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ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 05:56 PM

I am good. But sick. :P

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:04 PM

*peeks in* n_n

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 06:05 PM

Hello Hello Miss V! You're looking lovely today!!

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:06 PM

Hello Vicktoria ^_^
HOw are you doing today?

Goblin Maiden 06-26-2009 06:09 PM

Hello, Vicktoria! =D I'm loving the cookie you gave me.

*Mai noms on it*

And what's with all the coloring love and everything? Just curious.

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:11 PM

Hiya Vicktoria, Goblin, Cupcake, Anglie~
What are y'all up to?

@Cupcake: -gives you Get-Well-Soon-Moons-
Feel better <33

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:12 PM

Kind of sleepy! D: I had a yummy lunch with cheesy, creamy potatoes with ham and veggies in it and crispy, crunchy bits on top, it was so nice! But all the fat and carbs has made me dopey *giggles*

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 06:12 PM

What's not with coloring love? It's love! It's awesome!!

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:12 PM

Hello Emma ^^
I'm watching Hogans Heros right now, you?

Victoria ~ that sounds good, did you have any of your lovely cookies?

ThyFaerieQueen 06-26-2009 06:15 PM

@Emma: Thank you. *Noms on them* Yummy!!

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:18 PM

@Vicktoria: Mmmmm~
That sounds realllyyyyyy good right now T_T
-hasn't had anything to each yet due to just waking up about an hour ago-

@Anglie: Watching Popeye and helping mom deal with the freezer mess that just occurred due to our freezer breaking -once again- T_T;
Other than that, craving some toast lol

@Cupcake: You're welcome <3

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:18 PM

No room in belly for cookies right now >.<

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:21 PM

There's always room in my tummy for cookies :3
Cookies are like oxygen to teh Emmie xD <3
Especially Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter cookies :drool:

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:22 PM

Emma ~ ooh, I've never seen Popeye, ah that must stink with the freezer breaking

Vicky ~ aw you must be quite full if you don't have any room for cookies, I always have room for cookies in my belly

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:23 PM

@Anglie: I've never seen the movie - but the TV show is -amazing- <3
I adore it :3

As for the freezer breaking - we caught everything this time before it could unfreeze - so we were good :3

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:24 PM

Maybe in an hour or so <.< >.>

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:27 PM

Emma ~ I think I'll go watch Popeyes soon,
that's good, I think ours broke once but it was to late when we found out

Vicktoria ~ maybe, so what have you done today?

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:28 PM

@Anglie: Hehe~
You should :3

I know what you mean :3
That's what happened the first time T_T

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:31 PM

Been in my garden this morning Anglie ^^ and helped Tesel a bit in her shop, not for long though, because we get on each others nerves after a while >.<

Tsuki-Chani 06-26-2009 06:34 PM

I've been doing household chores and stressing *n*;;
& right now, literally eating choco chip cookies~ @w@♥♥

They say chocolate makes people happier. ^^

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:34 PM

It's -storming major- out side right now :gonk:
-petrified of storms-
There's so much heavy rain and thunder and lightening T_T
-we're in the red of the storm- :gonk:
Forgive me if I randomly disappear - my power will surely turn off soon, leaving my laptop on battery power, and it won't last very long I'm afraid :gonk:

@Vicktoria: Ooo~
What's in your garden?

@Tsuki: -snuggles-

Well isn't that a coinkidink!

And chocolate -does- make people happier :3

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:35 PM

Emma ~ yep, it was horrible trying to clean everything up
ah I wish it stormed here, I love watching lightening. We haven't had a storm in a long time

Vicktoria ~ I love gardens, flowers and plants. I think that's kinda like my brother and I, we can stand eachother for a little bit but then get on eachothers nerves

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:37 PM

@Anglie: Same with us T_T
-had a ton of ice-cream and meat that we has -just- bought at the time-

Greaaatttttt - we have HAIL and GALLONS OF RAIN and A TREE JUST FELL DOWN IN THE ROAD :gonk:
-so freaking out right now-

Oh, and the hail?
The size of small stones you'd find in a river... they're -coating- our lawn and porch :gonk:

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:40 PM

Emma ~ we had frozen pizza, vegatables and other frozens stuffs, it was a mess, some of it was sticky
Ah I wish the storm were here xD I get so excited during those kinds of storms, I like watching the lightening and going out in the rain and seeing the size of hail and collecting hail to put in the freezer and whatnot

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:42 PM

Aww T_T
The pizza got ruined T_T
-pizza-holic- What kind of pizza was it?

You do -not- want to be out in this storm... believe me..... :gonk:
We think the hail might have put dents in our car O.o

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