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Amane 04-19-2014 03:14 AM

But winter is the best time of year! You don't get attacked by bugs whenever you go outside or have them invading your house! And you can wear heavy things and wrap up in blankets! [squee]

Elirona 04-19-2014 03:14 AM

@Cookie: Indeed! Let's have a moment of truth here: I've never read harry potter. :p I have watched most of the movies, though! I've skipped out on the deathly hallows. :C

@Livi: we'll be here if you come back! :p

@Amane: I prefer Autumn! It's not too hot, but it's not too cold. There's also something beautiful about trees who don't have any leaves.

Amane 04-19-2014 03:22 AM

Falls means bees and ladybugs. [gonk] It is a pretty time of year, but I can't do it!

Elirona 04-19-2014 03:23 AM

@Amane: But Ladybugs and bees are nice! Bees won't bother you unless you bother them, and ladybugs are cute!

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 03:26 AM

@Amane - I prefer wearing less clothes to more.

@Eli - I read the first four books and I saw five of the movies. I know, more or less, what happens at the end of HP, but I've just never tried to finish it off. Regardless, Snape is another one of those characters they try to woobify and justify all the terrible things he does.

Amane 04-19-2014 03:26 AM

I don't approve of bees chasing me. Once I rolled out of a car because a bee was buzzing right next to me. One of scariest moments I've experienced.
As for ladybugs, they freak me out 'cause they'll sit anywhere for hours and won't move unless you try to kill them. That requires not being afraid of them. I'm terrified of all the insects except butterflies. I wouldn't be too happy if one of them landed near me, either.

I love layers. I'm creative with clothes, and my outfit ideas are layers.

Elirona 04-19-2014 03:30 AM

@Cookie: I know! People are dumb. I'm also glad you didn't get mad at me for not reading them! People always get so offended when I tell them I haven't read the books.

@ Amane: Bees are just curious little buddies! Ladybugs are pretty harmless to people. And I'm with you on the winter being better than summer! I'd rather be cold than hot. When you're cold, you can put more clothes on to keep warm! But, if you're hot, you can only take off so much before things get naughty. :P

Amane 04-19-2014 03:38 AM

I know ladybugs are harmless, but they still scare me so bad I could scream. I know bees can sting, and I want no part of being around them no matter what anyone says about when they sting. I scream. I run. I have even yelled, "Please help me!"
Exactly! That is part of why I'd rather it be cold than hot. It's mainly the bugs. There are way too many of them that seem to be hunting me down.

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 03:39 AM

I'm perfectly ok with bugs, except mosquitoes. Those are evil. Sometimes I kill spiders in the house, sometimes I let them go. They're not a big deal unless they're in my space, then they have to go.

And without bees, our agriculture would completely break down. I've walked through a massive swarm of bees before and not gotten stung at all. It's all the flaily flailing people that always get stung and that makes me laugh, because I'm mean. [twisted]

@Eli - Meh. I haven't ready/watched a lot of things that people say you NEED to read/watch. I enjoy Harry Potter, but I enjoy it on my own terms thank you very much, not anyone else's.

Elirona 04-19-2014 03:39 AM

@Amane: Hmm, okay, that's understandable. Sorry for being kind of pushy. <:3c
A lot of bugs are huge jerks, though!

@Cookie: Sometimes I feel that if I "NEED" to watch/read it, it's probably really overrated.

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 03:45 AM

I just watch what I want, when I want. It's really hard to make me want to watch something. Even when friends recommend something they think I'll like, I have a hard time trying to even watch it. I want to watch what I want, when I want dammit! I'm just stubborn like that.

Elirona 04-19-2014 03:49 AM

I feel the same way! Being pushed to watch something makes me want to watch it even less.

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 03:53 AM

Pretty much. And also, the more hype something generates, the more I shy away from it. If I discover it by myself, cool, whatever. If someone else wants to get me into it, probably not gonna happen, especially if dozens of people keep goign on about how awesome it is.

Elirona 04-19-2014 04:00 AM

@Cookie: Exactly! I'm scared it'll be a huge let down, which it usually is. :p

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 04:03 AM


I finally started watching Kill la Kill, because I loved Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and this is from the same people or whatever and there was a lot of hype and I.....don't like it. I thought I could, maybe, struggle through it, but instead of 13 episodes, there's 24. I'm going to admit defeat after this one and stop watching. I just don't like it. But, at least I watched it on my own terms. *shrugs*

Elirona 04-19-2014 04:03 AM

@Cookie: Aww, I'm sorry you didn't like it! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Amane 04-19-2014 04:04 AM

Oh, I didn't see you as being pushy at all, Elirona! I do have serious bug issues.

Cookie, that's not normal.

I don't like knowing too much about the story before I read/watch something.

Elirona 04-19-2014 04:09 AM

@Amane: well, we've all got our issues. :) I like to know what happens, because I don't like being surprised. :(

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 04:15 AM

@Eli - It's just too much and not in the good fun way for me. It's too much in the "We're trying too damn hard to be edgy and funny!" way. It was the same way for me with Panty and Stockings. It was trying too damn hard and as a result, I hated it. Bleh.

@Amane - What? The bugs? Or the avoiding the hype? I know lots of people who do that.

Elirona 04-19-2014 04:16 AM

@Cookie: Well, we all feel differently about a lot of things. :)

Amane 04-19-2014 04:17 AM

I love being surprised as long as everyone I like doesn't die or just end up miserable.

The bugs, Cookie.

For-Chan Cookie 04-19-2014 04:25 AM

Well, we're all different people. I think it would be scary to be part of a mind meld thingy [gonk]

@Amane - No, that's pretty normal. Some people don't care about bugs and don't kill them. Spiders eat other bugs, so why kill them?

Amane 04-19-2014 04:28 AM


Mind clones. *shivers*

Elirona 04-19-2014 04:29 AM

@Cookie: I agree! Difference is good. :)

@Amane: *puts blanket over to hide you from the spiders*

Amane 04-19-2014 04:31 AM

*sticks thumb out of blanket* Thaaanks.

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