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Luenola Marxiel 11-04-2008 01:51 AM

Next Halloween? More like the next time anyone suggests Abel dress up for anything. 8D"

Skykittykat 11-04-2008 01:55 AM

Eh you guys have a point. XD

I really just thought that since none of the other NPCs were doing it that a bunny costume was a must.

And I the Lulz drove me to it.

Though I think I pleased quite a few Abel fan girls...

Swordtear 11-04-2008 01:57 AM

@Luel-That too xDDD

@Sky-A bunny costume is cute...but I think Abel was mentally scarred when he came across your entry *grins*
Hilarious though xDDD

Hm..*hears rain outside* ;;

Luenola Marxiel 11-04-2008 02:00 AM

Poor Abel was scarred speechless. 8DDD

Swordtear 11-04-2008 02:02 AM

*grins* xDDD That cracked me up too ;;
Oh my~ xDDDDD

`Kitami 11-04-2008 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by LoversEnd (Post 4211593)
Rofl. Kita.. I's not livers. x.x
I'm.. okay I guess, lol me and mom got in a fight earlier, I think I kinda opened her eyes a bit.. maybe.. I should go post about it in the gay forum thingy that Thoth posts in.. >.>;;;
Then you could read it and I wouldn't clutter up this board xD.

You sure you're not livers? ;o
The one in the life issues forum? Or...a different one? x_x;
I can read it there if you want, yeah. :3


Originally Posted by Luenola Marxiel (Post 4211643)
Oh, trust me, Lovers, I've seen worse. Nalin? I like him, but I can't say I'm obsessed. XD" He's nice to talk to. And he always feeds me fanservice. :twisted:

LoL, Kitami. Then you should have the tea and calm down yourself. I'm perfectly calm. I just like acting cheery and excited because it's fun! XDDD *twirls round and round and round*

*grabs Linden and spins with him* XDDD

Hello Glammy! Yes, very fast. Other than the ten minutes between clicks, of course! XDDD

Yeah, I like him too, but I'm not obsessed. xD;
I'm pretty much sitting in the same boat as Lue with this.
You can have great conversations with him, and yeah...the material he gives. :twisted:

That's not what I was worried about though. I do that! -laughs-
I was worried cause you got all :stare: for a second earlier, and I thought you were upset. u_u
But nevermind. xD; You're alright. -sips the tea- @.@

The bunnygirl entry. SO unfair that I was asleep when that was happening. 8D;
But I saw it this morning. XD

Luenola Marxiel 11-04-2008 02:05 AM

*pats Abel* It's okay. You'll forget in time. Although I'm sure we'll remind you. If you need the brain bleach, you know where to find me. XDDD

Swordtear 11-04-2008 02:08 AM

Brain bleach~ *O*
I think I need a bit of that *can't stop laughing/grinning at the mention of the word "bunny" *

LoversEnd 11-04-2008 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Luenola Marxiel (Post 4211772)
I...won't talk about my obsessive trick or treating session. XD"

I sure don't, Sphynxee. XD"

Oh, I was, Lovers. Talking to him one minute, then suddenly people started pouncing and I couldn't do much of anything either. I was just like, "Err, omg, Nalin, RUN FOR IT!!"

Lol, aww.. poor guy. D:
I clung to him and he was all *pulls her off me* only.. nicer xDD

Kita: Yush the one in LI. :] I figure I should share with everyone there, since it has to do with somethings in there. xD

Luenola Marxiel 11-04-2008 02:14 AM

LoL. I was thinking of someone very specific, Kitami. I think you know who, but I'm generally always in a good mood anyway, so I'm not upset. I won't get upset until drama actually starts. :lol:
Nalin provides the best fanservice. 8D I was lurking when the bunny girl entry happened. I had to post the CHOKE. XDDDD

*offers Swordtear a bottle of brain bleach* It's a pity I've developed an immunity to this over the years, but err, have at it.

Oh, Lovers, the most I usually do is give the occasional hug or poke with him. Although a cute XD!latch does happen. 8D" I've avoided that after that incident though. I can imagine the poor darling's traumatized. :lol:

Sphynxee 11-04-2008 02:19 AM

Poor Abel I bet he's worried...Haha.

@Swordtear, it's you! I just wanted to say, I loveeee your artwork. It's amazing. When I saw Abel as a werewolf I was instantly in love. Wish I could draw like you. =_____=

Swordtear 11-04-2008 02:20 AM

@Luel-*accepts the brain bleach* Thanks~ xDD

Although it might never happen,if the word "bunny" appears on any of my exas..I think I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face xDDDD
*laughing again*

*calms down a bit* XD

@Sphynxee-Thank you so much for the compliment ;; *blush* xDD <333

Sphynxee 11-04-2008 02:22 AM

@Swordtear, your very welcome.

Oh no! It's back to normal...D': I'm actually kinda sad...

Popcorn Gun 11-04-2008 02:22 AM

the event is over.

Swordtear 11-04-2008 02:23 AM

Yeah xDD *gotten used to the black bg* 8D;;

Cain 11-04-2008 06:22 AM

It wasn't easy to judge this, that's for sure, but here are the winning entries for my costume contest:

Text/Example Entries:

2nd Place - 150g
Username: Kongouseki
Costume Idea: Assassin (Short sleeved turtle neck like shirt that comes up to cover the bottom half of the face, knee length shorts [X], dark red long-sleeved mesh shirt is over that with a black vest over the mesh shirt. or instead of the vest, a long jacket like Irvine's from FFVIII without the sleeves but more ragged looking where the sleeves would come from, like they were just torn off. Same with the bottom of the coat, more ragged.)
This was one of the few concepts that could actually fit the "spooky" theme of Halloween. There are a lot of different ways you could interpret the appearance of an assassin, but I liked the general idea of the outfit she described.

1st Place - 300g
Username: Chexala
Costume Idea: Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
While I'm not familiar with the character, the description she gave seemed to fit my personality and I found the costume appealing on its own. I appreciated that Chexala took my demeanor into account and came up with a befitting costume.

Drawn Entries:

2nd Place - 400g
Username: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Costume Idea: Elegant Gothic Aristocrat
I like the detail Ceridwen put into this and that she created an "elegant" costume that wasn't especially effeminate. (Even if those are some exceptionally tight pants.)

1st Place - 650g
Username: Glammy
Costume Idea: Zombie
I enjoyed the humor of Glammy's zombie concept. Although the costume suggested wasn't much different from my everyday wear, I think it captured my general personality nicely.

And the Grand Prize Winner:

Grand Prize - 1,000g and their costume drawn by Omi
Username: Mingnon
Costume Idea: Vintage Fighter Pilot (Leather cap and/or goggles, leather jacket with wooly-like inside that sticks out at collar, pants and boots. Scarf optional.)
I really liked this idea. Certainly I appreciated the fact that it fits with my clothing preferences, but I was drawn to it more because it's unexpected, yet wouldn't be out of place as a Halloween costume.

An issue I took with a lot of the entries was that they were too specific. I had never heard of most of the character suggestions, and from what I gathered about Halloween costumes, most are based on broad ideas (pirate, vampire, etc.) rather than dressing up as X character from Y comic.


Thank you for all your submissions! I enjoyed my first Halloween, so I'm looking forward to the next one.

[Once Omi is finished with the winning costume image she'll post it on Menewsha's deviantART page and I'll post a copy in the album on my profile. It should be completed sometime before November 22nd.]

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