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K-chan10307 07-06-2014 10:24 PM

“Or you could be patient and just fish. It isn’t too hard,” Melanie murmured under her breath. She strengthened their mask as she felt it slowly ebb away. It has been quite a long time since I ate though, she reminded herself. That coupled with everything they had been through in the last few days explained why her energy was depleting so quickly. She didn’t want her travelling buddy to know how she was feeling, so she kept silent about it. Besides, he might just say something to piss me off, and that would blow our entire cover away. She was never one to ask for help anyway.

Upon hearing his question, she shrugged. “West Coast is fine,” she answered, loud enough for him to hear. “You can drop me off wherever you feel is best. I can make my way home from there. I think at this point, we're more concerned about getting you somewhere safe.”

The best thing about her abilities was that travelling was often very easy. People could be persuaded with a push, and she can make her way through security without even being noticed. No one on her field of work understood how she was able to get into countries and areas that were off limits. If people were looking for her, she could do it again. Once she purchased another computer, she could hack their security systems and erase herself from the computer.

And this is exactly why whoever is after you is after you, she reminded herself. But she didn’t care. She may have hated what she was, but for now, it kept her safe, and that’s all she needed.

EltiaskWolffe 07-06-2014 10:56 PM

Twilight finally embraced the ocean, covering them with its grey shades. Wolffe smiled gently as he spotted several stars above him, though it would still take some time for him to see them all. He heard Protegée's comments on his safety, but he shrugged them off quickly. "I've been able to survive in the wild for seven years. I think I can manage to go unnoticed on mainland, though I'm sure there are several surprises waiting for me." His eyes shifted back to the ocean in front of him and the navigation charts on top of the control board, scanning them quickly. He then spoke once more gently "I think we're safe now. We're far enough from the island, and it's almost nighttime."

K-chan10307 07-07-2014 01:19 AM

Once getting the clear, Melanie dropped the mask, slumping against the rail. She hung there for a while, waiting for the feeling to come back to her legs. “Well if you feel like taking the risk, I live in Washington. Drop me off there.” Giving up on staying upright, she dropped to the ground in a sitting position. “You can stay at my place and regroup on anything you need and then head out to wherever you want to go.”

She lay down on the deck, watching the pink sky prepare to darken into its midnight purple hue. The color of it was really wonderful, and for once she wasn’t worried about her life. She reached over and mentally found her bag, dragging it telekinetically over to her. “So Eltiask, other than the whole tragic experiment that was your adult life, what else do you do?” She pulled her camera out of the bag, gingerly checking all the parts. Oh thank god everything’s fine.

“Who are you besides that complete ass that likes killing people who won’t leave you alone?” She raised the camera to her eye, fixing the settings to capture the colors perfectly, taking a few shots.

EltiaskWolffe 07-07-2014 02:04 AM

"I don't see a problem at all. Then to Washington it is," Wolffe said as he checked once more his navigation charts to correct the speedboat's route. The boat tilted gently to the left and then kept on moving swiftly over the waves. The hunter checked the gas marker on the board. It was almost half empty. "I just hope we have enough to get to land..." He sighed once more gently, observing the remnants of a faint sunlight before night finally settled in. His eyes turned to the skies, quickly recognizing several constellations and stars. He smiled gently before shifting his eyes to Protegée, who was sitting on the deck's floor with her camera. Wolffe had heard her questions, but wasn't really sure how to answer them. He hesitated for a moment before replying carefully.

"I was studying in the USMC's Medical School. It has been the one and only thing to truly make me feel happy for my life, but it was also taken away."

K-chan10307 07-07-2014 02:39 AM

Melanie removed the camera from her face, flipping through the photos on her memory card. She had seen that when she had touched him. It didn’t stand out as he was much more haunted by his terrible memories than he was redeemed by his good ones. He had so few good ones. She realized she was starting to feel sorry for him again, and wanted to comfort him. Instantly, she shut down that train of thought.

“How did you end up in this line then?” She looked him in the eye, never moving from her comfortable spot on the deck. “You had a choice. I was purposefully bred for this.” Her mind flashed back to the picture of her birth mother in her notebook. She had died during childbirth—that was the story. But there were several people who knew she wasn’t. She was killed. Her memory flashed to the sight of her own dead parents in the car. Another flash, a dark room, with a sobbing blonde girl in it. ”If you’re good and do what I tell you, you can come out of the room? Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to be outside again? With your friends, Rose?” Melanie let out a swear, setting her camera down and shutting her eyes.

She drew her knees up to her chest and pressed her hands against her ears, trying to block out the words that were ringing in her head. It suddenly got dark and very hard to breathe. ”She’s in pain, Rose. Don’t you want her to stop crying?” The feelings of fear and sadness had been suffocating her. She screamed, and suddenly the other girl’s voice had joined her. “Good girl, Rose. Look, you stopped her.” The girl was dead. Blood streamed out of her ears, nose and mouth. She started screaming again. The objects in the room started swirling around her. Men rushed to her. Some of them got knocked back by the array of objects flying around, but others expertly dodge her, picking her up. The touch bothered her. She heard everything he was saying and thinking. She saw all those dead little girls. She continued to scream until she felt the needle in her.

“No. No, no, no, no, no, no…” Melanie muttered to herself, trying to shut out the memories. It had been a good three years since this had happened to her. She thought she was getting better, but the can of worms that was her trip to China had ruined it. Everything leading up to this moment had taken it out of her, and her nightmares were back, catching her before she could even go to sleep.

The bad men were back, dragging a reluctant brunette towards her. Dahlia. Her best friend. “She’s been bad, Rose. What happens to bad girls?” No! They were sticking pads on her head and body. “What happens to bad girls, Rose?” No, she’s my best friend! I don’t want to! “But I’m your friend, Rose.” No! The shocks came. Her head hurt so much. No! She started screaming, Dahlia joined her. Everything went white. And then Dahlia was dead. “That’s my good girl, Rose.”

“No,” she whimpered, her tears finally giving way. “No, stop it.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-07-2014 03:14 AM

"I was naïve. Even after all that I had gone through, deep down I still hoped for everything to get better as I grew up and separated myself from my father." Wolffe shook his head gently, closing his eyes in the process. He hadn't remembered all the hopes he had when he joined the Navy in more than eight years, and now they were slowly making its way back to his mind. How different were things back then, when he just joined the Navy. Of course he wasn't the same, both physically and mentally, but that was a completely different story for a different time. He kept on speaking quietly, as if afraid to wake up his slumbering demons. "When I was recruited, I was the loner in the whole group. I wasn't picked on, I just decided to separate myself from the rest. After living with my father, whatever physical punishment they threw at me was nothing, so I just endured as always. That's what got Ferris' attention on the first place." The hunter sighed deeply before continuing. "He was pissed because someone could, in fact, endure his punishments. I endured his personality until one day I decided it was enough. His buddies pushed me aside and I couldn't hit him at all, but after that, there was something different about him." Wolffe stopped for a while to think of the following part of the story, but that was when he saw Protegée mumbling and trying to hide at the corner. He walked up to where she was, a frown covering his face. "Hey, you alright?" He kneeled and placed his hand on her shoulder, only to be received with a sudden jolt of electricity running through his right arm and memories that weren't his.

K-chan10307 07-07-2014 04:07 AM

None of the girls wanted to play with her anymore. They didn’t trust her. She killed two of them already. She was alone but they hated her so much, she could hear their thoughts and feel the anger in their bodies. All the bad words they said about her swirled around her mind. So many needles. So many shocks. Her head hurt all the time. “Good girl, Rose,” whenever she did what they asked. Shocks and pain when she didn’t. “Look what you did, Rose, you killed a grown-up.”

She didn’t know how she got out. But one day she couldn’t remember any of it until she fell asleep. She had a new family now. For months she would only let her mother touch her. Her parents had been patient, getting her to trust them, assuming that she must have had the most abusive past. They assumed she was autistic, but the doctors never confirmed it. Despite that, her parents and brothers helped her grow out of it. Her nightmares became more spaced out.

“Here, drink this.” It was her first college party. She knew she shouldn’t have come, but she just wanted to be normal for once, so she built up her barriers and went, avoiding touching whoever came near. “What is it?” “Just some beer.” She drank, but everything spun. Her mind, advanced and sensitive reacted badly. Then he touched her. She saw the night he planned out for them. It made her want to vomit. He had done this before. So many other girls. So much fear and pain. No, stop it!

She called her mother, asked her to drive up to the school and get her out of there. So much pain, so much fear. He had a sickness in him that was eating at her. The drugs took her mind somewhere terrible. She couldn’t control what she saw or felt. Her father helped her into the car, both parents wondering if they should take her to the hospital. The memories came up again. The lab. The men. The girls. The shocks. No, stop!

Then she saw dying. She felt her skin burn up in the fire that surrounded the car. Hands. They were holding each other. They were so sorry they couldn’t save her. Mommy! Daddy! Strong hands dragged her out. She couldn’t deal with it. Too much touching. Too much death. She died with her parents, her mind going blank. “She’s having a seizure!” she heard distantly. The nightmares came back after that. Her brothers stayed with her for months helping her recover. They promised they didn’t hate her, but she killed their parents. “Look Rose, you killed your mommy and daddy. What a bad girl.” She expected shocks. “Dammit, Bryan! She’s having another seizure!” So many shocks.

Melanie felt him touch her. He was warm. He was quiet. Her thoughts slowed a bit, her mind stopped swirling so fast. At that point, she wasn’t even aware who was there. He was so quiet, he took the pain away. Shakily, she wrapped her arms around him, just wanting the nightmares to stop. She continued sobbing, the guilt of killing her own parents still ate at her. She had done so many terrible things. All the pain, all the shocks, all the fear. She just wanted it all to stop. Stop!

EltiaskWolffe 07-07-2014 04:54 AM

Wolffe couldn't understand how Protegée had kept bottled up so many experiences deep in her mind. Even though the speed in which those memories were flashing in front of his eyes was incredible, he could clearly see them all. The experiments, the children, the scientists... He recognized fear, so much fear and desperation his heart ached for a moment. Theh unter then realized he wasn't alone in the amount of suffering he had gone through. Without warning, she wrapped her arms quite strongly around his frame, to which he replied by doing what came natural: he embraced her too. Wolffe placed his right hand on the back of her head, and with his left arm he embraced her small frame against his own. "It'll be alright, this isn't happening," he whispered gently to her ear, "Don't let go. You're gonna be fine."

Deep down inside his own mind, though, he was trying to reassure himself of what he was telling her.

K-chan10307 07-07-2014 04:50 PM

She clung to him, trying to burrow herself into the warmth and the quiet. Eventually, the darkness that took over her mind relented. The memories and the pain faded slowly. She dragged air into her lungs, as if trying to remember how to breathe again. Melanie opened her eyes for a moment, unseeing. Her body shook with the memories and the sobs. She heard his voice through the memories crashing over her. They drew her to the surface, saving her from drowning. Finally, everything was gone. Everything was normal again.

It was then that she remembered where she was. The warmth that pulled her out was the last person she expected comfort from. Melanie shut her eyes, just staying there for another second. She reveled in that small moment, happy that she wasn’t alone, that she could touch someone and not have to fall over from it. Then she let go, pushing herself away from Eltiask. She could tell that he knew. He must’ve seen what went through her mind and how horrible she actually was. Guilt rose up in her. “I-I’m so sorry,” she said, moving back to increase the distance between them, she wiped at her tears with the back of her arm, trying to compose herself.

EltiaskWolffe 07-08-2014 10:23 PM

"Don't be," Wolffe said quietly as she moved back from him, "We both have had our shares of suffering, huh?" He smiled gently before pushing himself off the floor and making his way back to the boat's control room and shifted his eyes to the horizon, from time to time scanning the skies to make sure they were going on the right direction. In a way, he wanted to talk with her about what he had seen. The hunter had a strange urge about it, but somehow knew better than to do it now. The words got caught in his throat, though he did no efforts whatsoever to let them free.

"You should sleep," he said loud enough for her to hear him. "It's been a long day, and you've kept your distractions up all day long. I'll keep guard."

K-chan10307 07-10-2014 05:58 AM

He was being so nice. It unnerved her for a bit, surprised at his gentle voice, free of the mocking and contempt that he usually held toward her. It was probably the most definitive sign that he saw what happened in her head during that panic attack. She saw the curiosity in his eyes and felt it in her bones. He saw things, but that didn’t mean he really understood what happened. Truth be told, Melanie wasn’t even too sure of her early childhood years, but the memories still haunted her.

She shifted her eyes away, staring instead at the smooth pattern of the deck. Sleep sounded like a good idea, but Melanie was still half-afraid her nightmares would return. She’d much rather face insomnia than that. In her moment of doubt, Eltiask’s assurance that she would be fine, uttered just moments ago, rang in her head. She watched him head into the control room and took a deep breath, laying out on the deck and shutting her eyes.

EltiaskWolffe 07-11-2014 03:11 AM

He could see the skies turning to a weak shade of grey right in front of his eyes, though he knew it would still take some time for the sun to finally rise. Wolffe stretched gently, hearing the inner cracks of his vertebrae falling back to their right positions. He pushed a lever to his right, causing the boat to accelerate gently over the ocean's surface. He had spotted land half an hour before, but now they were close enough for him to see a landscape similar enough to the one on his island. There were cliffs along the coastline, and on top of them he could see a pine forest. He inhaled deeply, recognizing quickly that special scent the pines always had along with the salt from the ocean. "It feels like home, but this isn't home..." He sighed gently, shifting his eyes to the water in front of the boat. He just hoped he didn't hit anything with it, mainly because he lacked navigation charts of that coastline.

K-chan10307 07-13-2014 05:43 AM

It didn’t feel like any time had passed when Melanie opened her eyes. Her body was still exhausted and for a moment, her mind protested even trying to wake up. It was only the understanding that she was not on a very comfortable bed that made her fully focus her mind on being conscious. She knew she didn’t sleep too much, but the sun was already prepared to make its way across the sky, so she knew she at least slept for a while. Melanie stood up and stretched, feeling the popping of her bones and her muscles relaxing.

She turned and saw Eltiask in the control room before registering where they were. She was so close to home. She shut her eyes and inhaled the crisp air into her lungs, loving how it cooled her. She bumbled her way to the controls. “Good morning,” she said softly, trying to erase memories of the previous night from existence. “Welcome to Washington…waters.” She scanned the shoreline, wondering just how they were going to get off the water. While her property did stretch through the woods and onto the coast, she had never looked at it from the perspective she was seeing now. Her only hope was…there.

Melanie’s eyes lit up as she pointed to the docks of the very small town she lived on the edge of. There was a giant flag coming from one of the fishing warehouses, baring the company’s logo in a bright red. “I live in that town,” she informed. “How lucky are we? You should pull into the docks. From the looks of the sky, it’s too early for ships to be arriving or any of the shops in that area to be opening. We can get there relatively unnoticed. I parked at the bus station—it’s only a five minute walk. We can drive up to my place. You can regroup there and have a nice place to sleep in before going off. That’ll be my thank you for getting me home.”

She changed her posture, shifting her feet so they would fully support her. Her eyes became amber as she masked the boat and the two of them on there. “That’ll definitely make it harder for others to notice us.”

EltiaskWolffe 07-24-2014 03:34 AM

Wolffe frowned noticeably, not liking the idea of heading into town at all. It was still early in the morning, though he didn't want townspeople finding a Navy speedboat in their docks. He cleared his throat gently, trying to find the right way to word his thoughts. "I'd rather not have to leave the boat here," he said as he motioned to the docks with his head, his turquoise eyes shimmering in the dawn's soft light, "Finding a speedboat like this will get some people thinking, and I don't want to find myself rushing back into hiding before having a proper rest." He remained silent as he directed the boat to the docks, getting close enough for her to get off.

"I'll take care of the boat and then find you," the hunter said simply as he made his way to the left side of the boat to help her down.

K-chan10307 07-24-2014 04:49 AM

It wasn’t hard to guess Eltiask’s thoughts. As carefully as he hid himself, Melanie was irrevocably connected to him now—she could feel how uncomfortable he was, and appreciated his attempt to spare her feelings. She sent him a reassuring smile. “It’s alright,” she said. “I understand.” While she was still unused to his suddenly courteous behavior, she gladly accepted his help off the boat as her own body has yet to regain all its strength back yet.

“I’ll circle around and see if there’s any breakfast places open to get some food from,” she said softly, as if raising her voice even a little bit might draw the attention of the world to them. She flashed him a wry grin, trying to diffuse their still tense relationship with humor. “You better not run away. It’s quite rude to ditch a woman.” With that, Melanie turned to walk along the streets she had become so familiar with.

When Melanie had chosen to move here from California after the death of her parents, she had already done extensive research on the area. The town had a culture of privacy. Sure, the people were quite friendly, but in the end they all respected each other’s needs to be alone. That alone made it obvious that this town was perfect for her. Aside from her own home being so close to the woods and the coast, she could come and go as she pleased, and no one would speculate on it. Melanie found her car easily, glad that her keys still worked. She drove to a diner, ordering sandwiches for both her and Eltiask. The woman who owned the diner gave Melanie a half-knowing smile as she handed her the food. Melanie chose to ignore it, paying for the food and leaving the diner.

Melanie drove back to the docks, resting her head against the window as she gingerly sipped her coffee and took delicate bites of her food. The rest of the town seemed to be asleep. If there weren’t such chaos in her mind, she would have shut her eyes and shut the world out. But that wasn’t the case. Instead, Melanie simply watched the docks through the cracks of her eyes.

EltiaskWolffe 07-30-2014 07:57 PM

Wolffe smiled back gently as he turned to walk back to the control room, where he quickly steered the boat away from the docks. Something deep in his mind was nagging him constantly, and as he got away from the town, it slowly faded away. He frowned noticeably, though did nothing about it. His priority right now was to find a place to hide the boat, or if needed be, a place where he could sink it. With this objective in mind, his eyes began to scan the coastline, trying to find the right place to fulfill his mission.

The landscape was quite similar to the Western part of his island, protected from strangers with great cliffs. Unlike his island, though, he hadn't spotted any caves yet. "You know, forget it." Turning off the engines, the hunter began to search for the emergency kit he knew the boat had, hunting for the flares. He found them somewhere at the back, took both of them, and went back to pick up his belongings. He needed to sink the boat without causing a fire. Otherwise, people would find out and that was precisely what he was trying to avoid. Stopping for a second, he stared at the flares he was holding in his right hand. "And what precisely are you planning to do with those?" He threw them aside before heading to the engines and purging them of oil. With what was left, he placed the boat on collision course with some rocks he had spotted far from the shore. "There's no turning back now, you know..." He stared at the boat for a second before locking the speed lever. Inhaling deeply, Wolffe ran to the side of the speedboat and jumped into the cold sea, swimming to get to the cliffs. Once from there he could find his way back to the town.

After some time, a drenched up Wolffe was walking down the docks, feeling quite uneasy in town, and looking for someone. "I just want to get out of here..."

K-chan10307 07-31-2014 12:47 AM

Melanie perked up when she heard Eltiask’s thoughts. She immediately found him, surprised at his state. She realized then that he had sunk the boat. She frowned, feeling his discomfort. With a sigh, she drove her car over to him, throwing that suggestion into his mind that he look her way. She didn’t want to beep or make any other noise that would draw attention to them.

Melanie stopped in front of him and unlocked her passenger side door. “Get in,” she invited. She turned on the heated seat on the car. “This should warm you up.” It was much too early to go shopping for new clothes, and her brothers haven’t left any clothes at her place. “You can take a shower at my house. I’ll throw your clothes in the wash and they’ll be nice and dry by the time you’re done. Also, I bought you some food.”

EltiaskWolffe 08-01-2014 07:43 AM

"I'll be fine," Wolffe assured her as he got into the car, "I just need a place to crash on. After that, I'll be gone from your life and it'll be as if nothing had happened." His words were sharp, but not in an offensive manner. It seemed as if he was trying really hard to not lose his composure, and that was exactly what was going through his mind. The hunter frowned noticeably as he turned off the heated seat, feeling quite uncomfortable. He shifted restlessly on the seat as he stared through the window, his frown never disappearing his forehead.

"Just drive, I want to get out of this town as fast as possible."

K-chan10307 08-02-2014 07:18 PM

She couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she drove away from the docks. Melanie made a mental note to herself to get her car cleaned after this entire ordeal was over, because the last thing she needed was a car that smelled of the ocean. While the town she chose to live in was indeed very small, it was quite large in acreage. The land of the town actually stretched quite far and with such a small population, people were pretty spread out too. Melanie pulled onto a very familiar road, heading to the very edge of town, where her home was.

Driving took over a half-hour, but finally, she pulled into her driveway, feeling so much more relaxed now that she was home. Her house was very large and spacious, with tall windows to let in the sunlight. “Here we are,” she said, popping off her seatbelt and slipping out of the car.

She made her way up the stairs to her front door, where she turned off her security system. She had gotten very good at being careful about being safe over the years. Her living room was just the way she left it. The walls were an icy blue color, painted with the sheerest coat of light blue that could easily be confused for white. Melanie was able to see the difference, though. On her walls were enlarged and framed photos of her favorite shots, mostly dangerous animals calmly approaching the photographer. The outside of the house presented a very traditional appeal, but the inside had a much more modern flair. The most traditional furniture item in her home was the massive fireplace. There she made it a centerpiece of memories, with pictures hanging on the wall around it and on the mantel filled with tidbits of her childhood and family.

She kicked off her shoes in the front hallway and gave Eltiask a look, begging him to do that same.

“Bathroom’s right down the hall. Give me a shout so I can grab your clothes for the wash.” Without turning around, she went into the kitchen, taking an inventory on all that she had, and trying to figure out if another trip to town would be worth it. While she had no fresh vegetables or fruits, she did have enough food in her pantry to last her a few days before having to go to the market. With that decided, Melanie headed back to the parlor to make sure Eltiask was okay.

EltiaskWolffe 06-01-2015 02:39 AM

Eltiask was... Impressed. Protegée's house had that ancient scent Eltiask remembered from somewhere in his past, yet was unable to locate. He scanned it carefully, locating balconies and windows on the outside that could become escape routes if needed. His eyes moved swiftly from one place to another, making mental notes on certain things, such as corners and places where he could leap into the woods if needed. For some reason, the hunter was really thankful when he found out her place was located in the middle of the woods. He had no plans at all to meet with people. Years of being isolated and on a psychotic killing spree had done wonders to his social interactions, and he wasn't willing to try them out yet. Taing a short breath, Eltiask walked forward to her house, taking off his sneakers before entering.

A heavy scent of oiled wood and burnt wood hit Eltiask blankly when he walked through the threshhold. His lungs expanded to their full capacity as he took everything in, eyes moving quickly throughout the layout of the manor. He noticed the soft blue color, but his eyes quickly drifted to the fireplace. All the wooded scents were coming from there, and those scents made Eltiask feel at home. He shut down the urge to go there and sit down for a moment. "You can go there later on. First, shower." He made his way down the hallway and into the bathroom, taking off his clothes and setting them on the floor. He turned on the shower and walked inside, ignoring the coldness of the water rushing down his body. He scrubbed thoroughly his body once more, as if trying to clean himself from all the darkness he had lived in, but it never felt enough. He sighed deeply, continuing the process until he felt everything was clean.

As he stepped out of the shower, Eltiask realised his few belongings were totally drenched. "Oh, right..." He shook his head and grabbed a towel, tying it around his waist and slowly walking out of the bathroom. His hair was stilldripping water droplets, yet he paid no attention to it. His mind had fixated itself upon the ancient fireplace, and so he made his way there. Silently, he walked through the house, making no sound at all, until he stood in front of it. It was massive, taller than himself, and absolutely ancient. He could different woods being burnt in there, the myriads of oils that have been heated over the fire. His eyes moved swiftly, not noticing the portraits Protegée had placed on top of it.

"What are your secrets? How long have you been here?"

K-chan10307 06-01-2015 04:16 PM

In the time that it took for Eltiask to take a shower, Melanie had already made her to the upstairs bathroom and done the same. She rummaged in her closet for men’s clothes that would fit Eltiask’s build. Luckily, she always had extra clothes handy for the times her brothers would drop by. As she headed downstairs, she noticed the wet trail leading from the bathroom to her living room. With a quick stop to throw Eltiask’s clothes in the wash, she entered her parlor, noticing him at her fireplace.

“Here are some clothes that might fit you. Don’t worry, the underwear’s new.” She placed the folded T-shirt and sweats on the arm of her couch and made her way over to him. She looked over her home again. Maybe it was the shock of the last few days, or her trip in general, but she couldn’t get the feeling of relief that she usually did when she went home. Breathing wasn’t as easy as it felt. Something just felt… off.

Part of her wanted to blame the man standing practically naked in her living room. All of the circumstances that led to him being here still made absolutely no sense in her mind, but Melanie also knew that that wasn’t it. She scanned again, trying to find the source. It was her home. She had worked tirelessly to make this place her sanctuary, and the one time she needed comfort, it didn’t come to her.

Shaking off the feeling, she stepped over to the fireplace, standing next to Eltiask, her eyes travelling over all of the pictures she had put there. Unconsciously she lifted the portrait of her family from the mantle and gently kissed it before setting it back down. It was automatic to her, a reminder of lives lost and a time when she felt the happiest. She ran her finger of the wood, a tender expression crossing over her face. “Impressive, huh?”

EltiaskWolffe 06-01-2015 11:40 PM

There was something about the whole situation that made Eltiask wonder how on Earth he had ended up being right there, in front of an ancient fireplace at someone else's place after being completely untraceable for more than seven years. Perhaps it was the surreal appearance of the scene itself due to the lightning entering through the great windows at his right, or perhaps it was all in his mind. A gentle shiver ran down through the hunter's spine as the water on his skin began to evaporate, steadily taking Eltiask's own heat. He had heard perfectly well Protegée's offer of clothing and nodded gently in response, yet did nothing else. Completely entranced by the scent of forgotten oils, he sighed deeply. His right hand moved through his hair, noticing how long it was for the first time in a while. "I need a haircut... and a place to stay." His apparent peace was soon broken by a shadowed frown spreading on his face and his features hardened noticeably. He stared once more at the fireplace before turning around and picking up the clothes she had found for him.

"Is there any place in your house that doesn't have its walls painted?" Yes, it was a weird question. However, Eltiask needed a dark place to feel comfortable among all the brightness the place held by itself. He cherished the darkness of the island he had been living in for seven years, and not being able to find it anywhere near him was slowly unnerving him. "I promise I won't be much of a burden, and I'll be gone soon enough."

K-chan10307 06-02-2015 01:18 AM

Normally the thought of having a person over at her home was daunting. Even her brothers, who grew up with her need for stillness, and were proper anchors to her sensitive abilities gave her space. They kept in touch through texts and emails on private servers, and visited very rarely. It was quite a lonely existence, one Melanie often found herself jealous of. But Eltiask’s stillness was one of the few positive things about him. Then again, he wasn’t exactly the most forthcoming of people, and wasn’t exactly the best company. He needed stillness more than she did.

“Ah no, sorry,” she replied, looking at the brightness she had surrounded herself in. She turned to him and had a sheepish look on her face, hugging herself to look smaller. “As you saw, I don’t exactly have the best memories of dark spaces…I try to avoid that whenever I can…” She could tell that he was uncomfortable. “But you can take up one of my guest rooms. Close the curtains, turn out all the lights. Curtains are pretty thick and block out sunlight.” It wasn’t much, but it was the most she could offer. “Don’t worry about it.” With small smile, she murmured, “Never had a houseguest before…”

She walked past him, toward the stairs to lead him up to the bedrooms. “You can take my brother’s room. He travels a lot and gets extreme jetlag. Extreme darkness, just for you.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-02-2015 02:30 AM

As he heard Protegée's response, Eltiask groaned quietly. He didn't say much more as he made his way through her house, following her closely. His mind had already found a solution to the whole situation he had found himself in: if there was no cellar or attic, he'd sleep outside. Without her noticing, the hunter made his way to the bathroom to retrieve his bow and knife, his most treasured belongings, and then returned to her. He held his knife tightly in his right hand while his quiver hung from his left shoulder, and hanging from the quiver itself was his composite bow. He understood why Protegée desired so much to stay away from darkness, but he needed darkness. In his broken mind, though, Eltiask knew that it was one of the few things which could ease the pain and slow the river of memories flooding his mind.

As these thoughts were coursing through his mind, he found himself inside the room Protegée had assigned him. It was quite impressive, mainly because it had enormous proportions. Yet, as the rest of the house, it had a pale blue color which was starting to unnerve him at a steady rate. "Thank you," Eltiask said quietly as he walked unconsciously throughout the room, locating the bathroom and going inside. He quickly changed into the clothes she had given him, noticing the shirt was somewhat small for his massive frame. The hunter shook his head gently, not putting on the sneakers she had offered him, and made his way back to the room. "If you don't mind, I'll look around," his voice sounded rough, rougher than what he would have expected, "If there is anywhere that is off limits, tell me and I won't go there." His mind was racing, dying to get away from so much brightness. He narrowed his eyes as he faced the window, blinded momentarily by the sunlight entering the room. He began rubbing absentmindedly his unkept beard with his right hand, holding with his left hand his knife. "I need to get away from here..." The hunter shook his head and turned around to face her once more. "If you ever need something, shout. I'll be here in no time."

K-chan10307 06-03-2015 03:23 AM

Feeling his annoyance, Melanie rolled her eyes, starting to get annoyed herself. “You know, you may be quiet, but I am an empath. As much as you hate it, we’re basically connected at this point and I can tell when you’re less than pleased. There’s no need for you to be polite. Or two-faced. Just tell me that you’re uncomfortable with the arrangement.” She ran her eyes over his frame, noting how tight her brother’s shirt was. He was much larger and broader than both her brothers—she had just hoped that maybe she could give him something of comfort in her house. “I can get you new clothes. That fit.”

As she turned to leave him alone, she paused at his question. It was easy to tell just how uncomfortable Eltiask was in her home, and she didn’t want to push the point any more. “My room, which is right next door, and the darkroom next to the laundry room. If I were a better host, I would’ve offered that to you, but it’s off-limits for obvious reasons. I’m putting the security system back on, but if you feel like leaving the house and coming back in, please just let me know instead of trying to hack it. It saves me a lot of energy and anxiety.”

She then made her way back to her room, shutting the door and throwing herself onto her bed. It enveloped her in warmth, and her body sorely missed being cushioned. She looked out the window, relishing the warmth of the sun on her face and the way it illuminated her room. She had missed this quite a lot. With a groan, she sat back up, only so slide off the bed and onto her carpet. She kicked off her shoes and grabbed her pack, emptying its contents onto the floor and sorted through them. Thankfully, her travels had prepared her for the worst of conditions, and her pack was waterproof, meaning all the contents inside were safe. With a small flick of her wrist, Melanie telekinetically pulled her laptop off her desk and into her lap. With her guest distracting himself with her home, she could get down to what she really travelled for. She flipped open her journal and plugged her camera into her computer. The files on her memory card weren’t only pictures, but encrypted files with information she had managed to find and pull from the villagers. As the numbers and letters flowed through the screen, her nimble fingers worked to decode the files and allow herself to fully immerse herself in the secrets of her past.

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