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Goblin Maiden 06-26-2009 06:44 PM

Nooo! Save the car! Save it!

*Mai runs around with a bucket trying to catch the hail before it hits the car*

Tsuki-Chani 06-26-2009 06:45 PM

:gonk: D8 that's SOME CRAZY HAIL. RUNNNNNN~!

Emma Corrin @ XD Ahh I feel happiear. probably :3

Vicktoria Valentine 06-26-2009 06:50 PM

Hail that big makes holes in things o.o

Anglie 06-26-2009 06:50 PM

it was cheese pizza, the red baron brand

maybe, storms that knock down trees are really bad
I remember when I was younger (way back in preschool/kindergarden) we had a storm that sent an umbrella from our neighbors back yard to the side of the house of our other neighbors

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:50 PM

@Goblin: -watches you-
Joo crazy!
Joo gonna get killed by that hailll!
Thank you though <3

-watches Firedepartment take care of the fallen tree-

@Tsuki: I'm safe in my room though :3
There're no trees to fall on me <3

Chocolate makes the world a wonderful place :3

Yeah - my roof is leaking now :gonk:

@Anglie: Cheese pizza is yummy -- never had Red Baron though~
Can it be bought anywhere?

That sounds like this storm :3
It's about as bad, if not worse, than that~

Tsuki-Chani 06-26-2009 06:53 PM

ohhhh~ ; ^ ; -reaches for a vicktoria valentine sugar cookie-

Emma Corrin @ better stay in that room! XD it's a sanctuary. literally. *H*

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 06:56 PM

@Tsuki: Definitely :gonk:
-eats toast while trying to forget about it through watching Labyrinth-

Anglie 06-26-2009 07:00 PM

Red Baron I've seen it in some stores in the states, then they have it here, on an air force base as well

I think that was my 1st big storm, my sister and I stayed up the whole time and we kept looking outside and watching everything

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 07:02 PM

@Anglie: Hmmm~
I'll have to look for it :3

My first storm was the ice storm of '97 or something like that - It was -freakyyyyy-
Took part of our willow tree :gonk:

EDIT: Awwww!
Thank you so much for the cookie Vicktoria!
It totally made my afternoon <33
it's so cute! <3

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 07:18 PM

Home-made pizza is amazing when my grandma makes it - her crust is soft and thick <33
When my mom makes it, it's wicked thin T_T
I've never actually made it myself though - it'd probably turn out bad xD
-horrible cook-

That'd be terrible!
The tree that fell here was surrounded by a lilac bush and chipmunks / squirrels used it when they changed their homes in a cyclical manner :3
-the ones around here will go from one tree to the next, moving their babies around between my grandparents yard next door and our yard :3-
It's funny to watch them lol

M i r o 06-26-2009 07:20 PM

Ty Vicky<3! homgz--the cookies are strawberries! o:
Nuuu one told me this! xD

@ Emma; I was 7yrs old in 97! :3

@ Anglie; Me& my mom were always right beside a Tornado driving away from Kokomo and Marion. o_o;
We actually had to hide in a underground basement when we went to Marion to get records from the Hospital there. It was freaky.

All the dust and everything was flying up.

My old teacher said when they had an ice storm they had hail the size of oranges.
They went out there with pots on their heads and caught them to use as ice. XDD <- Great idea.

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 07:20 PM

@Miro: I was only 5 :3

Anglie 06-26-2009 07:50 PM

Ah sorry I had to go, we were eating dinner

Making pizza is really fun too, my sister and I made it from scratch once but I forgot the recipe. Now we just get frozen pizzas and the closest I come to making a pizza is the pizza lunchables

Miro ~ tornadoes are cool too, two years ago we were looking at collages for my sister and wile in kansas there was a tornado warning/torndao that came. we only saw it in the distance though it didn't come our way

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 07:54 PM

That's okay ^.^

I usually only eat frozen pizza to :3
But depending on the brand, it can taste just like homemade :3 <3

M i r o 06-26-2009 07:55 PM

@ Emma; 5555. I don't remember being 5. o.o;

@ Anglie; See now, I don't think Tornados are scary when they are far away and not coming in your direction.
I'd like to sit outside and watch them pass by. xD

That's why there's tornado watchers but they do the most craziest things going too close to it.
They probably have one hella of a insurance coverage and deathbed money to do that. @A@;;

Anglie 06-26-2009 07:55 PM

the only frozen pizza I eat is the red baron and sometimes tombstone, then I also get the lunchables

Miro ~ I wanted to go near, but my mom wouldn't let my sister or I go outside (after we saw it we went back to the hotel and everyone was in the halls and stuff). Mom's not the adventurous type

Emma Corrin 06-26-2009 07:56 PM

@Miro: Lol!
I remember bits and pieces of my younger childhood - but not a lot~
I mainly remember the really bad moments xD;

@Anglie: I honestly have no idea what we buy xD
I know it's not either of those though~
As for lunchables, I thought those tasted funky and never ate them~
The only lunchables I eat are the turky/american ones with the chocolate oreos <3333

Anglie 06-26-2009 08:00 PM

I have so many memories of when I was younger, hopefully I don't forget them as I grow older, I like the memories.
I used to eat the turkey.american ones but I stopped liking them, don't know why

M i r o 06-26-2009 08:05 PM

@ Emma; eh, same here. ;; :hug:
Ahhh I have a Christmas tape though, when I was 1yrs old during Christmas.

My mom and everyone else forgot that I was right beside them and they just tossed all the Christmas wrapper on me. I was pretty much silent and didn't really make a sound. They started to realize I was missing and kept asking: "Where's Terry?" "What happened to Terry?" "Did you see her?" "She's not here." XDDD;; I felt so unloved when I watched it.

Finally I moved a little and they found me underneath it all. lololz >>

@ Anglie; Turkey? Turkey's not all that great--that's probably why. xDD I like eatting potatoes.

I have lots of pictures of when I was little around those ages. I just can't remember everything all at once though.
Some of my pictures that I have are too big for my photo albums so I have to keep them in a large boot box. @A@;;

Hatake Ayumi 06-26-2009 08:06 PM

*sneaks in*
Lol, miro, but that is funny!!!

M i r o 06-26-2009 08:07 PM

Oi! It was but it wasn't! D:<

Anglie 06-26-2009 08:08 PM

Turkey isn't the best, I only eat it at thanksgiving now, though I prefer ham
I'm not really a fan of potatoes, I'm really picky

hello hatake ^^

crunky 06-26-2009 08:08 PM

thank you Vicky!
*happily munches her cookie* P=
I just got back from picking sugar snap peas from the garden and now I am off to go see the Transformers 2 movie. =P
But I just wanted to let you know, thank you for the cookie! :hug:

Hatake Ayumi 06-26-2009 08:08 PM

*giggles while being noogied*
I think it's kind of funny that you stayed silent through it all too.

Hey Anglie.

I'm not really here.
I'm groooossly bored and strangely pissed off at nothing...
*feels odd*

M i r o 06-26-2009 08:09 PM

@ Anglie; ooo, Hams good. :drool:

@ Hataa; I don't think that has ever happened to a baby ever before. o_o;
If I did have a kid, I wouldn't let that happen. XDD

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