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Californiaswimmergirl 02-24-2008 10:55 PM

"Well what kinds of animals do you usually see?: Do you like working as a vet? Is it too demanding? Do you ever get too attached to the animals you treat? etc. etc?" Coral asked.

dianakitsune 02-24-2008 10:59 PM

" at a time maybe," Rain said as she tried to remember what the questions were and could only remember the first one due her nerves. "You'll commonly see small pets like cats, birds, dogs, hamsters, and such, but occasionally you get calls for horses, cows, and rarely for mythical creatures, usually familiars..." Rain said remembering the time she had to take care of a strange looking animal. "That reminds me, I need to get a book on those," Rain thought before speaking aloud, "Or if you choose to specialize in one animal, like for me, horses, then you'll likely get more calls on that paticular animal."

Californiaswimmergirl 02-24-2008 11:01 PM

Coral nodded as she listened, "Do you ever get too attacked to the pets you treat?" she asked when Rain was done talking.

dianakitsune 02-24-2008 11:35 PM

"Not really," Rain said, "I have my horse and I love him more than anything." She blushed from embarrassment that her best friend appeared to be an animal, "But I do love helping the animals."

Californiaswimmergirl 02-24-2008 11:37 PM

Coral nodded, "That's how it is with familiars." she said with a knwing smile as the butterfly atop her shoulder began shifting its position and awoke. "Anything else I should know about being a vet?" she asked.

dianakitsune 02-24-2008 11:39 PM

"Just know that even if the pet doesn't live, you did your best to save it, it's sad sometimes, but you can't save everything..." Rain said as she looked down at her hands which were resting on her lap.

Californiaswimmergirl 02-24-2008 11:41 PM

Coral nodded. "Okay thanks." coral said. "So.. about that boy. I suggest you stay clear of him. Demons, whetehr pureblood or part are dangerous." she warned.

dianakitsune 02-24-2008 11:45 PM

"I-I will," Rain said nervously for she had to at least see him one more time. She had his money, although she wasn't sure if someone as careless as him diserved to have it back.

Lura Crane 02-25-2008 08:53 AM

Lura finished hand-making her chicken sandwich, including ranch dressing from the salad bar, and wandered over to the next section to add some fruits to her plate. Then she decided to catch up to Celeste to see how she was doing. "My, my, my. Someone sure is quite the wolf here~ Did you not have a breakfast this morning or something, haha? Let's find a table and attack these plates first, yeah? We can always come back here later to get more food." A wide smile formed on Lura's face in amazement of the great contrast between their lunches.

Making sure Celeste was done preparing her first plate, Lura soon led Celeste toward her usual table, upon which silverware for two was already set and empty glasses sat waiting to be filled with whatever would be requested to the ever-ready waitress.

PayShi 02-25-2008 11:49 AM

Celeste stifled a little as the word wolf came from Lura's mouth. Did she know? She relaxed a little as Lura kept talking and led her to a table. She looked at the silverware, wondering what in the world to do with it... She slowly reached to touch it, but quickly pulled her hand back. It was pure silver. Her finger burned now, and she looked at Lura, nervously.

Nina 02-25-2008 12:34 PM

((I wanna join. please.))

Lura Crane 02-25-2008 07:40 PM

The waitress had come to their table to take their drink orders. Lura ordered her usual iced tea then looked to Celeste to see her eye the silverware cautiously, missing the quick pull-back of her hand. "Celeste, do you want anything to dr-- Oh, are you not used to these? ..Maybe you prefer chopsticks? You don't seem to look very Asian, but they do have them here," Lura suggested hesitantly, unsure of what other utensils she would have used. She silently wondered how Celeste would eat her meat without cutting them into smaller pieces.

((@Nina - Read the front page and you can PM a character form to javachipster. ^ ^))

PayShi 02-25-2008 08:54 PM

Celeste looked at Lura, partially glad she wasn't aware of her problem with the silver and slightly nervous on how she was going to eat without looking like a hungry... well, wolf. "Um. I just don't like using Silverware... Could I get these objects made of something other than silver?" She looked anxious, her big brown eyes pleading as she looked at the waitress. The waitress looked puzzled but took the silverware, and told her she'd replace it with stainless steel silverware. Celeste seemed to relax at that and smiled, "Could I just have water, please?"

Californiaswimmergirl 02-25-2008 09:58 PM

Coral nodded. Then she got up and left.

dianakitsune 02-25-2008 10:32 PM

Rain sighed as Coral left. She had no clue what to do. Her stomache grumbled reminding her she hadn't had breakfast and hoped that a waitress would come soon for she was too shy to call for one.

Lura Crane 02-26-2008 01:38 AM

Lura grew curious at Celeste's request. She put a finger to her chin in a thinking pose and made a guess. "Ahh, I see. Might you be allergic to silver then? My mother is kind of allergic to silver, only it's mostly around the upper body with the silver in the form of jewelry. So tell me, if I may ask--" The waitress returned with a tray carrying iced tea and cold water pitchers, and a set of stainless steel silverware, then left to take orders from another table. "It's pretty obvious you're new here, so.. where did you come here from?" Lura smiled, awaiting the answer with growing curiosity.

PayShi 02-26-2008 02:06 AM

Celeste relaxed as the idea of allergic to silver appeared on the table... she technically was allergic... It just had different effects on her. "I am... sort of allergic to Silver." She smiled softly, her words stumbling. How was she going to explain where she came from? "I came from the west." She simply put, hoping that would be enough to satisfy Lura's curiosity that may force her into releasing her identity and purpose. She poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher and drank it so quickly, it seemed impossible. She stared at the glass in amazement, and then placed her hand at her temple. That water was very cold unlike the water she drank from the rivers.

Lura Crane 02-26-2008 02:37 AM

Simply 'the west' made Lura's mind overflow with all different kinds of stories she could think of to guess at Celeste's background. This made her ever-eager to hear more, but she didn't want to impose an avalanche of questions on her background.. just yet.. "Ooh~ It seems a lot of people from the west tend to come here. Your answer probably explains why some things here are a bit strange and new to you, hehe." Lura stopped and quickly took a bite from her chicken sandwich that was cut in triangle halves, but looked up to see Celeste with her hand to her head. "Are you alright?" she asked, trying to smile, and then continued to chew her food.

PayShi 02-26-2008 09:47 PM

"The water is very cold." Celeste replied, smiling sheepishly, moving her hand from her head now that she didn't have a temporary brain freeze. She picked up the fork, not exactly being too well familiar using it. Then she picked up the knife in her other hand and began cutting a piece of chicken. Surely this was a waste of time, Celeste thought to herself. But as the chicken reacher her lips and her taste buds, she was very glad she had come here. It was delicious. She cute more pieces, eating a little faster than she probably have.

Lura Crane 02-26-2008 11:50 PM

Lura chuckled lightly as it turned out to be a minor headache. She took a sip of her iced tea, subtly noticing Celeste eat. "The chicken isn't that bad here, right? I'm somewhat picky especially with chicken. Other places don't prepare them well enough, but that's just my thinking, haha."

Lura took another small bite from her sandwich and munched for a bit. ".. I don't mean to rudely interrupt your lunch, but you absolutely must share at least one story from the west before you leave here today!" she asked with cheerful eyes and a wide smile on her face. Lura couldn't hold it in anymore. She figured, maybe a slightly aggressive yet friendly approach would get the message across with a satisfying answer. "I'm an artist, you see. So I love hearing stories from travelers who venture here. Great source of inspiration comes from encountering something new~" her eyes grew bigger with eagerness as she rambled on without thinking.

Californiaswimmergirl 02-26-2008 11:53 PM

A cool breeze blew and ruffled through her hair. She shivered a bit and covered herself with her coat. She held up one of her carefully manicured hands and a taxi stopped in front of her with a screeching halt. She stepped in as a few strands of hair blew into her face. She directed the driver to her apartment.

PayShi 02-27-2008 09:06 PM

Celeste finished swallowing the chicken almost choking, as she was asked to give one story. What am I going to tell her...? She thought quickly, taking a sip of water as if to help the chicken go down. "How interesting." She said, smiling politely, "I just don't know what to say... it's all so boring. The west is very boring after all." And then she chuckled nervously, continuing to run things over in her brain. I sure did try to befriend the wrong person! If I'm not careful... she'll figure me out and I'll have to... Well, I don't know what I'd do.

Lura Crane 02-28-2008 02:32 AM

"Aww.." I was really looking forward to drawing scene sketches too.. Lura thought as disappointment became clearly evident on her face, "I'm sure it isn't really all that boring." She was almost pouting as she looked face down at the half-eaten half sandwich sitting in her hands. "Well.. how bout telling me what the place you're from looks like? No place could be described as boring, especially if it's in the west!" she asked, trying to keep a conversation. With newfound energy, Lura happily took another bite of her sandwich, tasting the ranch dressing spread well with the chicken pieces, lettuce, tomato, and bread.

PayShi 02-28-2008 11:26 AM

"Okay... Well..." Celeste began, deciding it can't be too bad to describe the den. "Near the deserted ocean shore, and deep within the forest for security and just for convince is a small rocky, cave area. It's pretty well covered with trees and bushes, but inside a small hole of where the rocks overlap is a pretty decent space for a lot of... things to live in. It's pretty cold in the winter, but it's nice in the summer time..." Celeste took a bite of pig, nodding at how delicious it was cooked.

dianakitsune 02-28-2008 11:55 PM

Rain was relieved as a waitress finally came and took her order. She was starving by now and made sure to order something that wouldn't take long. She hoped to leave soon as well for she didn't like being in public places for very long.

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