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CADFND 05-26-2012 05:18 AM

Sunny's mouth hung open for a moment, before she snapped it shut, not wanting to be rude. "Whoa..."

Noah's smile got wider with everything that Alai had said. "That's amazing." It might've been an understatement to say that Noah was breathless. His eyes were glittering with a curiosity to know everything about the boy sitting next to him, a faint blush returning to his cheeks. "That's... way more than either of us have done. Kind of blows our travels out of the water." A question started burning in his mind, and he hoped he wasn't rude. "What was the Eladrin school of magic like?" He rolled the white-haired boy's words around in his head, loving the way they sounded. "A school dedicated to magic just sounds... wonderful. For lack of a better word."

Sunny smirked as she watched her companion. Somebody's got a crush. she thought.

Kry 05-26-2012 05:37 AM

Alai watched their reactions with giddy excitement, they were both adorable people. And Noah was just too cute when he blushed like that. "The school is huge. Probably the biggest school of magic out of all the cities of the Fey Wild. They teach all sorts of things there, not just magic. Of course you spend more time studying magic than you do history and other things, but the Eladrin take great pride in their knowledge of things. On the first day of classes you are tested to see what kind of magic you are best suited for. Most mages, no matter their race, can use almost all magic but specialize in a specific element. I can only use healing spells, it surprised the Archmage greatly, he assumed I would be an ice mage because of my high affinity for the element."

Alai shrugged lightly. Pausing for a moment. "The Eladrin are a bit strict though, during school hours. They don't care much for goofing off or sleeping in class but they do adore fast learners. It was wonderful, sometimes I wish I was still there. I'm sure there's more the high mages could teach me. But when I graduated the Archmage insisted I leave the Fey Wild and come here to the Material Plane, the mortal realm. He said I could learn things better from experience and meeting new people than from just listening to lectures." His eyes were on Noah and his bright smile turned to a sweet one. "I'm sure I could take you there one day. The Eladrin welcome any who want to learn, and I'm sure they would love to converse with you. But I have no intention of returning anytime soon."

CADFND 05-26-2012 06:23 AM

A gasp escaped Noah's lips at the sheer possibility of going someplace like the Fey Wild, attending the Eladrin school of magic, honing his abilities. "That would be..." He couldn't find the right word to finish the sentence. Amazing was overdone, wonderful was inadequate, and enchanting seemed a little redundant. The fact that Alai smiled so sweetly didn't help any, having taken Noah's breath away. But Alai's last sentence hit Noah like a brick to the head, bringing him out of thoughts he couldn't even fathom. Although Noah's and Alai's situations were different, he assumed, he remembered their Oracle telling him and Sunny to leave, and never to come back to Sheervale, unless it was the will of their visions. Noah remembered how hard that was for him. And Alai didn't seem in a rush to go back.

"I-I could never in a million years ask that of you." Noah said, bowing his head slightly, "But thank you, Alai." Noah placed his left hand over his heart, and lightly moved it away. It was something the Oracle had always done, and was one of the mannerisms of hers that Noah had picked up. It was something she did when she was showing respect, love, or appreciation. "It means a lot."

Kry 05-26-2012 06:40 AM

Alai leaned towards Noah, that sweet smile still on his lips. When the boy placed the hand over his heart, Alai reached out with his own hands, wrapping slender, womanish fingers around Noah's hand and holding it gently. "No. I promise, I will take you there, but I can't guarantee how soon it will be or when exactly it will be." Those blue eyes were filled with sincerity as he held Noah's hand gently and spoke those words. A promise was not something to be made lightly and Alai knew that, but he felt certain that even if they parted ways today. He would see them again, and he would take Noah and Sunny to the Fey Wild. To the school in the Fading City. "I promise, and Alai Wynter never breaks his promises." He leaned towards Noah a little bit more, and brought that boy's hand to his lips. Gently Alai kissed each of Noah's fingertips, starting with his thumb and ending with his little finger. A promise, sealed with five kisses.

Staria 05-26-2012 05:47 PM

Nara had been silent, letting the group converse. She felt a little unsure if she should say anything at all. She only reacted as Alai kissed Noah's fingers. She blushed deeply, as among her people such a thing was very intimate.... you did not kiss someone unless you intended to mate with them someday or wanted to indicate you did. It was never just done in play. She muttered another soft excuse me and headed to grab some tea, more to calm her nerves then anything. Alai.... Alai was culture shock given human form sometimes for the Faelira and she wasn't quite sure how to react. She took a few deep breaths and glanced towards Kry to see how he was doing with the robot.

keres corvax 05-26-2012 07:39 PM

*she comes in on her hands and knees. scrubbing dirt off the floor. dirt on her knees and her arms, dust on her face.* My my, all this cleaning has been getting me filthy! How is everyone in here today?

CADFND 05-27-2012 12:01 AM

Noah's heart started racing at Alai's words, was fluttering at the promise, and nearly stopped when the white-haired boy kissed Noah's fingertips, shivers going down his spine. Noah felt incredibly attracted to Alai, and figured from the growing redness in his cheeks, and maybe the light in his eyes, that it was showing. Noah's fingers laced themselves with Alai's slender ones. "Thank you." He was unsure of what else to say, but he just wanted to hear Alai speak more. "D-did you want to know more about me- er- us? What we said wasn't all there is to us."

Kry 05-27-2012 03:27 AM

Noah seemed rather taken by him, and just a little flustered by his gesture. Alai continued to smile sweetly at the other boy, looking away from him only briefly to watch as Nara excused herself. She probably just wanted to get more food or drink, he was sure she would be back soon. Those blue eyes returned to looking at Noah, the boy blushed so cutely, it filled Alai with the desire to make him blush more. When the boy laced his fingers with Alai, that sweet smile turned a little brighter and he gave Noah's hand the gentlest of squeezes. The feminine boy nodded slightly at Noah's question. "Yes. Of course, I want to know everything about both of you...especially you, Noah." Those last three words, Alai said with a little fluttering of his eye lashes, but all of it was said with enthusiastic sincerity.

Kry frowned deeply for a moment. Iris had gone so quiet, perhaps he had overstepped a line when he had asked such a question. He hadn't meant to offend her, if a creature such as her could take offense to such a thing. The question had driven Nara off though, but that was only because she didn't understand what he had meant by asking it. Still, he really should have been more considerate of her and the robot. The frown disappeared, and he ate a few bites of fruit and drank some water before he stood. He wasn't very hungry, and it seemed his presence was no longer wanted by Iris.

Those purple eyes drifted over the room, a ghost of a smile flickering past his lips as he watched Alai kiss the fingertips of another boy. He couldn't help but wonder what Alai had promised the boy, that ghost of a smile turned to a real smile when the boy laced his fingers with Alai's. It was a sweet scene, but he should not watch too long or closely. The smile still on his lips and his gaze turned, those purple eyes falling on Nara just as she looked at him. His light smile was turned to her, and with gliding foot steps he made his way to her. "He certainly wastes no time in making friends." He nodded towards Alai with a small smile, but his eyes were on Nara.

Staria 05-27-2012 03:35 AM

", it seems he doesnt. I apologize De'Onie, for running off earlier. I just...was reminded of something. I hope I did not offend you" She said quietly as he approached her. She stammered briefly as public displays of affection simply surprised her that much. You would think so many years from home she would have become mroe use to the outside world but she had not. It showed itself again as she refereed to him as De'Onie, or honored one, when apologizing instead of his name. A less formal version would be using the term for 'my friend', De'lesah but old habits died hard.

She bowed her head briefly in emphasis of the apology then raised her eyes to his. He always looked at her so intensely. she knew by now it was just his way but that didn't make it any less unusual for her. So she simply kept her eyes firmly on his and tried not to be nervous as she retrieved a new glass of tea. She waited quietly for his reaction to her apology, curious.

keres corvax 05-27-2012 04:55 AM

*she continues to walk around cleaning tables in the area as if it is like she is suppposed to be there.*

CADFND 05-27-2012 05:28 AM

Noah's cheeks were getting redder by the second. He'd given up trying to hide it. No one had been able to leave him breathless like Alai had.

Sunny quietly giggled, watching the Alai and Noah. Being pulled back into conversation was certainly going to be interesting. "We first met our Oracle when I was ten, and Noah was nine. We were in middle school, we'd stop by her place after school almost every day." She said, recalling memories she hadn't touched on in a while, "Our school was nothing much, just an attempt to get the basics of each subject to stick in our heads so we wouldn't go wandering the world not understanding what was going on."

"Sunny and I met there." Noah said, glancing at her for a moment, eyes back to Alai in an instant. "I skipped a grade, so I was in her class."

Sunny laughed, "He was always helping me with my homework. After eight hours of staring at chalkboards, I'd get a bit dyslexic." She rubbed her forehead, "Figuratively and honestly. My parents tried to get me enrolled in a private school to help with that, but I wouldn't go if Noah wasn't there."

"Our Oracle's was kind of our haven." Noah said, "She'd help us find ways to deal with our abilities and give us tips on how to use them to our advantage in certain situations. She helped us feel more normal when we were so different."

Sunny was quick to clarify a certain aspect of their abilities, "Though we haven't always been getting visions, Noah's always been able to read others' thoughts, and I've always been able to feel others' emotions."

keres corvax 05-27-2012 06:23 AM

Start washing the windows.*

Death_to_the_reaper 05-27-2012 06:35 AM

((Hey, Keres. Can you please stop posting in this thread?))

Kry 05-27-2012 06:50 AM

Alai had moved his seat just a little closer to Noah's, the movement had been slight, but deliberate, it had also been gentle and quiet. Most likely the movement itself would go unnoticed, but there was no denying it. Alai was sitting a little closer to Noah, and he was still holding the other boy's hand. Gently but firmly. Of course when Sunny spoke, Alai turned his smile and attention to her, and when Noah spoke, that smile and attention moved to him. Alai listened to everything they both said, nodding a bit here and there to let them know he was paying attention. "The older you grow, the stronger your abilities will become." He glanced at Sunny when he spoke, making sure he included her as well since she was part of the conversation and it would be rude if he started to ignore her now. Especially since they were all getting along so well.

"It's good that you had your Oracle to go to for guidance. I can't imagine how hard it must have been on you, dealing with these gifts, nor can I imagine how much harder it would have been on you if you hadn't found each other or your Oracle. But you know, there's nothing wrong with being different, especially when you've been kissed by the gods. The power of a Seer is a special thing, a special gift. Even if it is hard to deal with sometimes." He glanced from one to the other. "Believe in yourselves and in each other, always."

Kry shook his head lightly when Nara apologized to him, she had done it so formally but still, he felt as if he was the one that should apologize to her. He lowered his head slightly and reached out to brush his fingers gently across the back of her wrist. "I fear it is I who should beg your forgiveness. I meant no offense to you when I asked such a thoughtless question in your presence. I had not meant to be so rude." He pressed his hand against his heart for a moment and looked at her with his eyes filled to the brim with sincerity. "I humbly ask for your forgiveness. If ever I do anything to offend you again, please let me know at once so I may do my best to clarify any misunderstandings we may have." He bowed slightly as he said that last sentence.

Staria 05-27-2012 07:01 AM

"I... It is nothing you did" she responded after a moment of shock as she put her hands on his shoulders and attempted to stop him from bowing. She blushed at the thought..... she was not one to be bowed to she didn't think. She cleared her throat and ran a hand through her short white hair in thought as she debated if she should explain. The truth was, however, that she wasn't sure she could. It was the priests back home that made the question so harmful...

Once in school she had asked if animals could have a soul, the priests had promptly given her a beating for questioning the teachings of 'Orriesei' or rather theirs. He had no way of knowing about that... or the scar on her upper back that was left from the beating. Normally Faelira didn't scar but one of the priests had slashed her with an iron dagger, the one substance that made their bodies truly physical and earthly enough to be so harmed, so she would 'remember' the price of her defiance. The other priests thought this going to far and he had ironically been outcast just as she was now...but she still remembered the pain and burning sensation and how her beloved priests had become monsters to her.

"I...I was simply reminded of something, that really had little to do with what you said. there is nothing to clarify or apologize for i promise you." She said quietly as she gazed at the floor and continued to attempt to prevent his bowing. She felt awkward for a servant of a god to bow to her... an outcast, a tainted soul.....a malformed creature from birth, ice born of fire and meant only to die and kill according to lore.

Kry 05-27-2012 07:22 AM

He smiled gently at her, when she reached out to stop him from bowing. She was keeping the truth from him, he could tell but he wouldn't press the matter. If she wanted to tell him, then she would but only when she was ready. "Very well then." He clasped his hands lightly behind his back, and tilted his head to the side as well as back a little bit. As if he were listening to something that was located to the side of them but a little over their heads. Suzaku. The God was ever present in Kry's mind but he was usually silent, now he spoke. Words that only Kry could hear. He stood like that for only a few short moments, then his full attention was on Nara again.

"You are special, even if your own people cannot look passed their own noses long enough to see it. You have a great destiny ahead of you, and, my master wishes for me to tell you. All living creatures are given a soul. A soul is created for that life the moment the life is created." As he said that he glanced towards the robot girl. "However, things with false life, they have no soul. I merely wanted to know if she could even understand the concept of a soul." His sincere eyes were on Nara, watching her carefully for a reaction.

Staria 05-27-2012 07:35 AM

"I am not so sure about some great destiny......but I do understand what you meant when you asked her...I, I was simply a reminded of something. Thank you for your kind words, please forget my silly outburst earlier. I have always believed my people's concept of a soul...very limited, so thank your master for those words as well. Would you like something?" She spoke carefully, the first words, unsure really. Why would any god care so much for her? Except for Orriesei the creator of her people. She asked the last sentence more as a way to change the topic, however, and pointed to the table to show what she meant.

She looked up at him, her own eyes on his as she searched for...something. Why was he and his phoenix god so interested in her? A creature even many outside the faelira would consider 'unworthy'. She just didn't understand it...not one bit. And for that matter what did Kry think of her? Did he think anything of her or was he just 'following orders'. She was unsure...

Kry 05-27-2012 08:07 AM

"Everyone has a great destiny, even if we cannot seem to find it ourselves. It is there and everyone plays out their role before their time comes." Kry looked towards the table when she asked him if he wanted something. He shook his head slightly, and those purple eyes were on her again. "There are many gods but just because we were created by a certain god or two, does not mean that the others ignore us. They are always watching us, and always interested in us, but they do not always make it known to us." He smiled kindly at Nara.

Slowly, gently he reached out, and brushed his fingers against the back of her wrist. "Is there anything you would like?" He didn't look towards the table, because he wasn't talking about the things laid out there to be consumed. "Are there questions you would have me answer, or my master while he is being so bothersome?" He had rolled his eyes slightly and reached up to tap the side of his own head gently when he said that last part. It was true though, Suzaku could be a very bothersome creature, Kry didn't really mind it in the least though.

Staria 05-27-2012 08:14 AM

Nara bit her lip as he seemed to read her mind about the phoenix god's interest but said nothing. She seemed to be trying to put together words to say when he brushed the back of her wrist again and made her blush. She knew it meant little to him, having seen him do it to others now, but it was still contact she was not use also helped that physical contact among the Faelira was strictly regulated, and such a gesture to get attention usually meant the want of more...

"I... I don't know. How long will you be staying?"
she finally asked as she settled on a safe topic. To speak to a god almost directly intimidated her, and to ask kry anything personal intimidated her even more. Yes he said he was her De'lesah, her friend, but that did not mean that meant the same to him as it did to her. He had still grown up in an environment where it was likely more casual, and the way he seemed to know what she was thinking sometimes ...well that was a little intimidating too.

The_Crow 05-27-2012 01:05 PM

As the glass shattered upon the floor of the tavern, The Crow felt some eyes upon him but he paid no mind. One gaze he felt last longer than the others, bright. Smiling. Must not know much about this horrid world we inhabit.

He was not a vampire, though he could see why some might mistake him as one, as he walked the threshold between the living and the dead, not truly one or the other.

He could also be mistaken as a demon inhabiting a human host as he could take all kinds of mortal wounds and keep going. That definately wasn't 'normal'.

A young girl, approximately twelve years of age approached him [NPC]. "May I read your cards, sir?" "Go to bed, kid" "I would, but my mom is... busy" she touched his had and he had a psychic vision of her getting high off of heroin and having sex in a pit of a motel room. Out of pity he just nodded. She flipped over three cards "In order to get back to the one you love..." she then made a column of four cards to the right, "you must follow you guide, who will find you shortly." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She just picked up her cards and left, but his heart went out to her a bit. She didn't belong in a drinking den like this.

After pondering what to order, a crow flew in through an open window and landed on his table. "You have got to be kidding me..."

Staria 05-27-2012 09:10 PM

((hey reaper, are you going to move this to the main rp forum eventually and continue or? ))

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