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Yuki no Enzeru 08-09-2008 02:44 AM

Lol, I can play stuff by ear with on hand. 2 hands is too hard to figure out by myself xP

Moyra 08-09-2008 02:46 AM

Hahahahaha nice sigs XD

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 02:49 AM

:XD I suck at 2 hands too. ^^
Well, if you ever get bored and want something to play, this video has a link to the sheet music. =3 It's one of my favorites~

=D =D =D =D Moyra!!!
WOW your avie's changed. XDDD
You can use the sig too! Templen made it so we can have a Support Batman army! XDDDD

Moyra 08-09-2008 02:53 AM

I would, lol. But i don't wanna take my dragons out. They need their views :D

And yeah, i got a few more items XD

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 02:55 AM

awww *pout* can't you put both? XDDD
Kidding kidding. =3 Keep yon dragons~

^^ Yay more stuff. XDD I've been buying in bulk from the event store. XDDD Even if I don't really like the stuff. XDDD I just have to get rid of my tokens. XD But even though I'm trying to get rid of them, I keep getting more anyway. XDDD

Moyra 08-09-2008 03:00 AM

Lol. I'm doing the same thing. And brb a sec >.<

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:01 AM

And I'm back. I love grocery shopping. I gots me some pistachios.

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 03:05 AM

=3 Ok~ Take your time. ^^

Hullo Nissa~ =3
I had pistachios once before~ I like them. ^^ They're salty, but surprisingly good. For some reason, since they're green, I had thought that they would taste like avocado and I wouldn't touch them. but my friend brought some for lunch once in school and made me try them. She didn't get to eat more than 5 of them afterwords. XDDD

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:09 AM

I love love love salty snacks so they're perfect for me! I've loved them ever since I was little. Now I pair it up with a nice V8 (aka: the saltiest drink ever!) and it makes for a great snack!

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 03:11 AM

XDDD Isn't Gatorade a bit more salty than V8? Although, I always get the fruit V8, which isn't salty... XDDD I've always been more of a big sweets person than salty.

Moyra 08-09-2008 03:14 AM

Gawd, i hate internet tech support jerks >.<

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:15 AM

I can't even stand sweet lol. I was a freak of a child who wouldn't want cookies or snack cakes or anything like that. I hate the taste of Gatorade though. I think it tastes more chemical-ish then salty.

Templen 08-09-2008 03:17 AM

Eek. I can barely handle the saltiness of Low-Sodium V8.

Didn't we talk about this before?

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:18 AM

I must not have been here, don't remember a salty conversation at all. :P

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 03:18 AM

._. WHat's up with internet tech people? XDDD Obnoxious?

O_O A child who didn't like sweets? =O It's impossible! XDDD
I have such a big sweet tooth. XD It's all my dad's fault- I got it from him. XDDD We both raid the pantry together when my mom isn't looking for cookies. XDDD

I don't remember salty conversation before either, but I disappear sometimes. XD
Welcome back! :XD Your Batman siggy is a hit. XDDDD

Ling 08-09-2008 03:21 AM

Wow, a child who didn't like sweets. I didn't think there were such children.

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 03:23 AM

XDDDD Me neither! Who new! XDD I loved sweets to death.
Ahh, I miss the free cookies I used to get at supermarket bakeries and the free mini ice cream cones from McDonald's. :XD XDDDD

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:24 AM

When I was in high school and we were testing our tastebuds in biology it was discovered that I was really sensitive to sweet, but could barely taste salt. That was the mystery in a nutshell. I can handle tons of salt because it takes twice as much for me to taste it, but sugar is amplified big time.

whitebeast 08-09-2008 03:28 AM

Salty... conversation? O.o

Templen 08-09-2008 03:30 AM

@Nissa, must have been some other thread then. My mistake.

@Squee: Thanks. I got home, got through dinner & putting the kids to bed (minor war, that) and then just collapsed. I'm finally awake enough to type but still working my way up to awake enough to get work done.

I saw all the banners! Wow. I'm amazed. I like Maria's banner too. I see she found the same image I did on Google, and she did a neater job trimming it, I think.

@Ling: LOL, my older daughter usually doesn't finish her ice cream - she's just not into it. It's the only time I find myself wondering "Who's kid is this?" :) Of course the rest of the time we wonder if she got all her genes from me and none from her Mom, so it balances.

Edit: Hmm, I think I must be moving slower than I thought - I'm lagging behind.

Squee-chan 08-09-2008 03:30 AM

That really does make sense! =D
Although, not so much for me. XDD I can taste sweet and salty pretty well, but I still love sweets.

But I love the combination of sweet and salty. And hot and cold. XD That's why I dip my french fries in soft serve ice cream or Frosties. XDDDD

Yep! A salty conversation. XDDDD

Eat/Drink something cold, that usually helps wake up. XD
Awww, I can imagine wrestling little kids into bed. XDDD Must be such exhausting fun~

Your banner is amazing~ XDDD The love of Batman~ =D

Nissa 08-09-2008 03:31 AM

It's how sailors talk. All salty like. :P

I like a sweet and salty combo too! Frosties and french fries were favorites of mine once upon a time. I moved cross country though and there's no Wendy's close by me anymore. :(

TempusBliss 08-09-2008 03:32 AM

The chances of anyone getting the last post is slim to none. The reason why: People continue to post and try to stubborn out each other.

Ling 08-09-2008 03:33 AM

Wow. I wish I was like that. I'm the type of person that can eat ice cream in almost any weather condition and still enjoy it.

Templen 08-09-2008 03:38 AM

@Ling: Me too. And I live three miles from an ice cream shop that's supposed to be one of the 20 best in the USA. Dangerous that.

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