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MoodyBats 01-01-2012 05:09 AM

Betty nodded and turned it off putting the remote back onto the coffee table. She sat in one of the chairs at the table drinking her coffee. "That man better stay where he belongs and that is in jail. He should've never done that to Catrice." Betty said narrowing her eyes a bit.

Catrice had soon gotten out of bed knowing the twins were hungry and she didn't want to starve them. Going downstairs she got herself a bowl of cereal. It wasn't much but at least it would be something. All she could think about was how scared she was.

IndigoKitsune 01-01-2012 03:15 PM

Milo finished eating and turned to Betty, he was hoping that Catrice wound't be takign all of this too hard, after all she was going to be a mother. He shook his head, some how everything had to work out for the best. He left Betty's apartment and waited out side for her, he had to make sure that Betty wasn't hurt, in the same way that his own sister had been.

MoodyBats 01-01-2012 11:23 PM

After breakfast Betty walked outside to Milo. "Ready to go to your family's house? I want to make sure Catrice is okay. I know she wont be her old self for a while but still." Betty said walking with Milo to his family's house. She knew Catrice would never be the same but she wanted her to be at least a little better each day.

IndigoKitsune 01-01-2012 11:42 PM

Milo nodded feeling vary helpless, he put an arm around Betty and started to walk. "Betty, I hope that everything goes back to normal soon." He moved closer to her. "When my sister is resting, maybe we can go out for a little bit." He smiled keeping her close to him, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt Betty.

MoodyBats 01-01-2012 11:55 PM

Betty smiled hearing Milo pretty much asking her out on a date. "I would like that a lot." She said holding onto his hand as the two walked to his family's house. When the two arrived there Catrice had just finished her breakfast and was watching tv or at least trying to but all there was on was what happened with Brian's arrest.

IndigoKitsune 01-02-2012 02:36 AM

Milo smiled and walked up too Catrice, he put his hand on her solder. "How are you feeling?" He kept his eyes on her, hoping that all of her pain would go away. But he also new that all of that would take time. He managed a smile and looked to Betty for a moment, knowing that the two of them might want to be alone for a little while.

MoodyBats 01-02-2012 02:43 AM

Betty nodded leaving the two alone to talk. "I'm alright, I feel so stupid that I didn't see the signs to what he was doing." She said softly. "I'm just glad he is no longer going to be in my life and he wont be in the twins' life. Even if I have to be a single mother of twins I wont have their father involved in their life. He's dangerous." Catrice said softly. "I'm fine honestly. I feel better today."

IndigoKitsune 01-02-2012 03:21 AM

Milo smiled and hugged Catrice closes to him. "That is good."

A young man with thick black hair, sat flipping though the want adds in the news paper. While his three year old, sat on the floor playing with blocks. His name was Tristan and he had worked for years as a teacher, but since his wife had died, he needed to change jobs. He looked at this little girl and smiled, some how he was going to support her and give her a good life, but for now he was unemployed and not sure what he was going to do.

MoodyBats 01-02-2012 11:45 PM

Catrice smiled to her brother. "I do want to care for the twins and to finish school but I know mom and dad wont let me go back to that school and sure people will stare when I do start to have that baby bump but I don't care. I need to finish college in order to take care of the twins. I am an adult and they are my responsibility. I do not want either of them to turn out like their father. I will raise them on my own if I have to. I will be going back to school but Maybe I will just drop that class. They will probably have a replacement teacher anyways."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 03:00 AM

"Catrice, you should talk to mom about this, besides we don't want to rush you." He kissed her forehead. "I just want you to be safe, maybe you should take the rest of the semester off and......" He looked away from his sister for a moment. "I am afraid, of what might happen to you, if you go back too soon."

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 03:08 AM

"Mom and dad will only have me do my classes online and I don't want that. I don't want to hide away." Catrice said softly. "I'm not going to go back too soon but I am not taking the whole semester off. I have to finish school some how. I am not going to let anything more happen to be. That man wont even be allowe near the campus."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 03:17 AM

"Please, don't rush things." He looked into her eyes, his own eyes where watering. "Please, stay home for a little while." He looked to Betty, not wanting to control his little sister, but also not wanting Catrice, to have to deal with other collage kids making fun of her. He hugged his sister and resting his head on her shoulder, he started to cry.

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 03:21 AM

"Milo its not like I am going back to class today because I'm not. I just don't want to take the entire semester off. I don't care what the kids have to say about me when I do start showing." Catrice said sighing petting her brother's head. "I'm going to take at least a week off. I don't want to go too soon because I know I am still healing from that whole event."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 03:28 AM

"Alright, but you have to talk to mom and dad about this." He staid vary still, what if something bad happened to his sister, what if she was wrong, what if she couldn't handle any of this?"

Thomas came into the room and put a hand on, Catrice shoulder. "Your mother and I are going to have a teacher come here, to work with you." He smiled. "You will be finishing school at home."

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 03:31 AM

Catrice sighed and nodded to her brother. She just hoped that they would let her go back to school. She knew they hated Brian just as much as Catrice did. Though feeling her father's hand on her shoulder she shook her head. "I do not want to do the rest of my classes at home. I wont be going back to school anytime soon but eventually I will be going back. I need to finish school and at home will be a lot harder."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 03:49 AM

Two weeks past and soon, Tristen was making his way into the class room, at the local collage for the first time. He wrote his name on the black board and turned to face the class. "We will be starting where you left off, I hope that all of you are ready and...."

Milo came into the class room with Beth and Catrice, his eyes daring angry to the new teacher. That man would probably target one of these innocent girls and he would never let that happen.

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 03:52 AM

Catrice nudged her brother. "Behave." She whispered to him paying attention to the teacher. She couldn't help but have a few flashbacks of Brian and what happened with him in her head but she pushed those thoughts in the back of her head wanting to pay attention in class. Catrice wouldn't be showing for another two months or so which was good since she at least could have her slim figure for a little while longer until she did show though she wouldn't look fat when she would show.

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 04:10 AM

Milo shook his head and sat down next to his sister, keeping his eyes on the new teacher.

Tristen smiled started to wright more on the black board, and read little bit of the play, complete with voices that suited the characterless. After almost everyone, had left for the day, he walked up too Catrice and smiled. "I saw the news." He shook his head and watched as Milo came up behind his sister. "You should take it easy, and don't push yourself."

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 04:15 AM

Catrice looked to her brother a little bit but continued to listen to the teacher. Though after class when he said he heard about the news Catrice only nodded. "I wont, though my brother is making sure that I'm not pushing myself too hard." Catrice said with a smile. He seemed like a very sweet teacher though those were the types to be careful of since Brian was sweet at first and ended up to be some psychopath.

"My name is Catrice if you didn't know though you probably did know that already."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 04:43 AM

"Tristan." He smiled softly as if he saw thought her fear. "If you need anything feel free to stay after class. Also I am posting some things on the schools web site, so if you need to take a day off, you won't have to miss anything." He looked to Milo who was standing next to his sister and eyeing the young teacher as if he was a threat.

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 04:46 AM

"Thank you very much I appreciate that. I might end up staying after class a few days or take a day or two off when I do start to show." She said thinking she had thought that instead of saying that out loud. When she saw the look Milo was giving Tristan she nudged him to he would stop giving Milo a glance as if she was saying stop without actually needing to say it..

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 04:52 AM

Tristan put a hand on her shoulder. "Just take it nice and slow, if you push yourself too hard, you will end up hurting yourself and your child. " He took his hand off of her shoulder. "I have a few things that I have to finish up for class in the morning. Oh, I want to do the blacany sean differently, you where a little late, so your going to need a male partner to read it with."

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 04:56 AM

"Alright then. Thank you. I will be surely to find a guy partner for the balcony scene. I will see you tomorrow." Catrice said with a smile not wanting Milo to cause a scene since she knew any minute he would blow and say something rude. She then headed out of her class taking her brother's hand. "Geez sometimes you can be embarrassing milo."

IndigoKitsune 01-03-2012 05:02 AM

"Don't you remember what happened last time!" He found feeling vary angry with his sister and the new teacher. "He will end up hurting you, you might even end up dead!" He turned to Betty, who he thought had been a little too quiet though all of this. "Tell her!"

MoodyBats 01-03-2012 05:05 AM

"I am not going to end up dead! Not every teacher is like Brian!" Catrice shouted. Hearing how Milo asked for Betty's input she sighed. "I'm not even going to get into this fight."
Catrice groaned. "Everyone acts like I am so fragile and I might break. Well I'm tougher then I look so don't treat me like a child!" Catrice shouted before storming off away from the two.

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