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jo18 12-31-2009 03:21 PM

so what is everyone's plans for today?

Mobsy 12-31-2009 03:21 PM

XD okay then.. *throws glitter at Muse* you gotta watch your eyes.. Glitter loves to get in eyes.. O.O

RawrMuse 12-31-2009 03:22 PM

ouch my eyyess...uuu....uuuuso much glitterrr <3 and my plans are.....partyyy till i diiieee xD

Silenia 12-31-2009 03:22 PM

Everyone that wants to quote it, feel free to do so. xD

Saddie, I have three Posh tops, 8 Chef's Neckerchiefs, 3 Posh underskirts, 4 Mousies and one of the Bowties.

I'd say I have enough event commons. xD

sadrain 12-31-2009 03:23 PM

*stares at gold count*
Its nearly 10k!
I have never had that much for my self, I had only more when I had my 9k on this account for my Christmas gifts for everybody, then I ahd 13k... But this so soo much. *babbles, trough tears*

*someoneoine passing by points at her and syas that she has gone insane*

Mobsy 12-31-2009 03:23 PM

..I wish I had plans today. But, I'm sick. *cries* And my Sully is at work.

jo18 12-31-2009 03:23 PM

my son is a pain the butt >.> i love him i really do but he is a pain sometimes!

RawrMuse 12-31-2009 03:24 PM

lol sad i never had more then 1k xD but meh gold isnt so important:P

dragoness129 12-31-2009 03:24 PM

My plans are to earn more ginger and play the games inbetween chatting so that I can get the remaining items on my wishlist. I just need about 300g still.
I will also be taking care of my twins and spending time with my family cause my grandparents are down. Busy, busy.

Pip 12-31-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 1766041511)
Everyone that wants to quote it, feel free to do so. xD

Saddie, I have three Posh tops, 8 Chef's Neckerchiefs, 3 Posh underskirts, 4 Mousies and one of the Bowties.

I'd say I have enough event commons. xD

*hugs tightly* You smell like a charity queen!

Silenia 12-31-2009 03:24 PM

Jo: Aren't all kids a pain in the butt sometimes? xD

Saddie, you're not insane. I am, though, and damn proud of it too. xD

dragoness129 12-31-2009 03:24 PM

@ Pip - That is because she is a charity queen. ^_^

RawrMuse 12-31-2009 03:24 PM

poor aaeza ..*huggles*

Mobsy 12-31-2009 03:25 PM

Lol, not all kids are pains.. Like my baby cousin. She is an angel!
*Huggles everyone near her*

Silenia 12-31-2009 03:25 PM

It's one of my titles of honor, yes, although I'd say Saddie and Clair are well on their way to become charity queens too, or perhaps they are already. xD

RawrMuse 12-31-2009 03:25 PM

ohhh que cuttte >.< a group huggle x3

sadrain 12-31-2009 03:26 PM

Butbut what cna I sya about ym self then, with all my questing all posh sutff? Dx I ghave up the quest, though, but still. I will soon have enough bowls to finish those three sets I have unfinished and get the remaining capes, tooo.
I will have more event commons than Sellie does, thats not fair!

I AM INSANE SELLIE> YOU MADE ME ISNANE WITH YOUR TOO EPIOC GENEROSITY!!!!! *fluyingtacklehugglesqueezetacklesnugglecugglelove onstrangletodeathwiothmyloveandloveonsmoremooooore *

dragoness129 12-31-2009 03:26 PM

Yeah, there are a good number of people here who are very charitable gifters, you, Clair and Saddie included.

Pip 12-31-2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 1766041547)
It's one of my titles of honor, yes, although I'd say Saddie and Clair are well on their way to become charity queens too, or perhaps they are already. xD

I second that motion!
I kind of donated a Halloween 09 Set, Celes Paradi 08 Set and a Pirate's Booty to Clair to help with her crown set.

*gwoup huggle*

RawrMuse 12-31-2009 03:27 PM

soo anyone has a good common topic to tlk about?^^

sadrain 12-31-2009 03:27 PM

Dragoness hasn't experienced my generoisty, how can she know of it! D:
Why do keep people call me ghenerous when I mostly take... ._.

Silenia 12-31-2009 03:27 PM

-hugs everyone too-

Saddie, if you are insane, be proud of it. ;)
And honey, even if you have more of this event's ECs, I doubt your total amount of commons is higher than mine, so stop worrying, dear. XD

Rawr: Charity or generosity seem to be the most common topics here, if not it is getting someone to accept a gift. xD

Mobsy 12-31-2009 03:27 PM

Mmm, If you were to sprinkle ginger on bread.. *Cough. Cough* UGH! that's gross!

dragoness129 12-31-2009 03:27 PM

@ sad - I have seen you give to others. ^_^

Pip 12-31-2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by sadrain (Post 1766041580)
Dragoness hasn't experienced my generoisty, how can she know of it! D:
Why do keep people call me ghenerous when I mostly take... ._.

OI! Stop making yourself go mad!
I hardly EVER donate to people, so just relax!

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