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silenttiger43 05-07-2010 10:40 AM

((XD teehee, oh Asima. That's hilarious))

"Well you heard wrong" Malum stepped forward, watching her as Asima's cheeks flushed red. It was rather amusing to see her like this, "and I do have a number of people who can back that up. Unless you'd rather learn for yourself" he added with a smirk, then shrugged and turned away, stretching his arms over his head, "Ah, but I'm just a lowly King, what would a princess with such high standards care?"

He let the robe fall to the floor before picking up a few metal items that had been hidden beneath his pillows. Gold and silver bracelets and things. He looked upon the items thoughtfully before deciding to forgo a shirt that day and just wear these. It would hopefully be a good day after all, and it wasn't too often he felt proud enough to actually dress like a King.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-07-2010 03:54 PM

Asima had given a tiny eep, turning her back to the man, unsure if he wore anything under his robe. She felt the blush spreading to the rest of her body, and she shook her head. "N-no! I don't plan on learning anything like that soon. And those...girls probably say that because you feed them and give them nice things." She touched the jewels in her hair gently.

At his next words, the princess through a surprised glace backwards. "You don't know me at all, Malum. Do you honestly think I don't care for you, because you are the King of Thieves? And...if I ask you something...Will you answer truthfully?" She doubted he would, but she asked, all the same, "Was that honestly the only way to go about this..? Or did you just want to hurt me?"

(Please tell me you are getting back on...v.v Kisu is sad now...)

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 01:35 AM

((>_< I hate it when I lose my posts.))

"Don't judge until you have something to judge" Malum smirked slightly as he picked up his robe and folded before setting it aside. "and I expect you to be like most other people. They may have a level of respect for me, but they do not necessarily care for my life or well being" he stretched and turned to face Asima, standing straight and tall as though he had been raised in higher society. It was strange, normally Malum just looked like an average person-except for the white hair, but it seemed if he felt like it he could really look the part of a true King. The gold and silver trinkets glistened across his dark skin in the dim firelight and his mismatched gaze was strong and set for the day.

"If I wanted just to hurt you, I wouldn't have gone through all this trouble" he stated simply and then added, "and I doubt you would ever know if I'm being truthful or not"

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 02:13 AM

The female nodded, conceding his point. She'd never know if he was lying, and she didn't have much of a choice. She'd have to show respect for the male. Her tongue darted across her lips once more, her gaze traveling down Malum's exposed chest. After a moment, Asima stepped towards him, hesitantly. Her eyes on his face, wary and ready to move her body backwards in case Malum reverted to violence, she lifted her hand, once more tracing his collarbone, sliding it down to his naval. She paused there, flattening her hand, the palm resting on the muscles. Asima spoke quietly, her gaze finally sliding down, staring at her hand as if surprised, "No one knows where you came from, do they? Are you noble born, Malum? Or is this just because you've lived as a king for so long?"

Despite her tough words, she couldn't deny that Malum was attractive, and she was oh so curious about how his lips would feel on hers. If he showed a response, then Asima would know if she had a chance. If his response was negative, she was right back where she started, and no harm done. Though a part of her wanted him to return the fondness she'd come to feel for him, another part recalled the harem of his. She would be no different. Was that truly something she wished? To be the pampered, spoiled thing she had been back home? Without realizing it, her other hand clenched, feeling the tiny callouses that had formed on her previously soft hands. She'd worked hard for her 'normal' life here, did she even want to throw that away for Malum?

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:00 AM

Malum tilted his head slightly, watching her rather curiously as he allowed her hand to travel his chest. "It's neither, and in a way both." he replied, "My mother was from a noble line, but they were somewhat out-casted for meddling too much with commoners. That's never made much difference to me though. As for being King... it took time, but I've finally earned the title, and I take pride in what I have earned."

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 03:06 AM

Asima nodded, glancing back at the male, her hands becoming at bit bolder. Her other hand left to join the first one, and they both moved up Malum's body, tracing his jawline gently, running over his lips and eyebrows. "Did either of your parents have your white hair?"

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:11 AM

His eyes strayed down to her hands before closing completely, "What are you doing?" he questioned a little quietly. He didn't pull away or try to stop her at all, simply letting her explore with a curiosity of his own.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 03:13 AM

The princess smiled, though Malum couldn't see with his eyes closed. "It's...supposed to relax you..." Asima lied, before pointing out, quietly, "You didn't answer my question...What about your father? You mentioned your mother, why not him?" She moved closer, her hands drifting to Malum's arms, gently tracing the edge of his defined muscles.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:19 AM

"There was nothing special about him" Malum replied simply, "there was never anything special about any of my family. Why are you so interested?" he asked in return, then let out a small laugh as he pushed away one of her hands that had strayed to his side, "ah-not there" his eyes opened again, slightly embarrassed at having a ticklish spot.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 03:22 AM

Asima's grin widened, and her fingers grazed the spot again. She stopped right away however, and, letting the subject drop, planting her hands on Malum's chest. She lifted on her tiptoes, grazing his jaw with her lips. Slowly, the princess settled back unto the balls of her feet, her smile slowly fading as she waited for the King's reaction.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:28 AM

Malum blinked at her questioningly, he wasn't really sure if he was picking up on all of this right. Well, there was only one way to find out for certain. Without further hesitation, the King leaned into and pressed his lips softly upon Asima's.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 03:35 AM

Malum was met with uncertain hesitation. Asima was unsure, and puzzled further. She'd half expected to be knocked to the ground. After a moment, her eyes fluttered shut, and her arms drifted up, wrapping around Malum gently. Asima's kisses were soft and hesitant, the girl unsure of what she was doing, though from the shiver that ran down her body, she clearly wasn't displeased by the male.

When she pulled away, Asima touched her lips gently, blinking her chocolate eyes in a mixture of questioning and uncertainty at Malum.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:47 AM

Malum's hands wrapped around her waist but at the same time he didn't force her to stay. He let go as soon as Asima pulled away, judging by her reaction he hadn't exactly done something wrong at least. "You might want to be careful with what you let me get away with" he whispered, his eyes staring into Asima's own, "I won't push you, but I won't hesitate either."

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 03:52 AM

Asima almost took a step back, alarm filling her at Malum's words. She shook her head, lowering her eyes slightly. "I know you wouldn't. You are a man..." She gave a tiny bitter chuckle, "I doubt any man would turn that down when offered, ever if they have plenty of other girls to warm their bed..."

Despite her cold words, Asima closed the gap once more, letting her hands drift lazily over Malum's back, rising on her toes to press her lips to the male's once more. Shyly, her tongue flicked out, licking at Malum's lips. Asima's cheeks reddened, surprised at herself, but the hands that played with Malum's shoulder and the base of his hair showed no hesitation or sign of stopping now.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 03:57 AM

((*whistles* Hey now XD frisky girl))

Malum leaned back down into the kiss, his strong hands placed once more on Asima's hips to pulled her close. His lips parted slightly as his own tongue drifted across hers. He was certainly talented in this little art, making sure that every small touch was just perfectly placed.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 04:14 AM

The female had gasped, leaning into the touch eagerly. Her feet inched closer, pressing herself into Malum, while her hands left the designated posts to move to his chest, eagerly touching and exploring, much more insistent than they had been earlier. Her eyes were tightly shut, a part of her screaming that she shouldn't be doing this at all, that she needed to push him away. Another part seemed to be over-riding that, however, telling Asima it couldn't hurt, that Malum was a good man, despite his career, and that she was enjoying this, so she may as well ride it out.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 04:25 AM

The King held her close within a deep kiss as his hands slowly began to sneak beneath her clothes. He lowered Asima down into the pillows, holding himself on top and never breaking the enchanting kiss.

A fair amount of time slipped by, but it only felt like moments to the two in that room. Eventually however, Malum lay back upon the pillowed bed, nothing but his once discarded robe draped over him as he gave a contented sigh. He really was as good as they say.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 04:33 AM

When Malum had finally moved away, Asima laid for a few more moments, staring at the ceiling. Her body was pleasantly sore, and if she'd known how, she'd simply snuggle into Malum's side and purr. After a few more contented minutes, Asima finally sat up, and though it was rather ridiculous, she tugged a pillow over her frame, covering her body.

She tilted her head slightly, gazing at the white haired male. Now, when the people in the streets spoke of her being Malum's servant and where she was kept, Asima wouldn't be able to truthfully deny the rumors. The princess hugged her knees to herself, the pillow propped against her body. She wasn't sure if this was a good thing, or a bad thing just yet.

What she did know, was that now she truly wasn't any better than the women in his harem. And she had no idea what she was supposed to do now. They didn't hover around him when he was done with them, now did they? She didn't expect any special treatment...he was, after all, used to this. That meant she needed to go, correct? Asima glanced around the room, before reaching for her discarded dress, tugging the thin material on while attempting to hide her body. She stood, wincing as the movement created a slight discomfort, and straightened her dress, her face flushing once more.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 04:38 AM

Malum's eyes strayed over to watch her, a bit of a smile playing across his lips, "You realize at this point, it's nothing I haven't seen, right?" he couldn't helped but comment as he sat up, "and you don't have to leave." he added as he pulled himself to his feet, glancing around for whatever had been discarded during the process, "I have things to go do, but you can rest here if you'd like."

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 04:43 AM

Asima shook her head, avoiding his gaze. "'s fine. I'll see you..." She flushed once more, "When you have need of me, I suppose." She gave Malum a tiny wave, slipping out of his room.

She leaned against the door after she closed it, sighing softly. It had seemed a good idea at the time...when would she learn to think of the consequences. The man was trying to kill her brother, for the god's and goddess's sake! And she not only helped him live by supporting him, but...did that. She shook her head, touching her temples. What a mess, and what a foolish little blind girl she was.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 04:50 AM

Just outside the door was Solum, ever patience and waiting as he guarded the room. He leaned against the stone wall just across from the door, he blended in rather well until he lifted his head to look at her, the movement gave him away. "Princess" he greeted, looking at her curiously, "are you alright?"

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 04:54 AM

Asima had jumped in surprise, her chocolate eyes wide as she stared at Solum. As soon as she recognized who it was, she relaxed, and nodded, "Yes...umm...I was just thinking of the way to Malum's...girl's room..." She was unable to hold Solum's gaze, and turned her reddening face away. "And please, don't call me that anymore, Solum..."

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 05:00 AM

He was silent a moment before nodding a little in response, "Alright... Asima.... the room is down this path. Just run your hand along the wall and count until you reach the fifth door, that's it." Solum instructed with that ever present kindness in his voice.

Kyuuketsuki_Kisu 05-08-2010 05:03 AM

She nodded in reply, giving him a tiny wave before placing her hand on the wall, "Thank you Solum..." Asima moved down the hallway, counting. Even when the fifth door was located, the princess didn't go in just yet. Would the girls be kind now? She had heard some awful stories of the palace harem. And would they have questions for her? With a tiny sigh, Asima pushed open the door, peeking in before sliding inside quietly.

silenttiger43 05-08-2010 05:07 AM

It was late in the morning as the sun shone into the room and through the lovely thin fabrics that draped around the room. The women were simply enjoying themselves, sitting about talking and fiddling with each other's hair.

((I'm sleepy, going to bed now ^-^ I'll be on again in the morning, but probably not really early this time. Me thinks sleeping in is good XP))

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