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blueblackrose 10-01-2010 02:28 PM

I think someone's jealous. :P

jo18 10-04-2010 02:09 PM

just thought i would stop in and let everyone know i still live!

blueblackrose 10-05-2010 02:11 AM

It's good to know that you still live because I think I have some art for you around her somewhere...from one of the last events.

I'm so behind on getting this art out and stuff. I'll get it to you once I find it.
*thinks it was in the sketch book that her cats hid from her* :headdesk:

jo18 10-05-2010 12:59 PM

hello blueblack! *huggles* i have missed you!

dragoness129 10-05-2010 07:39 PM

Hello everyone. ^_^

jo18 10-06-2010 12:11 AM

i know you are not on right now but *glomps* i missed you dragon!!

blueblackrose 10-06-2010 01:46 AM

*huggles jo and waves to dragoness*
How are you guys?

jo18 10-06-2010 12:50 PM

doing pretty good. just feel nauseous every now and then! so cannot wait for that to go away >.>

dragoness129 10-06-2010 02:31 PM

Hello jo and bbr! ^_^ -huggles both-

jo18 10-06-2010 04:09 PM

dragon!!! *huggles* i feel like it has been forever!!

blueblackrose 10-06-2010 05:02 PM

That's not good. I hope you feel better soon.

*huggles dragoness*

Estrella 10-09-2010 03:37 AM

I have been neglecting my fellow charities. ;( *gives it some love now*

blueblackrose 10-14-2010 02:09 AM

Yay for lovin's. At least someone loves this place other then me.

Liztress 10-14-2010 02:13 AM

I love this place! *sulks* I just have been neglectful as well. :(

Estrella 10-14-2010 02:15 AM

I did it again. D: !

blueblackrose 10-14-2010 02:17 AM

*huggles them both*
No worries. I've been somewhat neglecting this place as well. I've been kinda busy irl and having some internet connection problems.

Liztress 10-14-2010 02:22 AM

*huggles* Past two weeks I've just been sick overall. Though that shouldn't be an excuse for me. :lol:

Estrella 10-14-2010 02:29 AM

I started classes again and am super busy.

blueblackrose 10-14-2010 02:31 AM

That's understandable. I was sick a few weeks ago and was barely on. I just didn't feel like doing much of anything other then sleeping and watching movies and anime.

Liztress 10-14-2010 02:48 AM

That's how I've been feeling. Though instead of watching TV, I've been catching up on some gaming.

dragoness129 10-15-2010 03:43 AM

-waves- Hello everyone.

blueblackrose 10-15-2010 05:38 PM

Hey dragoness.

Broseph 10-17-2010 04:29 AM

Lookin' good, bbr. ;)

Game Master 10-17-2010 10:20 PM

*chuckles* Broseph, you appear to be looking good yourself.

blueblackrose 10-19-2010 02:57 AM

Why thank you.

It seems we have some cross dressers in here...

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