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Esmme 08-04-2011 01:07 AM

Fenris strained against the sail that had somehow blown loose, snapping a call for aid to the nearest sailor. It wasn't long before the dark-skinned male finally knotted the rope to keep everything going the way it should be. "Who was the idiot who tied this?" When the man who'd helped him shrugged, Fenris spat a curse before brushing past him.

Trying to keep his temper in check (he was always fairly bad at that) Fenris made his way to the captain. Seeing Marquet, he took a deep breath and leaned against the railing nearby. "Is it just me, or is everyone on board problematic in some way?" As he finished the comment he sent a pointed look to Laiden as he gingerly sat down at Fenris' feet.

Laiden followed Fenris around (as usual) after the "event." His companion knew about L's relationship with Scarlett. Would he tell the captain? L's pulse spiked when Fenris finally went to speak with Marquet. Sitting quietly by his friend's feet, he cast a wary glance to the captain. Worry flickered over his pale features as he looked at the deck near his bare toes. Wind brushed against his cheeks in a comforting gesture . . . but the slight tossing of the ship made his stomach twist.
Shivering, the teen swallowed his nausea and focused on what the other two males were saying. Please don't tell, Fenris. Please.

Esmme 09-13-2011 12:19 AM

((:XD I don't want this rp to die!! :())

Esmme 12-10-2011 05:09 PM

((Dun dun DUN! It has officially died. :())

TearRose 12-11-2011 05:26 PM

((nah dude. I'm currently talking to the Goddess of the rp. I will be joining once we agree on things.))

Esmme 12-14-2011 07:56 AM

((:D *beams a smile* I hope it gets moving again soon! I miss it something fierce. :lol: I haven't had an rp like this one in a long while.))

TearRose 12-23-2011 05:39 AM

((my profile's not up...... but i believe i may start anyways because i was accepted.... urm... quick run down of what's happening anyone... please????))

Esmme 12-23-2011 06:12 AM

((Oh, goodness. Let's see. . . .

Laiden is supposedly a "slave" of Fenris. (Hehe, have to tell you about my characters! It's a good reminder for myself as well as anyone reading. . . .) Fenris knew the captain a long while back, so they have a past as friends. They joined the crew for the sake of an adventure. Laiden (the boy) has become friends with Blackbeard's relative.

Not much has really happened, honestly. Just a lot of character blabber as we were all getting to know one another. :yes: So . . . just jump in! Reading the intro posts for the rp and the last post or two would catch you up on the whereabouts of everyone's characters. I suspect we lost just about everyone, though. :sweat:

Welcome to our ship, my friend.

Fenris: *grumbles something and turns back to work*
Joseph: *stares silently at the newcomer with wide eyes while sitting near Fenris' feet*))

Katie Scarlett Divine 12-26-2011 12:44 AM

((Guyyyyssss I started a new roleplay for this. Go to my profile and click Katie's threads and it will be the first one.))

Esmme 12-27-2011 06:58 AM

((*beams a smile* Alright, I'll check it out!))

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