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fishyfey 10-25-2016 04:41 AM

Reverse Harems are my guilty pleasure. I just wish there were more of them out there to watch!

Shadami 10-25-2016 07:55 PM

Reverse harems? what are those?

MusicEmo 10-29-2016 01:45 AM

I'm a supernatural rom-com, supernatural slice of life, and supernatural comedy (see a theme, lol?) I don't usually keep updated on animes, so I don't usually watch new animes (mostly laziness).

MusicEmo 10-29-2016 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1773745753)
Reverse harems? what are those?

I know I'm not FishFey, but I'm still glad to explain. Harem animes are animes in which a male character lives in a house full of, or is constantly surrounded by, women. It's usually a form of romance or ecchi. Reverse Harems are exactly the same, expect it's a women surrounded by men. Ouran Host Club is an example of a form of reverse harem.

fishyfey 10-29-2016 03:13 AM

You are exactly right MusicEmo. Thanks for explaining. I guess reverse harems are still a pretty small area of the animeverse (and underappreciated imo!)

For-Chan Cookie 10-31-2016 02:28 AM

MusicEmo is right on the money. Instead of the typical harem situation of men surrounded by beautiful women, you get a woman surrounded by beautiful men all vying for her attention. I kind of love and loathe the genre. At this point, both harem and reverse harems are both pretty formulaic and tired. It's also very trope-y and full of pretty annoying stereotypes. You get a lot of pushy guys in reverse harem situations. I'm not really a fan of that behavior that is laden with consent issues. Liking a girl doesn't give you the right to press her against a wall while trying to flaunt your masculinity to your fellow suitors, as is a typical situation. Bleh.

I mean, I can still enjoy those stories, but man, some of them are so tired and awful. That said, I'm enjoying Kiss Him, Not Me! It's about a yaoi fangirl who dreams about pairing up her classmates, who suddenly gains a harem. It's pretty amusing that as they pursue her, she's just dreaming of them getting together with each other. Also, a female suitor has appeared. Woot woot!

MusicEmo 10-31-2016 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie (Post 1773756778)
MusicEmo is right on the money. Instead of the typical harem situation of men surrounded by beautiful women, you get a woman surrounded by beautiful men all vying for her attention. I kind of love and loathe the genre. At this point, both harem and reverse harems are both pretty formulaic and tired. It's also very trope-y and full of pretty annoying stereotypes. You get a lot of pushy guys in reverse harem situations. I'm not really a fan of that behavior that is laden with consent issues. Liking a girl doesn't give you the right to press her against a wall while trying to flaunt your masculinity to your fellow suitors, as is a typical situation. Bleh.

I mean, I can still enjoy those stories, but man, some of them are so tired and awful. That said, I'm enjoying Kiss Him, Not Me! It's about a yaoi fangirl who dreams about pairing up her classmates, who suddenly gains a harem. It's pretty amusing that as they pursue her, she's just dreaming of them getting together with each other. Also, a female suitor has appeared. Woot woot!

I completely agree. Like I said, I love supernatural rom-coms, but I'll be the first to admit that the "No! You're a human and I'm demon! We can't be together! Woe is me Woe is me!" trope is so over done. So is the borderline-abusive-relationship trope.

I personally think part of being a good fan is being the first to admit that sometimes tropes/character/plot lines/etc are problematic.

For-Chan Cookie 11-01-2016 04:53 AM

Agreed. Admitting that things aren't perfect is the best way to enjoy them. People who fanatically love things and can't admit their faults are pretty obnoxious. I love anime, even if it can get tropey and tired and weird. I love it despite these things.

potatobae 11-02-2016 04:56 AM

I am a sucker for action/adventure animes. There is nothing that gets me going like a well animated fight scene XD Bonus points if it has magic/supernatural elements. The plot has to be exceptionally bad for me to drop an action anime.
Also I tend to like animes with dystopian settings and animes that have time travel. I love a bit of mind screw as well.

MusicEmo 11-02-2016 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by potatobae (Post 1773765166)
I am a sucker for action/adventure animes. There is nothing that gets me going like a well animated fight scene XD Bonus points if it has magic/supernatural elements. The plot has to be exceptionally bad for me to drop an action anime.
Also I tend to like animes with dystopian settings and animes that have time travel. I love a bit of mind screw as well.

If you don't mind blood and a lot of gore, you might like Kara no Kyoukai. It is technically classified as a "horror-thriller", but it has a lot of action and fighting. It even has an entire episode about paradoxes.

For-Chan Cookie 11-03-2016 12:59 AM

I seem a bit more likely to watch something if it's got supernatural stuff like yokai or action.

I drop lots of anime all the time. It's weird, cause sometimes I can power through the worst stuff and sometimes I turn it off within an episode or two. And other times there are anime that I love that I just leave hanging. I don't understand myself sometimes! [gonk]

Shadami 11-09-2016 02:28 PM

Oh! i know ouron high school host club! :D

Iced-anime 12-24-2016 03:48 AM

Typically seinen, coming of age, slice of life stuff. I especially look for stuff where characters are relatable, which is a rare thing to find in the medium. Most of what I look for is usually in anime films, but there are a few solid shows out there.

WhimsicalFox 08-27-2017 07:50 AM

I prefer comedy and slice of life. Anything that's light hearted. I'm faint of heart so horror, suspense, gore, and violence doesn't sit well with me. I prefer something that will make me laugh or really happy watching it.

For-Chan Cookie 08-29-2017 02:39 AM

My favorite slice of life this season is Restaurant to Another World. It's about a restaurant in Japan, but once a week on Saturday, a door appears in another world and people come over to enjoy food. So each episode is a brief background about a character or two, and a bit glorifying their favorite item on the menu. It's just a very relaxing show....that makes me hungry!

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