikyu 04-02-2015 10:07 PM

I'm so happy you love it! ^<^
I loved drawing Yuki's hair~~

Who would you like next? :D

Maria-Minamino 04-02-2015 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1773303112)
haha - when it goes to you - you can do what you would like with it :P I don't mind if you auction it off XD

And are you sure? You can pick another character if you'd like? I actually have a couple other characters in Mare's world but they have very little references....not sure if you'd be okay with that?

The girl is named Jordan and the boy is named Ty.

Jordan is very petite. Her weapon of choice is a sword. She fights alongside Mare, but is not a dragon rider. She has brown skin and black hair with brown eyes.

Ty is the archer of the group. He is killer with a bow. He is pale with pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He is also not a dragon rider. Here is the only other ref of him:

Their uniforms are the same colors as Mare's uniform.

Here is the only ref of the other character in their group:

He is in the bottom left corner. His name is Damien. He has long hair tied back in a low pony tail. His hair is black. His skin is pale. His eyes are like Mare's - having two different colors because he is a dragon rider and is bonded with a dragon. His left eye is red and his right eye is like ocean blue. His dragon is the opposite of him (in terms of which eye is which). And his dragon has scales the color of the blue eye. PS - He is kind of an asshole - doesn't get along with anyone else in his team XD He wants to be in charge and it kills him that Mare is in charge. They have a love/hate thing going on.

If you'd like to draw any of them despite the lack of refs, I'd love you forever? XD

Any of these guys would be AMAZING?

Did you want to accept the trade yet? <3333

Chikyu 04-02-2015 10:38 PM

Are Jordan and Ty OCs you'd like drawn separate or together? :)

Haha, maybe after the next piece [yes]

Maria-Minamino 04-02-2015 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Chikyu (Post 1773316601)
Are Jordan and Ty OCs you'd like drawn separate or together? :)

Haha, maybe after the next piece [yes]

It would be kind of cool if they were together. But if not, pick one or the other :P

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