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Circus 06-26-2009 12:58 PM

Hmm... I've never cosplayed.
I've always wanted to but... Never have xD

Melody 06-26-2009 01:00 PM

Are they cookies made with the secret ingredient of.... Love? <3

Tsuki-Chani 06-26-2009 01:01 PM

melody xyelle @ 8D they must be~! -grabby hands- XDDD

Circus @ same here~! but even if I were given the choice, I have no idea WHAT. I would be. ;v;

Rylynne 06-26-2009 01:06 PM

@ Circus : Lolz. xDD;; Cool then? =P Autumn is a pretty season~ :'D <3<3

Circus 06-26-2009 01:23 PM

@Tsuki: Me neither xD
@Rylynne: I love stamping on leaves... Cause I'm cute like that lol.

Melody 06-26-2009 02:08 PM

*has been inspired to make cookies*

Tsuki- I doubt vicky does much with out Love xD

IgnisFae 06-26-2009 02:18 PM

back~ :) What's this I hear about more kookies? ^^

Nephila 06-26-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by melody xyelle (Post 1764580845)
Are they cookies made with the secret ingredient of.... Love? <3

I bet they are Mel XD I bet they are. :heart:

I guess I'll have to pay more attention to things. I almost missed this opportunity. How is everyone this morning?

Melody 06-26-2009 03:25 PM

I'm doing good. Made some chocolate chip cookies this morning (before it got too hot to use the oven! D: ) and now I don't feel like making lunch. xD

Wendy Darling 06-26-2009 03:53 PM

Mmm, chocolate chip cookies sound delicious Mellie. :3

And yeah, it's sweltering outside. e_e; I can't seem to cool down. The heat's unbearable.

crunky 06-26-2009 03:56 PM

I didn't have time to make cookies but I did get up early and make rice krispy treats so my hubby would have a nice little surprise snack in his lunch box! <3
Where did Vicky go?
*hunts down now famous mene baker* xD

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 03:57 PM

Hello! *Pops in*

Yeah Wendy, it is way to hot outside. I don't think I could bear with it 'cause now I'm sick. :P Not fun in the summer.

Circus 06-26-2009 04:11 PM

I was about to post something random, but where did my avatar go?? *Searches*

Edit: It's back. Nevermind. Just a weird glitch.

So... Love cookies=yumm <33

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 04:14 PM

Cookies are too good. What's your favorite type of cookie??

Circus 06-26-2009 04:20 PM

Chocolate Chip!!!
I had some yesterday and they were soooo yummy!

Melody 06-26-2009 04:23 PM

By the last batch of cookies I had to turn on the air, it was just getting too hot in the house, and the oven still hasn't cooled down completely, it's still warm to the touch almost 3 hours later! D: I hate hot days. </3

Crunky: mmm rice crispy treats. <3 Much simpler than cookies and still just as delicious. Sadly, I have no Marshmallows, so I'm jealous. xD

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 04:26 PM

I think my favorite type of cookies are white chocolate Macadamia Nut. My best friend used to make them for me...

Circus 06-26-2009 04:28 PM

[b]Oooh!!! Rice Krispie Treats! I want some...
Maybe I'll make some later.

Oooh... Those sound good. I think I like the Pepperridge Farm ones of those.

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 04:32 PM

Yeah, I do too. I like chewy chocolate chips also. :D

crunky 06-26-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by melody xyelle (Post 1764581264)
By the last batch of cookies I had to turn on the air, it was just getting too hot in the house, and the oven still hasn't cooled down completely, it's still warm to the touch almost 3 hours later! D: I hate hot days. </3

Crunky: mmm rice crispy treats. <3 Much simpler than cookies and still just as delicious. Sadly, I have no Marshmallows, so I'm jealous. xD

hehe *shares crispy treats with you* P=
I know, I always am out of marshmallows it seems. xD
I used to buy a bunch of bags but then I would forget to make them and the marshmallows would get hard. =/
So now I only buy one bag and one box of rice krispies at a time.
I had this huge economy bag but it went stale so I stopped hoarding the crispies..xD
I love it too because you can't mess them up! xD
You can't under cook or overcook them and they only take a few minutes to make and set up. ^_^
I was in a rare mood this morning.
I feel asleep at 8pm last night so I woke up at 6am (have to get up at 7am normally) so I cleaned a bit and made them this morning. xD


Originally Posted by Circus (Post 1764581281)
[b]Oooh!!! Rice Krispie Treats! I want some...
Maybe I'll make some later.

Oooh... Those sound good. I think I like the Pepperridge Farm ones of those.

*shares with you too* hehe
Its so funny because I always forget to make them.
They are like the easiest treat you can make! xD
oh, but sooooo good...:drool:

Melody 06-26-2009 05:31 PM

I went to bed after 11, ended up watching Ace of Cakes for a while, and then getting sucked into it. xD I <3 Cakes! Woke up when my husband got back from his paper route, about 6 am, made breakfast then decided cookies were in order for today. I used our electric mixer...and I think it mixed it too much. xD My cookie dough was like cookie pancake batter (I think it also had to do with the heat of the day already setting in) but it was amusing none the less. xD Had to shove that dough in the freezer for a while. ^^;;

Goblin Maiden 06-26-2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Emma Corrin (Post 1764580467)
-watching Labyrinth for the 3rd time in a row xD-
I've -so- been corrupted~





So we're talking about making cookies? I made brownies a couple of weeks ago. But I forgot they were in the oven and they ended up a tad drier than they should've. Oh well. At least they were still edible.

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 05:48 PM

I can't bake. Not one bit. It's really really sad.

Anglie 06-26-2009 05:53 PM

wee I'm back
Ooh I love baking, cookies and cake

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 05:54 PM

Sorry for leaving everyone so suddenly last night!
My laptop decided to die on me and refuse to start back up due to the cord-box-thingy being too hot due to the weather T_T

How is everyone?

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