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Ebuichan 02-11-2008 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by wish

i can sell you the royal cape ^^ but for 300g?

just a question would u go lil bit lower? :? *wanna eat a choco?*

Asami-Kisaki 02-11-2008 12:32 AM

@DIi: Nuu, I'm like the poor one. XD; I have no funds to buy pants. LOL. XD;

Maybe I should start selling art.. Buuu =w=

Candiie 02-11-2008 12:33 AM

@asami; lol XD at least you'll be sucessful in selling art n__n

Kaldeagirl 02-11-2008 12:34 AM

All the chocolates and candy boxes are making me hungry *Q*

wish 02-11-2008 12:34 AM

280g? .-.

and yes please! :3

Ebuichan 02-11-2008 12:35 AM

got my 11th chocolate^^

Asami-Kisaki 02-11-2008 12:36 AM

Lol, I doubt itt~ I can't draw females properly, and I fail at art anyways.

I don't really enjoy drawing avatars.. XD; Well unless they are mine of course. =P -shot-

I needaa practiceeee

Dystopia 02-11-2008 12:36 AM

Oi, this Event is making Mene lag like the hell. xD

Candiie 02-11-2008 12:36 AM

anyone here want to post in my auction D8
its kinda dead there. link in sig T___T

Ebuichan 02-11-2008 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by wish

280g? .-.

and yes please! :3

okies 280g send trade...*gives wishes a choco....just got 2 other chocos..right after postin*

linapoo 02-11-2008 12:38 AM

oh, sorry about the disappearance. XDD;
i was watching a movie thing... on tbs.

still am.... ~ uhhh ebuiii! what do you want for freebie?

i got everyone else who got a freebie and saw the forms for slots. :3 thanks everyone.


Asami-Kisaki 02-11-2008 12:41 AM

@Anna: Yep~ I think that the valentines day event is the most popular. owo So many commons and so much lag. XD; First time it ever happened to me.

But the lag is almost gonee~

@Lina: Lulz, I can't wait to see more of you arttss. <3

meilin 02-11-2008 12:41 AM

-pops in and snugs Lina- 8D

Candiie 02-11-2008 12:42 AM

@sang; its alright n___n
did i win the freebie on page 4 or did wish again? >__<

wish 02-11-2008 12:42 AM

yaaay choco!! <33

i'll send a trade. :3

and what... forms? ;__;

linapoo 02-11-2008 12:47 AM

ooh i can't wait for more of yours!

yo yo yo!!

ahh wish did. XD;; sorryyyy. -love-

asldfkjasdf i wish i had a love pop XDD

Sevi 02-11-2008 12:47 AM

*throws luv chocolates at everyone*

Candiie 02-11-2008 12:48 AM

@sang; ooo, its okay n__n

linapoo 02-11-2008 12:49 AM

-love at sevii-
how are youuu? *u*

Dystopia 02-11-2008 12:49 AM

@ Asami - Very nice commons, but I gotta stop buying them. @.@ I buy ONE thing and my gold goes down from 9k to 5k. Damn wings.

meilin 02-11-2008 12:50 AM

Lina: How is your day going? 8D

wish 02-11-2008 12:51 AM

Omg i didn't mean to get two pages x___x;; i was just chatting... .__.!

Asami-Kisaki 02-11-2008 12:53 AM

@Lina: lulzzz, you might not see more for like awhileee~ XD I would rather see more of yourrsss. 8D

@Anna: Wah, at least you can afford the wings. T_T -really wants them but can't get them- The valentine day event is too evil. T_T Making me spend all me goldies. D: This is the first time I was ever tempted to make an art shop to get these items. T_T

Candiie 02-11-2008 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by wish

Omg i didn't mean to get two pages x___x;; i was just chatting... .__.!

its okay!
congrats on getting 2 freebies n__n

Sevi 02-11-2008 12:55 AM

I'm good good~~~!! *X* Planning V-day
how ish you?

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