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neller 03-10-2011 04:25 PM

I too prefer Pancake. The ghost theme is just awesome. As I've said, it reminds me of a poem I wrote. :3
I like Simplicity's as well, the storm and metallica colors look great together, but Pancake theme is just AWESOME!

bloodstainedwings 03-10-2011 08:14 PM

i love the layering and the intricacy involved with Neller's outfit.

Linnea 03-10-2011 08:43 PM

i always love neller's avis because she rocks the orange like it's no one's business but alas! so does bsw! :gonk: so what's a girl to do?! i think this time i pick bsw because i don't see that hat used much and i like the way it's used here :yes:

Chickie Nuggs 03-10-2011 09:30 PM

I pick Linnea this time. The minty green and white combo looks so nice with those yellows and this is the first time I've seen that waist sash used so well. BSW's avi could do without the lavender items. They conflict with the brown/orange/lime combo. :yes:

`Kitami 03-10-2011 10:02 PM

I love Linnea's, but I have to go with Demo this time. :yes:
Demo's avatar is just beautiful, and looks like a goddess of earth. The colors and layering is just wonderful.

chronic_heartbreak14 03-10-2011 10:34 PM

Demo's looks more complete... and i love the avatar looking thing she has going on!

QueenPeppermint 03-11-2011 01:39 AM

I like Chronics star themed avatar. 'Kitami has a good base going but it doesn't feel close to complete.

Lost in Austen 03-11-2011 01:50 AM

I prefer Chronic Heartbreak's. It's nicely layered, with all the colors spaced out evenly, which I like. Also, the blue with the stars in it is just so pretty! And I like how Chronic used one of the shorter hairstyles for a female avatar. It seems that people use the same hairstyles over and over, and that particular style doesn't get enough love. :3

Flaming_triforce 03-11-2011 01:54 AM

I prefer Queen Peppermint. I love the dark reds and browns :3

McNugget 03-11-2011 03:10 AM

I like Flaming_triforces, so I choose her.
She did a good job with the purple, black, and white. :yes:

chronic_heartbreak14 03-11-2011 03:50 AM

Usuke, his looks AMAZING since he removed the background. i can fully see the little killer he's trying to be. Triforce bothers me because i feels like the white overwhelms every other color.

`Kitami 03-11-2011 07:42 AM

I'd say Usuke. Its simple but it looks good.
Chronic's avatar would look better without the background...I'm not a fan of backgrounds. :/

CrimsonShadow 03-11-2011 08:51 AM

Ohhh I really like Kit's! It's awesome!!!:)

bloodstainedwings 03-11-2011 01:00 PM

i like the overall feel of Kitami's better.

Pa-pancake 03-11-2011 02:48 PM

Ooooh! Something really fresh and new by BSW :)

I love how the colours look like they clash but the outfit is so well layered and balanced it looks perfect! The wizard hat looks nothing like what I would imagine it o be used for anymore. It just looks like a quirky headgear thing now and the outfit looks likes it something out of a Disney cartoon or anime. Enchanted and cute <3

Sizzla 03-11-2011 02:49 PM

I like bsw's more. :D It's got a bit more going on, when I feel like Crim's isn't quite finished for some reason... Maybe it's all the uncovered flesh. :lol:


Okay, in this case, I like Pancake's more. I like the "ghost in a dead city" theme...

BSW's colors are still quite appealing to me, but those hats... I feel like our hats always sit too high on the head, and it always throws off my eye. :sweat:

neller 03-11-2011 03:35 PM

Oh...this is hard. I love Pancakes theme...and I love Sizz's ninja-like look and how she uses the new CIs. Both are beautifully done, but I'm not sure if I like the wrap skirt with Sizzla's avatar. It almost seems too bulky. So I've gotta go with Pancake.

Secret Santa 03-11-2011 04:20 PM

This is REALLY REALLY difficult for me because quite frankly, I LOVE both. Neller has such a lovely color scheme and pulled off so beautifully. Balanced nicely and the layering and shape is beautiful.

Sizz once again pulls off a spectacular color balanced avi with a theme. I love your use of that purple which is so very often misused.

Hmmm....after much thought and consideration I think I'll choose oh......neller this time around.

bloodstainedwings 03-11-2011 04:27 PM

neller's has more composition to it i feel. newbie charity mule looks like they are wearing whatever they had laying around., while still being kinda pretty, nellers is just so much more developed in my opinion, because of the layering and the colour combination, the balancing and the overall flow of the outfit

PaintTheSkyRed 03-11-2011 04:28 PM

I love Bloodstainedwings avatar. NewbieCharityMule is not really commited to one type of avie style, just wearing things in their inventory. Which is not bad but that is not the type of avatar I like. Bloodstainedwings on the other hand, her avie is so pretty and I love all the colors used. Great job. c:

Eastriel 03-11-2011 04:52 PM

with out a doubt bsw it;s a super avi. : )

neller 03-11-2011 04:55 PM

Paint the Sky Red looks really cute...almost like a seductive cat girl. :3
But I sadly prefer layers over theme (me and my wretched preferences).
I like Easty's color scheme. It's a pretty avatar. I'll go with her.

Mystic 03-11-2011 05:19 PM

I think I'll have to go with Neller's for the bold colours. Both avatars are well done though so it's hard to choose.

monstahh` 03-11-2011 05:37 PM

toughie! I love them both, but I'll go with Neller's because it's more balanced. * u*

Secret Santa 03-11-2011 05:56 PM

Monstaah's avatars is pretty as always but Mystics avatar is just so visually interesting that its to die for *drools*

I pick mystic.

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