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EltiaskWolffe 06-04-2015 12:15 AM

"It's not my house and I didn't decide it. I have no opinion on your choices," the hunter stated firmly as he heard her voice, annoyance ringing in it. "I'm really sorry if this disturbs you, it's not my intention." Eltiask then stared at Protegée as she disappeared into the house, leaving him behind. He then decided to exit the house itself, making his way down the stairs and through the main door. "I'll be on the grounds. If you need anything, let me know." The hunter knew perfectly well she would hear him. He was doing his part of the whole deal.

Once outside, the soil felt oddly comforting under Eltiask's feet. He inhaled deeply, recognizing the firm scent of salt. The ocan was close enough to be located, yet there was enough space between it and her house for its sounds to be muffled. Narrowing his eyes at the sudden clarity of the day, Eltiask turned around on his feet to observe his surroundings. The pines were ancient, with trunks sturdy enough to support his weight and tall enough to provide a nice challenge. Along with that, the area was a really conserved forest. Trees grew next to each other, giving him plenty of options to escape if needed. A gentle smirk curved the hunter's lips as he began sprinting lightly into the depths of the forest. He knew for certain it was about to become his domain.

His heart was beating wildly, but he didn't pay attention at all. As he held the trunk tightly, Eltiask looked around him. In a strange way, he was certain Protegée had never been so deep into the forest, and he understood why. These were wild lands, dominated by nature in all its glory. Eltiask's pupils were dilated in exhilaration, waiting restlessly for the next challenge he would face. He jumped forward, always staying on the canopy of the forest, until he reached the coastline. The seabreeze messed his hair gently, and his lungs expanded to their fullest as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to get lost in that moment. After a while, though, the wind's direction changed. With it came scents from a different place of the forest, and that was when Eltiask went into hunter mode. He inhaled deeply, recognizing the scent he had found. "Oil. Burning. Moving." He frowned and dashed back into the trees, moving swiftly through the canopy and holding his knife between his teeth. His hands moved expertly around the trunks, finding branches strong enough to hold him and the impulse he was moving with, until he found the source of the scent. It was, in fact, a small vehicle. In it, he only could see two human figures. They were talking, but he was too far to listen clearly. He followed them closely, jumping silently from tree to tree until he managed to establish the direction they were going: Protegée's house. "Hey. I know you're there. Did you know there are people patrolling the forest?" Eltiask frowned noticeably as he held his knife on his left hand, holding with his right hand the trunk of the tree he was standing on.

K-chan10307 06-04-2015 03:18 AM

Eltiask’s words cut through the dense numbers running through Melanie’s brain enough to get her to pause and process what he had relayed to her. No one goes through my woods, she replied, going alert instantaneously. Without a second thought, she saved all of her work, and reached under her bed, pulling out her survival pack. It was her just-in-case bag ever since the death of her parents. While she was still of the firm belief that it was her own fault that they died, the people that started to try and enter her life afterwards were not to be trusted. It took her years to find a safe haven and make it her home, believing that the people looking for her would not be able to find her. Despite all that hard work, Melanie had also known that if there were to be a day when they did find her, she would have to be able to drop everything and leave in an instant. Her pack was filled with money, documents, encrypting software and everything else she would possibly need to make a clean getaway and relocate herself.

She thrust the materials she had just used into the bag, refusing to give up on her mission due to interference, and slung the pack over her shoulders. Maybe she was overreacting, but one could never be too safe. She made her way downstairs and through the living room when it finally it her. She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t noticed it before when she returned, but it was clear now. Someone had been in her home. It wasn’t just any someone either. The person took care to mask their presence, as if they had known that Melanie could touch objects and learn exactly who had touched it before her. She got a flash in her mind of someone dressed in all black, running their hands over her fire place and look through her pictures. They had taken care to cover their tracks, but were clumsy enough to have left a small enough trace to make Melanie question the safety of her own home.

She then felt who Eltiask was warning her about. They were making a beeline towards her house, their presence becoming a buzz in her mind. Had they been untrained, Melanie would be able to hear all their thoughts without having to exert any effort at all, but their minds were muted. They were trained to shield themselves around her. Instinctively, she thrust up her own shields, shutting herself off from the world as she waited for the two people to approach.

EltiaskWolffe 06-05-2015 12:10 AM

"Stay inside. I'll take care of this." Eltiask knew the sinister grin on his face wasn't something to be proud of. He knew as well the darkness dancing in his eyes was something terrifying for anyone who witnessed it, but at that precise moment he didn't care at all. The car was moving lazily, slowly enough for him to calculate the distance and the amount of strength he was going to need to land right in front of it. "This will be fun," the hunter spoke roughly, mirroring the demons swirling in his mind and whispering unspeakable horrors.

Taking a deep breath, Eltiask leaped forward into the air, allowing himself to fall freely before landing soundly on the forest's ground, a few feet in from of the car. He heard the high-pitched screech of the car's brakes go off instantly, and while he waited for the dust to clear, he stood up and held his knife in his left hand tightly. The hunter was quite cautious to stand up as tall as he was, allowing his massive frame of 6'7" shadow the sunlight filtering through to leaves. Frowning, he began walking steadily towards the car. As he did so, both men stepped down of the car. He vagely heard them shout something, though he totally ignored it. After that, they took out pistols and aimed right at him. "Heh..." He stopped for a brief second before resuming his way, walking more slowly towards them. That was then he heard the first gunshot. He felt it as well. The impact made him stagger slightly backwards, though he totally ignored it. Then, a second gunshot and impact. His lips curved into a sinister smile as he focused on his targets. First, he would take down the man on his right, mainly by either yugular dissection or simply knocking him down momentarily. Secondly, the man on his left was going to meet his knife's blade right on his chest. Having decided his strategy, Eltiask dashed forward dlindingly fast, dodging two more bullets as he made his way to the first man. As expected, he knocked him down with a single hit of his knife's pommel on the back of his head. The man's body fell down with a loud thud, and while his companion stared at the body terrified, the hunter moved abnormally fast over the car to lock his arms around his neck. That was when he smelled it: fear. He inhaled deeply, feeling the adrenaline pump through his blood and giving him the rush he needed to finish off his target. "Never forget who took your life," he whispered angrily at the man's ear as he cut deeply over the man's neck. Blood flowed freely from the wound, to which the hunter reacted by letting the body fall down on the ground. He returned to the first man and took his limp body away from the car, heading deeper into the forest for some questioning.

K-chan10307 06-05-2015 03:23 AM

Melanie winced, feeling the shots that entered Eltiask’s body. She refused to disconnect from him even though the thought of death absolutely repulsed her, and he had a propensity towards killing. She had a right to know exactly what was happening on her property. You killed him?! On my property?! I know you’ve been living on an island for some odd years, but this doesn’t fly on US soil!

Her mind raced in a panic as Melanie realized that she would have to somehow remove the body from her woods and made sure no one came knocking at her door with a murder investigation. For someone so highly trained, you’re pretty damn sloppy! She let her fury mix in with those thoughts. The idea of having people come to her and investigate her sent her mind down a very dark path.

Pushing the terrifying thoughts away, and ignoring Eltiask’s command, Melanie set up her security system and promptly left the house, heading straight into the woods to find Eltiask. If this person had decided to invade her land, she had a right to be there and know why. She had her pack with her in case she did end up having to leave. It wasn’t too hard to track them though. The presence of fear and death hung heavily in the air, forcing Melanie to choke back her own reactions to the vile atmosphere now invading her beloved home.

EltiaskWolffe 06-05-2015 10:45 PM

"It was either them or us. You clearly don't understand or don't want to see it, but they had all the intention to kill us both. I'll take care of the car and the body. You have nothing to fear, I know how to cover my tracks." Eltiask then proceeded to throw the man's limp body to the ground, over a small pile of leaves he had found nearby. He stretched his back, hearing how his vertebrae popped back to their right position. After doing so, he inspected his wounds. Two gunshot wounds, one on his right arm and the pther on his chest. "Goddammit..." The hunter sighed exasperated as he sat down and thoroughly began inspecting the wound on his arm. The wound itself was already closing, and when he examined inside it with his fingers, there was no evidence at all of the bullet. he checked the back of his arm, finding no exit wound at all. He shrugged nonchalantly, allowing his body to do the rest of the work. On his chest, though, he had to be more careful. Eltiask knew well the bullet hadn't hit any of his vital organs. Otherwise, he'd be in a very different situation. Still, he examined it carefully, inspecting the wound itself with his fingers until he felt something inside. "There you are..." Holding his knife steadily on his right hand, the hunter then opened the wound with a precise cut of his knife on his skin. Blood rushed out of the borders, drenching the shirt he was wearing with his blood. He groaned lowly, focused on retrieving the bullet from his body. A few minutes went by until he finally managed to pull the small metal fragment from his chest. Of course, in those minutes his shirt ended up being a crimson piece of clothing. He shook his head in annoyance, and then took off the shirt. The hunter knew perfectly well it was one of Protegée's borthers' clothing, so he made a note to replace it as soon as possible. Standing up after the whole ordeal, he then turned to face the unconscious mind in front of him.

The man lying in front of him was around thirty years old, a bit older than himself. However, he could see several scars on his face and several white streaks of hair. Either he had lived a tough life from the beginning or time hadn't been soft on him. He was well dressed, not in a noticeable way but comfrotably speaking. "He was prepared for danger..." Eltiask frowned as he went through the man's pockets, finding nothing. "No wallets, no IDs, no personal belongings... He knew he was in a one-way mission if it failed." He frowned once more as he crouched next to the man, observing his movements. He was going to be unconscious for a while, but he didn't want to leave him alone. Being the hunter he was, he knew people often had surprises. Eltiask hated surprises.

K-chan10307 06-06-2015 12:50 AM

Melanie paused, clutching at her chest, feeling a wound that wasn’t there. It’s as if I’m feeling his pain for him, she thought to herself, throwing up shields so that Eltiask wouldn’t pick up on it. He’d most likely roll his eyes or throw an attitude that Melanie wasn’t in the mood for. After a few deep breaths, Melanie continued on until she found Eltiask and the unconscious body on the floor.

She took in his bloodied shirt and the bullet on the ground. We really are from different worlds. Melanie gingerly stepped over to the man, glad that at least he was still alive. The fact that he was sent on a suicide mission meant that whoever had sent him knew that she had a new, more aggressive line of defense. Someone’s been watching me. And they know you’re here too… Had Eltiask’s presence had not been known of, they would have not had to worry about being killed, as Melanie’s plan always included minimal damage and hiding.

Gently, she pressed a hand to the man’s forehead, wincing in preparation of the onslaught of information that would be in his mind. And came up blank. He was absolutely empty and washed clean. Except for one thing: Steve Marks. Melanie cleared her head and lowered her shields and tried again, and still nothing but that name. What the hell is this? Melanie backed away slowly. Either this man had impenetrable shields, which was highly unlikely, or he had been enhanced in a way that Melanie could get no information from his person. But why that name?

EltiaskWolffe 06-06-2015 01:46 AM

"I know," Eltiask said in a deep, serious voice as he circled the man, "and that is definitely not a good thing. If they know I'm here, they'll send more. They're vicious and completely out of their minds." The hunter then stopped behind Protegée, staring at the man's face. He noticed facial movement and an alteration on his breathing pattern. "He's about to wake up. If you couldn't get information, let me try at least my way." The hunter then moved swiftly to the man's left side and crouched, staring into the man's eyes. He knew very well that, if he had been modified to shield his mind, there would be little for him to do. However, if he had been trained to do so, Eltiask always had his special way to get the information he needed. Whatever the cost.

The man stirred uncomfortably from his position as his eyes fluttered open, only to be met by Eltiask's severe gaze right to his left. As his hostage tried to crawl away from the man who had knocked him unconscious at a blinding speed, the hunter proptly placed his left kneel on top of the man's chest, pinning him to the ground. Eltiask felt the hatred coming from the man's being: utter despise came in waves from him. "Listen well, you bastard," the hunter spoke roughly and violently, yet his voice was a mere whisper, "either you tell me who sent you here or I'll get the answer from you, one limb at a time." He then proceeded to place his knife one the man's yugular, threatening to cut it open. However, from the man's mouth came no sound at all. The hunter growled angrily, and as he was about to give him an incentive to speak, he noticed something strange. The man's hatred, and thus his own mind, began to fade away. "Do you feel it?" Eltiask stood up and backed away from the man, observing his body. There was no physical explanation for what was going on, yet he felt his mind drifting away. It was different from the way someone's mind simply disappeared when he died. It was simply leaving that body. After a few seconds, it was gone. There was no fear or despise, just an empty, living body. "It's like a husk..."

K-chan10307 06-06-2015 03:42 AM

Melanie felt nothing. Literally nothing. She lurched forward, touching him again, but because there was nothing to connect to, she was just attached to the emptiness of it all. It was an extremely new feeling to her and it frightened her to her very core. “This is the first time I’ve felt nothing,” she whispered, pulling away. She turned to Eltiask, looking him in the eye. “What do we do now?”

A dead body was relatively easier to deal with than a vegetable. Melanie’s mind flashed back to the countless experiments done on her during her childhood. Even when people were declared braindead, she was still able to pull memories and thoughts from them. This person just didn’t seem to exist. Her mind just couldn’t accept that explanation, so she went towards the man again, putting both her hands on either side of his head and looking into his empty eyes. She reached far into the depths of his brain, her eyes starting to glow as she exerted all her power.

Finally something. It was very small, barely noticeable, but it was there. A pulse. Melanie reached further in, pushing herself into the tiny space. She pulled away quickly, taking a moment to orient herself. “There’s a microchip in his brain.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-08-2015 01:56 AM

A microchip. Inside his brain. Eltiask groaned loudly, shaking his head all the while. He knew those people were insane, but they were also quite smart. Smart enough to control people from afar. "You know what this means, right? They saw me, they know I'm here with you. There's visual confirmation. They will keep sending scouts until they get what they desire, or they'll launch a full-scale assault mission. We have to keep moving." He walked around, head low as he kept on thinking, until he found a nearby tree. In a sudden outburst of anger, he punched the trunk, leaving a quite considerable depression on it. He exhaled frustratedly, staring at his knuckles while he moved his fingers. There were splinters dotting his skin, but he paid no attention to them. In seconds, his broken skin had healed, rejecting the wood from itself.

"Look, it goes down like this. Either we kill him, or we run fast from here. If whoever is looking for you is the same group of crazy people who worked on me, we're totally fu.cked." The hunter then stared at Protegée intently, hoping she understood how things worked in his field. Either you run for your life or strike to kill the leader. This time, he had no information whatsoever to hunt offensively. His best bet was to chase defensively, protecting his territory as long as possible while they found information.

K-chan10307 06-10-2015 03:14 AM

For once the Quiet Man wasn’t quiet. Melanie felt the dismay and urgency rolling off of him. “But this makes no sense!” She looked around, knowing that she was going to have to leave her home, but not wanting to accept it. “I haven’t exactly been hiding. Sure I’m secluded and private, but I never took myself off the radar. They could have found me at any time. All I did was go on vacation.” All she had wanted was to piece together her past and understand how she ended up being the way she was. Some of her repressed childhood memories had resurfaced during her time on the island, but it was still hazy. She had hoped to sift through them when she came back, but now it seemed she wouldn’t have time for it.

The devastation of her destiny had hit her. She would have to enter the life that Eltiask was leading: on the run. It was not a life she wanted to lead, but she had no choice. Somehow she had also ended up barging into this man’s life and pulling him into another mess. With a deep breath, Melanie looked into Eltiask’s eyes, resignation clear in her eyes. “Okay then. What do we have to do?”

EltiaskWolffe 06-11-2015 12:35 AM

"Hey, we don't make sense either. I mean, look at you. You can resurface memories I had locked deep within my mind, and I have an overwhelming natural killing instinct. We're past the whole 'making sense' part, dear." Eltiask spoke with a subtle hint of a smile dancing on his lips. Yes, somehow in a deep zone in his mind, the hunter was finding the whole situation somewhat hilarious. He even laughed ironically as he leaned on the tree he had previously punched. His bright turquoise eyes fixed themselves on Protegée's, silently telling her that he understood what she was going through. "Your trip was all that they needed. You went looking for answers, and they don't like that. They don't want us to know a single thing about who we really are."

The hunter then pushed himself off the tree in an effortless movement and walked up to her. His chest wound had already healed, but traces of blood ran down his torso, as if they were crimson rivers against snow. "Listen," he said with that rough voice of his, "I know you're smart with computers. I need information. If we are going to fight in this war, and I'm sure as hell we will, I need to know who are we fighting. Don´t worry about safety. I cant keep this place off-limits as long as needed. You'll be safe, but I need to know who are they and what they want with us both. Can you do that?"

K-chan10307 06-11-2015 01:58 AM

“No one should have been able to know that,” Melanie muttered. She sighed. “On paper I was on assignment in Borneo. The last documented place I was in was Jakarta. Going to China was a snap decision I made and I masked myself. Nobody noticed me and there was no paperwork involved.” She had checked everyone in the village she stayed at. Nobody had shields or malicious intent. Somehow whoever was after her had managed to track her when she took every pain to make sure she was untraceable. Her mind raced through her memories. She knew that in order to figure out what was going on, she was going to have to sort through everything that happened on her trip and go back to the beginning.

“There’s something that is eluding me just a bit, and I need to sort through everything I have. How long do you think you can keep my house protected for? I’ll do my thing and try to pull all the information I have.” She noticed the remnants of his injuries. “And we should probably gather supplies that we might need. And figure out what we are supposed to do with him.” She pointed to the empty husk of a human still on the ground. “I am not having his body rot on my property.”

EltiaskWolffe 06-30-2015 12:13 AM

"As long as it's needed, my dear," Eltiask said with a proud smile as he raised his arms, motioning at the whole forest. His eyes flashed vividly, experiencing once more the thrill of the Hunt he felt every time he was out there, roaming the world. "Don't worry about how long you'll have. You should be worried about how many losses they will suffer. I just need to scout the area and get used to it. I suppose it won't take more than twelve hours," the hunter said as he scratched his chin and unkept shadow with his right hand, observing the forest intently, "It also depends on how much area you want covered. I can keep a tight safe area around your place, or I can cover more ground. The choice is all yours."

Eltiask smiled gently as he turned around and stared at the empty husk of a body lying on the ground. "I know what to do with... Uh, it. One of the great things of working incognito is you don't want others to know. Go back home, strengthen your defenses, and keep on working. I'll let you know if I find anything."

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