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Eastriel 03-17-2010 07:13 AM

Good, I;ve had several mini colds over the last few weeks. >.>
It;s getting pretty irritating

Eastriel 03-17-2010 12:41 PM

*Rolls around babbling like a mad woman*

Eastriel 03-17-2010 07:59 PM

*resurects again*

white2fire 03-17-2010 10:00 PM

Aw, sorry. I'm not on all that much anymore.
Is you feeling better from your mini colds?

LadyColetteTheChosen 03-17-2010 11:08 PM

Sorry for being inactive. :(

Eastriel 03-18-2010 06:51 AM

White - Kinda I still have the snuffles. &I wonder where ry has disappeared to. o.O?

Colette - it's okay, most people here just post when they can

white2fire 03-18-2010 07:28 AM

Aw. *give you some chicken soup* I hope you get better soon. ^_^
Hm...I don't know.
Then again we all disappear from time to time. ^^

Rylynne 03-19-2010 02:54 PM

I am back~! :'D <3<3
*kicks this thread back up the front page*

white2fire 03-19-2010 04:53 PM

Ry! *glomps*
Glad to see you're still alive. ^_^

Eastriel 03-19-2010 06:32 PM

I'm always online *has no life*

*sings* red red winnneeeeeee, stay close to me-e-eeeee~~~
8'D Love that song, if you don't know what I'm on about then look up: 'red wine' by UB40, such a good retro song ;P

Awww man 4 more k then I have the monthly items. 8D

Rylynne 03-20-2010 01:56 AM

@ white : *hugglesquishes back* Yes, I'm alive. University life consumes me during the weekdays. >3>;; </3

@ Eastriel : I wish I had free time. D8 </3 And wait, 4k for this month's items? o_o;;

Bound Birdie 03-21-2010 08:51 AM

Psssh You lied to me! I see two adorable "completed" avi's on your front page you could change into >.<
Good luck on further questing >.<

Rylynne 03-21-2010 08:53 AM

*sees Bound's Channah head*
*makes grabby hands*

Bound Birdie 03-21-2010 09:36 PM


mwhaha I love evil little children >.<

white2fire 03-22-2010 04:39 AM

@Ry: Ah. Makes sense. ^_^
How are you?

Rylynne 03-22-2010 02:34 PM

@ Bound : You should have angrier eyebrows for the more "evil child" effect~ 8DD;; <3<3

@ white : Busy as always. ^^;; And you? XP <3<3

Eastriel 03-22-2010 04:00 PM

Birdie - I sold most of the stuff I used to make them, and I won't wear things i've worn before, thats just boring.

Ry - 6k for 2 full sets of this months items.

white2fire 03-22-2010 08:07 PM

@Ry: Pretty good. Trying to both relax and find stuff to do. >_<

@Eastie: O.o Good luck getting the items. ^_^

Eastriel 03-22-2010 08:51 PM

I have them.
But now I need 4k, to get next months items from my seller. -_____-
And I also need some extra funds to get at least 1 more st pattys day set, if not 2!

white2fire 03-22-2010 09:06 PM

O.o good luck then.
I only got two sets. Since I kinda want to keep my gold. >_<
Though...maybe I should get more of those balloons.

Eastriel 03-24-2010 03:52 PM

I think the t-shirts will be more popular than the balloons. Though who can tell.
I'm getting pretty impressed with my storage drawer, it's filling up quite nicely. ^^
I have 55 items in there at the moment and it's soon to be 58.
In a few months time I'll set up a store and start selling a few bits C:
Gotta let the value of the stuff go up for a but first. C:
Apparently there might not be an easter event eitherrrrr we might just get items :[
I miss the events!!

Speaking of missing someone...



I swear this place used to be more busy! D;
Oh noessss, nobody loves me anymoreee! </3

white2fire 03-25-2010 12:12 AM

hehe, that's what I aim to do. XD
No easter event? O.o
I hope that's not true. I like events.

Ry's probably busy with school. :yes:

Eastriel 03-25-2010 04:46 PM

Lmao, Ry's always busy.
I'm amazed that I get to be online so often to be honest, I always have a lot of coursework, it;s probably because I procrastinate with it all the time, C: So theres always a mad rush at the end.
Yeah I really hope it isn't true as well. :C It would be really annoying if it was. They can't leave it that long till another event, it;s too much of a long wait.
I'm well in the mood for an event right now.
I'm scarily also in the mood to do coursework - better make the most of this oppertunity!!! C:

white2fire 03-26-2010 12:26 AM

O.o In the mood for work? That's an odd mood. XD
And yes you should. Get it done before you feel like procrastinating.
....unlike me... >_>

Eastriel 03-26-2010 07:06 PM

I didn;t end up doing anything, I got distracted by supersize vs super skinny. C:
And now I'm listening to dbsk - Good times.
Though my parents are being absolute a holes atm.

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