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Paprika 04-02-2008 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by mild_obsession
It wasn't a favorite book, but Ella Enchanted was wayyy better as a book than as a movie. The movie just flat out failed in my opinion. I didn't like the way they changed the storyline. Maybe it was a little less corny..but it wasn't as amazing.

I flat out REFUSED to go see that movie after i saw the commercial. I used to love that book SO much when i was younger and i saw how badly the butchered the book i was so upset...i wanted to break peoples faces!! @_@

Jurassic Park books were better and quite different from movies.

Harry potter books were better...

DaVinci Code and LOTR were equal in my opinion(book vs movie wise).

Titenya 04-02-2008 07:30 PM

I have another one. The Last Unicorn was so much better than the old animated movie. It's a shame they stopped production on the live action one...

The lord of the rings movies should not even be compaired to the books because of how badly the director from hades murdered them... *still crying over it* the old cartoons from the 70's and 80's were a lot better and more true to the story line than what was produced...

comfortably_dumb 04-06-2008 06:26 AM

I am a big fan of the Harry Potter books as well as the movies. Sure, I enjoy the books ten times more, and if I had to pick between the two, the books easily take the cake...but I also still really love the movies. xD I know they aren't very accurate some of the time, but they are quite entertaining, and they make Hogwarts real for me. I just have learned to separate the books from the movies and the movies from the books and I have found myself enjoying the movies a lot more.

Nameless 04-06-2008 06:45 PM

Majority of the time Book are usually better then their movie counterpart due to the fact that there are less restrictions. Both movies and literature have both their pros and cons.

Literature has less restrictions and enables author to delve in more depth into the storyline and characters. You read how the characters feel when lets say someone is killed in front of them. As a reader you are told how the character us feeling and its easier to grasp.

Motion pictures are visually pleasing and some have minds that prefer to see then read because it is easier to grasp. However many movies are usually a fail compared to their book counterpart due to the fact that a certain cast might not portray their character correctly.

I like both. I believe Harry Potter was well done as a movie but I prefer it as a novel series due to the fact that it is to indepth to possibly be captured on screen. The movie is long enough as it is.

I was delighted to watch the Lord of the Ring series due to the fact that I never read the novel.

Zenturio 04-06-2008 06:52 PM

I don't have much books that were made into a I would say the harry potter books...

It's just insane when you look at all the parts they left out in the movies... and it gets worse in every new movie... I was so angry after the 4th movie that I actually paid for something like this...

FlyPanda 04-06-2008 07:02 PM

i would say battle royale. the movie was very good but i liked the book A LOT better (in my opinion of course :B) another movie would be Eragon. yeah....that movie really sucked XD. and then there's The Notebook....

Berzerker_prime 04-10-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Titenya
The lord of the rings movies should not even be compaired to the books because of how badly the director from hades murdered them... *still crying over it* the old cartoons from the 70's and 80's were a lot better and more true to the story line than what was produced...

Er... did we see the same cartoons? The ones where Gandalf described how Hobbits were getting taller and thus turning into humans? The ones where Thranduil looked like the king of the frogs? And the ones where the Balrog scene was the most boring scene in the whole she-bang?

On the other hand, those cartoons were very much aimed at children and had to be a little more blunt about things. But, yikes.

Rainy 04-15-2008 03:07 PM

All books are better then movies, at least that's what I think. I tend to let my imagination run wild, and I prefer that so much more. There are a few books that were made into movies that I feel like ranting about, Charlotte's Web, Maltida and Harry Potter especially.

Saria Florite 04-16-2008 02:57 AM

Hmm, books that are better than movies...I would have to say that I like the comic 30 Days of Night better than the movie. Because at least in the book it makes it sound less like a all out blood bath than the movie. And all the vampires can talk in the comic, also the actual head vamp did not agree with the whole "lets attack this town at it most vulnerable state".

x-cutie-x-pie-x 04-17-2008 03:54 PM

I always read books before the movie, because reading gives you the freedom of using your imagination to picture what the character looks like and what they look like when they're talking/doing something.
Harry potter is a common one for me. I always read the book before the movie, because that's how they come out, book before movie. xD
I get really angry when there's something missing from the movie, but in the book! Dx

kiaen 04-18-2008 01:12 PM

I know the movie is going to be nowhere near as good as the book, just from the cast ._.

Conforming-Is-Suicide 04-20-2008 03:16 PM

Lord of the Rings was better in the books. Took ages to read, but still well worth it. And any films made out of Roald Dahl books. And Stormbreaker...and the Terry Pratchet books...[/color]

serafim_azriel 04-21-2008 11:33 PM

I'll agree with you on both Harry Potter and Ella Enchanted. I can't really think of any other movies that were books previously right now.

MrsGrape 04-22-2008 05:43 PM

After reading The DaVinci Code I decided not to see the movie. The book was so good that I wanted nothing to ruin it. Perhaps one day I will watch it.

Also, all the Stephen King books are better than the movies!!!

Tisrehle Riuece 04-25-2008 09:51 PM

If i wanted to, i could make a very long list, but nobody would like that so i will name a few.

-Blood and Chocolate. The movie is completely different than the book, and the book is waaay better.

-Howl's Moving Castle. Both the book and the movie are good, but the only thing they have in common are the main characters.

-Harry Potter. Both are excellent, but i like the books better.

Way_To_Dawn 04-26-2008 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by DeniedUltraSex (Post 433525)
>> Most books are better than movies.
Only people who don't read would disagree.

That's true. I barely read, so I like the movies better than the books I've actually read...

Addi 05-04-2008 12:55 PM

I think it's Harry Potter too, it's much of big parts in the books that waren't in the moveis :( ! Specially Harry's hair!

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