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Amane 04-23-2014 05:44 AM

LOL. No Asian ancestry here, as far as I know. [lol]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 05:46 AM

I have no European ancestry at all >.< I could do with a little bit of blond hair [:D]

Amane 04-23-2014 05:48 AM

I wonder what I'd look like with blond hair? Hm. Even thinking about myself with brown hair is hard.

Lexadis 04-23-2014 05:48 AM

Now that you mention it, we would probably look weird [rofl] Our skin colors would be darker [XD] I'll love with my black hair after all [lol]

Amane 04-23-2014 05:53 AM

I'm totally content with having black hair, but if I dyed it, it would be blue because I have an obsession. >w< But I'd have to be dressing fantasy along with having blue hair.

Lexadis 04-23-2014 05:56 AM

I want to dye the tips red :D
I can understand your blue obsession from the colour your post is [;)]
There was someone here who had blue hair.. I forgot who she is XD had because she then changed it to purple [ninja]

Amane 04-23-2014 06:26 AM

I'm a blue version of Hummy. [insane]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 06:48 AM

Really [insane]

Amane 04-23-2014 06:50 AM

Yeah! She calls me hot blue mama.

Lexadis 04-23-2014 07:50 AM

I laughed out loud for real [lol]

McNugget 04-23-2014 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Amane (Post 1772655763)
You told me it's cold a lot of the time where you are. ლ(◉‿◉ლ)

Oh yes. Here in Sweden it usually stays pretty cold almost all year round~


Originally Posted by Amane (Post 1772657071)
African and Cherokee here. :3


Originally Posted by Lexadis (Post 1772657066)
I want to live there owo
I'm definitely not light. But I'm not very dark either :D A mixture of Japanese and South Asian skin [ninja]

I'm a mixture of Scandinavian blood (Swedish and Norgwegian mostly) and Japanese. Not very much Japanese though since my grandmother on my mother's side is Half, which would of made my mother only a quarter, so I probably just have like, 1/8 of Asian blood <_> That still counts though, right? [insane]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 10:54 PM

Yes you look as if you have Japanese blood [insane] er.. Your face looks like my mother's [ninja]

McNugget 04-23-2014 11:01 PM

Are you serious? >_>

Lexadis 04-23-2014 11:03 PM

Totally! You really do [ninja]
Wait... You have 1/8 of Japanese blood and look like Japanese and I have 1/2 of Japanese blood and I don't look least like one! Not fair yo genes! [illgetu]

McNugget 04-23-2014 11:21 PM

[lol] Genetics can be a strange thing! I honestly don't think I look much Asian at all besides for the somewhat narrow features in my face, and my overall bone structure. <_>
I don't recall if I've ever seen a picture of you Lexadis.. And I kind of want to see what you look like. Umm.. May I? [eager]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 11:29 PM

You do have a narrow face! And you could pass off as an Asian without much effort =D

A picture of me? [ninja]
I'll post it here if I find a picture of me [XD] it must be in my phone somewhere [ninja]

McNugget 04-23-2014 11:32 PM

Except for the fact I'm pasty white and glow vibrantly in the sun!! [lol]

Oooooh. I hope you find it [eager]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 11:36 PM

Maybe you could pass of as.. A ghost [ninja] I don't usually take pics of myself >.< and if I were to take one now, I'll probably look like a zombie [XD] it's 5.20 am here and I'm so sleepy [zzz]

McNugget 04-23-2014 11:39 PM

Maybe.... Maybe I am a ghost [ninja]
What? How can your minutes be different? >_>
It's 01:51 in the morning here and I'm sleepy too. But I just can't sleep [XD]

Lexadis 04-23-2014 11:42 PM

I was going to tell you you look like a ghost from the beginning but.. I shut my mouth [ninja] Maybe you are [ninja]
We live in different time zones! [ninja]
I woke up at 4.15 or so and I still can't shrug off my sleep >.< you should definitely try to sleep!

McNugget 04-23-2014 11:54 PM

I have yet to find someone on here that shares the same time zone as me [XD]
You actually WANT to shrug off your sleep? WHY? O____O

I'll try to sleep soon~

Lexadis 04-23-2014 11:57 PM

I woke up so I could study [ninja] and sleep isn't definitely helping me to!
In case you fall asleep before being able to reply, good night and sleep tight!

Ling 04-24-2014 02:10 AM

I'd have never guessed that that was the reason McNugget had been to Japan....unless your hair colour is not natural I'd have thought possibly pale skin complextion (which I presume is natural with lighting) is Japanese-like.

But it is interesting how genetics work in people of mixed ancestry....especially if it is mixed continents...

Amane 04-24-2014 04:09 AM

What happened here?

McNugget 04-24-2014 09:39 AM

Oh, but my skin is quite pasty even without lighting making it look that way. But yeah, it is pretty interesting how people with mixed ancestry can look [XD]
Amane - what?

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