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Californiaswimmergirl 02-28-2008 11:57 PM

Soon the taxi had reached her aprtment building. Coral reached into her small black purse and pulled out her wallet. She payed the taxi driver and thanked him. Then she stepped into teh lobby of her apartment building and walked over to the elevator. She pressed the 'up' button.

Lura Crane 02-29-2008 12:33 AM

Lura retained a calmly sipped her tea as she imaged the landscape in her mind. Soon enough the drink was about two-thirds empty. "It sounds like an amazing place to live. Your days must have been pretty comfortable living there." Thinking for a bit, she added, "I actually love drawing nature more than anything. Especially animals. I've seen that they can show so much emotion and beauty just by doing what they usually do. It feels incredibly satisfying to see one capture their essence on paper too." She sighed softly and took a bite of the second sandwich-half, having finished the first one a bit earlier.

PayShi 02-29-2008 01:01 AM

Celeste blinked, hopping Lura wasn't catching onto her. "Yes... Animals... quite beautiful." She took another long swig of her water, once again giving herself a brain freeze. She briefly rubbed her temple before taking another bite of her meat. "So, you love drawing nature and animals?" She asked, honestly curious.

Lura Crane 02-29-2008 02:20 AM

Lura looked down at her selection of fruits trying a bit hard to decide which would be best first and missed Celeste's second brain freeze. Finally decided on a piece of watermelon, she stabbed it with a fork and held it up ready to eat. "Oh yes, they both seem to give me the most inspiration for interesting drawings. Also, I have a cat who often acts as an art subject for me, a lot of times unintentionally." She smiled, munched at the fruit, and moved her left hand deep into her pocket to sneak a pat while the ball of fluff napped in silence. As she finished chewing, she looked up and asked, "Do you like drawing, Celeste?"

PayShi 03-02-2008 05:48 PM

"Err... I've never drawn before." Celeste said, feeling self-conscious of her lacking knowledge of the arts. "Is it fun?" She took a few more bites of her meat, thoroughly enjoying the taste of turkey.

Lura Crane 03-03-2008 05:07 AM

Lura thought after having taken a couple more sips of the iced tea and replied, "Mm.. I personally think it's fun, though other people might think it's a pain, haha. Maybe some day in the near future, I'll take you to my studio-- also known as my apartment, and let you try some of the tools that I use." Lura laughed softly and smiled. She did love very much opening up the art world to people, and even more, she loved making art with people.

Picking up the second half-sandwich, Lura was ready to take another small bite when she stopped herself as a question came to mind. "Oh, that reminds me. Do you think you'll be staying here for long? Or will you be leaving in a short time?"

dianakitsune 03-07-2008 12:49 AM

The waitress soon returned with Rain's sandwich and Rain was glad. She began to eat and soon found herself lost in her thoughts. So much had happened to her since yesterday.

PayShi 03-12-2008 01:16 AM

"Oh, I'd like that." Celeste replied, swallowing the chicken in her mouth. This was good. She'd make a good friend in the human world...
She was in the middle of taking a sip of her water when Lura asked the question. "Err... I'll... be staying for a bit, I suppose. It just all depends on how much I like it here."

(Very sorry. >_< Life, you know... grr...)

Lura Crane 03-12-2008 01:46 AM

(( Hehe, it's understood. XD ))

Lura stole a bite after asking her question and kept the food in her cheek as she replied, "Well, I hope you'll like it here," another soft laugh was let out. She smiled and turned back to finish the rest of her sandwich, occasionally looking up to view some of the paintings on the restaurant walls (again).

dianakitsune 03-23-2008 02:58 AM

Rain left the resteraunt feeling a little disapointed. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling it was because of the money she kept in her pocket in case she was to run into him. She sighed as she sat down on a bench in a nearby park.

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