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Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 01:32 AM

"Gary, don't be rude," Declan chided, "We can talk about that later." he grit out that part, not really willing to talk about it, he then smirked "Why don't you and William talk for a bit, I'm gonna go grab our coffees."
Gary narrowed his eyes at Declan but sat down at the table as Declan walked off.

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 01:36 AM

William didn't put down his tea cup. Instead he picked at the paper, destroying the lip of the cup. "I guess it's been a while since we talked..." he said. He didn't actually know what he should say at a time like this.

Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 01:52 AM

Gary looked at William and shot up an eyebrow, he actually seemed more nervous this usual? More thoughtful? He didn't know but he'd be willing to bet whatever Declan and Pretty had been talking about. "Well if someone would use the phone I gave him, maybe that wouldn't be the case?" he chuckled.

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 01:57 AM

William grinned sheepishly. That was true of course. "I like talking face to face more. But I'll remember to text you later okay. I guess you do like it when I keep in touch with you, huh?" He raised an eyebrow and watched Gary's face closely, hoping to find something there to corroborate what Declan said.

Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 02:05 AM

Gary eyes widened, was William still worrying about that? He sighed and nodded his head, "I've told you, you're my friend. I like to keep in touch with my friends." he shrugged, "I figured you knew that."

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 02:07 AM

"Friend huh," was all William said. He took a drink of his tea without his eyes ever leaving Gary's face. "Yes, you have said that before." He wasn't sure about what he was seeing. He didn't think he was reading much of anything off of Gary. Maybe he needed to push more or something.

Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 02:57 AM

"Well then get it through your thick skull that I actually want to talk to ya sometimes." Gary shook his head.
Declan returned as he said that setting a cup of regular coffee in front of Gary and taking a sip from his own latte. He looked between the two, wondering if he should try to intervene more or if Gary would really freak out.

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 03:03 AM

William gave Declan a helpless look at he came back with the coffee. He didn't know how he expected that look to help him any, but it came out anyway. "I understand Gary. Too bad we can't do more than talk," he said with a little laugh.

Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 03:10 AM

Declan snorted into his coffee at William's words and Gary looked over at William with a incredulous look on his face. He opened and shut his mouth a few times before shaking his head, "We've been there Will. It's not happening."

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 03:20 AM

William felt himself turn slightly pink. Why the hell did he say that? "Nevermind..." he muttered more to himself than to the other men who were giving him weird looks. He always did have to say just what was on his mind. He couldn't help but from at what Gary said though. No possibility for the future?

Wings of Writing 02-10-2013 03:37 AM

Declan sent a glare over at Gary, "You know Gary, for all that you are for trying to set me up with Koda, you really are a twat when it comes to your own love life." He rolled his eyes.
Gary turned to look at Declan and said, "Now that's where you wrong, I was all for you getting into the boy's pants, what else you get up to that's up to you."
Declan sighed, "Your an idiot. I right eejit."

Kat Dakuu 02-10-2013 03:43 AM

William stared at the two of them for a second. He didn't really think this conversation was helping him much. He found himself staring into his empty tea cup. When did he finish drinking it? "You know, I should probably go do some homework now. Stupid essay on stupid things. I'll text you later?"

Wings of Writing 03-25-2013 01:37 AM

Gary nodded and stood to go, "Sounds good. I'll hold you to that" He winked, and walked away.

The next day, Gary was chilling on the couch, staring at his back back; he was sure he had some sort of homework he should be doing, but he didn't want to move to figure out what it was. As he was doing this Declan walked into the room, "Well I guess I'm stuck here for the day. Koda's got the flu and has apparently been vomiting for part of the day." He sighed and flopped down onto the couch next to Gary, pushing the other man's feet out of the way. "What are you up to day?"

Gary chuckled, "Avoiding homework? The usual?" he sighed, "Ugh, I need it to be spring break now..."

Kat Dakuu 03-25-2013 04:04 AM

William did not forget that he said he would text Gary. In fact, he'd been thinking about it every other second. He kept formulating a good text in his head and then prompting telling himself not to say that. He moved from there to writing texts and deleting them before sending. It was afternoon wednesday when he finally quite literally yelled "To hell with it!" and sent the text that he'd been typing:

I reallyreallyreally like you. You sure you don't like me?

Wings of Writing 04-16-2013 09:23 PM

Gary glance over to his phone as it beeped and then immediately groaned. Did Pretty really just text that? He flopped back on the couch, slinging his legs over Declan's lap as he did so and stared miserably at his phone.

Declan glance over at Gary racing an eyebrow, "Hm?"

"Pretty." Gary grumbled as he set about typing a message. After typing in several responses he finally sent, What if I like you. Doesn't mean I want to date. I don't date. He sent it and then quickly followed it up with Not saying I do like you, but you aren't horrible...

Kat Dakuu 04-17-2013 12:49 AM

William thought he would die waiting for Gary to respond. Actually, he was considering how to mentally delete his message before the older man read it when his phone beeped. Heart jumping, William checked the message. "What...." It was true then. It was seriously true. Gary did like him. The rest of the message didn't really matter; William barely glanced over it. Taking a deep breath, he started a reply.

His phone beeped again and a new message popped up. "What?" William said again, but in a completely different tone, before he read the message. Right there his heart went from soaring to spiraling downward in failed stuttering movements. It took him a few solid seconds to even move. "Bastard..." he muttered. Then William went back and forth between the two texts, reading them over. When they were fully analyzed, he didn't even have to think before sending his reply.

'You really do like me. Declan was right! ;D'

Wings of Writing 04-17-2013 03:49 AM

"What the fuck did you tell William?" Gary exclaimed, shooting up to glare at Declan. "Seriously. what. the. fuck?"

Grabbing Gary's phone, Declan read the message and chuckled, "He's not very good at subtle is he?"

Narrowing his eyes, Gary grabbed his phone back, "You are a menace. I had just gotten him to back the hell up. Now, he'll be worse."

"Well good. You need someone who won't take your excuses," With that, Declan stood and left the room, leaving Gary to his conversation.

Sighing, Gary quickly texted back: I don't know what the fuck Irish told you, but don't listen to him. He's just trying to get back at me for Boytoy.

Kat Dakuu 04-17-2013 04:05 AM

William wasn't going to entertain excuses. He was already delusionally happy. 'Whatever you say. Hey! Want to hang out tomorrow?' As long as the sky wasn't falling and he wasn't feeling skittish, he might as well take advantage of the happiness while it was around. He didn't expect anything awesome to happen if they did hang out, but he did want to properly be obsessively happy and delusional...which obviously didn't work without Gary near.

Wings of Writing 04-19-2013 11:48 PM

Gary sighed and glared at his phone some more, wondering if getting revenge on Declan was really worth it. Probably not. He didn't really want to start a war, and Declan would most definitely fight back.

Sure he texted back, Where?

Kat Dakuu 04-20-2013 12:41 AM

William was surprised Gary agreed so easily. He found that interesting and it made him smile. 'There's a carnival in town?' He texted after a second of thinking. He wanted something that felt like a date. Hanging out eating just wasn't going to do it for him and he always did enjoy silly, childish things more.

Wings of Writing 04-20-2013 12:48 AM

Knowing he was going to regret this, Gary texted back, Why not as long as you don't act TOO much like an excited child.

Kat Dakuu 04-20-2013 12:57 AM

William chuckled, a devious grin growing on his face. As if you could actually stop me. You might like it. ;)

Wings of Writing 04-21-2013 12:21 AM

Shut up. I'll see you tomorrow Gary texted back before flopping back on the couch and yelling, "I hate you" to Declan.

The next day, Gary dressed carefully, not really considering, but by the time he left he may have looked a little more put together than normal. He climbed into his car and headed to pick William up, the two of them having prearranged it the night before.

Kat Dakuu 04-21-2013 12:42 AM

William slept in, but he still managed to fine time to put effort into his appearance. He didn't bother wearing his glasses even though he didn't have contacts, because there seemed an unlikeliness that he would need to read at a carnival park. He thought he looked better though.

He was waiting outside by the parking lot when Gary drove up. "Hello!" William called cheerily as he got into the car.

Wings of Writing 04-21-2013 12:49 AM

Gary smiled, "Hey," he resisted the urge to let his eys run over William's body and instead just raised an eyebrow at the lack of glasses before saying, "How are you?"

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