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Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 11:49 AM

He just decided 'Hey, look at all these clipping problems'. Like hair going through arms and whatnot.

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 11:58 AM

Well that's a bit rude. There are so many factors causing it that can't be helped. I'm sure if Monty and the team could have fixed it they would have.
Can he just whip up a whole animated series?

They've put so much hard work into this! I guess though, criticism should be expected.

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 12:00 PM

I don't bloody know.
As my other friend pointed out. It's an amateur project and we're getting it for free. There's no need to be an asshole about it.

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 12:08 PM

Um hello, their budget might not be that big. Does he not expect that? Heck the only money that they would ever get from the audience is sponsorships and from sales of merch (which RT has to pay for production in the first place) and both of which is totally optional.

Far out, I love Rooster Teeth. I've never really thought about the company as a whole just running off probably YT money, sponsors both audience and other companies.. wow.

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 12:14 PM

Honestly, I've got no clue how it works.
And my friend is kind of a fucking asshole.

On the bright side, The Worlds End is a great movie.

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 12:20 PM

Let's call it ~magic~.
He has some very.. different and distinct opinions to say the least.

Haha, well at least something good happened today!

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 12:25 PM

Sure. That'll work.
Very. He's almost the same kind of person as I am. Less nice, more headstrong and Robotic though.


Wonderlands 08-04-2013 12:50 PM

Can he dance like a robot?

I am so dumb. I was meant to make my bed when I came home from work but I was like nah, I'll do it later. Now I have no energy/motivation and I want to be comfy.
I do this every time dammit.

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 12:52 PM

Probably. I've never seen him try.

You should just do what I do and not make it. Just wrap yourself up in stuff and sleep that way.

Oh, I got some stuff called AlphaBrain. Gus takes it. It's supposed to give you a heightened dream state if you take it before sleeping.
I've suffered no effects aside from getting up before my alarm and always waking up hugging my pillow.

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 01:09 PM

He just probably practices it in his own home, waiting for the perfect moment to debut it. Keep watching.

I think I've done that before, haha. So I've done the pillowcases and fitted sheet but omg, I'm definitely saving the doona cover for tomorrow.

Oo, you got it?! Yeah, I've seen them advertise it on the Podcast sometimes. I don't really understand it. HAHAH interesting results, I guess you did have good dreams. Are they good results in your opinions? Getting up earlier sounds like it sucks. What does it taste like? I'd imagine it would be gross, haha.

I don't need no supplements to have dreams that are nuts. >.> Seriously, I remember my dreams so often and they are always weird.

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 01:18 PM

I will. It'd be pretty amusing to see it.

Haha, Laziness FTW! Don't worry. I don't have a sheet, pillowcases or doona cover. For some reason, the way I sleep just gets rid of them.

Yup. Nearly out though, so I'll probably order more. I don't know what my dreams are, I still don't remember them. It makes me curious though. If that's what i'm like when I wake up, what the hell was I doing in my dream?
Good enough. It's not a massive difference, but it kind of gets rid of that fog that's in your head sometimes when you just can't be bothere doing stuff. It's just a capsule kind of thing, so no taste.

Haha, Sounds... fun. What are they?

Roxxxy 08-04-2013 01:33 PM

The two of you never fail to amuse me :P

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 01:37 PM

Sleepy: So he's not the type that does it? That's a shame.

That's the way to go! As long as you have the actual thing like the doona to keep you warm and pillow to keep you comfy that's all you really need. So hang on, do you somehow remove the covers off the object or do you kick off your doona all together?
Occasionally because my bed it either smaller than normal beds or the elastics gets all shoddy, my fitted sheet sometimes creeps off and becomes slack which is really annoying especially in summer.

Damn, they must be good or do you just want to get your dreams out, hah? Aw, that really must suck not knowing! D: HAHAH OH MY. Certainly happy dreams anyway. Eat a lot of cheese and chocolate. ~Apparently~ that makes dreams happen and that combination mixed with AlphaBrain would make a whopper of a dream recipe.
Wow, that sound really. really. great if it makes you feel at least little motivated. How do things even do that. The brain is weird.
Oo weird that it has no taste. Like Panadol capsules?

Well there aren't really sticking out in my mind now. I think not last night's but the night before's was something to do with hiking, I can't remember much of the details now so obviously it wasn't too interesting or I've tried to block it from my mind. I usually remember them for the whole day because I'm going.. wtf why did that happen? I have a lot of reoccurring types dreams. There are three of them that I have at a certain setting and a reoccurring.. let's call it a "happening" is my teeth falling out or my gums bleeding which is always fun.

WOAH, mega deja vu. I even have deja vu of deja vu. blergh confusing.

---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 11:39 PM ----------

Roxxxy: I had something to tell you/ask you but.. I forgot.
I am sorry. :<

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 01:43 PM

Glad to be of service, Rox.

Just the cover. The rest of it stays in place. The cover just comes off during the night. it's annoying. even really tightly fitted sheets do it as well.

Both. It does suck. It's a weird feeling, to wake up happy and have absolutely no clue as to why.
I guess. There's probably a taste to them, but I don't linger. They're a bit bigger than most painkillers, so I just try and get them down as fast as possible.

Remembering your dreams all day must be awesome. I can never remember them past a few hours, at best.
That sounds a lot better than anything I remember of my dreams.

Ted D Ber 08-04-2013 01:45 PM

D: I feel really bad for disappearing. I keep falling asleep super early @_@

M i r o 08-04-2013 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1772084558)

i really like him
it's not funny per say

oh, well, I thought so.

I tried to watch the New Kevin Bacon TV show but that's long-drawn out and boring, just like his wifes' show "The Closer."


Originally Posted by llonka (Post 1772084567)
Miro- Me too! xD Like the spicy ones from Taco Bell. [drool] I've wanted them since like last weekend...

OOoooo! I've never had a nacho bowl from them ):
I've always wanted to try it, though! But I do love the Spicy Crunchy Burrito, that's gooooddd

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Anarchy (Post 1772085489)
Glad to be of service, Rox.

Just the cover. The rest of it stays in place. The cover just comes off during the night. it's annoying. even really tightly fitted sheets do it as well.

Both. It does suck. It's a weird feeling, to wake up happy and have absolutely no clue as to why.
I guess. There's probably a taste to them, but I don't linger. They're a bit bigger than most painkillers, so I just try and get them down as fast as possible.

Remembering your dreams all day must be awesome. I can never remember them past a few hours, at best.
That sounds a lot better than anything I remember of my dreams.

Well that's really bloody weird hahaha. How can you even mana-.. nope I'm not even going to ask.

That's so sad that you wouldn't know why! D: At least you're happy though! Have you ever woken up crying from a dream?
Ah, I see. That's probably it. Bland anyway. Blergh, horse pills eh? Those are the worst to swallow.

Most of the time it's cool especially if it was really weird and you're trying to think why but sometimes they are too weird.
A few days ago I only watched the first two episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion and I dreamt of being in high school with Shinji and I had to save him from a parallel universe in which he turned into different people and objects and I had to use my ~powers~ to problem solve and figure out which one was the real one and basically yeah. Like this probably doesn't sound weird to you and you're wondering why I'm wasting my time (tryna earn gold yo) but there were other details that I've forgotten since then but I KNOW IT WAS WEIRD. and I dwelled on it all day and it was annoying.


Originally Posted by Ted D Ber (Post 1772085490)
D: I feel really bad for disappearing. I keep falling asleep super early @_@

I do that so much. Oops, haha.
Your avi is really neat by the way!

Sleepy Anarchy 08-04-2013 02:07 PM

If I knew, I'd tell you. I genuinely have no clue at all how it happens.

It is. Happy me doesn't last. I'm good for about half an hour. Then I'm back to grumpy-ass morning me.
Crying? Yep. Several times. Don't remember them either.
They're not that bad after 2 or 3 days.

That sounds... odd. And kind of awesome.
Last dream I remember involved one of my friends from school being a clone of themselves, self-loathing issues and me standing there going "I have no clue how to deal with this"
God damn, my dreams are boring as shit.

*yawn* Alright. Bed time, I have work tomorrow. Goodnight~

Wonderlands 08-04-2013 02:25 PM

You don't sleep walk at all do you? Like how do you even unbutton or unclip the clipping things? This is so funny, sorry.

If you're getting up to go to work I totally understand the grumpiness.
Oh my god, they need to create a machine specifically made for you that plays back dreams. I'm sorry to say but you're missing out on so much!
That's two to three days too long.

Wow, well that's pretty weird and kinda deep and complex. Is it a reflection of your real life self? ~it could mean something~
Hahah nah.
Dont think of it as boring! It sounds pretty interesting to be honest.

I hope you actually dream of something! You can do it! (Don't try too hard though, doesn't work) :D good night.

Omg I have to get up early to see if my shoes arrive. According to the tracking doodad they're here but it only shipped from America on like, the 30th.. :/ So if they don't arrive I'm not going to be disappointed.

.. Yes I will be.

xuvrette 08-04-2013 03:12 PM

I miss the dream talk?! *gonk*

hummy 08-04-2013 04:57 PM

how is everyone.....anyone?

---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 05:24 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Ted D Ber (Post 1772085490)
D: I feel really bad for disappearing. I keep falling asleep super early @_@

don't feel bad, Ted D Ber:

---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 05:32 PM ----------


Originally Posted by M i r o (Post 1772085496)
oh, well, I thought so.

I tried to watch the New Kevin Bacon TV show but that's long-drawn out and boring, just like his wifes' show "The Closer."

OOoooo! I've never had a nacho bowl from them ):
I've always wanted to try it, though! But I do love the Spicy Crunchy Burrito, that's gooooddd

i like 'the closer', too,
as well as 'the following.'

Wonderlands 08-05-2013 12:31 AM

My shoes aren't here.

hummy 08-05-2013 12:32 AM

ebil liars!

Damia Flagg 08-05-2013 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Wonderlands (Post 1772086501)
My shoes aren't here.

You can have mine.
They made my feet hurt today.

hummy 08-05-2013 01:12 AM

are they new, dami?

---------- Post added 08-05-2013 at 01:40 AM ----------

Ashtyn Leigh: feel free to chat in RAK, too

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