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Star Valo 04-14-2009 12:37 AM

I'm calling it a night guys
See you all tomorrow or later today, or yesterday =3
lol =3

Siri 04-14-2009 12:38 AM

Yup, there's definitely a raffle where everyone always wins, guys.
You should check into it if you haven't heard of it before. x3

crazymuch 04-14-2009 12:38 AM

15! That's false advertising! :lol:

and I'm still trying to find where this stupid raffle that I had never heard of is ...

SilentRedemption 04-14-2009 12:39 AM

yeah i never heard of this raffle but if everyone win's something that is awesome

rubybloodtears 04-14-2009 12:40 AM

Night Star!

I'm crazy. I hit the same bunny twice so I gave away twice the amount of carrots. ._. NOT what I intended. Dangit. I haven't found the second one anyway, but now I don't have enough for it yet. I guess I'll still keep on searching. Never heard of a raffle before, though.. I don't think. ?_?

crazymuch 04-14-2009 12:40 AM

Yeah! if there was some raffle where everybody wins, I should have been alerted to it before! This isn't fair!!

Siri 04-14-2009 12:41 AM

If you guys are stuck, you can always try checking every main forum page.
That's what I did when I first started and didn't get the clues. x3

Based on past events, they tend to be hidden away in stickied threads. :D

SilentRedemption 04-14-2009 12:43 AM

ahh, I found both of them thanks :D, I shall have to take part in those raffles one day :D

Rad Lionheart 04-14-2009 12:43 AM

Oh hey clues, I'll go find 'em now.

rubybloodtears 04-14-2009 12:43 AM

I found them! -dances- Argh! Now I have two prizes from the first bunny and not enough for a prize from the second bunny. -pokes self- I'm so silly. Double clicking. I blame my slow internet. >.<

SilentRedemption 04-14-2009 12:45 AM

aww poor ruby *hugs*

Siri 04-14-2009 12:46 AM

I'm so glad we get clues again. I missed them the last few events.
This is so much more fun. x3

Rad Lionheart 04-14-2009 12:47 AM

Hmm, this'll take me a while.

crazymuch 04-14-2009 12:47 AM

okay, now I found the raffle. it was in the area I started to look but then thought that would be too easy and left. I need to at least look in a spot even if I think the answer would be too easy.

Sanctuary 04-14-2009 12:47 AM

I agree ^^

I like that this time, once you find them, they are all convieniently on the same page too!

Siri 04-14-2009 12:49 AM

@Sanctuary: Yeah, it's really nice now.
They took the best aspects of the last few events and combined them for us~ :D

rubybloodtears 04-14-2009 12:49 AM

Thanks for the hug, Silent. I suppose I'll be hanging around a bit until I reach at least 7 carrots. I had 30+, but the first bunny take away twice as much. -laughs- I'm silly. I'll get there. :)

Rad Lionheart 04-14-2009 12:49 AM

Boo I can't find anything.

Siri 04-14-2009 12:50 AM

@Rad Lionheart: You should check the faq page if you're stuck because people posted tons of clues.

SilentRedemption 04-14-2009 12:50 AM

HAha, im just trying to get the total amount of carrots needed because i want one or two full sets as always :D

rubybloodtears 04-14-2009 12:51 AM

I agree with Pixore, Rad. Even I posted up a sort of clue and people responded to it. ^^ Think Munnie$.

Flink 04-14-2009 12:52 AM

Whee. Such a great day! Flink finally figured out BOTH clues. <3

Siri 04-14-2009 12:52 AM

The bunny rabbit in the basket is my favorite, so I want to get multiples of it.
But it's so much more expensive. xD;;

SilentRedemption 04-14-2009 12:53 AM

aw i want the EI of this month, it looks so cute. *wonders what to pone off for gold*

Siri 04-14-2009 12:54 AM

@Silent: Wait.. what do you mean by EI of the month? Are you talking about the CI's?

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