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monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kole_Locke (Post 1768816316)
OMG, that was horrible, I didn't realize that it was that bad. I'm glad we are taking it back to the nurses office tomorrow. His fits of rage area always there but he controls them when he's not too intoxicated. Then of course there is the whole I'm not gay issue... sorry, any guy that continuously has sexual relations with a guy is at the very least bisexual. Sorry about that, but it always gets me heated more than anything.

Yeah, pretty much. good think I'm allergic to the stuff so they don't ever try and put me on it again. :P

I hope things get better!

Shadami 12-23-2010 07:38 AM

I'm back!!! I was trying to figure out the movies in the Winter..whatever with movies and music videos to figure out!

It's really hard o.o seeing as I don't celebrate Christmas really so i don't see the movies very often.

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:39 AM

Same here. :lol:
I've seen a few of them though, because my boyfriend loves movies. :lol:

Esmme 12-23-2010 07:40 AM

*drools* I think some sort of hot cocoa sounds lovely. . . .

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:41 AM

I shouldn't drink any coffee or tea or soda right now...I should get to bed in a bit. At least change into my jammies and go upstairs.

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1768816338)
Yeah, pretty much. good think I'm allergic to the stuff so they don't ever try and put me on it again. :P

I hope things get better!

Well, we are supposed to call the nurse tomorrow and tell her, but of course he lies to her about his drinking problem. I told his sister about it and he nearly bit my head off when he chastised him for it. I'm hoping they find something that will help him. Then after that we can figure out if he can ever be comfortable with loving me or we will have to part ways, which if it is that way, he wants to be friends with me, but he gets mad when I tell him that would never happen. If anything I would hate him for a long time and would not want to see him for a long time. I couldn't see him with anyone else and for him to rub it in my face would cause me to go on a vindictive rampage and completely out him to his entire family and friends and well.. don't want to be too negative. My vindictive side would really kick in full time, that's why moving away will be good for me. I would be able to find someone who is not afraid to admit being gay or bisexual and could love me with out any hangups and be afraid of what other people think.

Shishunki 12-23-2010 07:43 AM

I shouldn't drink any caffeine or sugary drinks, but my throat is sore from my cold and it sounds so goood. *drool*

Actually I think I did pretty well on the Holiday movies. ^^' There was only one I couldn't really be sure on, so I deduced an answer and hope it's correct.

Shadami 12-23-2010 07:45 AM

I only knew... like 3 for absolute sure. xD

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Kole_Locke (Post 1768816405)
Well, we are supposed to call the nurse tomorrow and tell her, but of course he lies to her about his drinking problem. I told his sister about it and he nearly bit my head off when he chastised him for it. I'm hoping they find something that will help him. Then after that we can figure out if he can ever be comfortable with loving me or we will have to part ways, which if it is that way, he wants to be friends with me, but he gets mad when I tell him that would never happen. If anything I would hate him for a long time and would not want to see him for a long time. I couldn't see him with anyone else and for him to rub it in my face would cause me to go on a vindictive rampage and completely out him to his entire family and friends and well.. don't want to be too negative. My vindictive side would really kick in full time, that's why moving away will be good for me. I would be able to find someone who is not afraid to admit being gay or bisexual and could love me with out any hangups and be afraid of what other people think.

There's a medicine out there that you can give to alcoholics that makes them REALLLLYYYY sick if they drink alcohol.
You should have them prescribe that to him. That'll sober him up. :/

sorry...I have issues with addicts, I don't like them, they upset me.

Shishunki 12-23-2010 07:51 AM

=w= I'm a bit of a holiday movie nerd. (More for Halloween though >>')
It's mostly because I draw while I watch movies and movie marathons are just the thing for big pictures.

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:52 AM

I like scary movies, especially thrillers. :)

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1768816430)
There's a medicine out there that you can give to alcoholics that makes them REALLLLYYYY sick if they drink alcohol.
You should have them prescribe that to him. That'll sober him up. :/

sorry...I have issues with addicts, I don't like them, they upset me.

I may just do that. Today he asked me to stop at the liquor store, and I was like *ughhhh!!* He was like oh just a couple airplane bottles and I mean that. Luckily he did, I would have refused him but a man who is thirty-one is hard to say no to especially when he has his own money. Then he has a shot of Jim Beam when we went to visit some friends and he drank three twenty four ounces along the way. On the way back he got three more... He was a bit distant towards me on the way back, and I got kind of mad at him, but finally reminded myself his mood swings are always taking place and always have to take account for those, so my mood went down from mad to slightly annoyed. At least he isn't acting violent and isn't talkind hurtful and idiotic crap. He has to work tomorrow, so he knows he can't be getting sloshed anyways. Wished we had a more consistent work schedule. working for banquets for a hotel is the pitts.

Shadami 12-23-2010 07:53 AM

hum hum

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Kole_Locke (Post 1768816452)
I may just do that. Today he asked me to stop at the liquor store, and I was like *ughhhh!!* He was like oh just a couple airplane bottles and I mean that. Luckily he did, I would have refused him but a man who is thirty-one is hard to say no to especially when he has his own money. Then he has a shot of Jim Beam when we went to visit some friends and he drank three twenty four ounces along the way. On the way back he got three more... He was a bit distant towards me on the way back, and I got kind of mad at him, but finally reminded myself his mood swings are always taking place and always have to take account for those, so my mood went down from mad to slightly annoyed. At least he isn't acting violent and isn't talkind hurtful and idiotic crap.

You really just sound miserable with him...I'd have left a while ago. :sweat:

Shishunki 12-23-2010 07:55 AM

Shi likes horror too. Not slashers though. =.= They bore me cause there's only the gross out reaction.

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1768816460)
You really just sound miserable with him...I'd have left a while ago. :sweat:

My friends used to like him, the ones up around where I'm staying, but now they all think he's really a selfish bastard that can't see beyond his nose for the most part as far as those he hurts around him. His whole gender role specific beliefs are laughable. I am miserable truth be known, I'm just waiting for the day when we finally have our big blow out and I go on a complete vindicitve rampage and completely out him to everyone he knows, as well as turn my back on him completely and watch him self destruct... sounds cruel yes, but to have someone slap you in the face after you sacrificed so much of your life for them is the ultimate insult and hurt you can inflict on a heart.

monstahh` 12-23-2010 07:58 AM

Uhg, to stay up and watch TV, or get some rest? :(
I have to be up in 8ish hours.



Originally Posted by Kole_Locke (Post 1768816482)
My friends used to like him, the ones up around where I'm staying, but now they all think he's really a selfish bastard that can't see beyond his nose for the most part as far as those he hurts around him. His whole gender role specific beliefs are laughable. I am miserable truth be known, I'm just waiting for the day when we finally have our big blow out and I go on a complete vindicitve rampage and completely out him to everyone he knows, as well as turn my back on him completely and watch him self destruct... sounds cruel yes, but to have someone slap you in the face after you sacrificed so much of your life for them is the ultimate insult and hurt you can inflict on a heart.

Bottling it up and exploding like that will probably just end up making you look bad for trying to get revenge against someone who is "sick," to be honest.
I mean, not that I don't completely understand, I do. It's just...Why waste your time with him if even you feel it's doomed?
It sounds almost like you're waiting for him to push you over the edge. :sweat:

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1768816483)
Uhg, to stay up and watch TV, or get some rest? :(
I have to be up in 8ish hours.


Bottling it up and exploding like that will probably just end up making you look bad for trying to get revenge against someone who is "sick," to be honest.
I mean, not that I don't completely understand, I do. It's just...Why waste your time with him if even you feel it's doomed?
It sounds almost like you're waiting for him to push you over the edge. :sweat:

Its not all bad, we do have some good times, but I love him so much that it's like riding a train that you aren't sure if it's going to wreck or not.. but you ride it to the very end anyways. He knows how I feel, and I have done told him there will be no friendship if or once it ends. He gets angry at me and says I'm selfish. I luagh after I took him in off and he chose to live with me rather than an ex girlfriend, then I supported him solid for almost 2 months, had to give up so much otherwise because of him, and some minor physical abuse. He really led me on with so many mixed messages.

Even if people think bad of me, I will not care, because he will deserve it, and am I sick? After all the toll all of this has had on me, I would answer yes, but at least I will soon be removed from the situation and leaving him to fend for himself will be just as destructive to him.

Shadami 12-23-2010 08:07 AM

i ish still lurking around, but I'm playing mad gallop now to try to make a little bit of money while i wait cause i don't feel like going to bed right now when plans fall apart.

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1768816517)
i ish still lurking around, but I'm playing mad gallop now to try to make a little bit of money while i wait cause i don't feel like going to bed right now when plans fall apart.

I think I will play a game of that too...I get so mad the more I think about it. Monstah's right, I feel like a time bomb. It's too close to the holidays for me to explode right now... it may happen soon after new years...

monstahh` 12-23-2010 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kole_Locke (Post 1768816509)
Its not all bad, we do have some good times, but I love him so much that it's like riding a train that you aren't sure if it's going to wreck or not.. but you ride it to the very end anyways. He knows how I feel, and I have done told him there will be no friendship if or once it ends. He gets angry at me and says I'm selfish. I luagh after I took him in off and he chose to live with me rather than an ex girlfriend, then I supported him solid for almost 2 months, had to give up so much otherwise because of him, and some minor physical abuse. He really led me on with so many mixed messages.

Even if people think bad of me, I will not care, because he will deserve it, and am I sick? After all the toll all of this has had on me, I would answer yes, but at least I will soon be removed from the situation and leaving him to fend for himself will be just as destructive to him.

I don't really know what to say, I'm sorry.

I'm going to go lay down though, I'm thirsty and sleepy. XD;;

Shadami 12-23-2010 08:15 AM

i don't know if i want to even go to sleep yet or not.... =[ or at all...

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by monstahh` (Post 1768816531)
I don't really know what to say, I'm sorry.

I'm going to go lay down though, I'm thirsty and sleepy. XD;;

Well thanks for reading my rants, sorry I threw all of this out, but it's the only way I know how to keep myself contained. Well you have a great night, I need to lie down really soon myself.

Shadami 12-23-2010 08:16 AM

Good night both of you. ^-^ May the New Year bring better times for all of us

Kole_Locke 12-23-2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1768816562)
Good night both of you. ^-^ May the New Year bring better times for all of us

Yea really, I haven't been too religious in the past but I have been finding myself praying more these days than in times gone by.

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