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Star Valo 12-23-2011 11:01 PM

~finds some ice for her eye~

Whimsical Sadist 12-23-2011 11:02 PM

Ha ha I see.
Well it's good to know that Mr. Mayor isn't just some boring loon :lol:

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:03 PM

I'm losing track of all the posts because there are so many threads to post in and so many people posting lol XD Everyone looks so festive in here!

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 11:04 PM

Boring loon? Oh yes, that's me, completely! It's always extremely boring hanging out with me during events, ask anyone!

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:05 PM

Woah this is fast. XD

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:05 PM

lol *agrees with Asca* it so is D: XD

momochan 12-23-2011 11:05 PM

I find that highly unlikely!
So far Mr. Hat is pretty cool. :ninja:
At least, the hat is anyway

Star:...-moons- <3
just for you, hoonie pie~

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:06 PM

Haha, and it's the beginning of the event. XD

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 11:06 PM

Whoosh! Keeps you on your toes and means you earn lots of secret invisible event currency without thinking about it. =)

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:06 PM

@Asca - lol - it's always crazy at the beginning and end XD Even in the middle...too bad it's not this crazy all the time on mene XD

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:06 PM

True!! I wonder how much it is we earn.

momochan 12-23-2011 11:07 PM

true! Glad I'm not seeing it!
I don't want to know what I have until later!
When it's time to see how much I earn, that's when I'll worry~

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by KatMagenta (Post 1770215551)
Whoosh! Keeps you on your toes and means you earn lots of secret invisible event currency without thinking about it. =)

not so invisible if you go buy something from the event store...or just pretty the button that takes you to the "are you sure?" shows you how much you had minus what it's going to take if you click yes *out ninjas the ninja currency* XD

Star Valo 12-23-2011 11:07 PM

~crawls under something to hide~
Star feels like she's being picked on...

Mr. Mayor 12-23-2011 11:08 PM

I'm amused by the invisible currency *laughs* I think I'll go see if I have enough to buy a nice red scarf *nods*

momochan 12-23-2011 11:08 PM

Sorry star! xD
just playing with youuu~

-moons other people-

I can't buy anything with my currency. D: there's no button!

Zephi 12-23-2011 11:09 PM

Momo is hanging out in here.. mooning people no less. >.>

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 11:09 PM

That's clever. I might have a peek but the event commons will have to wait until I've written out the list of the ones I want so I can completely ignore it. :yes:

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by momochan (Post 1770215572)
Sorry star! xD
just playing with youuu~

-moons other people-

I can't buy anything with my currency. D: there's no button!

Really? Mine just shows a red X but I can still press it XD

OoO - Mr. Mayor - the red scarf would go so well with your outfit!

makituchan 12-23-2011 11:09 PM

Hi Mr. Mayor

ohmi. Everything looks so cosy here.

*finds a free sofa and falls asleep.*

I'm almost sure Mr. Mayor won't mind. And you people, don't sit on me.

momochan 12-23-2011 11:10 PM

mina: yes, really!
When I re-load it, I see the 'buy now!' button, but it disappears when it loads completely...

Star Valo 12-23-2011 11:10 PM

Did Star do something to upset the Menewshans?

Maria-Minamino 12-23-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by momochan (Post 1770215589)
mina: yes, really!
When I re-load it, I see the 'buy now!' button, but it disappears when it loads completely...

Oh that sucks D: I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon!

KatMagenta 12-23-2011 11:11 PM

It worked for me on Chrome clicking the broken image. All of the invisible tokens are going into an invisible pile for later.

Ascadellia 12-23-2011 11:11 PM

How do you know when you have enough to buy stuff?
Does it show?

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