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M i n u x e 08-22-2009 07:30 PM

Hey Suona!
O cool you went to Six Flags? I remember I really wanted to go there as a child, but now I don't want to anymore. It seems like I am already past the amusement park stage. A few years ago I was really into going on roller coasters.

You have a cute outfit on by the way.

@Rylynne: It's fantastic that you had such a great time out. I know that once university starts I will be itching to see my old high school friends. I think the next time we will get to see one another is Thanksgiving and even then it's not certain. D:

Suona 08-22-2009 07:33 PM

Hey Minu ;3;
I dont think i'll ever grow out of them. I just have a lot of fun and enjoy being with friends or family. I'm not a screamer, but a few of them are, so its amusing to watch. ;P

And thanks. :D
The eyes bug me a little, but its the only kind that matched. :/
I'm thinking that I might change it around to make her Snow White or the Old Hag, but I haven't decided yet.

And I really like your avatar too :O
Its nice seeing that little shawl cape thing being used

M i n u x e 08-22-2009 07:37 PM

It certainly is fun if you go with friends and family. I guess the reason why I am not into them anymore is because none of my friends and family are either. I would have no one to go with if I went. xD
Ah I see, it is fun to sit next to screamers or people that are quite scared of the ride. I make myself scream just because I want to, I was never the type to scream as a reaction.

You're welcome! I find that the eyes don't flow that well with your outfit.
It did give off a Snow White vibe to me, it's just that it wasn't that Snow White-y. If you did make her Snow White the first step to do would be to give her the lightest skin tone. xD

Thanks! People don't really use this mini cape? It's a nice and cute item in my opinion. I am glad I got it during the event.

Suona 08-22-2009 07:40 PM

Yeah, that would make sense.
Its far more enjoyable when you have people you know with you. Otherwise I wouldn't want to go at all. I dont like doing things alone. :/

Same here. I wont scream, but i'll say stuff like "Wooohooo! Yeeeeah!" and what not. But I dont think I ever actually scream. I never really do. But its very amusing to watch other people that are freaking out.

I'll need to get some pictures of snow white and see if I could manage to make her on here. :)
And maybe see what the old hag looks like. And I agree that the eyes kind of throw off the vibe of the outfit. :/ But the usual eyes distract from the rest fo the outfit

Yeah, I dont think i've ever really seen anyone use that item. It looks really nice how you have it on now, though.

Jeannesha 08-22-2009 11:30 PM

lol, it's so funny when somebody like me says "you're fierce", and then you change to this cute outfit. People reading are thinking "What's she smoking?" when they read what I said.

Rylynne 08-23-2009 12:00 AM

@ Suona : Very true~ ^^ I hope to see them again in the near future, and not months and months from now like this time. D: </3 University is all fun and all, but high school friends are still the people I want to stay close to and all. =P <3<3

Suona 08-23-2009 01:33 AM

@ Jean - Yeah, sorry about that. I tend to have a bad habit of changing my avatars around a bit, and its always confusing after someone says somthing about a previous one. lol

@ Ry - I know what you mean. Luckily most of my good high school friends will be with me for this year and the next, but after that we're all going out seperate ways, and I'm not so sure that we'll much of ever see each other again :(

Rylynne 08-23-2009 05:42 AM

@ Suona : Aww, don't think that! :< I'm sure that if you all make a conscious effort, then you'll definitely be seeing them again~ :'D <3<3

Jeannesha 08-23-2009 06:10 PM

I rarely see any of my high school friends. We all went our separate ways.
They stayed back on the farms and married locals. I went off to the University, got a job with a big company, and moved away.

College friends the same way... I have only one friend from college who I send Christmas cards to. We don't get together at all either. She has her kids and family from home where she returned after school.

I guess it's a good thing I have my hubby and my siblings, or I'd have nobody!

Rylynne 08-24-2009 03:35 PM

Aww, really? :<
That's too bad though. =O
Although yay for having your family and siblings then! ^^
They're VERY important, after all~ ;'D <3<3

Suona 08-24-2009 07:45 PM

@ Ry - I would like to think that things will work out, but I just like to keep in mind that it might not, so if it doesn't I won't be as dissapointed. I love my friends, but I do know that most people grow up and seperate from their high school friends. I have a feeling there is a few i'll stay in contact with, but certainly not all.

@ Jean - I'm sorry to hear that
I make friends pretty quickly, so I'm not too overly conserned about having friends once i'm older, but its just I hate to lose any friends I have now. They're all I know as good friends, so its sad to lose them. But I dont think that family with be much for friends to me when older anyway.

Jeannesha 08-25-2009 12:25 AM

It's really good that you feel that way, Suona!
Keeping friends takes a lot of work. I didn't put enough effort into keeping in touch.

Rylynne 08-25-2009 09:45 AM

From what I hear from people though, your high school friends are the ones who you stay the "closest" to. =O From my experience, I can see why, but then again, it could just be us over here or something. ^^;;

Jeannesha 08-25-2009 06:30 PM

Well, I moved to the little town when I was 13. Everybody else had been together since infancy, so I was the outsider. I made some friends, but none that were even nearly as close to me as they were to the others.

Rylynne 08-26-2009 09:33 AM

Jean, I think you mentioned that story to me before? =O <3<3
Although I'm not a hundred percent sure, although I do have a really big feeling about it. xDD;;
Sorry, I'm being weird. ^^;; Kinda tired. >.>;;

Jeannesha 08-26-2009 03:02 PM

I probably have.
lol, I can't remember who I've told what. That's why I try never to lie. It's hard enough keeping the truth straight!

When you're on a few different online sites, it's impossible to remember what you've already said, so I'll probably tell you it again if the conversation turns that way.


Rylynne 08-26-2009 03:48 PM

Oh! I didn't mean that in a bad way! o_o;;
I was just mentioning it, is all. xDD;;
And no worries, I have pretty bad memory, so repeating information is usually good for me. ^^;;

Jeannesha 08-26-2009 05:21 PM

Yes, they say that the memory is the first thing to go.
I've forgotten what the other things are....

(old joke)

Suona 08-26-2009 10:04 PM

Sorry that i've been gone so much. I started school on Monday and i've been rather busy since then. :/


Originally Posted by Jeannesha (Post 1764969510)
It's really good that you feel that way, Suona!
Keeping friends takes a lot of work. I didn't put enough effort into keeping in touch.

Yeah, I just hope things work out.


Originally Posted by Rylynne (Post 1764971357)
From what I hear from people though, your high school friends are the ones who you stay the "closest" to. =O From my experience, I can see why, but then again, it could just be us over here or something. ^^;;

I think it depends on where you guys go. I mean, if you move away then there isn't much chance of you staying really good friends, but if you guys continue to live in the same area then you'll most likely still keep in touch rather well.

Rylynne 08-27-2009 12:33 PM

@ Jean : Lolz, I get it. xDD;;

@ Suona : True. =O Although, my parents' high school friends mostly live abroad in different places, but they still are very close despite it. Maybe it's an isolated case, but I dunno, I'd like to believe that there's truth to it, because I wouldn't want to lose touch with my high school friends. :< <3<3

Jeannesha 08-27-2009 02:56 PM

Life has a way of intruding.

The years go by so quickly, and suddenly you realize that you've lost touch with others.
It can happen without your even realizing it.

Rylynne 08-27-2009 04:04 PM

That's true... =\
I'm hoping it doesn't happen to me though. :x
It already almost happened when I didn't see my high school friends for a few months straight due to university being a pain in the ass. x_x;;
Luckily we got together recently though, and now we have lots of plan on hanging out again once our schedules clear up. ^^;;
Probably during mid-October, since that's when sembreak is~ ^^ <3<3

Jeannesha 08-27-2009 04:29 PM

Yea, but you know, with everybody going to college, getting jobs in different places, starting families.... there are lots of distractions and reasons why you just can't seeem to get together anymore.

Rylynne 08-27-2009 05:21 PM

Doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. =P
You always need to put extra effort in it.
I mean, if you want to get what you want, you have to work for it. xDD;;
For me, going separate ways shouldn't be an excuse to not stay friends. :x
Besides, friends are a part of your life (if you ask me =P), so there's no reason why you should let go of them to make way for the other parts of your life. ^^;;

Of course, this is just my personal philosophy.
As a lazy person in general, I would absolutely kill myself if I didn't stay in touch with people because of my life, and being too busy, and consequently a little (or more) lazy to put in that extra effort because it's harder and not as convenient as it used to be. =\

I am lazy in a LOT of things (you have NO idea xDD), but I value my relationships enough that I won't tolerate my "laziness" to get in the way of my wonderful friendships. :> That's just one boundary my laziness is not allowed to cross. >;]

Jeannesha 08-27-2009 07:45 PM

You're right of course. Anything worth doing is worth putting in the time...

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