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Dystopia 07-13-2015 09:59 PM

Nope. I don't understand at all.

Are you trying to suggest that graduates use their education to make money to contribute to the next generation of students? Isn't that what parents technically do already? And its already clear that two parents can barely make enough to support themselves and a college education for one child.

Or perhaps you think people of a certain field should continue to support rising students of the same field? But we already have that in the form of scholarships, and I think it makes sense that they're only offered to the students who show the most amount of merit. Scholarships are like an investment in a student to grow and contribute to the field, and it makes sense that you'd only want to invest in the best ones.

I don't think there's any way around the money problem unless we re-adjust other government spending /and/ increase taxes.

Veno 07-13-2015 10:06 PM

I'm just thankful that I could get the grants and everything to pay for my schooling. Otherwise it would be a total of close to 20,000 for my two and a half year degree. Dx Which would of only happened with loans.

I agree college should NOT cost that much, but that's the government for you. Ruin the free schooling K-12 - dumb down our children and then make college so expensive that you'll spend the rest of your life paying off your degree, if that field is even still there or you're able to get a job in that field when you're done.

>.< not getting into this rant and rave.

The Wandering Poet 07-13-2015 10:06 PM

Raise taxes a little to pay for college, since if anyone could go to school for free it would make sense we all pay an equal amount.

Before that happens though, we would need to reduce the country's debt drastically. If able to do that they could end student debt and reform the education system... because ours needs it.

Veno 07-13-2015 10:09 PM

Lol I could go on for days and days about that topic. But like I've stated before -haha- politics aren't something I get into.

Dystopia 07-13-2015 10:17 PM

There's just too much to do. And there's not enough wiggle room to do it. And to rip our political system from its roots to rework it, it would cause turmoil that I'm not sure people are anywhere near ready to face nor prepared to tank.

Veno 07-13-2015 10:40 PM

Pretty much. And as important as affordable education and a better government is, I'm more worried about all the chemicals and waste and all that, that countries are producing and killing our planet.

Whats the point of affordable education when there wont be a planet to live on to go to college at? ya know? I mean planet should come first. As humans we shit where we eat, and poison ourselves.

Nephila 07-13-2015 10:45 PM

lol, to many are stuck on money still. That's the problem. It's a wall we've put up or allowed to be put up before us.

There are so many planets out there just waiting for us. That I'm not really that afraid of loosing earth. Just making sure we get to the next one. If humans are true parasites we should embrace it and infest ALL THA SPACE! NOM NOM NOM!

Veno 07-13-2015 10:47 PM

I don't personally trust humans to go to another planet, just to ruin it.
Money controls everything and I just hate that.

Dystopia 07-13-2015 11:03 PM

Iunno. Technically, I think a well-educated populace who understands the science and philosophy of why the world is the way it is has a better chance of being aware of problems, caring about them, and actually having the know-how of fixing it.

The Wandering Poet 07-13-2015 11:10 PM

I'll talk about pretty much any topic.

Veno - The point of proper education is so people are actually smart enough to fix the world. In my experiences most people I deal with have the intelligence of a small bird. That isn't enough to maintain the stability a world requires. I mean sure we've got amazing inventors and engineers but in the end, quantity wins when it comes to voting.

I mean seriously. Consider this. People freaked out over Dihydrogen Monoxide. Dihydrogen Monoxide is in everything and it is in all of the things slowly killing us, and additionally inhaling it can be fatal.

Veno 07-13-2015 11:13 PM

Mhm, I wish we could just go back to before technology and all the advances. Go back to living off the land and being one with nature.

Dystopia 07-13-2015 11:15 PM

... Nope. Not interested. Life too short. Bugs too many. Internet and indoor plumbing way too damn awesome.

Veno 07-13-2015 11:17 PM

To each their own though. :) I would love to live totally off the grid and off the land.

Dystopia 07-14-2015 12:19 AM

:o Why not do it?

Xogizmoox 07-14-2015 12:35 AM

Gizzie is having a panic attack :/ the URE is coming up in like a few days and I am going to need more games >.< I don't know what to do , does anyone know how to make one of those chose your own adventure game things ??? I can run it I just don't know how to make one

The Wandering Poet 07-14-2015 12:38 AM

If you lived totally off the grid though all the family at a distance would never see you.

Gizzie - What is URE?

Xogizmoox 07-14-2015 12:44 AM

URE is the menewsha user ran event Eli was going to host it but things happened so Gizzie stepped in as host and it's supposed to happen on the 15th BUT I am running behind and not very many helping to host topics so I am postponing it for a few days and I myself with help from Crim will probably pull off 90percent of the topics

---------- Post added 07-13-2015 at 07:46 PM ----------

Me plus the event mule has plenty of prizes we just need people to set up and run the games or make some sort of topics :/

The Wandering Poet 07-14-2015 12:48 AM

Ooh... User Run Event...

I don't know how to make games, but hummy is really great at finding people good at making games. I'd definitely recommend sending her a message about it.

The only game I really enjoyed was ISpy through a user's avi. Was a fantastic game.

Veno 07-14-2015 01:54 AM

Don't have much family really, that I really talk to outside of my parents and my brother. Which they could come visit me or write me. :)

The reason I don't live off the grid is for the sole fact that I would want to buy land, build a place to live and get everything together such as gardening tools and all that jazz. :) And just don't have the money. But that is my ultimate goal is by the time I'm 45-50 to be living my dream of being off the grid and totally one with nature. I try to be that way as much as I possibly can now.

The Wandering Poet 07-14-2015 02:00 AM

Personally I want to turn my backyard into a wildlife area. Set up plants that don't need maintained and allow animals to move in like lizards birds turtles etc.

Veno 07-14-2015 02:24 AM

Lol pretty much sounds like my parents back yard. Except our gardens and my moms greenhouse we don't have to really take care of anything. My parents want to put in a pond for fish sometime next spring. We already have a bat house. <33 I talked them into building it for my 15th birthday because I felt like the bats needed a good home. Needless to say they are super cute and sweet fruit bats and we never ever have a problem with mosquitos or other insects like that. :) They eat them.

The Wandering Poet 07-14-2015 03:01 AM

Ooh nice. Bats as a bug repellant is genius! [lol]

If I put in water I'd go full on and turn my yard into a solar powered automated self maintained river. Keeps the fish nice and active and makes them feel more at home.

Veno 07-14-2015 03:07 AM

I'm not sure how my dad plans on laying out the pond, but when they put on the addition to their house this upcoming year, they are going 100% solar paneled powered. Right now we just have the ones that control the pool pump and the twinkle lights outside, and our laundry room. So my dad is redoing it all and going all the way. I'm really excited. <3

Dystopia 07-14-2015 03:33 AM

Oh, I see. Where would you buy the land tho? There are some communities that do live closely with nature. You could always buy your land in one of those communities, so that you're around like-minded people and you can have help instead of having to set up /every/thing yourself.

I don't wanna be one with the land or anything. I think a city with nice landscaping is enough for me.

Veno 07-14-2015 03:37 AM

There is plenty of land around me, I would still want to live close to the beach and own my own property and all that. I've looked into those communities and I just don't know about that. Something just screams "cult" about some of them. All the ones I would want to look into joining are hundreds of miles away.

I hate living in the city. I don't mind visiting but I'm just not a city person. I miss living in the boondocks in Alabama I just wish I had my beach and everything there.

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