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sunnybunny 12-02-2011 03:39 AM

As far as Haru knew, it's never a good idea to wake him up from a nap. Actually no one should even dare to do that. If someone did well, scary things would happen. As Haru immediately woke up from his nap and before he could react he fell to the ground laughing with tears coming out of eyes from laughing so hard. With his blurry eyes he saw his master standing there with some kind of yellow blob on her head. And then he saw the person who was tickling him and it was a man who came in earlier who was talking to the neko. W-what is happening here?! Haru thought as he tried to stop laughing and squirming around. Soon he caught the man's hand and asked, "Who are you?"
Ellie grinned, "This is my new friend Casmir! He got me Mochi!"
"Great, already taking candy from a stranger." Haru mumbled still cranky from being woken up all of the sudden.
Haru looked long and hard at the small creature and smirked, "It looks like dinner to me."
Ellie fumed and hid behind Caz and tried to protect Mochi behind her stuffed rabbit.

Kry 12-02-2011 05:05 AM

As Veda spoke, Numei looked over towards the stage. Karaoke? Numei wasn't so sure he'd enjoy standing up on a stage doing Karaoke, what if people started paying attention to him? Besides, he wasn't even sure he could sing and he didn't even really know any songs. Or the tune and key which they should be sung to and in. "I don't want a bunch of people watching and listening to me sing songs I don't really know...You can do it and I'll watch you." He glanced over at Casimir, that man still looked as if he were having alot of fun. Those ears twitched slightly, and he looked back towards the stage. Well, maybe he would have fun watching and listening to Veda as she karaoked?

PapillonCameo 12-02-2011 05:17 AM

With a smile and a laugh Veda waltzed over to the stage. She rummaged trough the CDs for a bit before finding a collection of songs she loved and already knew by heart. They were all from musicals, no big surprise there. Slipping one of the silver disks into the machine, she posed then flipped her hair around as the character had done in the movie. It was All That Jazz, and Veda was singing and dancing it just for Numei.

Laughter, he was laughing so much he was clutching his stomach. The hunter couldn't remember a time when he'd been so happy! Falling to his knees he kept on laughing until tears welled from his eyes. "You two should do stand up comedy, if you can make me laugh you can make anyone laugh." Standing up again, the man paused as he felt something wriggle in his pocket.

Frowning, Caz plunged his hand into his coat and pulled out another fluffy fox thingy... Another mochi. Scratching his head he regarded the thing without any clue what to do with it. "Well this is unexpected," mumbled the man as he held it out. It fluffed up and jumped onto Casimir's shoulder with a happy chirup. Apparently, he really was gonna have a fox fluff called Saber.

Kry 12-02-2011 04:49 PM

Numei followed Veda, only to sit down at a table that was close to the stage. His eyes attentive and his ears pricked forward, towards her as he waited for her to begin. Numei's head tilted to the side slightly when Veda began singing. She had his complete and utter attention on that stage. Honestly Numei had never watched someone do karaoke before, and he thought that Veda had a rather pleasant voice to listen to. Well, maybe Numei was have just a little bit of fun watching and listening to Veda. He glanced towards Casimir only once to see if that man was still having fun to Numei it seemed he was, then the neko's attention had quickly gone back to Veda. Numei wasn't smiling, but he was enjoying himself.

PapillonCameo 12-02-2011 05:02 PM

After belting out a few more songs in the same style, the young woman hopped off the stage. Her face was lit with a bright smile as she moved to sit with Numei. "So what did you think?" Asked the young woman as she fiddled with her hair. Veda still couldn't believe how much of a mess it had been. That wasn't something she'd had to deal with before, luckily Numei had helped with the problem.

((I have to go to class in not too long.))

GwenaHikari 12-03-2011 05:31 PM

Gwena dusted the tavern and tidied the place up till it sparkled. She washed the table cloths and hung them up to dry, she washed and dried the silverware and put them in the cupboard. She straightened the books and her hair, shined up and polished the tavern sign. She then went went into the kitchen (after feeding the animals outside) and made some gingerbread men cookies and some hot chocolate, than she sat down with a book by the fire place.

EirianHikari 02-15-2012 01:48 AM

"Hmm, I should get this place ready for Valentine's Day." Eirian went about decorating the tavern with pretty red and pink paper hearts, streamers, and napkins. "There, that should be good." Eirian said happy with her decor. "I hope I see the Mayor this Valentine's Day, I missed not seeing him as much as I wanted on the Festival of Winter Nights." Eirian pulled out a chair and waited for customers.

EirianHikari 11-07-2014 08:18 PM

With Halloween over, Eirian started to take down the decor she had put up. "I should try to get more people in here." She thought. "Lets see if I can get this place active again."

(Hey guys trying to revive this poor RP, feel free to come and RP among yourselves. This is open to anyone, no need to wait for me to be here, will be checking more frequently!)

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