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Risque 07-06-2013 04:24 PM

It's like a 1/5 chance to get a turnip sellback pattern that makes you lose 50%, but otherwise it's alright. D:

**Still looking for a place to sell turnips here EDIT: Sold 'em. :3

Izumi 07-06-2013 08:02 PM

Awww I was just about to check my turnip prices. In all honesty I never really got into that aspect of the game.

Also, llonka - I don't have the mermaid table.

Sorry I've been a bit mum. It's been pretty busy the past couple of days.

Risque 07-06-2013 11:15 PM

I've never been too crazy about turnips either, but it sure beats farming fruits, fish, or bugs. For my fruit trees I've been focusing on planting according to fruits and location, and with the perfect town rating in mind, It's such a headache because I keep getting new villagers coming in and completely destroying what I call my tree groves.
After the second time I've kind of laid off the tree planting. [ninja]

Anyone wanna hangout later tonight? You guys totally have my permission to ask Gigi to leave my town. [lol]

BellyButton 07-07-2013 06:29 PM

Hi guys! Just found this thread. I have pears as my native fruit but have trees of most all (save coconuts and persimmons) now.
Have Shampoodle, the Cafe, etc. Have the Dream Suite. Iku visited me and seduced my hamster, now I have to keep talking him out of moving away. [lol]

Anyhow, I'm scatterbrained at the moment but I've subscribed and look forward to maybe visiting some peeps in the near future. <3

edit: I've also got some stacks of fruit stockpiled in storage, in case anyone needs a particular type.
edit2: Oh yeah, I've got my town set to later business hours since I mostly play at night, & am in AZ time zone (same as PDT currently).

llonka 07-07-2013 09:50 PM

Izumi- Oooh I'd gladly give you the table! I also nabbed the couch last night..

Risque- Ooops I was online, but out of town, so I didn't get one mene. :(

Belly- I have coconuts! [eager] You sound like you've been busy playing!

Izumi 07-07-2013 10:13 PM

I have coconuts too. :D

I just need someone to hook me up with some peaches, and persimmons..those come later on in one of your store upgrades, so I don't think anyone has them as of yet.

And I typically stockpile fruit.

@llonka - ohhh want [drool]. We need to hook up sometime! My cafe is open now (although I wish I put it where my fountain is and the fountain where it is). I have to keep on drinking coffee before I can work there. Also, I found you can use your gestures you get from Skrunk (I think that's his name...I keep on forgetting lol) for your photo booth poses. I'm wondering if eventually you can change the background colors. I know if you hold certain buttons you can change the picture to sepia or black and white which is pretty cool. Just an FYI.

BellyButton 07-07-2013 10:35 PM

I've got some peaches, Izumi! [eager] I'll have to meet one or both of you for some shady coconut deals soon. :)

My store is only on the 2nd upgrade so it'll be a while before the big garden shop merge for me. I need to get back to expanding my house now that the citizens are all satisfied with the amount of crap I placed all over. And, I need to look up a hair guide because I keep getting my lovely locks mangled at Shampoodle. [lol]

Izumi 07-07-2013 10:48 PM

I have the official guide for Animal Crossing: New Leaf - It's pretty good but it has a couple inconsitancies. One being the shampoodle hair guide. It's off, and then it doesn't show what colors you get for each haircut. Now while it's not that big of a deal on the colors, but it would still be nice to have a picture guide on it.

And I would love to meet up with you, Belly! Let me go grab my friend code and PM it to you. What llonka and I have been doing is talking over skype. I will warn you that I think I'm having some sort of internet connection issue and you can ask her and at times we've been kicked from the town we're in. So what we will typically do is get all our trading out of the way and save, then if you want to poke around in my town you're more than welcome to.

I need to figure out what the issue is as my husband was having issues getting my stepson's DS to synch to our Wifi so he could use the pokemon app on my iPod, and it seems like multiple DSs are having issues in this house. My other internet devices haven't been having Im a bit confused.

llonka 07-08-2013 01:47 AM

Izumi- Okay! I'll try to catch you on there soon! I'm gonna bug catching and rack up some bells... trying to get a lighthouse finished. I hope you figure out your internet issues, another friend of mine was having the same troubles. For some reason his DS wouldn't connect to his wifi.

How are you two getting the cafe? I have Super T&T mart now and Shampoodle. All the hair guides i've found aren't very accurate. I ended up with the cut I wanted, but not the right color. :(

Izumi 07-08-2013 02:24 AM

Eventually Blathers talks to you about it, but so many days have to pass since having the T&T mart open. 7 I think? So it's a matter of days. I would talk to Blathers daily, but that's usually pretty simple as if you're playing daily you're digging up fossils and having him assess them.

I double checked my inventory and it looks like I planted all my coconuts. That being said they're about to fruit any day, and at that point I will be up to my eyeballs in coconuts. I do have a bamboo shoot, if anyone is interested.

I need to save up some bells too to pay off my basement expansion. D:

Risque 07-08-2013 03:12 AM

Of course, of all the public works projects I picked first, it was the reset center which I still can't pay off because I spent all my bells on turnips again. [gonk]

Waiting for store upgrades seem to take so long! I got Kicks yesterday so it's at least another 10 days before Shampoodle. I might get impatient and just use someone else's.

Oh! [arrow] I have a King's Crown in shop today for anyone who can afford it! [yumeh1]

BellyButton 07-08-2013 03:22 AM

[lol] I did that too with the reset center! And then I was kicking myself because Resetti is a jerk and I don't even like him.

maybe this is a spoilery bitX

But now I get to sneak in and use his toilet when he leaves the manhole open and have him yell at me, so it's all worth it. [heart]

How much do you have left to pay? Maybe we can all chip in to help? :)

edit: My brain is completely fried and I'm going to bed, but if anyone wants to exchange friend codes send me a PM & we can swap tomorrow.

Izumi 07-08-2013 03:31 AM

Aww was wondering if I missed you, Belly, Hopefully we can all get together and swap when you have some time tomorrow. I'm going to most likely be on late at night after 10pm EST. Hopefully you'll still be around at that hour. :3

And Resetti's research looks cute. I'll eventually get it just so I can experience it...but not for now. Too many bells I need for other projects. [gonk]

BellyButton 07-08-2013 03:35 AM

You didn't, I only just now finished up what I was doing. [drool]

Resetti says weird things too, I often screen cap them, maybe I'll upload some tomorrow. :D Sleep well when you get around to it, guys! Talk to you soooon.. [zzz]

edit: I'm usually on late too so that should work fine Izumi :3

Risque 07-08-2013 06:08 AM

@ Belly: I'm alright on the bells! It's my own fault for choosing to prioritize turnips above all else.

Has anyone accidentally quit without saving yet? Resetti gives the shpeel, but with a twist~ o:

Wonderlands 07-08-2013 06:18 AM

Mini update: Kicks opened, T&T Opened,t second floor of the museum is done, club LOL is done and shampoodle is being built at the moment!
I also saw a crown for sale but I was 100k off. I have the bells now so I'll just have to save it and wait until next time.

And yeah, I accidentally quit. Well technically the battery ran out oops.
I don't know whether I'm going to build the Surveillance Centre any time soon.

Risque 07-08-2013 07:04 AM

Anyone else prefer the regular crown to the king's crown? Regal look is overrated anyways. :P

Grats on your progress so far, Wonderlands!

llonka 07-08-2013 03:39 PM

I have turned it off with out saving.. but I'm gonna wait to get the Reset Center. That sounds so funny Belly, and would be the only reason for me to build it!

I was online for a little bit last night, but went to bed. My youngest son was up at 1:30 throwing up and threw up all over his bed and mine. :( We ended up in the living room and hubby bunking with my oldest boy. Kaleb seems to be feeling better now, I sure hope he's done throwing up. He's a fever so we'll see. Anyways, I dunno how much I'll be on today. I really would like to meet up with somebody again.

---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 10:51 AM ----------

We have Katie again, who is wanting to travel... anyone want her?

BellyButton 07-08-2013 04:01 PM

My gates are open now if you wanna come over. I'll be somewhat afk for a bit but I've got most fruits on trees if you run around.

Sorry about your sick kidlet! That's no fun at all :(

llonka 07-08-2013 04:31 PM

Oooh okay belly! I"ll see if the boys will let me play for a bit..

Thanks! Now it's going the other way.. better to sit on the potty i guess than to throw up. xP He's acting better though.

---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 11:45 AM ----------

BellyButton: Your town isn't coming up. :( I've added you, what could be wrong?

BellyButton 07-08-2013 04:46 PM

Hmm, I wonder if it's my internet connection, lemme retry.

---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 09:49 AM ----------

Try now?

llonka 07-08-2013 04:50 PM

Okay, retrying!

BellyButton 07-08-2013 04:57 PM

If that doesn't work I'll exit and make sure I didn't mess up the friend code. [oops]

llonka 07-08-2013 05:04 PM

Okay, hang on my mom and brother stopped by to drop off some ginger ale for kaleb.

---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 12:07 PM ----------

hmm still not coming up.. are you doing nearby town or faraway? I'm sure our friend codes are right..

BellyButton 07-08-2013 05:15 PM

I hope I did faraway.. [lol] Gonna reconnect again in a sec.

edit: Ok, try now. Sorry! What a pain :)

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