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Kry 05-05-2014 12:15 AM

Virsat moved down the stairs and to the waiting arms of his master. The creature was in that human guise of his, so beautiful and frightening all at once, but Virsat loved him dearly. It was the only thing that Virsat had ever loved, it was the only thing that had ever protected him, kept him safe. Cold, pale hands were caressing the vampire's face, making him relax, and then claws were dipping into that soft flesh of Virsat's cheek, cutting and drawing a line of blood down his face. The vampire didn't make a sound, only his body tensing slightly.

There was something, a pale flash of light from Virsat's pocket and it caused his master to stagger back a few steps with a hiss. The vampire blinked and reached into his pocket, pulling out the charm his new friend, Chrissie had given to him. It was glowing, and his master didn't like it one bit. The shadow demon snatched it up rather quickly, glaring at it. He turned it this way and that, squeezed it between his fingers, trying to crush it but to no avail. He growled at it and shadows swarmed into it. Pressing the full force of his dark power against the charm until it finally cracked, then shattered. A satisfied sound left his lips before his attention returned to his pet vampire.

“You've been very bad, my pet.” His master's voice was smooth and cold, yet oddly comforting, oddly reassuring. It was a voice Virsat knew well. The vampire lowered his head, only for that hand on his cheek to move to his chin and jerk his head up. Forcing him to stare into the silver, speckled with red, eyes of his master. “F-forgive me..M-master.” The vampire murmured the words quietly, and soon found himself flung across the room, in a heap on the floor.

“No. You will be punished. Now, come here and accept it.” The master beckoned almost gently with his hand for the vampire and Virsat stood almost immediately. Moving towards his master with no hint of reluctance or hesitation in his step. When he reached the demon, his master grasped his shirt and ripped it off of him. Next those cold claws found Virsat's chest and raked down them, cutting deep into that pale skin of his pet.

A soft sound left Virsat's lips, one of pain, almost pleasure. A cruel smile curled up the lips of his master, and those claws raked down Virsat's chest again, leaving more deep cuts next to the ones first inflicted. Virsat's eyes flashed briefly for a moment, flashing a silver color. His master was repressing his natural ability to heal. Tendrils of shadow began to wrap around Virsat's wrists and ankles, holding his arms and legs out spread eagle style and lifting him a bit in the air.

His master moved around him, raking his claws down Vir's side as he went, and then down his back in several places. The vampire only whimpered occasionally as his master's claws tore into his flesh. But he was already growing weak from the loss of blood. His master's claws raked down his arms, leaving bloody gashes as they went. Virsat's veins were beginning to burn with the hunger. His master's blood, he wanted it. To taste it. It was his only food source.

“No no my pet. No food for you tonight, or tomorrow, perhaps even longer.”
The shadow demon ran another claw down Virsat's face, leaving a matching cut on the opposite cheek. The shadows tightened around Virsat, holding him more firmly even though the vampire didn't even struggle. A tendril of shadow formed in his master's hand, taking shape of a whip, the demon took a few steps back and began to savagely beat his pet. Virsat did cry out now, tears of blood gathering at his eyes, and a tendril of shadow shot into his mouth when it opened to cry out. Muffling his whimpers and cries now as that whip bit into his back, bit into gashes already there.

AmaniIshtar 05-12-2014 05:01 AM

((PapillonCameo: I am soooo sorry, but I have been sooo damn busy. Gramma getting out of rehab, three days of working, having to go back to visit my gramma at the hotel because she's having blood sugar drops and spikes. Or just plain bored and lonely. Babies and old people are hard.))

Icy chips of green glass stared at the plate of food. Her? A servant of Death? What did this other woman mean? All she wanted was to join her dark haired lover in death, but her own instincts prevented her death. She fought back the attackers, using her love's blade. A trace of movement as she minutely shook her head, Rayna wondered why life was such that it was. Her love, her heart, it was stolen from her too soon. Green flickered to the wedding band that sat, the gold cheerily twinkling at her, like it was mocking her.

"No...I just wish for death." It was quite possibly the most she'd ever said since his passing, the despair filling her voice and eyes. She couldn't even kill herself, her own healing abilities prevented anything that was fatal.

PapillonCameo 05-13-2014 08:41 PM

Chrissie leaned back against her chair, taken aback. That was the last answer she'd expected, the very last thing that would have crossed Chrysantha's mind. The swordswoman shifted her own blade, and shook her head before lifting her eyes. "I'm sure you must have your reasons, but perhaps there's still something left for you to do and that might be why you're still here." Death chose its victims carefully, and the other gods watched over people's lives, guiding them towards the things they needed to do before passing on.

Of course, sometimes people failed. Chrysantha tilted her head to the side. She had messed up more then once, but there were always more chances. Perhaps this Inn was one of them for the hunter.

AmaniIshtar 05-18-2014 03:07 PM

Perhaps, but Rayna really no longer cared. The Gods were cruel taskmasters anyway, and she commented as such in that flat voice she now had. Not even her friends, few that they were, had been able to relieve her of this deep depression. Not even her own attempts to end it had worked. The Fates conspired against her, it seemed that way her whole life. She had been able to bring happiness and luck to everyone else, yet any for herself was swiftly taken away.

Green eyes looked up to the other woman, her hand now pushing the empty plate away. "Why are you here?" She wondered aloud. She hoped this woman wasn't here to kill the supposed monster that lived here and took its victims. This was going to be her last chance at trying to see her loved one in death. She would protect him, if only to beg him to kill her later. Unconsciously, her hand moved to rest on her stomach, a flutter of movement had her feeling a tad queasy.

PapillonCameo 06-04-2014 09:23 PM

Why was she there? Chrissie shifted in her seat and let out a sigh. It was more of a complicated answer then she wanted to give. She settled for something simpler then the whole truth. "I'm looking into the rumors about the Inn." Where had the vampire gone? He'd been away from sight for what seemed like far too long. Of course, she hadn't exactly made herself into his favorite person. Lying about her true intent, and threatening someone he obviously cared for, well those were things that usually landed people in the enemy zone.

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