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Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 04:39 AM

She chuckled lightly. "My, how interesting. Indeed, you do seem to have a certain je ne sais quois, to you. Still," her voice trailed off only slightly; "if you need anything."

Ise 10-30-2007 04:40 AM

The groggy artist murred in discontent for a moment to have been made to move, but once the pillow was slid under her arms so that her head could rest comfortably she seemed to settled down gratefully. A vague mewl passed her lips in thank you before she quieted once more, and had she that aforementioned invisible tail it probably would have been draped over her nose.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 04:49 AM

She leaned away, raising her hand to pat the girl affectionately on the head and wish her well, but lowered her arm again, knowing better of it. Once bitten, twice shy in an all new meaning. "Be well, you. I won't have my favourite artist flickering out on me."

Equivalent Exchange 10-30-2007 04:56 AM

He nodded. "Of course." Turning to the other side of the room, he proceeded to find the most time consuming, tedious task there: count the number of tiles on the floor.

(( I should be getting to bed, I have school tomorrow. Good night, I had a lot of fun! xD ))

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 05:01 AM

She cocked a brow, lips twitching upward in a confused little smile. "Curious creature, aren't you?" A widened smile just the same. "To each their own. We're happy to have you."

((I'm glad you had fun~. Rest well and have a good day at school. ^^))

Celreyn Kirsos 10-30-2007 05:41 PM

Oh sure, there was efforts not to; but he was gloating and he knew it as he strutted back into the room, rather than his usual method of slinking here and there lest he be caught and dragged into doing some menial task. It was good to have shoes. He'd have to poke a certain cat later, though.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 07:00 PM

The lady flopped back into her seat with a soft sigh, propping herself up on an elbow, hair falling into her fair face listlessly. She glanced boredly at the table before her, art supplies sprawled out in the end after multiple reorganizations. "Hmm," a thoughtful little sigh, sitting up right and reaching for a utensil and setting to work.

She scribbled about fervently to combat the mounting loneliness. "Art slots open," she called hopefully; "do order, won't you?"

((pl0x ;;))

Murchu Volpe 10-30-2007 10:03 PM

"Wha...?" He looked around half dazed. "Guests, conversations, gift-giving, pastry-eating... I just kinda zoned out, since none of it involved me." A flop back down into his chair beside Crystaline. "Art slots open, eh~? I do believe I'm inclined to take one of those slots, at the cost of my soul, yaddah yaddah."

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 10:06 PM

"Hnn," a soft sigh and a half hearted smile; "thank you, m'love. Well, for this time only, yours'll be free." A little beam. "May as well."

Bug-a-Boo 10-30-2007 11:09 PM

/Visits XD /Wasted lots of gold on Halloween items D:

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 11:11 PM

She laughed, amused. "Poor Bug~. It's hard not to spend at these things, eh?"

((XD technically hun, chu were supposed to type it out in text~. But ilu for visiting and always so <3))

Bug-a-Boo 10-30-2007 11:14 PM

Erm,okay,let me give a wack at this :B

She frowned,gazing at the front page. "I havn't read it yet", She replied handing Crys a piece of fresh baked pumpkin pie.

(( I get it right that time? 8D I never ))

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 11:17 PM

((Perfecto, sweets. ^^ Think of it this way. XD Just, anything you want to say with me, instead of being like "Hi! *glomp*" you can be like "She said hello, and sealed it with a glomp." xDD Easy peasy.))

"Hah," she smiled. "I suspect most aren't bothering to. It's too bad, really. They're missing the art." She pouted, but her eyes light up quickly at the pie. "One of my favourites. I can only guess you baked it yourself?"

Bug-a-Boo 10-30-2007 11:24 PM

(( Lol sweet 8'D))

"I'll read it when I have time,I've been rather busy lately,and I'm currently playing an online game" she said with a big smile. "Yes,I did". "From a REAL pumpkin" she added with glee.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 11:30 PM

((XDD See, you got the hang of it fast.))

She couldn't hold back her grin. "Mostly boring walls of text, anyway. I love description, especially when my favourite holiday is involved. The art posts are really the only vital ones."

She took a cautious bite of the pie, before following it up with several more eager ones until it was half gone. "Delicious," she cooed; "better than store bought any day. Kudos for making it from scratch, too. They're so time consuming even when they're from a can, and from the pumpkin takes ages longer;" a pause; "worth it, though."

Bug-a-Boo 10-30-2007 11:39 PM

((Lolz 8D yay me,and it's kinda fun,too~))

"I've finished the first post,onto the second!" she replied giddyly.(sp?XD)

She watched Crys and giggled with delight. "I'm glad you like it! I put my heart into everything I bake~ As I always say,made with love not blenders!. she said as she twirled a few times in place.

She looked up to see an almost empty plate and said "I'll be making another for Mikey later tonight,and some homemade candy,too".

"Some taffy maybe,chocolate caramels,butterscotch,popcorn balls is a possibility,candy apples for tomorrow if I have time,and some honey candy,I'll prolly do that one tonight". she finished saying with a light sigh. "So much to do,so little time." she continued, "My mom and I are going costume hunting early tomorrow morning,I decided to dress as a Bee this year". she smiled.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-30-2007 11:56 PM

((Glad you're having fun! <3 That's the point, anyway. XD People take it too seriously when they see so much writing, but it's all in fun~!))

She grinned widely and licked her lips. My, those all sounded delicious and tempting. One year, she'd have to invite herself to Bug's house for sure.

"You sure have your work cut out for you. I hope you have fun. And you know," he grin widened further; "I was just saying to someone the other day, bees seem to be such a popular Halloween costume. In fact, I was one a few years back."

Bug-a-Boo 10-31-2007 12:06 AM

((Yush~ Right,it seems like a lot to read,but it's a good story sofar XD /Is now no post 3 8D))

"Yes!" she said excitedly. "It'll be my first time making most of those sweets,and I hope they turn out well" she said while brushing the bangs out of her face. "I'd gladly have you over anytime!" she replied quite pleased.

"Yeah,it is a popular costume this year" she added, "It was too late to get a Princess dress in my size,and my mom wasn't up for making one,and she didn't like my ideas for a vampire/devil costume..." she frowned as her eyebrows curved down her forehead looking angry while she turned her head slightly to the left with a sigh. "She doesn't think my dad would approve of it,even though it looks like a bathing suit,just with a different name" she said with a puff. "A bodysuit for a base isn't bad,but I suppose it is a little too sexy to trick-or-treat in" she laughed a bit. "A bumble bee was our best bet,it's easy,and really cute" her eyes lit up with joy. "I'll be sure to send you pictures if you'd like to see~".

Ise 10-31-2007 12:12 AM

Chewing on her lip, the young sketch artist who had taken residence and then shortly left to the world of dreams and restless sleep was wandering back into the main area of the get together. Almost oblivious to the fact of a guest, stormy blue eyes were perusing the list of names and companies on a page of the black sketchbook that was folded open in her hands, the butt of her pencil drumming on the top of it restlessly. An irritated look filtered over her features as she realized the likelihood of work she really didn't care to do for a class she cared even less about going to, despite its uses.

Unceremoniously she flopped down into her chair once more across the room, sulking and muttering something about, "Stupid arrogant professors who think they know everything about everything... even if this is stuff I have to do within the next eight months..."

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2007 12:21 AM

((Thanks, Bug dear. XD It was all pretty much just intro.))

She winked at Bug. "If you ever need a taste-tester, you know how to reach me."

She tilted her head to the side, lips curling back curiously in smile. "Too sexy, mm? I don't know, I enjoy sexy; but for trick-or-treating I think warmth should be your best bet. Leave it to the parties." A snicker, remembering countless years of freezing her tail off for costume purposes. "You better send me pictures, yes."

She passed a fleeting glance towards the dark rain cloud that seemed to have stormed in, with a white haired artist underneath, and her grin faded. "Happy thoughts, dear. Blood, death, gore, destruction. Just say the word, really."

Ise 10-31-2007 12:27 AM

Flickering a gaze of still exhausted eyes up at the hostess of the gathering, she scowled more and slumped back into her chair. How irritating that she had not celebrated just about anything since she'd started her schooling; work took up amusing holidays like Halloween and finals just destroyed any attempts at her birthday. Even those holidays she got to take a minute break for were rushed and full of tension in having to take the five hour ride home, run about to tend to family matters and lose even more sleep before taking the ride back to collapse for a few hours, get up and go right back to work.

"If only..." came the weary grumble. Much of her dissatisfaction came with the fact of the reality of her work in the very near future along with her insecurities on finding her niche. That and, well, her professor didn't seem to get the hint from any of his students that his class was hardly their top priority. Senior projects had that for everyone. "I'll leave that to Yoki and dream of it myself... or doodle it. If I ever get the time, of course."

Bug-a-Boo 10-31-2007 12:40 AM

((But it's so good! I've almost finished with all the important posts,and yes,I love the sotry,it's awesome 8D))

"Yep,I do,come over anytime,theres always something good being cooked up around". she winked back.

"Yes" she laughed. "That's another factor my mom pointed out,it wouldn't be very warm at all.." she suddered thinking of the brisk wind on her skin as it whipped threw her hair. "I get cold pretty easily sometimes" she added with a look of conscern and warmth in her eyes. "I shiver pretty bad when I'm cold,esp outside,and Mikey doesn't like that,he gets cold very easily too,he's anemic,and I am too,to an extent" she paused; and then quickly added, "So,a warmer outfit would be best,though I was looking forward to being a princess,or something uber sexy" she said as she placed her hand on her hip while she lifted her other hand to move the hat off her forehead as it was slipping due to the fact it was a big large. "I'll be sure to send you pictures" she nodded.

She glanced over and rushed over to give Ise a hug.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2007 12:40 AM

She sighed, pursing her lips and pulling out a table chair, sitting sideways on it and setting her arms on the edge of the back, chin propped there, watching. It sucked, not being able to do anything much to help, other than an ear to listen.

"Maybe you could get her to call in a favour from the underworld and get the job done? Sky above knows we all want to sometimes."

Crystaline turned a smile back towards Bug. "Maybe I'll pop in some time unexpectedly." Still, there was frowns to be had in this conversation, too. "Yes, you better keep warm. I don't like the thought of you getting sick. Maybe you could doodle yourself as a sexy princess?"

Dance Now 10-31-2007 12:41 AM

-nibbles on thread- XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 10-31-2007 12:45 AM

((Hey Dore~ <3 xD. Either type in parenthesis or try typing out your posts to play with us~? XD Hope you're well.))

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