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Ascadellia 02-21-2011 12:53 AM

I am ready for a macaron!
Colour preference: Hm, Gold? ^ ^'

KageShio 02-21-2011 02:34 AM

I hope it's not too much of a bother, but I'd like one. I never get art, I always make it for people, lol.

I am ready for a macaron!
Name: KageShio
Request: Current Avi
Colour preference: Navy blue please

Sarasvati 02-21-2011 02:49 AM

I'll get back on Mene in a bit to add everyone who's ordered to the list. I'm doing something for my mom, so I'll bbiab. :> I'll be closing the freebie shop at 5 p.m. CST tomorrow, just to let you guys know. ♥


Sakura_Madison: Aa! o: That's really understandable why you've been busy.

Your avi is cute~. =w= Lots of feathery things.

Captain Howdy: No problema! I think you're next up for me to draw, actually. |D

Ceri: I am glad you think so. ; ^;

Ah, I see. I was afraid you might be grossed out by talking about it (some people are xD). Maybe you could try something where octopus is in it to kind of ease into it? Maybe see if your Japanese restaurant sells takoyaki? This way you wouldn't be faced with waving tentacles right off the bat. xD ... O.K., that just sounds weird. D8 As weird as sucking crawfish heads. *shudders*

I am all about the cheese sandwich, man. Give me a good Gouda or the like and I am happy. *wants Gouda atm, obviously xD*

That's so weird. I always thought sushi was kinda about being simple for some reason. . m. I know some kinds do have roe on them, but not all of them.

Let me know, though, I have the funds, man. xD That's so cute of you. ; ^;

angelbabe1: I'm so glad you like it! ♥♥♥

Hadsvich: Of course you can. I like your charas. ♥

KageShio: It's not a bother at all! xD I always forget to go look through threads when I make a art thread for an event, so I understand you on that! >>;

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 03:34 AM

*noms on lovingly* =A= <3

How could I not think so? 8D <3

Actually, I've wanted takoyaki insanely badly for years, but they don't carry it here. ;o; We're actually new to Japanese. I've alllways wanted it but never had more than bento box sushi you can get from groceries stores and some they had at a big 'all nations cuisine' buffet a few towns over.

The sushi place just came to our small town recently and it's super hard to get into. But we took the plunge and made reservations on New Years Eve. It was so... lovely. The atmosphere was perfect. And I found it so refreshing they didn't have a drinks menu and just served matcha with our own personal pot and tiny cups. Is that weird? >_>; It made digesting so much easier and peaceful.

I mean... The servings were sooo big, too. @__@; We went in having been told they were expensive, but only spent 30 bucks and we had... Two pots of tea, a huge plate of age tofu, salad, miso soup, chicken teppanyaki (SO GOOD), and tempura vegetables (SO GOOD TOO~).

The staff was so pleasant, but I felt so embarrassed. I was the ONLY one in the entire place that couldn't use chopsticks. I struggled with Matt to teach me, but eventually the waitress politely brought a fork over and I hung my head. Hahah. XD;; It wasn't a big deal except there was this really snooty young couple. They were ordering all this daring food and the chick just kept glaring at me/rolling her eyes like I was such an idiot/gaijin (you were blonde haired and blue eyed, get over yourself D<)

But we had green tea and red bean icecream and so all was healed~.

Ahhh. /ramble

I have a love/hate relationship with cheese. XD Like, 'll have days where it repulses me and days I crave it like crazy. But I'm also really salt sensitive and allergic to dairy (which everyone ALWAYS frustratingly confuses as 'lactose intolerance' even after the allergist said it's much different). I could go for some 'laughing cow' something fierce though. @___@ So yummy.

I want to go back and get some kappamaki, personally. <3

Such a sweet sushi~. Hopefully with the extension I'll manage. XD

Dystopia 02-21-2011 04:40 AM

Cryssytrainer! /tackles

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 04:59 AM

*snuggles on Annachu* <3 I've been spotted. >O> <3

Sarasvati 02-21-2011 05:54 AM

*is eaten o A o;;;*

I feel like a moron in regards to takoyaki, because I completely forgot to find a place in Japan to eat some. I'm not sure if the one place we have in town makes them or not, but it might just be easier to see if I could make them... I like what I have had of Japanese food. It's not really spiced/spicy, but kinda clean in taste? IDEK what I'm talking about. :rofl:

Aa, I see. D: It's not weird at all, in regards to the drinks! I remember we ate a lot at a kinda chain restaurant when we were in Japan, because it was tasty and cheap, but drink-wise they only had pitchers of water, and you'd get a cup of cold matcha with your meal when it was finished cooking. Since it was the muggy part of summer, we totally were downing the pitchers of water, haha. xD

I wonder if it's a thing over here where Japanese restaurants give you a ton of food. I think my friend and I spent about ten bucks a piece, but... dear lord, I coulda fed two other mes with that plate. xD

WTF. They use spoons over there for stuff, too, it's not like chopsticks are used for everything! You should have just shot looks back at the girl of enjoying your food on a fork. xD

... I still want red-bean ice cream. And just a block of red-bean paste candy. And a roll filled with red-bean paste. And--*goes on forever*

Aw! I wouldn't know what to do if I had a dairy allergy. Does it make you break out or something if you have too much? ; ; I've never actually had 'laughing cow'. I could personally go for some real French bread + Camembert. Forget everything else for a meal. |DD

Kappamaki? o 3o

Well, let me know if you need help~. I AM HAPPY TO OBLIGE. |D

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 06:23 AM

I didn't eat, I just nommed~. Like a nibble. >:

XDD Clean tasting? That's an interesting term~. One day we'll have takoyaki together. *_* I think that you can get like... The makers on jlist or on Welcome | Japan Shopping at FlutterScape

XDD It's weird, but I won't drink water. Anywhere. XD; I live in an area where tap water makes you sick-ish, but you can build up an immunity (I'll only drink it warm), so I naturally developed an aversion, and frankly I don't find filtered much better.

Then when in the states, I couldn't drink the water because somethingsomethingnaturalbacteriasyouaren'timmunet obecauseyou'renotfromaroundhereblahblah. XD;; Oddly, I KNOW bottled water is just filtered water but I drink like ten bottles a day. x_X; Haha, I'm so wasteful. Water is my favourite drink (besides tea) so it makes things totally ironic.

Oh I know. XD There's actually a Chinese place here... You can get a 'plate for one' for like, six bucks. And I kid you not; my mom buys the plate for one and it feeds our family of five for days. DAYS. It's like, all Matt and I ate on our honeymoon in the hotel. XD~ (We couldn't afford a honeymoon so we just stayed in the finest suite the hotel down the street had for a few nights. orz It was still nice enough.)

I kept wanting to flip her off but I just ignored her. XD They were just being obnoxious and snooty all night about various crap. And kept feeding each other and she dressed so trashy. UGH. I felt guilty that she was just ruining it for me. XD~ They were definitely tourists, too. I live in a 'tourist trap', so we get them a lot. ALWAYS stuck up.

;o; I'm sorry~. I've never even had anything else red bean.

Well, when I did my allergy test, I was actually allergic to EVERYTHING on the chart. But I make no effort to avoid any of my allergies like plants/fur/foods. I'm awful about it. XD; So I basically always have swollen hands or subtle hives on my face. I'm not sure what the dairy specifically causes except lots of stomach pain if I have it in excess. I know that's LIKE intolerance, but like... The times I've gone overboard my body just does weird haywire things and I just kinda know... 'okay, that's enough'...? XD;;

Laughing cow is so yummy. ;; My maid of honour made a cheese and cracker plate up for our wedding shower. Matt and I had never had it before. Nom nom. I love cream cheese.

French bread is love. <3

Uhh, kappamaki is basically cucumber sushi. <3

<333 Yes'm~. <3

I'm debating being a pain in the ass and requesting a macaron. >_>;;

ToriKat 02-21-2011 06:31 AM

Really? Reborn is popular in the states now? Ahhh, and I forgot Hetalia. xD Any idea on which characters from Hetalia in particular?

Speaking of takoyaki, I had some this weekend.

I'll keep an eye out for red bean candies for you. ;D

Sarasvati 02-21-2011 06:47 AM

Ceri: A nibble is o.k., I suppose.

I'm going to look up some recipes. I'm curious if I can make 'em without a maker. >>; Not that I'm sure where I can find octopus in town. Maybe I should ask my friend to see with her church, I know some Greek dishes have octopus.

Sometimes I get tired of the taste of water, if that makes any sense. I also really only prefer water if it tastes like the water from home, to be honest. Going to my maternal grandparents house, I really disliked the taste of their water (I think it has to do with the fluoride levels or something). And while weird about your stateside visit, it's not unusual, because I think some areas have specific bacteria cultures. xD; I'm cheap, so I'll get a bottle of water and reuse the bottle forever. xD;;;

Oh wow. o_o That's neat/insane, hahaha. And hey, as long as you guys enjoyed your honeymoon, that's what counts. ♥

You're in a tourist trap, too? DX Our town isn't even a good tourist trap, it just mainly was known as a cheap place to knock yourself stupider during spring break (the city tried to clean up the image a bit too late).

FIND MORE RED BEAN STUFF. It's wonderful and enriches your life and adds +10 to your sushi-deliciousness-level. ; ^;

What?!? You poor thing. ;_; I apologize for any cat hair that finds its way into your letter. otl Aa. Yeah, that does sound like intolerance, but there's obviously a difference if your doctor told you about it. D:

Cream cheese is yummy in things. xD

I miss it so much. ;;

Kappamaki sounds like something I would really like! o 3o

Be a pain in the bum. REQUEST ONE. >3D

Tori: Well, I'm pretty sure it is? At the very least, pretty characters make for sales, I would imagine. xD

Hm. Hetalia... America would probably be a safe bet, but I see a lot of fanart of all the characters, to be honest.

One day we're going to have to do some comic collabs and hit up a con, man. :<

... HOW DARE YOU. Was it delicious? ;;

; O; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 06:59 AM

*uber out of touch with today's kids and their animes or she'd offer suggestions to Tori* >O>;;

If I might interject, sparsing your collection up with some modern twists on oldies is always good?

I think you mentioned something about Alice when I was skimming? z_z They've got all these live action, 'sexy' remakes coming out like Red Riding Hood and Snow White~.

Sushi: *sage nod* I'd never nom more than my share of delicious.

If you manage to make it, you'll have to tell me all about it. 8D I'll live vicariously through you.

Lol, reusing the bottle is cute~. And eco-friendly. ;D

That's truuue. I hated when our honeymoon ended. We have such a... Stressful home life. It was like, the second we stepped on our doorstep back from teh hotel I knew it was over. And boom. I walked into a family dramawar thing. DX And it just never stops.

We actually spent like 80% of our honeymoon sleeping and enjoying not having any yelling waking us. XDD Having a bed we fit in was a plus. 8D;; It was so big when we curled up in the middle there was like, two other beds on either side? XDD I loved it. It was so tiny but it was all I wanted out of our first apartment, so it was nice to pretend.

Plus the bathtub was also a jacuzzi, so. ;D

Yesss. Ugh. We're 'lake/cottage country', which is frankly bull. Everyone calls us 'up north', but we're not even geographically north. We're two hours from Toronto/three from the border and still considered 'SOUTH CENTRAL', not central, not north. South central. D<;; Just because we have trees and mountains and lakes and you paved/polluted yours isn't my problem. My family has a cabin. THAT'S upnorth. Mountains everywhere~. =A= <3

But living in a tourist trap is hell. Our economy is broken because businesses only make funds with the tourists come during warm weather and all our revenue is via festivals. Places are going under like every day. We're just boutiques, lakes, pawn shops, bars, and a rundown/empty mainstrip. We don't even have a proper mall.


Oh, no, no, don't worry about it. :3 I have a cat and a rabbit. <3 I was told you can build up an immunity to your own pets, and thankfully it's helped with most other animals. But when I go to the pet store (which I love doing), I can't be there long as they groom dogs and I'm severely allergic.

Amusingly, I said for years 'i think I'm allergic to dogs', and didn't find out I was until I was 21ish. XD Also, only a few weeks before we found out, my dad bought us a dog. As luck would have it, her breed is hypoallergenic. XD

Cream cheese = <3.

Poor Sushi. I'll bake you some. ;;

It looks so good~! I've had cucumber in veggie california rolls so I bet I'll love it.


ToriKat 02-21-2011 07:51 AM

*hopes for more than cat fur in my letters, wants the whole cat* <3 KITTTYYYYY! *pets*

I've been wanting to draw Reborn fanart, so it'll be PERFECT if it'll do well. <3

One day?? LET'S PLOOOT. >D

It was pretty good! I never had it before! xD

I would send you red bean ice pops, but I think we both know how badly that'll go!

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 07:59 AM

Hurr durr. *breaks down and orders* Gifty for Matt~. ;; He actually signed on to do his gaming so I can get his EIs. XD I think we'll be like 200g short but we can try!

Now that we're living together I don't want to sign on our mules because that would make it four accounts on one IP and yeah. z_Z Ah well.

I am ready for a macaron!
Name: Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
Request: Uhh, Matt's mergirl that you've drawn before, Melia. ;D

We can't find her proper references, so I kinda had to ragtag search his requests from the past. orz Her original concept
kthxplz's deviantART gallery More recent by Matt His original request to you ages ago, LOL.
When looking for refs I found this in your art shop from when you drew him before. <3 I'll reupload it on my pb when I wake up.

Aaannd some of my stupid Melia doodles. All old except for the semi-realism headshot, which is like a year old. >_>; It's the only piece with her recent design mod to give her shark eyes because it made more sense than human ones.

Colour preference: Bluuue.

BUT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DRAW FISH PEOPLE, THAT'S COOL. I can be selfish and order Crys art instead. I'm cool with that. Word yo.

Sarasvati 02-21-2011 10:43 PM

Ceri: Aw, you're kind to the Sushivati. ;;

Apparently you have to have those things to make them, but... Surely there's a way to make bootleg takoyaki. :rofl:

It's just cheaper, haha. I mean, if recycling were actually existent here, I wouldn't mind as much, but since it's not, I try to reuse things if I even get a bottled water. /prefers the tap haha

Oh man, that sounds nice. SOON YOU GUYS WILL HAVE YOUR OWN PLACE. I forsee it, being a psychic sushi. /might not be telling the whole truth.

Whenever people hear we're from "Panama City", it's like they're imagining this wonderful place that does not exist. Please to be driving 8 hours southeast to Disney World to live in fantasy land. If it weren't for the AFB (and the naval base to a lesser degree), this place would become a ghost town. 8|

Yeah, the economy is like that here, too. Not to mention the city council here consistantly denied chances to let bigger businesses come in and set up because they basically wanted to keep the area's wealth within the family. This town could have been better than a skeevy dive for spring breakers. 8| /DOES NOT LIKE WHERE SHE GREW UP LOLOL

Oh! A rabbit, too? PHOTOS? ; O; Yeah, I can't really last long in pet stores or at the vet's office because it makes my asthma act up, even though we have a menagerie at home. I still think I'd be better off without pets (o.k., maybe one), but that's for when I move out. >>

That is lucky! What kind of dog is she? :D

If you bake me some, I will mail you cookies or something. ; ^; (doesn't think mailing bread would work, though xD)

I like cucumbers. xD My grandmother made cucumber soup that was super tasty.

Like I said, if you need an item, I CAN GET IT FOR YOU. *internet flail* lolol

And I will be happy to draw Meila again. :DD She's fun. ♥

Tori: LOL, I will see about arranging cat-mail for you, then. |D

I'd say go for it, especially if you've been wanting to make some! Important thing is to make art that you like. ;>

Let's! :D

Hahaha, I'd be eating the box for melted red bean pops and my mom would walk in and go "... What are you doing?"

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 10:54 PM

How could I not be? Sushivati is all things love. :heart:

xDD Bootleg takoyaki... It sounds so sinister! 'Oh no, don't go there... *whispers* I hear they sell bootlegged takoyaki out back! I don't think it's even octopus!'

Uggh, oh man. When I stayed with Matt for his graduation and our wedding shower (in Tennessee, then Virginia), it was second time down and it drove me crazy. Here recycling is mandatory, and we have a bunch of bins for all different things (paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, compost, etc). Whenever I wanted to recycle something in the states, I was always told 'oh, we don't have that, just throw it out'. '...asdfsfs SO WASTEFUL.'

YES. At least, I hope so. Haha. I know my mom really needs our help, cause she's basically hopeless now, so I feel guilty to leave, but there's just too many people in this apartment. I want to go and live my life. ;; Hopefully Matt gets more stable work to justify an apartment without going bankrupt.

Ugh, yeah. Whenever I hear people call our city beautiful I want to puke. xD~

Ughhh. Not your city toooo. To be honest, I'd really miss the small town/tourist trap living because it's sort of like being in a unique little ecodome, and cities are so fastpaced, but ugh. 'There most be more than this provincial life~.'

I'll take photos for you when I remember~! <33 My sister took him in when her friend's parents told her to get rid of it. orz He's supposedly a dwarf rabbit but he's bigger than our cat and a total pig. >_>; His name is Taz. It's nice enough though, I had a rabbit as a little girl and Matt's family raised them when they had farmland.

I'd probably be healthier without pets too, but I've had some form of animal my whole life, so I can't imagine not, you know? XD

She's a golden doodle, which is like a lab-poodle. She's horse sized and a pain in the butt, but cute~. Her name is Mika.

xDD! <3 Aww, if I thought they'd let me mail bread, I totally would. <3

Cucumber soup? o_o There's cucumber soup? *grabby hands* That sounds delicious! *loves soup*

XD So cute~! <33 It's okaaay, I'm live 10g away now. >_> They just can't close the event before I'm done.

Yay~! That should make Matt smile.

Sarasvati 02-21-2011 11:11 PM

FREEBS ARE CLOSED. No other contest, either. Please check the first post for info on what I'm doing when the event closes in regards to orders, because I'm tired right now and not doodling. .m.;;

Ceri: You make me feel speshul. *w* Also, your letter will go out tomorrow because I forgot today is Presidents' Day. Oops. xD;

Haha, and then: "It might be.... *whispers* Squid."

Yeah. We used to have a recycling program in town (basic paper/aluminum/glass/plastic). A lot of people apparently complained, though, and it somehow cost too much to run. For the longest time we at least had a spot where they had giant recylicng recepticles, but that was taken away when they finally got rid of the program. I loved it in Japan, because there were bins in front of, like, every convenience store! xD; And there was one drink machine I saw that had a reycling recepticle for glass/cans/plastic a/plastic b built on to it. Ditch empty drink and grab another~. I

You just referenced one of my favourite Disney movies. ; ^; But yeah. I prefer cities, to be honest. xD; At least the madness is consistent and doesn't make you hate the parts of the year the tourists are down en masse. I'm sure there are parts where it's slightly more chaotic, but certain cities are filled with tourists year-round.

Hahaha, he's a giant dwarf rabbit because of his name. How can he not eat all he sees? My mom had one growing up she talks of fondly, and I have a cousin who has an adorable one. ; 3; Not to mention friends spamming adorable rabbit photos.

Aw, Mika sounds pretty. :> And I remember hearing those being good for allergic types! I wonder if she's as big as our dog, Miso. =w=;;; Miso is literally a small pony, haha...

Yeah, I'm not sure what rules are in regard to food in the mail to Canada. xD

Yes! I'm actually going to ask her for the recipie, it was super yummy. Cream of cucumber, I guess, but made by awesome Mama, who can cook anything perfectly. /ADORES HER COOKING, hahaha.

Hahaha, no. xD I'm guessing the event will close around 7. And I'm guessing you got your item already. ♥

I forgot to say, if you wanted to order one of Crys, too, let me know. =w=~

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-21-2011 11:28 PM

Yeah, it's 'family day' here. XD~ I think they just wanted a day off in Feb that would match up to American holidays.

Pffft. That made me laugh way too much! XDD

Man, that's a poor excuse to stop saving the planet. D< And Japan sounds awesome for yet another reason. XD They're just killing me with reasons to move. But I'm too white. I'd look like a weeaboo.

Fff, who doesn't love Beauty and The Beast?! I watched it obsessively as a girl. And that's true~. I think I'm just afraid of getting robbed in the city. XDD

You raise a valid point. At least he doesn't also have 'devil' in his name. I really want a mini one, one day. ;;

XD Well, Matt is 6'2" and when Mika gets excited on her hind legs they're pretty close. She dwarfs me. orz

I guess the bread is not to be~. I'm sorry~.

Mmm. You must give me the recipe if you get it! D: I'll make it every day.

I managed to get it, yes. XD I had to post a lot, haha. But it cheered him up. <3

<O<~ But then that would be two orders. *secret nudgings to really outdated request thread in sig* I think Crys-kit's are the only refs even still accurate, lmao. I REALLY need to buckle down and get a request thread up.

I love all my other Sushi art. ;o; <3 I'll need to make thumbnails of it for refs because it's the most in character I've received. Especially the piece you did for Matt of Ki and Line.

ToriKat 02-22-2011 08:33 AM

xD As long as it's not like Netflix! *doesn't want to return the kitty everrr!*

I've been dying to do Noblesse fanart. xD A lot of series I'm obsessed with, no one's heard of or they have a big following in Japan, but not in the US. T^T

*pictures you with that package* xDD

/edit: AHHHH! I THINK I FORGOT TO THANK YOU. O_O *noms on my macaron* <3 Thank you so much. x3 He is nummy! Ohoho!

Sarasvati 02-23-2011 02:41 AM

Uh, since... the event is still up. 8D

Ceri: Ahahaha, family day? xD That's funny. "If our neighbours aren't even going to bother working, why should we?!?"

lol, bootleg takoyaki adventures. It will be magical, man, will you come bootleg adventuring with meeee~?

Well, I can understand if you have a program no one is using. And parts of America are nice and wasteful like that. 8D We kept the containers for a while in case they brought it back, but nope. I just want to move overseas. 8D; I enjoyed the time there way too much, I can handle being a foreign dummy for the rest of my life in exchange.

I will admit the laser-toe part always scared me as a kid. :rofl: IT WAS SO WEIRD. But re-watching it on blu-ray at a friend's house? We were both geeking: "OMG, DID YOU SEE THAT LUSH BACKGROUND? I WANT TO LICK THE PAINT. lol, Belle, quit letting the sheep eat your books." Aa. I remember one of my classmates when I was at St. John's was all "You aren't properly introduced to New York until you've been mugged! :D" I developed the opinion you just have to watch yourself. >>;

That is very true. Mini buns sound so cute. ; 3;

Wow, she sounds around Miso's size then. o: (She's a Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd mutt)


I will! There's actually a lot of recipes I'd like to get copies of. All the foods of my childhood visits... ; m;

Awesome! ♥ I'm glad, the halo looks cute with your avi, too. >w< *meant to say that earlier*

Oh, right! Um. Well, just act surprised for me when I p.m. you your order. >>

I just remember I did a lot of sketches for you, nothing else. xDD Although I still like the one of the two Cryses? The one I flat-lazy-coloured. xD

Tori: Well, that depends, my mom might demand a return-to-sender. ; ^;

JFKSLD, ME TOO. I need to see if they finished chapter three yet (put off reading the rest of it until it was finished). Yeah, Noblesse seems to be under the radar here. It seems like something that'd be really popular here, so I'm assuming it just hasn't really been circulated around.

Amusing, yes? |D

Hahaha, I am glad you like him! ; 3; He was fun to draw again!

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-23-2011 02:53 AM

I like that it's still open, honestly. XD~ I wish there was a perma-event area because it's when everyone comes out. Hangouts aren't really the same.

xDD! I think that's pretty much it.

Of couurse~! We'll probably have to don disguises once all the sushi rackets get word of us, though. OO:

Bring me wiiith youuu. *clings*

Lmao, it took me a sec to figure out what you were talking about with 'laser-toe'. And I KNOW. Guh. Classic disney films are gorgeous, but that one is just a cut above. ;;

Pfft. XD Yeah, when we travel on greyhound (30+ hours both ways), there's some shady places we end up at 3AM where I'm all 'omg I'm going to get raped. Matt, YOU'RE going to get raped. D:'

They are~. ;o; I want a pygmy bunny but they're endangered.

Oh man, reminds me of King German Shepherds. Those things are monsters cleverly disguised in dog form. @_@ Sounds cute though. <3

I'm sorry~.

What sucks is when you remember a childhood recipe you love, try it out, and you just can't make it right. D: I've been having that dilemma with my great grandmother's cookie recipes. Ours are good, but not as good as hers.

Thank you~! I wanted a simple and cute, chic avi, haha. XD Nothing with complex layering for once.

Yes'm. 8D *salute*

I think most of my awesometastic art from you is on the first page of your shop still~. Time to ogle. <3333

Sarasvati 02-23-2011 03:37 AM

Maybe a monthly event that's really an excuse for shenanigans! xD

Sushi rackets? This is starting to sound like a grand mystery. A SUSHI MYSTERY.

O.K., but what about your dear hubby? D:> WAIT, HE CAN BE OUR LOOK OUT ON BOOTLEG TAKOYAKI ADVENTURES~!

LOOOL. It was just really strange, and that's the only part of the movie I kinda went "EW." That and Prince Laser-Toe was kinda... scary. They needed more French accents up in that movie, is my only complaint. ; ^; Classic Disney rocks. Pixar is all shades of awesome, but I really like 2D animation more. To me it seems with 3D, it's making it realistic (even if it's cartoony), while there's more experimentation with the 2D stuff. . m.;

It's a uber-shady when you both are gonna get your bones jumped. |D;; Not that NYC didn't have scores of alleyways like that, but I avoided them. One thing I totally miss is REAL ART STORES. ; _; Michael's and Hobby Lobby are o.k., but... Blick store. HEAVEN. xD

Aw. T T They sound really cute! I've always kinda been amused at the pony bunnies.

She's a fur-shedding machine, but she is rather cute. It's just... annoying that the dog's nose is higher than the tray/tables we use to eat on. 8|

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of when I try to cook my grandmother's recipes. Her and my mom are of the "Yeah, and you fix it to xx taste" and ... I don't really know how to cook advanced yet. 8D;

I think that's part of the reason why I like it. ; 3; Simple is nice at times!

... This shows how often I look at my shop thread, huh. xD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 02-23-2011 03:46 AM

Make it so! *waves hand dramatically*

Matt will be our lookout and Musa will be our getaway car! 8DDD I-I guess this makes him the plate/doily underneath our sushi platter of awesome?!

Ohh, I agree with you completely. I feel guilty, Matt is an animator professionally and I'm just... Not big on a lot of what he does. It has merit and I appreciate the work that goes into it, but I'm way more giddy that his recent studio work has been 2D than I ever was with all the 3D stuff. Where's the gratuitous, flowy/detailed backgrounds? Where's the hair with life all it's owwwn?

xDD No kidding. And man, we don't even have a Michaels here. We just have a local hobby store that sells like, nothing. orz'' I think I'd pass out in a Blick store.

Pony bunnies? XD

Uggh, yeah, I bet. @__@; I can't imagine living with a big dog full time, either. When I visit dad Mika leaves me all bruised because she totally pushes me around. XDD

Same~. XD Matt got a bunch of his mom's recipes he loved the most, but keeps lamenting they just aren't right. And I kinda just shrug cause I've never had much of her cooking to compare. he insists 'see, you tasted what heaven could be like, but I know what is'. XD

Yush~. <3 *strikes a pose*

XDD Pfhaha. You're so cute. <333 Matt and I spent like, fifteen minutes opening all your old pieces for us and just re-falling in love. Matt was all 'ahhh!! So good! Why don't I remember these?! Ahh, so in character and perfect!' etc. XD <3333

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