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Arikana 08-19-2011 07:00 PM

Yeah, I seem to be making one right now.. o_o;

hummy 08-19-2011 07:02 PM

Arikana ~~ excellet!
*waits patiently to pounce into Arikana's new exchange thread*

crunky 08-19-2011 07:08 PM

@Arikana - funny how that just happens. xD It's like finishing the pint of ice cream you didn't intend to eat. xD

hummy 08-19-2011 07:17 PM

Arikana ~~ i'd arrive at the church with a plate of crumbs.....and an upset tummie ;p

crunky ~~ i have restraint with ice cream but only because if i eat too much i get terribly sick.

crunky 08-19-2011 07:19 PM

@hummy - I found an ice cream alternative that is very good so I CAN eat whole the pint guilt free. xD

Arikana 08-19-2011 07:20 PM

It make take some time.. I'm being deliberately and undeliberately slow. >_>;

Thank goodness I don't have to bus.. dunno how that'd go, busing with a cake.. but good thing I got a ride there. : D

hummy 08-19-2011 07:24 PM

crunky ~~ share your guilt free ice cream secret please.

Arikana ~~ i'm glad you have a ride too.
having to take the bus carrying food isn't much fun.

Arikana 08-19-2011 07:29 PM

It wouldn't be that bad... I'd just hope I don't attract attention. : P

crunky 08-19-2011 07:34 PM

@hummy - well there are two different options really. The low calorie, low sugar option would be something called: Arctic Zero. It's not always easy to find in stores. They use whey protein and monk fruit (sweetner) It's only 150 calories for the whole pint AND The sugar is low. xD That's rare! It's pretty good. Kinda like a gelato consistency.
I also make my own ice cream and while it's higher in calories, it's lower in sugar and lower on the Glycemic Index, so for me, it's just like the real thing but without the sugar rush. xD If you want the recipe, it's super easy, no ice cream machine required! The only odd ball ingredient is Palm sugar (from coconuts, but you don't taste coconut when you mix it, honest ; ) )

Arikana 08-19-2011 07:35 PM

'Tis done. (Finally!) : P

hummy 08-19-2011 07:37 PM

crunky ~~ no ice cream machine? yes please i am interested!
i need low sugar things and milk just kills my stomach.

Arikana 08-19-2011 07:49 PM

Omg. REAL hand made ice cream? <3
Can I have some please? <3

crunky 08-19-2011 08:47 PM

@hummy - well then this would be great because I can make it with almond milk or heavy cream, or a combination. The more almond milk I use, the more of a icy consistency I get but it's still the same taste and it's quite good.
@arkianna - you coming over to my house tonight while I make some? xD

Crunky's low Glycemic ice cream: xD

ok so take this recipe --> X
and swap for this:
1 Tbsp. Palm Sugar (coconut sugar)
1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract
1/2 cup Heavy Cream (you can do 1/4 cup heavy cream and 1/4 cup almond milk (unsweetened/vanilla flavored) if you have it or even 1/8 cup heavy cream and 7/8 cup almond milk but it will have an icier consistency)

If you don't feel like shaking the ice cream in ice, you can just mix the items really well and put in in a freezer safe container if you are patient. xD I like making 2-4 batches at a time since it only makes 1/2 cup but if you want the discipline of only having enough made to eat one serving then that's your best bet. xD By replacing a lot of the heavy cream, you also cut the calories down since heavy cream is calorie and fat dense but it changes the consistency. Still I find that since it's palm sugar only has a glycimic index of 36 vs table sugar which is 64, I can stop eating it at 1/2 cup and if you use more almond milk, you don't have to stop eating right away anyways! The sugar in ice cream is always a problem for me so this has been my go to sweet treat.

(if you can get vanilla bean paste instead of vanilla extract, it's expensive but MUCH tastier, I can help you find some if you want to try it, it is like molasses in consistency and all the little specks are in it so you get that vanilla bean look and flavor, but vanilla extract works too, its just that sometimes you get a hint of alcohol flavor that you won't get with the paste. I can lick the paste by itself, it's so mild and has NO alcohol flavor.)

hummy 08-19-2011 09:03 PM

crunky ~~ that sounds like something i should try.
i'll have to look for the ingredients next time i go grocery shopping.
also since that is your portion of the recipe you don't have to quote.
(i read it in Daria Morgendorfer's thread)
how did you come up with this idea?

crunky 08-19-2011 09:11 PM

@hummy -
thanks for the reminder, I always try to play on the safe side if I can't remember if I can do something or not. xD But I changed it now since you just checked the rules so that certainly helps me out in the gold area a little bit! xD
it's SO good! xD It only takes 3 ingredients, the hard part is finding the palm sugar/coconut sugar. I can buy it online or buy it at a health food store but I haven't seen it in the regular grocery stores. It's about $5.50 a pound which is a lot more expensive then regular sugar but since I eat mostly low-carb/low-sugar foods, I don't really use that much anyways so the benefits out way the cost. I came up with it because I started drinking almond milk (unsweetened/vanilla flavored) to avoid the sugar in regular milk. I came up with the palm sugar from talking to someone at the health food store about sugar alternatives that were natural and not the artificial options. Those artificial sweeteners prove to give a diuretic affect on me and also sometimes, give me headaches so I try to stay as natural as I can. Plus it tastes better too! I updated the recipe to show that the almond milk should be the unsweetened/vanilla flavored, otherwise, you end up with too much sugar again. xD

Protagonist 08-19-2011 09:12 PM

Hey gais.

crunky 08-19-2011 09:13 PM

OMGZ HAIZ! Fancy meeting you here?

Protagonist 08-19-2011 09:18 PM

I hope she accepts my new offer D:

crunky 08-19-2011 09:32 PM

@Beautiful Disaster - I know what you mean, the anticipation is killing me as well on my offer. xD I think you have a good shot though since I didn't see anyone else offer. I have at least two other people offering with me. :gonk:

hummy 08-19-2011 09:40 PM

hiya Beautiful Disaster.
i hope your offer gets accepted too
(though i don't know what offer i am hoping you get accepted)
i'm trying to see what CI*s and EI's i am gonna put up on my list.
wow, i missed a lot of things that are so cute.
Yumeh tails was an EI? aw, i suck missing that!

Protagonist 08-19-2011 09:42 PM

Its for a gold clover pin!

crunky 08-19-2011 09:47 PM

@hummy - the Yumeh ears and tails was before I even joined. xD I joined 4-04-2008. It doesn't feel like over 3 years but wow the time does fly! o.O

hummy 08-19-2011 10:05 PM

crunky ~~ i joined in late 2007, i think in november.
and for the life of me i cannot remember who asked me too join.
wish i had been a little active at least. it was really slow around here then.

crunky 08-19-2011 10:09 PM

@hummy - I remember taking a look at this site when they first had opened and I wish I had made an account and hung around but it was new, and so many avatar sites just don't take off so I was decided to stick with where I was at the time. I really regret that decision but as they say, hindsights 20/20. I wish I could have been here and seen what that first events were like. I was just glad I finally gave it a shot in 2008 or I really would have missed out on a lot. *nods* xD

hummy 08-21-2011 10:36 PM

crunky ~~ i'm glad you were active then as well.
*pets yumeh slippers*
or i'd of missed out on these too.
thanks again!

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