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Silenia 07-07-2010 07:40 PM

Thank you, Flink! [/echoes]

Chickie Nuggs 07-07-2010 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Lint Fairy (Post 1767759190)
Flink has just donated some lovely CIs to the Pile ~ thank you Flink! <3

yay, go Flink! :D

dragoness129 07-07-2010 08:14 PM

Thanks, Flink!

The Lint Fairy 07-07-2010 08:28 PM

I've put some funny math up there in the front so you all can have an idea of the contents of the Pile ~ now it's time for Fairy to go to work, visit you all in a bit! <3

dragoness129 07-07-2010 08:31 PM

See you later, Lint Fairy. -waves-

Chickie Nuggs 07-07-2010 08:55 PM

Cya miss fairy~ *waves*

Facade 07-07-2010 11:07 PM

Belly, I heard you were eating a popsicle, but it was stoled! :O
I hope you're taking it well. :(

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 12:05 AM

Ya i heard that too! D:
Poor belleh... :cry:

Liztress 07-08-2010 01:00 AM

Someone stole Belly's popsicle?! We must track down and maim this thief!

BellyButton 07-08-2010 03:10 AM

*whispers "it was Insomniac.. avenge me, my minions!"*

Liztress 07-08-2010 03:15 AM

But won't we get in trouble if we maim Inso? I mean... I'm always for a good maiming but I do like being on Mene.

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 04:07 AM

Inso is god of this world... we wouldn't stand a chance even if we were willing. :cry:
I'm ssssorry belleh! :gonk:

BellyButton 07-08-2010 04:10 AM

:gonk: I was afraid you might say that! :cry:

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 04:12 AM

The only way you'd be avenged is if Inso took vengeance upon himself. u_u

Facade 07-08-2010 04:30 AM

Or if we somehow bribed Channah to pummel him with her clunky purse! :D

After all, we all know that Channah is the true head honcho of Mene. :lol:

...But yeah, sorry Belly. You're not worth it. :roll:
We'll visit your grave every few decades, though, I promises! :heart:

BellyButton 07-08-2010 04:32 AM

Not so fast, Facade! I'm not going to die from losing my popsickle. I'll just be uncomfortably sweaty in this no-air-conditioning house, that's all. :feesh:

Anyway, I do think you should take this up with Channah. :yes:

<3 demo loves me at least!

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 04:41 AM

Of course I do! I loves mah belleh-welleh~ :hug: :heart:

Facade 07-08-2010 04:48 AM

I love another Creature of the Abdominal Region. I apologize. :(



P.S.: Channah's help in the matter has been requested! :D

Let's hope she doesn't have another upper-lip waxing scheduled for tomorrow. :gonk:

The Lint Fairy 07-08-2010 06:57 AM

*floats through and dusts the furniture with her fairy wand*

Don't forget, you can still nominate others for a free pick from the Pile! Details in post #6.

sadrain 07-08-2010 07:26 AM

-flops in, unaware of drama going on-

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Lint Fairy (Post 1767764376)
*floats through and dusts the furniture with her fairy wand*

Don't forget, you can still nominate others for a free pick from the Pile! Details in post #6.

Oh that's right! I'll have to do that when I'm more awake. =_o

sadrain 07-08-2010 09:32 AM

Mhm, me too.

The Lint Fairy 07-08-2010 03:13 PM

We've just received some lovely event and limited item donations from BananaCheeps! The Pile thanks you! <3

Chickie Nuggs 07-08-2010 03:21 PM

Whoo, Cheeps you're the AWESOMEST!

Facade 07-08-2010 04:45 PM

OMG, I want limited edition items! :insane: :gonk:
-burrow into the pile and is never seen again- :ninja:

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