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Kory 12-23-2017 03:42 PM

Oh I see :)
Either eaym it's annoying!l

Autocorrect never fixes my typos and epwhen ut does it changes it to something wrong!

Amane 12-23-2017 03:47 PM

My tablet's autocorrects are spot on.

Kory 12-23-2017 03:50 PM

Mine is so stupid!

It's not stupid enough that I would stop using it though

Amane 12-23-2017 03:52 PM

Oh, really? Canst thou turn it off? How? It is hidden well somewhere in the Settings menus?

Kory 12-23-2017 03:53 PM

If I turned off autocorrectmooi
You'd never understand what I am saying!

Amane 12-23-2017 03:55 PM

But I, one who spells well and only finds autocorrect fixing my non-dictionary "words," would turn it off!

Shadami 12-23-2017 06:35 PM

and now i can't get it out of my head .

monstahh` 12-23-2017 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1774011141)
and now i can't get it out of my head .

join the club. [lol]

Shadami 12-23-2017 06:44 PM

i would love to xD clubs mean dancing :D

Kory 12-23-2017 07:02 PM

Unless it's a pen pal club...
Then it just means a lot of cutting and pasting!

Amane 12-23-2017 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1774011141)
and now i can't get it out of my head .


Shadami 12-23-2017 07:10 PM

i don't mind that club either. ^^

Amane 12-23-2017 07:16 PM

It's an awesome Uma Thurman club. *dances like Uma Thurman*

Kory 12-23-2017 07:19 PM


Shadami 12-23-2017 07:21 PM

how does uma thurman dance?

Amane 12-23-2017 07:23 PM

Heavens, I don't know. It's such an awesome song that I don't care.

Shadami 12-23-2017 07:28 PM

i need to find out so that i can xD

hummy 12-23-2017 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1774010918)
Oh I see :)
Either eaym it's annoying!l

Autocorrect never fixes my typos and epwhen ut does it changes it to something wrong!

The fixing of correct words really bugs me and it's right when I hit submit and it like changes between submit and post

Shadami 12-23-2017 07:32 PM

that happens to me all the time when i'm sending text messages on my tablet. xD such a pain!

Kory 12-23-2017 07:33 PM

Woah hummy.... I didn't realize my post was *that* bad until I saw you quoted it. LOL.
But yeah! It's crazy how it changes a correct word and then when you post, it looks totally different than how you saw it when you were typing. >:T

Amane 12-23-2017 07:34 PM

It's always the correct words with me!

hummy 12-23-2017 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ava The Vampire (Post 1774011220)
Woah hummy.... I didn't realize my post was *that* bad until I saw you quoted it. LOL.
But yeah! It's crazy how it changes a correct word and then when you post, it looks totally different than how you saw it when you were typing. >:T

I know, right? I look at some of the things that are autocorrect it and I can't even remember what I was trying to say. Don't worry about it my words are always wrong

Shadami 12-23-2017 07:38 PM

i just fixed it in my head and had to re-read the quote to see how bad the typos were. xD

Amane 12-23-2017 07:38 PM

Naw, Hummy's autocorrect just always thinketh that she intendeth to speak of the most terrifying parts of male anatomy.

hummy 12-23-2017 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Amane (Post 1774011235)
Naw, Hummy's autocorrect just always thinketh that she intendeth to speak of the most terrifying parts of male anatomy.

And honestly I don't know why, I've never even typed that word out. And to my mother no less I thought these were smartphones

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