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~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-07-2014 05:00 AM

She caught it deftly, without even looking. "I'll need to view this, right away. I cannot afford to bring it back to my father's house." She said.

Andraus 01-07-2014 05:15 AM

Joseph got up. "Go ahead." He said, offering her the computer.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-08-2014 04:16 AM

Vixen took the spot gracefully, sliding the disk into the drive and starting it up. She worked the computer with the skill of a master hacker. Anyone viewing her work without knowing who did it would assume it had been done by a seasoned ex-government employee. You would remember right then all the news stories over the past several years of a hacker that couldn't be caught, that all the experts agreed must be ex-FBI, and realize that they were all her- the ones she allowed them to find out about.

Andraus 01-08-2014 04:39 AM

While allowing the Vixen access to the Hard-drive, much else of the computer was restricted. Most Data-banks were covered with layers of Fire-walls, Trap-doors, etc. She did, however, have free access to the Small device, since Joseph had unlocked it for her.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-09-2014 03:58 AM

Joseph would notice that Vixen didn't even so much as glance at the blocked material. She either simply didn't care what he was hiding, or was too absorbed in finding out about her mother to try.

Andraus 01-10-2014 01:44 AM

(waiting for your big reveal)

Joseph stepped outside, waiting.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-10-2014 04:00 AM

((Wolfie was waiting for you to reveal things! It's the sort of thing you usually do, so she just kind of expected it.))

Vixen took her time going through everything on the disk she had been given. Just as she had thought, there were records of everything involving one Rose Brennan, including her join date, every mission she had ever been given and whether she had succeeded or not (in most cases she had) and even the dates of the conception and birth of Vixen, and everything in between. There were ultrasound pictures that her own father didn't have. Diary entries that her mother had left behind, almost all of them with relevant information left specifically for her. The fiery young Irishwoman left that room two hours later, tear tracks on her cheeks clearly showing that she had been crying. "All right. She was here...she wanted me here. I accept the mission you asked of me." She said, a spark of anger entering her eyes as she thought of her father.

Andraus 01-10-2014 07:47 PM

"Here's the plan. "He said. He then handed her a bullet-proof vest, to wear under her outfit. "I'm going to hire two thugs, through an Intermediary, and when they are driving you to a 'selected' spot, the Intermediary will inform the Irish mob. At this time, I'll play the part of a 'hero', and stop them. Most likely, your father's gun-men will probably take me in for Interrogation. I'll need you to vouch that I saved you. Comprende? "he asked.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-12-2014 05:47 AM

Vixen shrugged on the vest and secured it. It would blend in perfectly under her clothes. "I was kidnapped by these thugs to be used as leverage against my father. Just as he was trying to get me back without paying, you came in and save me. You're my hero, and we owe you. Like a good little girl, I'll beg my daddy to let you live- because I can guarantee you that he'll want to kill you for even knowing about me. Is that pretty much the gist of it?" She asked. She could manage that much. "And when do I kill him. When can you get me out of there without them suspecting anything?"

Andraus 01-12-2014 06:01 PM

"I'll go undercover. "he said. "Your father isn't stupid. Anyone who can hold a gun properly, and string two-words together, who isn't a wanna-be gangster, would be a benefit to his group. It's even more-so since I can claim to my Irish origin. "he said. "Plus, knowing your father, he'll probably look for you a Marriage candidate, so there is blood to carry on the family business. With this, I'd rise into the Ranks of the Irish mob, getting close enough to kill your father myself. "he said. "This will get me an understanding on the Irish mob structure, and give you a chance to escape. "he said. "just one thing : Your Dad's Second-in-command, Niall MacCathmhaoil? I want him dead. "he said

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-13-2014 03:48 AM

Vixen's expression darkened. "You're in luck. My father's already started looking for a man for me. And guess who he keeps pushing me to marry?" She asked angrily. She hated her father's second in command, and always had. Now her father wanted her to marry the man, and she wanted nothing more than to kill him. "Now, I'll go along with this because I want out. But I have dibs on my father's head. He's my kill, is that understood?"

Andraus 01-13-2014 04:16 AM

"I want Niall dead, because he killed my father. Help me take down the Irish mob, and give me him, and I'll let you do whatever the hell you want. "he said, loading his pistol. "Alright, you ready?" he asked

(should we time-skip? and where is gothy?)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-14-2014 03:35 AM

((Yeah sure. And Wolfie has no idea. Probably busy.))

Vixen nodded. "Got it. You get Niall, and my father is mine. I'll tell you right now, though, you won't be able to take down the Irish mob with one move. It'll take years." She warned.

((Seriously, no one can take down the mob that easy. Any mob. Besides, it would be boring if you did. The roleplay needs all the bad guys it can get.))

Andraus 01-14-2014 05:48 AM

(~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Ever heard the phrase 'Cut off the head of the snake, and the Body will roll?' that's what he plans on doing. He plans on killing off the entire Irish Mafia line of Succession, ending with her father. It will take...a year. Timeskip)

Joseph was in the Interrogation Room, awaiting the Mafia boss, and his Second. When Niall walked in, with Vixen, Joseph smiled tauntingly. "Why, hello there, Kinsmen. Would you care for some Bushmall 10-year single Malt?" he asked, pointing to the Bottle that had been left behind for him, to keep him complacent.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-15-2014 04:46 AM

((Still wouldn't work. Have you ever really paid attention to the mafia? They have everything so perfectly set up that even if the first three families in position for leadership were killed off in one night, they would still come through it. It would take years, maybe even decades to take them down. Why do you think the police haven't been able to do it yet? They're too powerful.))

Vixen walked in with Niall, careful not to let the slimeball touch her. She looked composed and businesslike, mature beyond her years as always. Nothing at all betrayed in her gaze as she looked at the man in front of her. She let Niall pull out her chair, then sat down as the other sat next to her, across the table from Joseph. Vixen pulled a face at the mention of the liquor."No, thank you. I'm really more of a Guinness girl myself." She said. "Shall we begin?"

Andraus 01-17-2014 03:51 AM

"Guinness tastes a bit too weak for me, but to each his/her own. "he said, sitting back. "alright, when are you going to pay me?" he asked. He played his part well. He acted like a Regular punk, looking for a good cut of cash.

" 'pay you'? I'm Rather surprised you would think that, kid. Knowing about young Vixen here, normally calls for your execution, and would've been effective immediately. "He started to say.

"Oh, but wait! let me guess, The girl wants to thank me for saving her? 20 grand would be nice. "He said, his voice holding a hint of accent, with a Cocky Undertone.

"Hmph, Genuine Avarice in you, kid. But no, we're not paying you. The Boss wants to offer you a place in our Organization. He thinks you could be a real benefit to us. "he said.

"Hmm......Hows the pay?" Joseph asked.

"For now, you start out small, little fish. You do good work, and you'll rise up fast. "Niall said. "What do you say?" he asked.

"Well let's see, I either join you, or die. I'm rather fond of living, if you don't mind, so I'll just stay with you guys for the time being. "he said. He then turned to Vixen, with a Cocky Half-smile on his face. "You got anything to say, lovely lady?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-17-2014 04:58 AM

Vixen raised an eyebrow and quirked a small smirk in his direction. "I only want to thank you. And warn you...if you don't do well, you'll end up my own personal bodyguard." She said. She was glad that Niall hadn't used her real name. Usually he never called her by her nickname, but he must have thought it would be too risky to use her given name in front of a stranger. Just to spite him, she reached her hand forward for Joseph to shake. "Welcome to the party, guy. My name's Siobhan, but everyone calls me Vixen. I suggest you do the same."

Andraus 01-19-2014 10:49 PM

"Thanks for the advice, but I'm not everyone, am I?" he asked, with a grin. "So, 'Vixen' whats my first job?" he asked.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-20-2014 06:58 AM

Vixen crossed her arms and glanced at Niall. "I'm afraid that's Niall's territory. He'll be showing you the ropes for a few days. Let you know how we operate. And watch you closely, to make sure you can be trusted." She said, meeting his eye pointedly. She was warning him that he would be under constant surveillance. He wouldn't be able to piss without being watched. His best bet was to behave and wait for her to get him moved into a position as her bodyguard.

Andraus 01-21-2014 03:42 AM

"His first job is to accompany you, on a run to deliver guns to our Racket in the Down-town Area. Boss's orders. "he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-22-2014 04:17 AM

Vixen quirked an eyebrow and chuckled. "Well what do you know. Looks like dear old dad one-upped me again." She said, standing up. "Can't figure how he does it. Anyway, we might as well get moving. Best to complete these runs in a timely fashion."

Andraus 01-30-2014 05:02 AM

"Oh, the way I drive, They'll arrive before they expect. "he said, with his cocky grin back.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-30-2014 05:20 AM

Vixen raised an eyebrow. "Best be careful. Doing anything too reckless with me around will get you into trouble." She said. They would be watched, and she knew it. If her father thought for even a second that the new guy was endangering her safety, he would not hesitate to kill him.

Andraus 01-30-2014 05:55 AM

"Come on, Sweet face. I'll make sure you get home, Nice and safe. "He said, getting into a car, provided to them. He then checked around every nook and corner, and every little spot. When he deemed it safe, he drove off, turning back into a serious face. "I need you to look like your falling for me. "He said, checking everywhere twice at a red light. Paranoia was a virtue with him. "When your father sees you taking an Interest in me, he'll need to act. Most likely, that bastard niall will as well. Niall will get what's coming to him, that Educated Cockroach." he said, pulling a pistol out, at another red-light, and reloading it. The man was jittery, and obviously on edge. He also looked like he hadn't got a wink of sleep.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 01-31-2014 03:57 AM

Vixen, as usual, was the picture of calm. "I'm a good actress, but I'll need a costar for this one. I can't just fall for you- father will never believe it. You've got to woo me. Though I have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing Niall's face when I start asking to have you assigned to me. I can't stand that smug bastard. Are you quite alright?" She asked, noticing how paranoid he seemed. Of course, paranoia was a good thing in his position, but it was never good to show it. "They'll eat you alive if you show any emotion. Emotion is weakness, remember that." She advised.

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